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      • Diversity and Creativity in Teams: Thriving as a Mediator and Ethical Leadership as a Moderating Mediation

        JOMANA SALAH SALAH AZIZ 충북대학교 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 247406

        팀 번성-팀 구성원 간의 평균 번영 수준이며 개인 번영과 유사하게 기능한다는 증거가 있습니다. 번성하는 팀은 환경 변화에 대응하여 민첩성을 유지하고 더 높은 적응성과 더 나은 성과의 형태로 조직에 긍정적으로 기여합니다. 우리는 팀 민족성 및 교육 전문화 다양성이 팀 프로세스 (즉, 번성)와 팀 창의성에 영향을 미치는 정도를 조사했습니다. 지금까지 다양성 연구의 결과는 팀 다양성이 팀 프로세스 및 결과에 미치는 긍정적 또는 부정적 영향 측면에서 결정적이지 않았습니다. 현재 연구에서 팀장의 윤리적 리더십은 팀 민족성과 교육 전문화 다양성 및 팀 번성 간의 관계를 완화 할 것으로 예상됩니다. 다른 한편으로 번창은 팀 민족성과 팀 교육 전문화 다양성 및 팀 창의성 간의 관계를 매개 할 것으로 예상됩니다. 현재 타 일식 연구는 서로 다른 중동 (아랍) 국가에있는 서로 다른 조직의 66 개 작업 팀을 대상으로 수행되었습니다. 결과는 다음과 같습니다. 팀 민족 다양성은 팀 번창과 유의미하고 부정적인 상관 관계가 있으며, 팀 교육 전문화 다양성은 팀 번창과 유의하고 긍정적으로 연관되어 있습니다. 팀 번창은 팀 민족 다양성과 팀 창의성 사이의 관계를 중재하지 못했습니다. 팀 번창은 팀 교육 전문화 다양성과 팀 창의성 사이의 관계를 중재하고, 팀 리더 윤리적 리더십은 팀 인종 다양성과 팀 번성 사이의 부정적인 상관 관계를 조절하고, 팀 윤리적 리더십은 그렇지 않았습니다. 팀 교육 다양성과 팀 번영 사이의 관계를 완화합니다. 결과에 대한 자세한 내용은 연구 및 실습에 대한 이러한 결과의 의미와 함께 단독으로 논의 될 것입니다 Team thriving— the average level of thriving among team members, and evidenced that it functioned similarly as individual thriving. Thriving teams stay agile in the face of environmental change and contribute positively to the organization in the form of higher adaptability and better performance. I examined the extent to which team ethnicity and education specialization diversity affected team process (i.e., thriving) and in turn team creativity. The results of diversity research thus far have been inconclusive in terms of positive or negative effects of team diversity on team processes and outcomes. In the current research, the team leader’s ethical leadership is expected to moderate the relationship between team ethnicity and education specialization diversity and team thriving. On the other hand- thriving is expected to mediate the relationship between team ethnicity and team educational specialization diversity and team creativity. The current tiled study was conducted among 66 work teams from different organizations located in different Middle Eastern (Arab) countries. The results found that: (1) team ethnicity diversity is significantly and negatively correlated with team thriving, (2) team educational specialization diversity is significantly and positively associated with team thriving. (3) Team thriving failed to mediate the relationship between team ethnicity diversity and team creativity, (4) Team thriving mediate the relationship between team educational specialization diversity and team creativity, (5) team leaders ethical leadership moderates the negative correlation between team ethnicity diversity and team thriving (6) team ethical leadership did not moderate the relationship between team educational diversity and team thriving. More about the results will be discussed alongside the implications of these results for research and practice. (7) The negative indirect effect of ethnicity diversity on team creativity via team thriving is expected to be stronger when team leaders' ethical leadership is low.

      • Proxy war by Iran-aligned Houthis militia and Saudi geopolitical security

        Salah, Albanyan 韓國外國語大學校 國際地域大學院 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        The main theme of the research is the impacts of Iran's support to Houthis (IV) on changing the regional balance of power and the outbreak of proxy war in Yemen (DV) during the period of 2013-2015. The Iranian hidden intervention has led to change the balance of power and pushed Saudi Arabia to take many political and military actions (DV). Among these actions what came to be known as Storm Resolution. Yemen found itself on the brink of civil war, an international coalition led by Saudi Arabia. Its objectives were to protect the civilian population from attacks by Iranian-supported Houthi militias, restore the legitimate government and prevent Yemen from becoming a safe haven for Al- Qaeda and a base for Iranian adventurism and subversion in the region. Consequently, the Yemen conflict devolved into proxy war. The thesis explains Iran's mechanism and means of intervention in Yemen. Iran depends on "non-state players" in Yemen by attracting some dissident groups and factions of the same sect and ideology to promote division and instability to change political arrangements and equilibriums. The research assumes that weak powers heavily participate and engage in proxy wars, particularly in intrastate and extra state wars. The research depends on analyzing various resources, including primary and secondarymaterials, statements agreements, and related documents regarding the issue of proxy war. In fact, the Iranian political and media support to the Houthis and to other political movements in Southern Yemen were undeniable, but the military and financial support were doubtful and could not be proven easily. In this matter, the research provides solid documents. A number of results and recommendations were introduced by the research, including the fact that Yemen has become a fertile land for proxy wars.

      • RF Energy Harvesting Testbed : RF 에너지 하비스팅 테스트 베드

        Salah Amean Ahmmed Saeed 서울과학기술대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        이무선 전력 전송으로 요즘 더 인기를 얻고있다 특히 것들 만약 IoT 자산의 스마트 폰과 인터넷의 확산과 함께. 배포 센서에 대한 다년생 배터리 수명을 가지고있는 훌륭한 필요가있다 매우 어려운에 교체해야하거나 변경하지 않고 환경을 유지하기 위해 죽은 배터리. 무선 통신 전원으로, 에너지 수확입니다 더 실현되기 매우 유망한 미래의 기회가 있습니다. 이 큰 필요는 사람들을 수 있습니다 약간의 교육 테스트 베드을 가지고 연구 지역 사회는 중요한 개념에 손에 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 이 논문은 RF 에너지 수확을위한 완벽한 테스트 베드는 의미 제공 무선 센서 네트워크 환경의 다양한 분야에 사용한다. As the wireless power transmission is getting more popular nowadays especially with proliferation of smart phones and Internet of Things IoT assets. There is a great need to have perennial battery life for sensors that are deployed on very difficult to maintain environments without the need to replace or change dead batteries. With the wireless powered communication, energy harvesting is becoming more feasible and have very promising future opportunities. There is a great need to have some educational testbeds that allows people in the research communities to have a hand-on experience on such important concept. This paper provides a complete testbed for RF energy harvesting meant for the use in various field of Wireless Sensor Network environment.

      • Studies of the Photonic Response of Ultraviolet Sensors based on AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors with Hydrothermal ZnO Nanostructures

        Salah Ud din Dogar 동국대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247359

        Due to the wide-bandgap nature of Gallium Nitride (GaN) materials, they are very thermally stable, and electronic devices or sensors comprised of GaN can function at high temperatures up to 500 °C. The GaN-based materials are also very stable chemically, and can not be etched by any well-known wet chemical etchant. This makes them the most appropriate for the device operation in chemically harsh environment. Besides, zinc oxide (ZnO) is a large bandgap semiconducting material that reveals exceptional, optical, electrical, catalytic and sensing properties and has several applications in various fields. ZnO is a naturally n-type semiconductor because of the existence of inherent imperfections including O vacancies and Zn interstitials that also strongly contribute to the optical emissions in the visible region. For this reason, great research efforts have been made to expand application fields towards biosensors, solar cells, and ultra violet (UV) sensors. In this dissertation, we first present the effect of rapid thermal annealing for the ZnO seed layers on the growth morphology and crystal orientation of hydrothermal ZnO nanorods (NRs) besides the integration of ZnO nanostructures (NSs) with the AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) to realize the first active visible blind UV sensor. This incorporation of the exceptional ZnO NSs with excellent characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs can favor towards the realization of upcoming devices, biosensors, gas sensors and UV sensors etc. with high responsivity and speed. The effect of UV detection through the ZnO NRs results in electrical changes over the gate area in the HEMTs. The operating principle of the ZnO NSs gated AlGaN/GaN HEMT-based UV sensor is based on the unique property of high electron mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) which is very close to the surface; therefore, the carrier concentration in the channel is very sensitive to the adsorption of foreign elements into the NSs. Any small concentration change of charged elements on the ZnO NSs surface can be produced by the electron-hole pair generation under UV illumination. The conductance of the HEMT is thus changed by the electric potential modulation in the gate region as the charge variation occurs on the NSs of enormously large surface area. The performance of the UV devices has been reported herein in terms of response speed and spectral response.

      • Multi-cell sensorless internal temperature estimation based on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with gaussian process regression for lithium-ion batteries safety

        SALAH EDDINE, EZAHEDI 忠南大學校 大學院 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        최근 리튬이온배터리(Lithium-ion battery; LIB) 기반 전기차(Electrical vehicle; EV)의 화재사고가 증가하고 있다. 이러한 화재를 예방하기 위해서는 열폭주에 대한 사전 진단이 필수적이다. 이에 따라 EV 팩을 구성하는 모든 배터리의 진단을 위해 단일 셀 수준의 정밀한 온도 모니터링이 필요하다. 전기화학적 임피던스 분광법 (Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; EIS)는 센서리스 온도 추정을 위한 배터리의 내부 온도(Tint)와 밀접하게 연관되어 있지만 셀 간 변동에 따른 EIS 임피던스 차이로 인해 다중 셀 사용에 제한이 있습니다. 본 논문은 다중 LIB 온도 추정을 위해 EIS와 가우시안 프로세스 회귀(Gaussian process regression; GPR) 기계 학습을 결합한 프레임워크를 제안한다. 서로 다른 주파수에서 배터리의 임피던스 특성과 함께 온도, 충전 상태 및 온도 감도 사이의 본질적인 관계를 조사한다. 51개의 주파수에서 10Hz의 단일 지점 주파수 측정값이 온도 추정 모델에 적합하며, 해당 주파수의 데이터 빈도는 이후에 GPR 모델을 훈련하는 데 활용된다. 5개의 커널 기능이 실험적으로 연구, 훈련 및 검증되었으며, 가장 정확한 커널에 대한 평균 제곱근 오차 (Root means square error; RMSE)는 0.2°C이다. 또한 새로운 셀 추정을 위한 테스트 RMSE는 0.79°C로 높은 모델 정확도를 도출하였다. Recently, fire incidents due to electrical vehicle (EV) lithium-ion battery (LIB)-based energy storage devices have been increasingly occurring. Preemptive diagnosis of the thermal runaway is essential for preventing such fires. However, precise and accurate temperature monitoring at the single cell level is required for all the batteries present in the EV pack. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) closely correlates with the battery's internal temperature (Tint) for sensorless temperature estimation, but is limited for multi-cell use because of the impact of cell-to-cell variations on the EIS impedance values, causing inaccuracies in the use case of predefined models. This study developed a framework combining the EIS method with Gaussian process regression (GPR) machine learning for multiple LIBs cell temperature estimation. The intrinsic relationship between the temperature, state of charge, and temperature sensitivity with the impedance properties of the batteries at different frequencies was investigated. The results showed that from 51 extracted frequencies only single-point frequency measurements at 10Hz were necessary to develop the temperature estimation model. The data at this frequency was subsequently utilized to train the GPR model. Five kernel functions were studied, trained, and validated experimentally. The root means square error (RMSE) for the most accurate kernel was 0.2°C at the validation step, and the test RMSE for the estimation of a new cell was 0.79°C, confirming the high accuracy of the model.

      • Photochemical Quality Assessment of Vegetables And Fruits Preserved Under Different Storage Conditions Using Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging And Fast Transient Analysis

        Salah FERRAH 한경대학교 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        In Algeria, each of the consumers, trade, and growers evaluate the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables based on appearance, texture, taste and aroma without any methods and instruments. New methods to determine crop quality parameters and instrumental analysis has been developed rapidly owning to the technical progress in the 20th century. Studies on the responses of the four kinds of vegetables and fruits: lettuce (Lactuca sativa), leaf beet (Beta vulgaris variety cicla), apple (Malus domestica) and kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa) to the different temperature stresses were conducted to determine the crop sensitivity and the suitable storage method by using OJIP transient method and Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging method using the photochemical analysis. The experiments were executed on the leaf by OJIP method and on the fruits by Chlorophyll imaging method. Both vegetables and fruits were bought from the super market. The five treatments for the leaf were room temperature (control), heat stress (42°C), chilling stress (4°C), wet stress (25°C) under water, and drought stress (25°C). The four treatments for the fruits were room temperature (control), heat stress (42°C), wet stress (25°C) under water, and chilling stress (4°C),. All treatments had the three replications. For each treatment, the OJIP transients were separately measured after exposure to stress and before measurement all of the leaves were performed with 30 min dark-adapted L. minor, OJIP clip. Measurements for the fruits by chlorophyll fluorescence imaging fluoremeter were performed in the dark room after exposure to the stresses. All plant materials were measured until there was not chlorophyll fluorescence left. The measured data were calculated in the respective software for each method. All statistical analysis were carried out in the Microsoft excel by using table and graphs. After exposure to the different stresses, the OJIP curves and JIP parameters revealed the differences between stresses. Increase of all points of the OJIP curves in all treatment in both crops, changes in OJIP curves under heat stress and drought stress were the highest. In lettuce, changes under chilling, wet, and room temperature stress were lower than heat and drought stress. However in leaf beet, changes under chilling and wet stress were lower than heat, drought, and room temperature stress. In addition, it appeared to decrease in RC/ABS and increase in ABS/RC, TRO/RC and DIO/RC in lettuce and leaf beet in all treatment. The data measured from chlorophyll fluorescence imaging method showed that in apple and kiwi the decrease in QY_max and QY_lss were lower under the chilling stress than the others treatment, when Fv/Fm values were nearly 0.8.

      • (The) evaluation of selected bus routes performance in Baghdad city

        Mustafa Salah Abdulhussein, Al-Hakeem 중앙대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        The process of data collection includes two parts. The first part is the questionnaire survey, which is used to obtain the percentage effect of each one of the seven transit performance measures on the evaluation of level of transit service (LOTS) for the selected bus routes and bus network. The second part includes collection of field data to determine the level of transit service of the seven transit performance measures. The results of this study showed that bus routes No. (72, 36, 13, 114, 11, 30, 37, and 9) are operating at overall LOTS (D, E, E, E, E, D, E, and E) respectively, whereas the bus network (Al-Nasr bus network) is operating at overall LOTS (E). It was concluded that the application of some remedial actions will improve the overall LOTS of the bus routes No. (72, 36, 13, 114, 11, 30, 37, and 9) from LOTS (D, E, E, E, E, D, E, and E) to LOTS (C, D, C, D, D, C, D, and D), whereas the overall LOTS for bus network is improved from LOTS (E) to LOTS (D). 대중 버스 시스템 (여객 운송을위한 General Company 의 버스)은 바그다드시 대중 교통의 기본 모드이다. 이 시스템은 많은 문제를 안고 있는데, 그 중 일부는 버스 노선과 관련이 있고 다른 부분은 버스 및 운영자와 관련이 있다. 이러한 문제는 대중 교통 버스 사용자에게 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 Al-Nasr 버스 네트워크로 대표되는 8 개의 대중 교통 버스 노선의 성능을 평가하고 개선하는 것이다. 네트워크 서비스는 바그다드시의 다른 방향으로 일부 노선에서 운영하는 버스를 통해 소개된다. 선택된 버스 노선의 평가 프로세스는 7 가지로 대중 교통 성능 측정에 대한 대중 교통 서비스 수준 (LOTS)을 평가하여 수행 할 수 있다. 이러한 측정에는 버스 이동 시간, 주간 서비스 시간, 서비스 빈도 (간격), 경로의 총 지연, 버스 운행 속도, 버스 점유 및 경로 용량이 포함된다. 데이터 수집 프로세스는 두 부분으로 구성된다. 첫 번째 부분은 설문 조사로, 선택한 버스 노선 및 버스 네트워크에 대한 대중 교통 서비스 수준 (LOTS) 평가에 대한 7 개의 대중 교통 성능 측정치 각각의 백분율 효과를 얻기 위해 사용된다. 두 번째 부분에는 7 가지 운송 성능 측정의 운송 서비스 수준을 결정하기 위한 현장 데이터 수집이 포함된다. 이 연구의 결과 버스 노선 번호 (72, 36, 13, 114, 11, 30, 37, 9)가 전체 LOTS (D, E, E, E, E, D, E, E) 각각, 버스 네트워크 (Al-Nasr 버스 네트워크)는 전체 LOTS (E)에서 작동한다. 일부 개선 조치를 적용하면 LOTS (D, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, D, E, E)에서 LOTS (C, D, C, D, D, C, D 및 D)로, 버스 네트워크의 전체 LOTS 는 LOTS (E)에서 LOTS (D)로 향상되었다.


        Mohamed, Salah Lotfy 고려대학교 국제대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247358

        1.1.1 Study Background In September 2000, the world leaders at the Millennium Summit met in ?the largest gathering of world leaders in history? . 191 nations adopted the Millennium Declaration. As a part of implementation, they set of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a political agenda for reducing poverty .The MDGs include a framework of 8 goals, 18 targets and 48 indicators. Using 2015 Target year and 1990 as a benchmark.They recommended all countries to design ambitious poverty reduction strategy . In 2002, as a follow-up to the Declaration, the Secretary-General of UN commissioned an independent advisory body - called the Millennium Project (UN-MP) ? to help the countries to draw MDGs ? based poverty reduction strategy. However, since 2000, the achievement seem little, and the global poverty still in a crisis, the economic development leaving behind about 2.8 billion people in relative poverty (less than $2 a day), about 1.2 billion people in extreme poverty(less than $1 a day) , and about 163 million live under ultra poverty (less than $0.50 a day) , there?s more, life expectancy in Botswana has dropped to below 40 years, 15 million children per year had lost one of both parents to AIDS . 1.1.2 Study Area As a response, the UN millennium project in 2005 presented a new approach for development. They strongly recommended a four steps approach to achieve the MDGs: country needs to map the two key dimensions of poverty - regional, and gender dimension-, identify the specific investments necessary, converted it into a framework for action. And set its own poverty reduction strategy . In particular, the issue of regional poverty gap RPG have been articulated that the ladder of economic development starting from the bottom, Where the poorest of the poor in rural areas. In these circumstances, the successful development strategy would entail firstly rising in rural productivity, ensure that the critical investments get channeled to lagging regions and groups excluded from economic benefits. In this context, Egypt provides an interesting case related to regional poverty gap, at the level of the main three sub-national regions, the differences in economic growth are extremely large indicating that growth is centered in northern Egypt leaving the south lagging behind. During 1994-2000, per capita GDP in metropolitan region grew by a phenomenal 8.9 percent a year compared to a modest 5 percent in Lower Egypt and a dismaying level of 0.5 percent in Upper Egypt. The estimated real GDP per capita (PPP$) in 1998-99 was US$7857 in metropolitan areas, 3974 in Lower Egypt, and US$3191in Upper Egypt . Not surprisingly, overall poverty declined during the second half of the 1990s while regional differences in poverty levels remained significant . Also, many scholars argued that Poverty is more prevalent in Upper Egypt, where poverty measures are twice as large as the national level . In addition to being prevalent, the RPG in Egypt can be characterized as a chronic . Further, The World Bank emphasis that the incidence of poverty in Egypt is significantly higher in rural areas than it is in urban areas and it is higher in Upper Egypt than in Lower Egypt. Indeed, the poverty rate in rural Upper Egypt almost doubled between 1995- 2000.Emphasizing that the spatial dimension of poverty is therefore important in the Egyptian case . In addition, Egypt MDGs report 2004 and Egypt Human Development Report 2005 emphases that The greatest incidence, depth, and severity of poverty are in Upper - rural region, where 63.5 percent are poor. Finally, in all three main regions in Egypt, less than 1 percent spends less than PPP US$1 a day. On the other hand, the proportion spending less than PPP $2 a day varies significantly from a low of 5 percent in metropolitan areas to a high of 50 percent in rural Upper Egypt. While less than 3 percent of the Egyptian population are identified as ultra poor, and more than 7 percent in rural Upper Egypt are identified as ultra poor . Thus, the dilemma is that?although growing in Egypt? economy over the past ten years, the poverty rate in rural Upper Egypt almost doubled. 1.1.3 Study Framework This study aims to reassess better ways to bridging the regional poverty gap in Egypt within the context of Development strategy Based on an applicable investment approach. The main question is that ?How Can the poverty reduction strategy of Egypt better target the problem of the regional poverty gap? This study address the Poverty in its multi dimension, including income, social, human, protective, and lack of adequate capabilities . Sub questions are further raised: 1) what is the current situation of the regional poverty gap in Egypt? 2) To what extent is the development strategy relevant to the existing regional problem? 3) How can policies more adequately and appropriately address the poverty gap between regions? This study aims to 1) Analyzing the existing regional poverty gap in Egypt to understand the changing pattern in Egypt?s poverty profile, and Outlines the essential facts on poverty, by answering: Who and where are the poor? Second, Evaluating to what extent the Development strategy affected the regional gap, and 3) setting an applicable investment approach for bridging the regional poverty gap. The scope of the study is that the regional poverty gap in Egypt, including Upper - Lower gap, and rural- urban gap. Within the period 1990 -2007 and the projections till 2015. The analysis includes the poverty map in Egypt and the poverty profile ? as a characteristic of the poor- , and the regional poverty gap will divide to (upper ? lower gap, and rural ? urban gap) .The analysis based on the household region - specific poverty lines. This Study is based on an Inductive methodology, using a qualitative approach, by applying the Tree analysis model TAM, that allows to organize hierarchically problems for analyzing the poverty gap, and the logic-Frame matrix (LFM) for addressing the outcomes . 1.1.4 Study Structure The study is organized as follows. The first chapter for the theatrical framework (study background, literature review, and the methodology). The second chapter analyzes the regional poverty strategy to understate the changing pattern in Egypt?s poverty profile between 1990 - 2015; this is followed by a chapter for addressing the impact of national development strategy on the regional poverty gap. Finally, the study concludes with a chapter draws an applicable approach ? based Investment for bridging regional poverty gap.

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