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      • 스티븐 크레인의 자연주의 소설 연구 : 『매기: 거리의 소녀』(Maggie: A Girl of the Streets)와 『붉은 무공훈장』(The Red Badge of Courage)을 중심으로

        유태경 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247804

        Abstract A Study on Stephen Crane's Naturalism Novels - Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and The Red Badge of Courage Yu, Tae-Kyung Department of English Language & Literature Graduate School Hankuk University of Foreign Studies The background of Stephen Crane's novels was late nineteenth century America. During this period of industrial development, the beliefs concerning the nature of humanity and the human environment were rapidly changing. Naturalism suggested a new conception of the nature of humanity and the role of humans within the world. Based on heritage, environment, and accident, naturalism attempts to redefine the human role and place within an ever-changing and more complex world. Crane introduced Naturalism in American literature, plainly reflecting the naturalistic conception of humans. Past criticisms of Crane's works have dealt with hard determinism and their dependence on heritage, environment, and accident. However, these criticisms have overlooked the distinctiveness of Crane's naturalism. Despite his deterministic approach, Crane employed various non-naturalistic techniques throughout his novels and attempted to show how to overcome the overwhelming environment in his late novel. Likewise, his works cannot be restricted to naturalism because his works have various trends of literature that prevailed during his time: naturalism, impressionism, symbolism, and realism. This thesis aims to examine Crane's naturalism and unique features in Crane's most important works, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and The Red Badge of Courage. Maggie, his first novel, shows the hard realities of social environments. The focus in Maggie is not evil and its impact on slum life, but rather immorality and the inner environment. In Maggie, we can examine the importance of his use of irony and impressionistic technique. Color imagery shows Mrs. Johnson's violence and animality; additionally, the dark and gloomy situation of Bowery is depicted symbolically. Irony shows the self-deception and immorality of Mrs. Johnson, Jimmie, Peter, and a corrupted religion. In Maggie, Crane created the perfect external and internal environment. External environment refers to the background of this novel, including Bowery, Maggie's home, and the color & cuffs factory. These are shown as a 'battlefield' and a 'hell' where only the fittest survive. The internal environment refers to the immorality and falsity of the middle class, which prevails throughout the society. Mrs. Johnson, Jimmie, and Pete, the fit people for that environment, push Maggie to her death. In this work, Crane intended to expose the double morality in human society present at that time. By giving the moral power to the environment, Crane suggests that Maggie's death is not due to the physical environment, but corrupted morality. Ultimately, Crane suggests that humans cannot be destroyed by a physical or a material environment, and reveals the importance of humans' inborn innocence and morality in the deterministic environment. While Maggie depicts the human aspect ruined by the immoral environment, The Red Badge of Courage shows a positive and active attitude towards the environment. The importance of relationships among men becomes the focus of this work. The theme Crane has in mind for this work seems not to be the war story itself, but a young person's initiation into his new life. The war only acts as a setting where human deception is tested and heroism and power are pursued. By overthrowing established meanings of war and depicting Nature's indifference to people, Crane reveals naturalistic viewpoint. In this deterministic situation, we can see Henry's initiation primarily through animal imagery and several symbols. Henry's conceptions about the opponent and his comrades changes as his courage increases. Animal imagery presents Henry's change from cowardice to wild courage, and finally culminates in Henry's initiation. The influence of Henry's comrades' during his initiation is shown symbolically. Jim Conklin's death, the tattered solider's questions and Wilson's inner growth act as a stimulus to Henry's awakening. Among the comrades, both brotherhood and camaraderie are key themes, serving as an incentive for Henry to grow up. This novel reflects deeper humanistic qualities, which were less prevalent in Crane's earlier works. Through such experiences, Henry matures. This sense of humanism reflects Crane's unique naturalistic conception of life. As a Naturalism writer, Crane created a unique form of naturalism through the various techniques he used to emphasize the deterministic environment. Crane's works act as a social commentary on the uniqueness of the American experience. The realities and illusions of American society are transcribed into the lives of all Crane's characters. Naturalism opens up a new and exciting branch of American literary history. It is obvious that Crane's unique sense of Naturalism has greatly influenced American literature.

      • (The) Neo-Confucian Foundation of Modern Korean Culture

        Crane, Clarke J 세종대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247359

        지난 몇 백 년 동안 한국은 몇 천 년의 역사이래 많은 변화를 겪었습니다. 군주정치에서 민주주의로 한 단계 진보 한 한국은 다른 나라에 의한 점령, 내전, 군사정권, 경제적인 혼란과 승리를 모두 다 경험했습니다. 그런데, 한국이 진정으로 변화한 부분은 무엇일까요? 단지, 기관과 건물만 바뀌었을까요? 아니면, 조금 더 깊숙이 문화적인 내면의 변화가 있었던 것일까요? 한국은 고유의 독특한 문화 보존의 중요성을 강조하며, 일본과 중국에 둘러싸여 있으면서도 고유의 문화를 잘 유지해 왔습니다. 또한, 과거에 한국은 독립왕국으로 명성을 지켜왔습니다. 그러나, 몇 백 년 전에 한국은 세계에 문호개방을 하게 되었고, 때로는 강제로 이루어지기도 했지만, 한편으로는 다른 나라의 문화를 잘 수용하기도 했습니다. 한국이 서양의 문물을 부분적으로 받아들이고, 새로운 민족성을 찾아가려는 현상은 분명합니다. 현재 우리는 새로운 문화와 함께 어울리게 될 남아있는 전통 문화가 무엇인지에 대해 생각해야 합니다. 이 자료는 오늘날 아직 남아있는 한국의 전통 문화와 사실상, 현대 사회의 근본으로 뿌리 박힌 문화에 대한 답변을 찾는데 도움을 줄 것입니다. 이 자료는 거대한 변화의 시대 이전에 500년 동안 한국을 다스렸던 조선왕조에서 비롯한 전통적인 신유교사상 시대의 사회와 프란시스 후쿠야마의 수필인 "문화 으뜸 주의"에서 발달한 체제를 적용함으로써 서양식 민주주의를 택한 한국의 근대사회를 비교할 것입니다. 이러한 체제를 변화하기 전과 후에 적용하고 몇 년간의 변화 사이사이에 적용함으로써 어떠한 변화들이 일어났는지 볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 어디에 현대 한국의 뿌리가 박혀있는지를 알 수 있습니다.

      • Beyond Time: Temporal and Extra-temporal Functions of Tense and Aspect Marking in Totela, a Bantu Language of Zambia

        Crane, Thera Marie University of California, Berkeley 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation aims to characterize the relationship between the temporal and information-structuring functions of tense and aspect marking in Totela, an endangered Bantu language of Zambia and Namibia. To that end, I investigate and describe in detail the semantics and pragmatics of selected tense and aspect markers, showing for each that a purely temporal description is inadequate to explain its range of interpretations and uses. Totela is a typical Bantu language in that it has a vast array of morphemes and constructions to express tense and aspect contrasts. A more explanatory and unified analysis of these forms emerges when not only their temporal semantics, but also their discourse-structuring functions are taken into account. Often, pragmatic functions appear to trump temporal specifications. Privileged distinctions in Totela include (non-)completion of a situation's nucleus (i.e. the termination of an action or state, or point of transition to a result state for inchoative eventualities) (cf. Kershner 2002), cognitive and temporal dissociation (cf. Botne and Kershner 2008), and relevance (cf. Portner 2003). I argue that these categories, rather than traditional notions such as past vs. present tense, or imperfective vs. perfective aspect, are basic in Totela's tense and aspect system. Investigations of the above-mentioned categories also reveal strong discourse-structuring functions for each. For example, markers of nuclear completion occur predictably at episode boundaries in narrative. Markers associated with non-completion, in contrast, occur when the narrative structure is interrupted (e.g. by a song) at a point that is not an episode boundary. Non-completive forms also serve to shift between narrative-internal and narrative-external perspectives. Findings regarding the use of tense and aspect markers to structure narrative are confirmed by quantitative analysis using logistic regression. Of particular theoretical interest is the -ite suffix, which shows evidence of being primarily a marker indicating relevance to answering the question under discussion in the current discourse context (cf. Roberts 1998). Its temporal interpretations are determined pragmatically, based on which phase of a situation's event structure is understood as most relevant to answering the question under discussion. Results are situated both synchronically and diachronically, in order to develop hypotheses about the historical pathways of the markers within Bantu (cf. Bybee et al. 1994). Cross-linguistic comparison of Totela and related languages suggests that while morphological expression of tense and aspect categories may change rapidly, as may semantic and pragmatic particularities within categories, the basic categories of completion vs. non-completion of the situation's nucleus, association vs. dissociation, and discourse relevance are prevalent. These categories are likely crucial in the analysis of many other Bantu languages, as well, but have been given relatively little attention in the literature. This dissertation offers both basic descriptive facts about the Totela language and a detailed investigation of facets of its tense/aspect system. It is intended to be of interest for semanticist and pragmaticists, as well as for use in studies in Bantu and general typological linguistics.

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