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      • Wang Yuanqi and the orthodoxy of self-reflection in early Qing landscape painting

        Wang, Shen University of Pennsylvania 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247807

        This dissertation explores the life and art of Wang Yuanqi (1642-1715), one of the most influential literati artists of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). As a representative of the so-called "Orthodox Painting School," Wang considered himself the heir to the genuine thousand-year-old tradition of Chinese painting. Throughout his lifetime, he made every effort to establish and consolidate the authority of his school of painting. Since his early years, he had been trained as a traditional Chinese literatus. Under the direct supervision of his grandfather, he practiced landscape paintings in the style of ancient masters, especially that of the Yuan literati painter, Huang Gongwang (1269-1354). However, he was never satisfied with the facsimiles of the old masterpieces. Beyond his models, he created new theories of composition and brushwork; he introduced a new style of light color landscape with unique techniques. Moreover, benefiting from the lenient cultural policies of the Kangxi emperor (r. 1661-1722), he successfully led a movement of canon-formation in artistic circles. The research of this thesis is based on three types of sources: (1) Wang Yuanqi's published writings, (2) his paintings, and (3) publications and manuscripts by Wang's contemporaries. Different from previous scholarship which mainly focuses on the classicism of Wang Yuanqi's work, this dissertation provides a comprehensive study of Wang's life and his circle and investigates the reason and procedure of the rise of the Orthodox Painting School in the early eighteenth century.

      • Taxonomic Study of Genus Bryoria(Lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae) from the Sino-Himalays : Sino-Himalaya 지역에서의 Bryoria 속 지의류의 분류학적 연구

        Wang, Li-Song The Graduate School Sunchon Nation Universty 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 247727

        Sino-Himalaya 지역에서 Bryoria 속에 속하는 20종을 기록하여 보고하였다. 그 중에서 Bryoria fastigiata Li S. Wang과 B. flocculosa Li S. Wang를 신종으로 보고하며, B. himalayana var. sorediata Li S. Wang은 새로운 변종으로 보고하며, B. nadvornikiana, B. trichodes subsp. trichodes와 B. tenuis종은 중국에서 최초로 보고하며, B. trichodes subsp. americana와 B. furcellata는 Sino-Himalaya 지역에서 최초로 보고하며, B. asiatica, B. himalayana와 B. poeltii는 신장자치구 지역에서 B. divergescens, B. lactinea, B. nitidula와 B. variabilis는 사천성 지역에서, B. bicolor는 신장과 사천성 지역, B. furcellata는 사천성과 운남성 지역에서 최초로 보고한다. 각 종에 대한 이차대사산물을 분석한 결과, usnic acid와 lobaric acid를 본 속에서 최초로 보고 하였다. 각 종에 대한 분류키와 형태, 서식처 및 분포에 대하여 기술하였다. Twenty taxa of the genus Bryoria were recognized and recorded in the Sino-Himalayas. Among them, Bryoria fastigiata Li S. Wang and B. flocculosa Li S. Wang are new species, B. himalayana var. sorediata Li S. Wang is a new variety; Bryoria nadvornikiana, B. trichodes subsp. trichodes and B. tenuis are new to China; B. trichodes subsp. americana and B. furcellata are new to the Sino-Himalayas; B. asiatica, B. himalayana and B. poeltii are new to Xizang; B. divergescens, B. lactinea, B. nitidula and B. variabilis are new to Sichuan; B. bicolor is new to Sichuan and Xizang; B. furcellata is new to Sichuan and Yunnan. Secondary chemical products were studied for each taxon. Among them, usnic and lobaric acids were first reported in the genus. A key to the species and notes on morphology, habitat and distribution are given. One of specimen was collected from the type locality of B. divergescens (Li-S. Wang 04-23413, in KUN-L), which was selected as an epitype of this species, because of the fragmental nature of the holotype (H-Nyl. 35972).

      • A Minkowski-type inequality for hypersurfaces in the Reissner-Nordstrom-anti-deSitter manifold

        Wang, Zhuhai Columbia University 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247647

        We prove a sharp Minkowski-type inequality for hypersurfaces in the n-dimensional Reissner-Nordstrom-Anti-deSitter (AdS) manifold for n ≥ 3. This inequality generalizes the one for hypersurfaces in the uncharged AdS-Schwarzschild manifold proved in [5]. With the Minkowski inequality, we prove a charged Gibbons-Penrose inequality for a large class of (n - 1)-dimensional spacelike surfaces in the Reissner-Nordstrom spacetime. [5] S. Brendle, P. Hung and M. Wang, A Minkowski-type inequality for hypersurfaces in the anti-deSitter-Schwarzschild manifold, To appear in Comm. Pure. Appl. Math.

      • 작곡가 주용(周龍)의 관현악작품 : "대곡(大曲)", "당시사수(唐詩四首)"와 "1911 서곡(序曲)"을 중심으로

        WANG YANBING 경희대학교 일반대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        국문초록 작곡가 주용(周龍)의 관현악작품 창작방법과 구성형태 연구 -"대곡(大曲)", "당시사수(唐詩四首)"와 "1911 서곡(序曲)"을 중심으로- 지도교수: 이 우 창 응용예술학과 작곡전공: WANG YANBING 주용(周龍)은 현대 유명한 작가 중의 한 사람이다. 중국작가로서 그의 창작이념 속에는 중국전통문화에 대한 추구가 충분히 체현되었으며, 또한 익숙한 창작기법을 통하여 표현되었다. 독특한 그의 창작 스타일은 중국작곡가로서 국제적으로도 명성을 누리고 있을 뿐만 아니라 새로운 시대의 음악 창작자들 한테도 영향을 주었다. 본 논문에서는 주용의 관현악작품“대곡(大曲)”,“당시사수(唐詩四首)”와 “1911 서곡(序曲)”을 연구대상으로 하여, 고금(古琴) 음악소재를 중심에 놓고, 시의의 음악적 표현을 의지하며, 경극(京劇)예술원소 등 각도, 작품 속 음악 재료, 음색, 음향형태와 구조배치에 대해 다방면에서 작곡기법을 분석하고, 관현악 작품의 음악언어를 탐구한다. 또한 이를 통하여 작품 속 중국전통문화의 표현에 대해서도 분석한다. 논문은 서론, 본론, 결론 세 부분으로 나누어진다. 서론부분에서는 작곡가 주용의 국제적 영향력, 주요 창작성과 관현악 작품 “대곡”, “당시사수”, “1911 서곡”의 창작배경, 연구목적 및 의의, 연구방법과 현재 상황 등의 방면에 대한 내용을 소개한다. 본론부분에서는 상술한 몇몇 관현악작품의 음악 언어에 대해 해부하고 분석하며, 작품음악재료의 출처와 작품 중의 표현형식을 탐구하고, 작품 중 고금음악표현과 시적 정취 표현의 음색, 음향형태, 음향조형의 표현을 분석함과 동시에 전체적 음향의 영향력을 분석하면서 음높이, 구조 속에서 나타나는 전통적 음악원소의 운용 및 크로스오버 문화의 융합과 심미 경향을 귀납한다. 결론부분은 주용의 관현악작품에 대한 심층분석연구 후의 총괄이다. Abstract A Study of the Composing Skill and Score Structure in Zhou Long's Orchestral Music -- Centred on ‘Daqu’, ‘Four Tang Poems’, and ‘1911 Overture’ Supervised by Prof. Woo-Chang Lee Yanbing Wang Major in Composition Graduate School of Applied Arts Department Zhou Long is one of the most distinguished contemporary composers. As a Chinese composer, Zhou embodies the pursuit of Chinese traditional culture in his composing concept, and expresses it through his exquisite composing skills. The unique composing style makes Zhou world-famous as a Chinese composer, which has inspired a new generation of music composers. This dissertation takes Zhou Long’s orchestral works Daqu, Four Tang Poems and 1911 Overture as the research objects, analyzes the composing skills like music material, timbre, sound pattern, pitch organization and structure arrangement from the perspectives of Guqin music material, poetic music performance and the Peking Opera art elements, probes into the music language of the orchestral works, and on this basis, discusses the performance of Chinese traditional culture in the works above. The dissertation is composed of three parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Chapter one is a brief introduction to Zhou Long’s international influence, his main achievements, the composing background of his orchestral works – Daqu, Four Tang Poems and 1911 Overture, the research objectives, methods and the research background. In the main part, the author firstly analyzes the music language, music material sources and their representation forms in Zhou’s orchestral works, are explored by analyzing the music language of his orchestral works; secondly analyzes the timbre, the sound form and sound modelling involved in the Guqin music and poetry representation in his works and their influence in the overall sound tension; and thirdly analyzes the use of traditional music elements in the pitch and structure in Zhou’s works, and summarizes the cross-cultural fusion and aesthetic orientation. The last chapter is Conclusion, which is a summary of Zhou Long’s orchestral works on the basis of deep analysis above. Zhou Long is famous contemporary composer living in America. The composing skills and music thought in his orchestral works – Daqu, Four Tang Poems and 1911 Overture exhibits the excellence of the fusion of contemporary Chinese and western arts. The most outstanding of all in his works is the use, quotation, assimilation and absorbing of traditional Chinese music elements, and this is used to set off the musical imagery, and thus, to realize the virtual clashing and fusion of Chinese and western culture, and traditional and contemporary culture. As for the imagery presented, the composer makes a deep analysis of the Chinese traditional poetry and use the imagery in it into the musical composing process; as for the orchestra compilation, it is not merely a simple mixture of the full use of Chinese and western musical instruments; as for the composing skills, the composer absorbs the music material form the traditional folk, and connects it with the western modern music composing skills, and makes any single sound with the cavity features, and thus the treated sound may drift between sound image and meaning imagery, which exhibits a strong Chinese traditional music feature. Then, it comes to the change of instrumental performance by introducing western tablature, which means to use the western stringed instruments to simulate Chinese national musical instruments, and to make the music to present traditional Chinese charm. As for the score structures, the composer uses the principle of structural variable speed in traditional music composing to organize the structure in his own works, and makes appropriate adaptations on the basis, and makes a blending of the western music composing principles of juxtaposition, convolution, and representation so as to better fit the development of the musical contents. Zhou Long has accumulated a great number of musical works during his lifetime with a wide range of styles. Each of his works exhibits its unique artistic charm. However, what remains to be interlinked is the artistic concept behind his composing, which presents Zhou Long’s heartfelt salute to the traditional music culture and even to the traditional Chinese culture.

      • Influence of silicate modified expansion agent on engineering performance of ultra-high-strength concrete

        Wang, Yi-Sheng 강원대학교 대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        At an early age, ultra-high-strength concrete (UHSC) exhibits a large autogenous shrinkage, which easily leads to matrix shrinkage and cracking. This poses a significant threat to the service life of a building structure. In this study, the effects of silicate modified expansive agents (SMEAs) on the engineering performance of UHSC were systematically investigated. The compressive strength, ultrasonic pulse velocity, and surface resistivity were determined. Moreover, Heat of hydration, TG, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and other microscopic analyses were used to characterize the chemical composition of the UHSC. It can be seen from the test results that the compressive strength of UHSC tends to decrease with the increase of SMEA addition. The results of TG, X-ray diffraction, and other microscopic analyses indicated that the main composition of the UHSC was a mixture of calcium (aluminate) silicate hydrate, calcium hydroxide, and ettringite.

      • Understanding the Genetic Basis of Human Diseases by Computationally Modeling the Large-Scale Gene Regulatory Networks

        Wang, Hao Michigan State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Many severe diseases are known to be caused by the genetic disorder of the human genome, including breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease. Understanding the genetic basis of human diseases plays a vital role in personalized medicine and precision therapy. However, the pervasive spatial correlations between the disease-associated SNPs have hindered the ability of traditional GWAS studies to discover causal SNPs and obscured the underlying mechanisms of disease-associated SNPs. Recently, diverse biological datasets generated by large data consortia provide a unique opportunity to fill the gap between genotypes and phenotypes using biological networks, representing the complex interplay between genes, enhancers, and transcription factors (TF) in the 3D space. The comprehensive delineation of the regulatory landscape calls for highly scalable computational algorithms to reconstruct the 3D chromosome structures and mechanistically predict the enhancer-gene links. In this dissertation, I first developed two algorithms, FLAMINGO and tFLAMINGO, to reconstruct the high-resolution 3D chromosome structures. The algorithmic advancements of FLAMINGO and tFLAMINGO lead to the reconstruction of the 3D chromosome structures in an unprecedented resolution from the highly sparse chromatin contact maps. I further developed two integrative algorithms, ComMUTE and ProTECT, to mechanistically predict the long-range enhancer-gene links by modeling the TF profiles. Based on the extensive evaluations, these two algorithms demonstrate superior performance in predicting enhancer-gene links and decoding TF regulatory grammars over existing algorithms. The successful application of ComMUTE and ProTECT in 127 cell types not only provide a rich resource of gene regulatory networks but also shed light on the mechanistic understanding of QTLs, disease-associated genetic variants, and high-order chromatin interactions.

      • Bayesian Modeling and Adaptive Monte Carlo with Geophysics Applications

        Wang, Jianyu Duke University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        The first part of the thesis focuses on the development of Bayesian modeling motivated by geophysics applications. In Chapter 2, we model the frequency of pyroclastic flows collected from the Soufriere Hills volcano. Multiple change points within the dataset reveal several limitations of existing methods in literature. We propose Bayesian hierarchical models (BBH) by introducing an extra level of hierarchy with hyper parameters, adding a penalty term to constrain close consecutive rates, and using a mixture prior distribution to more accurately match certain circumstances in reality. We end the chapter with a description of the prediction procedure, which is the biggest advantage of the BBH in comparison with other existing methods. In Chapter 3, we develop new statistical techniques to model and relate three complex processes and datasets: the process of extrusion of magma into the lava dome, the growth of the dome as measured by its height, and the rockfalls as an indication of the dome's instability. First, we study the dynamic Negative Binomial branching process and use it to model the rockfalls. Moreover, a generalized regression model is proposed to regress daily rockfall numbers on the extrusion rate and dome height. Furthermore, we solve an inverse problem from the regression model and predict extrusion rate based on rockfalls and dome height. The other focus of the thesis is adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. In Chapter 4, we improve upon the Wang-Landau (WL) algorithm. The WL algorithm is an adaptive sampling scheme that modifies the target distribution to enable the chain to visit low-density regions of the state space. However, the approach relies heavily on a partition of the state space that is left to the user to specify. As a result, the implementation and the use of the algorithm are time-consuming and less automatic. We propose an automatic, adaptive partitioning scheme which continually refines the initial partition as needed during sampling. We show that this overcomes the limitations of the input user-specified partition, making the algorithm significantly more automatic and user-friendly while also making the performance dramatically more reliable and robust. In Chapter 5, we consider the convergence and autocorrelation aspects of MCMC. We propose an Exploration/Exploitation (XX) approach to constructing adaptive MCMC algorithms, which combines adaptation schemes of distinct types. The exploration piece uses adaptation strategies aiming at exploring new regions of the target distribution and thus improving the rate of convergence to equilibrium. The exploitation piece involves an adaptation component which decreases autocorrelation for sampling among regions already discovered. We demonstrate that the combined XX algorithm significantly outperforms either original algorithm on difficult multimodal sampling problems.

      • Atomic-Scale In-situ TEM Investigation on Mechanical Deformation and Friction in Nanocrystals

        Wang, Xiang University of Pittsburgh ProQuest Dissertations & 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Revealing the deformation and friction mechanisms of nanomaterials at atomic scale, remains challenging due to the technology limitation. In this dissertation, in-situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments have been carried out to study the mechanical deformation of nanocrystals and friction between nanocrystals.Twinning in body cubic centered (BCC) metals requires to be activated by extreme high stress due to its high activation energy barrier. The stability of the deformation twins remains largely elusive, which is crucial for employing twinning or twin structures to improve BCC metals’ mechanical properties. Here, it is found that the twin stability in BCC W is strongly dependent on the type of twin boundary. A unique high-energy interface structure called the inclined twin boundary provides the driving force for spontaneous detwinning in BCC nanocrystals. On the other hand, it is well-known that materials follow a “smaller is strong” trend when the sample size is below submicron and nanoscale. But the ultrahigh surface-to-volume ratio in nanoscale materials can dramatically activate surface diffusion to mediate the plastic deformation, resulting in the softening of nanoscale materials. Here, it is found that the diffusion-assisted dislocation nucleation is responsible for the transition from “smaller is stronger” to “ smaller is weaker” and diffusionmediated plastic deformation induces the decline of the flow stress in face-cubic centered (FCC) nanocrystals.Up to now, visualizing the friction process between nanocontacts to reveal the friction mechanism at the atomic scale is barely achieved. Here, by designing the nanocontact and performing relative motion between nanoscale asperities under high-resolution TEM, the real-time atomistic friction process is realized, revealing that atomic friction displays a discrete stick-slip behavior. Interface atoms exhibit an asynchronous motion, consistent with the non-uniform strain distribution in contact. This work proposes a new methodology to achieve in-situ atomic-friction research and sheds light on the fundamental mechanisms of friction at atomic-scale.This dissertation gives insights into the mechanical behaviors of BCC and FCC nanocrystals and provides feasible nanotechnology to investigate the atomic friction in nanocrystals, which are of importance for advancing the understanding of nanomaterials degradation and extending the service life of nanodevices.

      • Attack Resilient Pulse Based Synchronization

        Wang, Zhenqian ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Clemson University 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247631

        Synchronization of pulse-coupled oscillators (PCOs) has gained significant attention recently due to increased applications in sensor networks and wireless communications. However, most existing results are obtained in the absence of malicious attacks. Given the distributed and unattended nature of wireless sensor networks, it is imperative to enhance the resilience of pulse-based synchronization against malicious attacks. To achieve this goal, we first show that by using a carefully designed phase response function (PRF), pulse-based synchronization of PCOs can be guaranteed despite the presence of a stealthy Byzantine attacker, even when legitimate PCOs have different initial phases. Next, we propose a new pulse-based synchronization mechanism to improve the resilience of pulse-based synchronization to multiple stealthy Byzantine attackers. We rigorously characterize the condition for mounting stealthy Byzantine attacks under the proposed new pulse-based synchronization mechanism and prove analytically that synchronization of legitimate oscillators can be achieved even when their initial phases are unrestricted, i.e., randomly distributed in the entire oscillation period. Since most existing results on resilient pulse-based synchronization are obtained only for all-to-all networks, we also propose a new pulse-based synchronization mechanism to improve the resilience of pulse-based synchronization that is applicable under general connected topologies. Under the proposed synchronization mechanism, we prove that synchronization of general connected legitimate PCOs can be guaranteed in the presence of multiple stealthy Byzantine attackers, irrespective of whether the attackers collude with each other or not. The new mechanism can guarantee resilient synchronization even when the initial phases of legitimate oscillators are distributed in a half circle. Then, to relax the limitation of the stealthy attacker model and the constraint on the legitimate oscillators' initial phase distribution, we improved our synchronization mechanism and proved that finite time synchronization of legitimate oscillators can be guaranteed in the presence of multiple Byzantine attackers who can emit attack pulses arbitrarily without any constraint except that practical bit rate constraint renders the number of pulses from an attacker to be finite. The improved mechanism can guarantee synchronization even when the initial phases of all legitimate oscillators are arbitrarily distributed in the entire oscillation period. The new attack resilient pulse-based synchronization approaches in this dissertation are in distinct difference from most existing attack-resilient synchronization algorithms (including the seminal paper from Lamport and Melliar-Smith [1]) which require a priori (almost) synchronization among all legitimate nodes. Numerical simulations are given to confirm the theoretical results.

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