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      • 學校組織文化에 따른 校長의 奬學行爲와 奬學效果性의 關係

        배원식 忠南大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        A. The purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between principals' supervisory behavior(PSB), and supervisory effectiveness(SE) by school organizational culture(SOC) types. The specific objectives of the study were as follows: First, to find the response differences among SOC, PSB, and SE which teachers perceived by school characteristics and teachers' personal background variables. Second, to find the response differences in PSB, and SE which teachers perceived by SOC types. Third, to find the relationships among SOC, PSB, and SE which teachers perceived. B. The method of the study A literature review method and a survey technique were used in this study. A literature review method was used to review the theoretical backgrounds and the literature. The main research effort employed the survey method. Three questionnaires were used in this study. The questionnaire SOCQ(School Organizational Culture Questionnaire) was developed by Ed. D Mr. Lee Suk-Yeol. And another questionnaire PSBQ(Principals' Supervisory Behavior Questionnaire) which was developed by Glickman, C. D. and Tamashiro, R. T.(1980) was modified by the researcher. The third questionnaire SEQ(Supervisory Effectiveness Questionnaire) which was developed by Ms. Yoo, Seung-Yon(2004) was modified by the researcher. They were distributed to 1,300 elementary school, middle school, and high school teachers in Daejeon City, Chung-Nam Province, and Gyung-gi Province. Subject teachers were sampled by stratified random. Nine hundred and seventy questionnaires were returned, and 728 questionnaires among them were used in this research. The statistical methods employed in this research for analysing data were Frequency Analysis, χ2 Test, One-way ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. C. The results of the study First, the predominant tendency of SOC was group culture type which was negative against the changes of exterior environments, but very emphasized team work, teacher's bond of love and friendship. The ratio of SOC was group culture 44.2%, hierarchical culture 21.2%, innovative culture 17.4%, and rational culture 17.2%. The predominant tendency of PSB was Nondirective supervisory behavior. The degree of PSB was generally figured out at 3.4 on 5-point-scale. Specific results(M) were in the following order: Nondirective 3.49, Collaborative 3.41, and then Directive 3.14. The degree of SE was generally a little more than average. Specific results(M) were in the following order: School's Organizational Development 3.32, Teachers' Professional Development 3.29, and then Teachers' Personal Development 3.21(among Total average SE was 3.28). Second, there were significant differences in the degree of relations between SOC and Nondirective supervisory behavior, between SOC and Collaborative, and between SOC and Directive. In group culture, nondirective and collaborative supervisory behaviors were more acceptable than others. And in hierarchical culture, directive supervisory behaviors were more acceptable than others. There were significant differences in the degree of relations between SOC and Professional Development, between SOC and Personal Development, between SOC and Organizational Development, and between SOC and SE. In group and innovative culture, professional development, personal development, organizational development, and supervisory effectiveness were more acceptable than others. Third, relationships between SOC and PSB were very closely connected. In multiple regression among SOC, PSB and SE, Innovative culture influenced to SE through PSB (R²=.512), Rational culture influenced to SE through PSB (R²=.621), Group culture influenced to SE through PSB (R²=.449), and Hierarchical culture influenced to SE through PSB (R²=.725). Innovative culture, group culture, and hierarchical culture were very closely connected to Collaborative supervisory behavior, and Rational culture was very closely connected to Nondirective supervisory behavior. D. Conclusions of the study The researcher was able to conclude as follows from the results of this study. First, relationships between SOC and PSB were very closely connected each other. Innovative culture, group culture, and hierarchical culture were very closely connected to Collaborative supervisory behavior, and Rational culture was very closely connected to Nondirective supervisory behavior. Second, group culture among four SOC types, predominantly appeared in SOC which teachers perceived. There were significant differences in perceived types of school culture according to school characteristics and teachers' personal background variables. Third, Nondirective supervisory behavior predominantly appeared in PSB which teachers perceived. Innovative culture, group culture, and hierarchical culture were very closely connected to Collaborative supervisory behavior. E. Suggestions of the study Some suggestions based on the results and conclusions of this study are like these ; First, quantitative approaches should be attempted to examine the relationships among SOC, PSB and SE. The more studies will be necessary to use the qualitative approaches with the quantitative approaches. Second, developing the Korean Style Questionnaires about SOC, PSB and SE which will examine our situations more accurately, and Case studies on more effective schools will be necessary. Third, all members of the school organization are required to make constant efforts to cultivate desirable SOC, PSB and SE. In-service Program of SOC, PSB, and SE will be necessary to be developed.

      • Topic Signature와 동시 출현 단어 쌍을 이용한 문서 범주화

        배원식 창원대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        We describe a new feature selection method for text categorization system using Topic Signature and co-occurrence words. Co-occurrence word is a pair of words to occur within a window in same documents. We use co-occurred words to classify documents instead of a single word, because we hypothesize that co-occurred words have high ability to classify documents for unique meaning. We use Topic Signature as a feature selection method based log-likelihood ratio. Topic Signature was applied for finding topic words in text summarization. In order to archive a high performance, we use TF-Topic Signature and weight of features to occur in within titles. And we use Naive Bayesian classifier for text classification. We use Reuters-21578 data collection, a standard data collection for evaluating English text categorization system, for evaluating proposed system. We can compare objectively between the proposed system and the previous systems from the data collection. For the result of experiments, we can see that the proposed system give a good performance, when compare the previous systems. The proposed system has some weak point that make many features by using co-occurrence word feature generation. Focus of our future works is to solve the weak points. But we give a good possibility with proposed method, so we expect that our research result is contributed to feature research. 본 논문에서는 Topic Signature와 동시 출현 단어 쌍 자질을 이용한 새로운 문서 범주화 방법에 대하여 기술한다. 동시 출현 단어 쌍은 한 문서에서 일정한 크기의 윈도우 내에 속하는 단어의 쌍으로 정의된다. 본 논문에서는 단어 하나보다 단어의 쌍이 문서의 범주를 판단하는데 더 좋은 자질로 사용될 수 있을 것이라고 가정하였다. 일반적으로 단어 하나는 여러 의미로 사용될 수 있으므로 여러 범주에서 나타날 가능성이 있다. 그러나 단어 쌍은 특별한 의미로 한정되어 특정한 범주에서만 나타날 가능성이 높아지기 때문이다. 자질 추출 방법으로는 Log-likelihood ratio를 기반으로 하는 Topic Signature를 사용한다. Topic Signature는 문서 요약 분야에서 문서의 핵심 단어를 찾기 위해 사용되었던 방법으로, 문서 범주화에서 사용하는 데는 몇 가지 약점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 약점을 보완하기 위하여 TF-Topic Signature와 제목에 나타난 자질에 대한 가중치를 부여하는 방법을 사용한다. 그리고 베이지언 분류기(Naive Bayesian Classifier)를 사용하여 문서를 분류한다. 본 논문의 성능 평가에는 Reuters-21578 문서 집합을 사용한다. Reuters-21578 문서 집합은 영어 문서 범주화 시스템 성능 평가의 표준 문서 집합으로 많은 기존 연구에 많이 사용되어 왔다. 따라서 제안 시스템과 기존 시스템을 객관적으로 비교할 수 있다. 실험을 통해 살펴본 결과 기존 시스템과 비교했을 때 좋은 성능을 보였다. 제안 시스템은 동시 출현 단어 쌍 자질을 사용하기 때문에 너무 많은 자질을 생성됨으로 인한 몇 가지 문제점을 안고 있다. 이들 문제점은 향후 연구를 통해 보완해야할 사항이다. 본 논문에서 제안한 방법들은 문서 범주화 시스템에서의 가능성을 충분히 보고 있으므로 앞으로의 연구에도 기여할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

      • 고속철도차량의 역구내 진입 시 제동 스퀼소음에 관한 연구

        배원식 서울과학기술대학교 철도전문대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        환경오염에는 크게 대기, 토양, 수질, 소음으로 분류 할 수 있으며, 철도차량에서 발생되는 소음은 크게 전동소음(Rolling noise), 동력소음(Traction noise), 공력소음(Aerodynamic noise) 등 3가지로 분류 할 수 있다. 본 논문에서 다루고자 하는 소음은 고속철도차량의 역구내 진입 시 제동 스퀼소음 이다. 제동소음은 전동소음에 포함되어 있는데, 제동소음의 과다로 철도를 이용하기 위해 승강장(platfonm)에 탑승 대기 고객과 역구내 근무자에게 불쾌감(스트레스)을 유발할 수 있고 일시적 또는 영구적인 난청을 일으킬 뿐만 아니라 순환계, 호흡기계, 소화계 등에도 영향을 미칠 수 있는 연구 결과를 쉽게 찾을 수 있다. 제동소음을 감소시키기 위해 고속철도차량의 역구내 진입할 때 제동 체결로 발생하는 제동소음을 측정하여 현황을 파악하고, 주요 소음원과 발생 메커니즘을 규명함으로서 불쾌감 및 정신과 건강에 많은 영향을 미치는 스퀼소음을 최소화 하여 차량의 소음저감대책 과 서비스질의 향상에 도움을 주고자 한다. 제동소음 측정에 앞서 철도차량 제동소음의 전반적인 이해에 도움을 줄 수 있도록 기본적인 소음ㆍ진동이론과 이론식에 대해 간략히 소개하였으며 국내외 철도차량의 제동소음과 관련한 자료의 수집과 분석을 수행하였다. 광명역과 대전역 2개 역사 총 12편성 열차에 대하여 제동소음의 실차측정 분석결과 KTX 제동 스킐소음의 피크주파수 성분은 주로 1KHz~20KHz까지 전반에 걸쳐 나타나고 있으며, 대부분 제동디스크와 패드의 접촉을 고려한 제동디스크의 고유진동수와 밀접한 관계가 있었고, KTX 제동 스킐소음의 피크주파수은 차량마다 다르게 나타나고 있으나, 이는 제동디스크와 패드 사이의 제동압력, 여러 조건 등 차이 때문에 의한 것으로 판단되었고, 제동디스크와 패드 사이의 제동압력, 여러 조건 등 다소 다르더라도 10KHz이상의 주파수에서는 제동 스킬소음의 피크주파수 성분이 거의 동일하게 나타나고 있으며, 제동디스크의 고유진동수와 일치하여 제동 스킐소음의 원인은 제동디스크의 공전에 그 원인이 있음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 또한 20KHz까지 실험이 가능한 측정시스템을 사용할 경우 유한요소법에 의하지 않고도 제동 스퀼소음의 원인을 충분히 찾아내어 그 저감방안을 구해 낼 수 있을 것이다. The noises which occurs from the rolling stock can be divided largely into three classes and they are Rolling noise, Traction noise and Aerodynamic noise. In the event of braking the rolling stock which enter into the station, Brake shoes cause Fraction noise (braking noise) and excessive braking noise makes passengers and operators uncomfortable. This study is to reduce squeal noise and minimize displeasure by measuring the braking noise and defining the major noise sources and noise mechanism,

      • 요한복음서에 나타난 예수의 상담기법 연구

        배원식 호서대학교 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Human beings living in the modern times are unstable and confused. They are wandering losing the meaning of the life in the rapid changes of the society. We can say the existence of counselling and counsellor is meaningful and valuable to those people. The counsellor is a professional who must be qualified in both fields such as professional and personal qualities. This study investigated the counselling method of Jesus who was an efficient and qualified counsellor. To do this we reviewed the theories such as Freudism, behaviorism and human centered counselling theory. We also studied the cases of Jesus shown in John to study detailed and practical Christian (salvation) counselling focusing on the principle and methods of Jesus counselling in order to apply it to the counselling and serving of modern church. The subjects were Jesus and the visitor in the counselling cases in John and study methods used were content analysis and literature review. Accordingly, we abstracted the counselling scenes shown in John and tried to understand Jesus as a human and the characteristics and methods of His counselling. Looking into the characteristics of Jesus as a counsellor, we can interpret his understanding on human beings as 8 categories. First, human beings are creatures. Second, they have sins. Third, they do not have self-respect. Fourth, they are relational beings. Fifth, they are psychological beings with emotion. Sixth, they are suffering beings. Seventh, they are the ones who are thinking and acting. Eighth, they have free will. Jesus used four counselling methods such as 'Attention and Listening', 'Facing and Questioning', 'Love and Understanding' and 'Giving Vocation and Asking to Learn' based on such understanding on human beings. When looking into counselling cases of Jesus focusing on the cases in the Bible, He listened and shared the pains of the visitors with consistent attention and accommodative attitude to the alienated and deserted. He often made questions and asked them to face their problems so that they could see their situations and then led them to 'Change'. Occasionally, he used strong recommendation of learning to help them to have self-discernment and led them to the changed and improved life. Christian (salvation) counselling is based on the faith that the shape of God is broken because of the broken relationship with God due to the 'Sin' which is original problem of human beings and it brings the problems to the self-respect of human beings. On the other hand, secular counselling methods such as humanism psychological counselling seems to have remarkable effects in extinguishing the urgent fire. However there can be no better solution than the one found in God who created us when we are damaged and the self-respect is destroyed. Bible and teachings of Jesus can give true idea to compose the true self-respect. It is God who can protect our lives, which is the most important thing. The foundation of our self-respect is Grace of God. He promised the recovery of the relationship through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus who is the only cause of human Hope and Salvation. He allows us to live in Jesus Christ as new beings. Jesus who cures the pains of visitors with love! His counselling methods mean much to the suffered in the modern times and can be good samples for Christian (salvation) counsellors in the reality. As a matter of fact we should follow his sample models.

      • 學校組織에서의 敎師의 人間關係와 職務滿足과의 關係 硏究

        裵元植 忠南大學校 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A. The purpose of study The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between teachers' human relations and their job satisfaction in the school organizations. Concreate purposes are as follows 1. To verify general trend of human relations, and it's differences among subgroups according to personal background of teachers. 2. To verify general trends of teachers' job satisfaction and it's differences among subgroups according to personal background of teachers. 3. To test the relationships between teachers' human relations and their job satisfaction. B. The method of study The subjects of this study were consisted of 400 middle and high school teachers who were sampled by stratified random in Chungnam Province. Two kinds of questionaire were used. One was for measuring of human relations in school organization, "The study of Human Relations of School Management" developed by Central Education Research Laboratory and partly adapted by writer. And the other for measuring the teachers' job satisfaction in the school organizations. "MSQ(Minnesota Satisfactory Questionaire)" developed by Minnesota University. The M(Mean), SD(Standard Deviation), F-test(t-test), and Multiple Regression Analysis were treated to find the tendencies of teachers' perception. C. The results of study The results were as follows'. 1. Teachers' human relations of school organizations (1) The average score of teachers' human relations of school organizations was 3,01 on the 5-point-scale. The order of subvariables was colleague teacher > student > staff > students' parents > principal. (2) According to personal background of teachers, the more 'teaching career', male, small and medium size of class(under 24classes), and small town showed the higher in subvariables 'human relations' than their counter parts. 2. Teachers' job satisfaction (1) The average score of teachers' job satisfaction was 2.98 on the 5-point-scale. The order of subvariables was substantial job satisfaction > insubstantial job satisfaction of teachers. (2) According to personal background of teachers, they were insignificant. 3. Relationship between teachers' human relations and job satisfaction (1) The correlation between teachers' human relations and job satisfaction was significantly positive r=.76. (2) In the relationship between teachers' human relations and job satisfaction, human relations, especially with principal and colleague teachers gave a considerable influence on teachers' job satisfaction. D. The conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn based on the above results of this study. 1. Teachers' human relations of school organizations were average (M=3.01). In general, the more 'teaching career'(over 20 years), male, small and medium size of class(under 24classes), and small town showed the higher in subvariables 'human relations' than their counter parts. 2. Teachers' job satisfaction was under the average.(M=2.98). This showed that the teachers' responses were retrospected the recent poor educational situations in school organizations - the reduction of teachers resignment years because of incapable senior teachers, the entrance exam-oriented-school educations, exibitive school administration for school evaluation, and the reduction of pansion by revised law. 3, Teachers' human relations, especially with principal and colleague teachers, in school organizations gave a considerable influence on teachers' job satisfaction. (r=.76) It seems that the higher human relations, the higher job satisfaction. The teachers should do satisfy in their job and devote themselves through the considerations of human, sociologic, and psychologic aspects. E. Suggestions Some suggestions based on the results and conclusions of this study are like these; 1. The human relations in school organizations, the more 'teaching career', male, small and medium size of class(under 24classes), and small town showed the higher in subvariables 'human relations' than their counter parts. In order to make a diagnosis of these real problems in Korean school organizations and to cure them, it is necessary to make a continuing analytic study. 2. The more studies will be necessary to reduce the unsatisfactory factor like above these problems, and make more teachers' job satisfaction. 3. The more studies will be necessary to use the qualitive approaches with the quantative approaches,

      • (A) study on the thermal stabilization of aliphatic polyketone

        배원식 한양대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문에서는 aliphatic polyketone terpolymer (EPCO)의 열 안정성을 향상시키기 위하여 acid scavenger인 calcium hydroxyapatite (CHA)와 radical scavenger인 2,2’-oxamidobis-[ethyl-3-(3,5-di-t-butyl-4-hydroxy phenyl)propionate] (OHP)를 EPCO에 첨가하고 두 열 안정제의 혼합비와 총 함량이 열 안정성에 미치는 영향을 정적 및 동적인 상태에서 고찰하였다. 열 안정제들을 함께 사용할 때 정적 및 동적인 상태에서 모두 각 안정제를 단독으로 사용하는 것에 비해 synergistic effect가 나타났다. 특히 CHA와 OHP가 4/1의 무게비 일 때 조사된 조성 중에서 최적의 안정화 효과를 나타내었으며, 이 조성에서 최적의 함량은 0.5 wt%였다. 하지만 동적인 상태에서 CHA와 OHP가 1/4의 조성일 때는 synergistic effect가 관찰되지 않았다. 이는 전단 하에서 mixing effect로 인해 촉진된 EPCO의 열화반응을 저하시키는데 CHA의 함량이 부족했기 때문이다. ARES를 이용한 time sweep measurement를 통해 시간에 대한 complex viscosity의 증가를 확인 하였으며, 이는 EPCO의 열화 반응이 체인의 분해 보다는 주로 가교에 의해 발생함을 의미한다. 또한 이 결과를 이용하여 dynamic stability time를 규명하고 온도-전단 속도-시간에 대한 EPCO의 processing window를 확립하였다.

      • 연쇄반응 알고리즘을 이용한 의견대상 추출

        배원식 昌原大學校 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper discusses the contents of sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is a subfield of natural language processing, analyzes the sentiment of the public in a text. With the development of the Internet, e-commerce and social network service appeared and invigorated. In this circumstance, the online opinion texts are increasing tremendously. The information cannot be processed by human effort. As a result, there is steadily growing need of sentiment analysis for processing the information. This paper presents a new method that automatically extracts opinion target from the collection of text. Opinion target is the target of public opinion that appeared in the opinion text. Various things can be the opinion target such as a product, movie, company, organization, and person. One of the most important information of sentiment analysis is opinion target because it determines the usability of the analyzed results. Most recently, the hottest research topic in various subfields of sentiment analysis is opinion target extraction. In this paper, the method for extracting opinion target can divide with two parts: opinion relation extraction and opinion target pruning. Opinion relations are the relation that can be found opinion target and opinion word at the opinion sentence. The previous opinion relation researches were adjacency and the dependency structure of pre-determined by the expert intuition. They have low recall problems because they use human knowledge, and it cannot cover all the characteristic of input corpus. However, this paper can automatically learn opinion relations from corpora. Opinion target pruning is the method that finds the most important things in the candidates of opinion target they extracted by the opinion relation. The previous methods were heuristic method, statistical method, and graph-based method. This paper uses a graph-based method because it shows high performance than others via mutual reinforcement. This paper suggests novel method that can extract opinion relation from corpora automatically. This paper extracts opinion relation as follows. First of all, the proposed method input very few pairs of opinion target and opinion word as seeds. The seeds are used for extracting every possible opinion relations from corpora. The proposed method expands the seeds using the extracted opinion relations and original seeds. The expanded seeds are used for extracting opinion relations again. The proposed method repeats this process. As the result, the proposed method can extract all opinion relations from corpora. By the way, automatically extracted opinion relations have some noise. This paper uses perplexity that can evaluate the importance of the opinion relations for reducing the noise. This paper suggests improved graph-based method for pruning the candidates of opinion target. This paper prunes the candidates as follows. First of all, the proposed method extracts all candidates of opinion target and opinion word from corpora using the opinion relations. The proposed method makes a bipartite graph using the candidates. The proposed method calculates the word importance and the association between opinion target and opinion word from the graph. After that, the propose method calculates the confidence of the candidates of opinion target with combining the association and the word importance. The proposed method prunes the candidates of opinion target using the confidence. In this paper, the proposed method and two state-the-art methods, Double Propagation and Word-based Translation Model, are compared and analyzed. For this experiment, around 6,800 Korean reviews of the hotel domain are used. The proposed opinion relation shows around 2.6 percent of the improved performance than other methods via solving the low recall problem. The proposed method of opinion target pruning shows around 2 to 9 percent of the improved performance than other methods in top 200 extraction accuracy. This paper suggests a novel opinion target extraction method via two methods, automatically extracting opinion relation and pruning the candidates of opinion target using graph-based method. The experimental result shows that the proposed method has a good possibility. Therefore, the proposed method should contribute that improves the performance of the system of sentiment analysis.

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