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      • 기능저하 저수지의 활용성 및 생태 활력 제고를 위한 수변공원 설계 : 낙생저수지를 대상으로

        이혜민 서울대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 235359

        우리나라는 과거 벼농사를 기반으로 발전해옴에 따라 농업용수의 공급이 필수적이었다. 하지만 도시화가 진행되면서 기존 저수지는 본래의 기능과 역할을 잃어 방치되고 있다. 이러한 기능저하 저수지는 환경적·경제적 문제가 발생시킴에 따라 활용성을 제고할 수 있는 방안을 모색해야 할 필요성이 있다. 본 연구는 기능저하 저수지의 활용성을 제고하며 저수지가 가지고 있는 생태적 가치를 확대하는 것에 주목하고 있다. 이에 주변 도시 및 자연과의 맥락을 이해하고 사람과 자연을 재연결하고 활성화하고자 한다. 본연구는 경기도 용인시 고기동에 위치한 낙생저수지를 대상으로 한다. 낙생저수지 주변은 산지형 농지로 이루어져 있었지만, 주변 도시 및 주거지 개발로 인해 논과 밭이 사라지게 되었다. 이로써 주변 지역에 농업용수를 공급 하던 낙생저수지의 용도가 사라진 현황이다. 대상지는 산림과 하천, 저수지로 우수한 자연환경을 가지고 있지만, 점차 도시가 발전하면서 생태계가 훼손되었다. 또한 저수지와 맞닿아 주거공간이 위치하고 있지만, 차도의 건설로 인해 서로 간의 연계성이 부족하여 낙생저수지는 폐쇄적인 모습을 보인다. 이뿐만 아니라 수익시설의 건설 및 도시공원일몰제로 인해 대상지의 중요한 생태적 거점 또한 훼손되었다. 대상지는 두꺼비의 산란지이며 멸종위기 Ⅱ급 대모잠자리가 출현하는 자연적으로 우수한 환경이었다. 하지만 개발로 인해 대상지의 습지가 모두 매립되었으며, 산란지를 찾기 위해 저수지로 내려오는 두꺼비의 로드킬 문제가 발생하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 대상지의 생태·환경적 가치를 보존하고 회복하는 공원을 목표로 한다. 생태와 사람이 서로 상생할 수 있도록 프로그램 및 진입로 등을 조성한다. 이로써 도시의 개발로 인해 방치되어 기능을 상실한 낙생저수지에 새로운 용도를 찾아 자연과 사람이 함께 이용할 수 있는 공간으로 계획하고 자 한다. 이에 따라 단절되었던 생태축을 재연결하고 주민들이 저수지의 환경적·경관적 가치를 누릴 수 있도록 한다. 또한 훼손되었던 습지를 복원하고 대체습지를 조성하여 다양한 동식물들의 산란 및 서식처를 제공하고자 한다. 이러한 생태적 공간을 교육 및 관찰 프로그램을 통해 주민들에게 생태환경이 친화적으로 다가갈 수 있도록 한다. 더 나아가 낙생저수지의 생태 시스 템을 주민이 직접 관리하고 강화할 수 있도록 하는 활동 프로그램 또한 확대 하였다. 이뿐만 아니라 주민을 위한 산책 공간, 휴식공간, 운동공간을 조성하여 더욱 쾌적한 주거환경이 될 수 있도록 하며 주민 커뮤니티 공간을 조성해 지역 공동체를 강화하고자 했다. 이처럼 본 연구는 저수지의 방치된 현황을 극복하기 위해 생태적 활용방안 및 공원 프로그램을 제안하였다. 이에 본 연구는 낙생저수지의 공원 조성에 대한 실질적인 대안을 제시했다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 주요어 : 기능저하 저수지, 활용성 제고, 생태 회복, 수변공원, 공원설계 학 번 : 2022-29825 South Korea has historically relied on paddy farming for agricultural development, making the supply of agricultural water essential. However, with the progress of urbanization, existing reservoirs have been neglected, losing their original functions and roles. The decline in functionality of these reservoirs poses environmental and economic problems, highlighting the need to explore ways to enhance their utility. This study focuses on improving the functionality of underutilized reservoirs and expanding their ecological value. The aim is to understand the context with surrounding cities and nature, reconnecting and revitalizing the relationship between people and nature. The research specifically targets the Naksaeng Reservoir in Gogi-dong, Yongin City, Gyeonggi Province. The surrounding area, once composed of mountainous farmland, has lost its agricultural purpose due to urban and residential development, leading to the disappearance of fields and paddies that used to supply agricultural water to the neighboring areas. While the target site boasts excellent natural features with forests, rivers, and a reservoir, urban development has gradually led to ecological degradation. Moreover, the proximity of residential areas to the reservoir has resulted in a lack of connectivity due to road construction, portraying the Naksaeng Reservoir in a closed-off manner. Additionally, the construction of profit facilities and the decline of urban parks have further damaged the critical ecological hub of the target area. The site, which served as a breeding ground for frogs and supported endangered level II damselflies, faced environmental deterioration. The once-natural habitat has been compromised due to development, resulting in the issue of roadkill as frogs descend into the reservoir in search of breeding grounds. In response, this study aims to create a park that preserves and restores the ecological and environmental value of the target area. Programs and entrance roads are designed to facilitate the harmonious coexistence of ecology and people. By repurposing the neglected Naksaeng Reservoir, which lost its function due to urban development, the goal is to plan a space where nature and people can coexist. Reconnecting the severed ecological axis, the research enables residents to appreciate the environmental and scenic values of the reservoir. Restoration of damaged wetlands and the creation of alternative habitats are intended to provide breeding and dwelling places for various flora and fauna. Educational and observational programs are implemented to familiarize residents with the eco-friendly environment. Furthermore, activities are expanded to empower residents to directly manage and enhance the ecosystem of the Naksaeng Reservoir. In addition, the creation of walking spaces, rest areas, and exercise spaces aims to establish a more comfortable living environment for residents. The establishment of a community space for residents aims to strengthen the local community. In this way, the study proposes ecological utilization and park programs as practical alternatives to overcome the neglected status of the reservoir. The significance lies in presenting tangible alternatives for the creation of a park at the Naksaeng Reservoir.

      • 자연자본 관련 재무정보공개 전담협의체(Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, TNFD) 핵심지표에 따른 국내 기업의 자연환경 관련 활동 현황 분석 : 지속가능경영보고서를 중심으로

        이양현 서울대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 235343

        Beyond traditional Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), companies are increasingly seeking to achieve non-financial environmental performance goals. The Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures(TNFD) emerged as a response to this trend, providing an ESG framework for companies to evaluate and disclose their dependence and impact on the natural environment, encompassing more than just climate change. However, standardization challenges with natural capital and diverse nature-related guidelines hamper disclosure efforts. The costs and performance of activities related to the natural environment are not properly recognized and quantified. In addition, the difficulty in standardizing natural capital and the differences in guidelines related to the natural environment are hindering the activation of disclosure. Therefore, this study aims to identify the current status of TNFD core indicators and suggest ways to increase the level of corporate activities related to the natural environment by domestic companies. This study analyzes the current status of TNFD core indicators and corporate social responsibility(CSR) and creating shared value(CSV) activities by analyzing the current status of natural environment-related disclosures by domestic companies and examining leading cases of domestic and foreign disclosures related to TNFD core indicators to consider ways to activate natural environment-related disclosures. This study analyzed the TNFD global core disclosure indicators of five companies in each of nine industries: energy, materials, industrial goods, consumer discretionary goods, consumer staples, finance, healthcare, information technology, and communication services, divided into the Global Industry Classification System(GICS), including ecosystem change (C1.0, C1.1), pollution/decontamination(C2.0, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3 C2.2), resource use/decontamination(C2.3), and environmental impact(C3.0, 3.1), resource use/replenishment(C3.0, C3.1), alien species management(C4.0), and state of nature(C5.0, C5.1). For ecosystem change(C1.0, C,1.1), 11 cases(24%) of 45 domestic companies reflected the need for supplementation and 5 cases(11%) reflected the state of nature(C5.0, C5.1). 11 companies(24%) monitored soil(C2.0) during pollution/decontamination, 4 companies(9%) disclosed whether wastewater(C2.1) was discharged into freshwater and other ecosystems, 23 companies(50%) disclosed the conversion rate of hazardous waste(C2.2), 9 companies(20%) disclosed the usage and conversion rate of plastics(C2.3), and 33 companies(77%) disclosed three or more pollutants among non-greenhouse gas pollutants(C2.4). Resource use/replenishment(C3.0, C3.1) was assessed by the World Resources Institute(WRI) Water Stress Assessment, and management of invasive species(C4.0) was difficult to disclose. In order to increase the level of corporate activities related to the natural environment, it is necessary to identify the company's land use area and protected area to assess the status of ecosystem change(C1.0, C,1.1) and the state of nature(C5.0, C5.1), and pollution/decontamination (C2.0, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3 C.2.4) and alien species management(C4.0) can be activated in the direction of linking ecosystem services provided by aquatic ecosystems, etc. Raw material use/supplementation(C3.0, C3.1) requires identification of the production methods and spatial characteristics of the overall raw materials used by the business. The TCFD notification announced in 2017 was implemented by 96% of companies in this study, and if sufficient guidance is provided on reflecting the TNFD, it is likely that companies' activities related to the natural environment can be internalized into management, and continuous discussions are needed for this. keywords : Nature capital, Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR), Creating Shared Value(CSV), sustainability management reports, ESG management 최근 기업에서는 기업의 사회적 책임(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)을 넘어 환경 관련 비재무적인 성과를 달성하기 위해 다양한 노력을 하고 있다. 이러한 노력 속에 기업은 환경 분야에 기후변화 대응을 넘어 자연환경 관련 의존성과 영향을 평가 및 공시해야 하는 사회흐름에 직면 속에 연환경 관련 기업의 ESG 대응체계인 자연자본 관련 재무정보공개 전담협의체(Task Force on Nature-related Financials Disclosures, TNFD)가 등장하였다. 그러나 자연자본의 표준화가 어렵고 이에 따른 자연환경 관련 지침마다의 상이함이 고시 활성화 걸림돌이 되고 있다. 자연환경에 관련한 활동들에 대한 비용과 성과를 제대로 인지 및 정량화하지 못하고 있다. 또한 자연자본의 표준화가 어렵다는 점, 이에 따른 자연환경 관련 지침마다의 상이함이 고시 활성화에 걸림돌이 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 TNFD 핵심지표 반영 현황을 파악하고 이를 통해 향후 국내 기업의 자연환경 관련 기업 활동 수준을 높이는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. TNFD 핵심 지표별 반영 여부 현황 및 기업의 사회적책임(CSR) 및 사회공헌(CSV) 활동 현황을 분석하고 국내 기업의 자연환경 관련 고시 현황을 토대로 TNFD 핵심지표와 관련한 국내외 반영 선도 사례를 고찰하여 자연환경 관련 고시 활성할 방안은 고찰하고자 한다. 본 연구는 산업분류체계(GICS)로 나눈 에너지, 소재, 산업재, 자유소비재, 필수소비재, 금융, 헬스케어, 정보기술, 커뮤니케이션서비스 9개 산업별 5개 기업을 TNFD 글로벌 핵심 공개 지표를 중 생태계 변화(C1.0, C,1.1), 오염/오염제거(C2.0, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3 C.2.3), 자원사용/보충(C3.0, C3.1) 외래생물관리(C4.0), 자연의 상태(C5.0, C5.1) 중심으로 고시 여부를 확인하였다. 셍태계 변화(C1.0, C,1.1)에 대한 고시는 국내 기업 45개 기업 중 보완 필요 11건(24%), 자연의 상태(C5.0, C5.1) 5건(11%) 반영하였다. 오염/오염제거 중 토양(C2.0) 모니터링을 진행하는 기업은 11건(24%), 폐수(C2.1)의 담수 및 기타생태계 방출 여부를 고시한 기업은 4건(9%),, 유해폐기물(C2.2)의 전환율을 고시한 기업은 23건(50%), 플라스틱(C2.3) 사용량 및 전환율을 고시한 기업은 9건(20%), 비온실가스 오염물질(C.2.4) 중 3~4개 이상의 오염물질 고시한 기업은 33건(77%) 이었다. 자원사용/보충(C3.0, C3.1)에서는 세계자원연구소(WRI) 물스트레스 평가가 이루어졌고, 외래생물관리(C4.0) 관리에서는 고시에 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 자연환경 관련 기업 활동 수준을 높이기 위해서는 다음과 셍태계 변화(C1.0, C,1.1), 자연의 상태(C5.0, C5.1) 상태 평가를 위한 기업의 토지 사용 면적과 보호 면적에 대한 파악이 필요하며, 오염/오염제거(C2.0, C2.1, C2.2, C2.3 C.2.4), 외래생물관리(C4.0)는 수생태계 등이 제공하는 생태계서비스들을 연계하는 방향으로 활성화가 가능할 것으로 보인다. 원사용/보충(C3.0, C3.1)에서는 사업에서 사용하는 전반적인 원자재의 생산방식 및 생산지의 공간적 특성 파악이 필요하다. 2017년에 발표한 TCFD 고시는 본 연구에서 96%의 기업이 시행하고 있었고 TNFD 반영에 대한 가이드가 충분히 이루어진다면 기업의 자연환경 관련 활동이 경영 내재화가 이루어 질 수 있을 것으로 보이며 이를 위해 지속적인 논의가 필요할 것이다. 주요어 : 자연자본, 기업의 사회적 책임(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR), 공유가치 창출(Creating Shared Value, CSV), 지속가능경영보고서, ESG 경영

      • 전원주택단지의 설계방향에 관한 연구

        최규성 영남대학교 환경대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 235327

        It is an object of the research to find a generalized standard of Garden Housing Site design scheme for harmonizing with construction elements of the Garden Housing Site, the Garden Housing Site and natural environment for a planned development of Garden Housing Site by classifying and analyzing elements of housing estate that common applied to development of estate. For establishing a direction of designing the Garden Housing Site, the researcher uses a case study approach. The research is progressed as follows. The researcher explains general theoretical concepts and patterns of the Garden Housing Site in the chapter 2. The chapter 3 contains how the researcher approaches to the object of the research by using the case study . The researcher selects appropriate subject of the case by investigating present states of rural houses around the Teague and analyzing selected rural house by visiting the rural house, interviewing with residents and surveying with questionnaire. By analyzing results of the investigating, the researcher finds problems in designing the Garden Housing Site. In chapter 4, the research presents a design-direction of the rural hosing estate based on the analysis results of the chapter 3 by dividing the design-direction into three design-directions such as design-directions of estate, house and landscaping. And the researcher also shows predicted limitations of established the design-directions in case that the conceptual design-directions is applied into real world. The researcher reaches conclusions through preparing and studying the research. The conclusions are as follows. At first, the researcher gains a result from the analysis of the case study that the Garden Housing Site is better to be developed in a lump rather than dependently developing each lot divided for sale. By developing the Garden Housing Site in lump, the Garden Housing Site can be united and harmonized with constructional elements and environment. The Garden Housing Site has to be developed consistently therefore, appropriate size of estate needs to be selected for eliminating side effects and problems including a lack of supplemental facilities from small-scale development and the Garden Housing Site must be developed by faithful building company having high construction technique and capital. Second, the principle environmental sustainability needs to be settled by extracting common factors representing the principle environmental sustainability of Korea-style rural house based on environmental characteristics and common problems of Korea-style rural house. Third, the rural house needs to be distinguished with residential environment by giving identity or particularity to physical elements of residential area and the rural house must have unique characteristics by analyzing existed environmental background, characteristics of village or residents, and leading the above-mentioned characteristics to design the rural house. Fourth, the housing estate needs to be designed by considering a community spirit between residents and as means of the community spirit, a concept of public area has to be applied into the housing estate. Therefore, freedom and unity must be coexisted in the estate. Fifth, a market for rural house needs to be vitalized for settling a standard of an environment of the rural house estate and for vitalizing, restriction of law needs to be alleviated. Specially, trading of an agricultural land needs to be vitalized and a land inside green belt also needs to be considered in order to search new development plan. As mentioned above, the research presents general principles of designing the Garden Housing Site by using a case study approach. The research expects that the presented general principles will be a base to enhance the designing scheme for the Garden Housing Site.

      • 지역정체성 제고를 위한 고속도로 휴게소 옥외 휴게공간 설계 : 중앙고속도로 군위휴게소 옥외 휴게공간을 중심으로

        李洽 영남대학교 환경대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 235327

        Objectives of this study are to identify design solutions for reflecting local identities as well as cultural settings of an adjacent (nearby)town, and to provide a design model for desirable outdoor space of rest areas in expressways. In a past time, outdoor spaces in the rest area were built with uniform like a manufactured product. This study has provided recommendations for characterizing rest areas according user's tastes, while differentiating other areas, A case study area, 'Kunwi' rest area, located in about 45.15km away from 'Kumho' interchange of Joong-Ang Expressway, were selected. The study area was developed with a standardized design module in 80's and 90's, representing a very typical form of rest area throughout Korean expressways, This study has conducted with three main stages: first, a construction of local identity's concept, throughout reviewing theoretical research papers and books; second, a development of planning principles and objectives, by analysing a collected data, not only on site's existing natural settings, human and social environment, but many domestic and abroad case studies; finally, an inducement of presentation and opportunity meaning (design solutions) for promoting local identities, by analysing physical and human elements as well as time and spacious contexts. For conclusion, this study has suggested recommendations for development of outdoor rest space as follows: 1. Outdoor space of rest area, as a strategic point of a huge linear expressway, should be created as an image of place for promoting local identity. 2. It should be developed (designed) not just a place of 'stop by', but a place of character for encompassing user's tastes. 3. It should be developed (designed) to accommodate diversifying and affluent user's needs and to make 24 hours of service, 4. It should be located for harmonizing surround landscape, and should be developed for making expansion possible alongside of expressway. 5. It should be developed for making a sustainable landscape planning possible, reflecting a local ecological environment (a local ecology and environment).

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