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      • 유아특수학급 방과후 과정 정책 사례 연구

        박세희 忠南大學校 大學院 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        This study aims to examine after-school programs for early childhood special education classes and identify problems with the programs by way of surveying teachers and parents who have participated in the programs. To collect and analyze data for the study, teachers with a year of experience in teaching and managing preschool special education classes were surveyed using a narrative interview approach, while parents of children in preschool special education classes were surveyed using an in-depth interview approach. The survey showed the following results: First, the workload of early childhood special education teachers has doubled. Before the implementation of the Nuri curriculum, after-school programs for early childhood special education classes were established through the same process as those for special education. After its implementation, however, children in special education classes became eligible for a subsidy to cover education expenses, which enabled them to attend after-school programs just like ordinary children do. The early childhood special education field was not properly prepared for this. Current after-school programs for early childhood special education classes are being managed in a way that incorporates children in special education classes into after-school programs for ordinary classes, without after-school instructors. This has doubled the workload of preschool special education teachers, who are solely responsible for the regular program in the morning and the after-school program in the afternoon. Second, the increased workload of early childhood special education teachers has led to a lower quality of early childhood special education. While teachers of elementary and middle school special education classes rely on textbooks, teachers of early childhood special education classes rely on their own resources to implement their curriculum. Early childhood special education classes depend wholly on the individual abilities of teachers. The heavy workload of early childhood class teachers might lead to a lower quality of education for children in special education classes. The importance of early environments and experiences in people’s lives, proven in many previous studies, is also the case with handicapped children. If handicapped children are not educated timely, they cannot develop their behavioral skills properly. A lower quality of special education and poor performance of teachers might negatively affect the growth and development of handicapped children. Third, parents of children in special education classes perceive that children in early childhood special education classes are being treated differently from ordinary children in a way that constitutes discrimination. They believe that their children can participate in whatever ordinary children can and need not do what ordinary children do not want to do. Furthermore, they feel keenly the necessity of a supportive environment that enables their children to participate significantly in after-school programs. They also stress the necessity of human resources to manage after-school programs for special education classes. Fourth, parents of children in special education classes perceive that the unfair treatment given to special education classes is due to the lack of awareness of the environment surrounding them. They call for an improvement in the awareness of kindergarten directors and teachers, as well as for support from education offices to foster the effective management of kindergartens and early childhood special education classes.

      • 초등학교 교육정보부장이 인식하는 교육정보부 직무에 대한 중요도 실행도 분석

        김지은 충남대학교 교육대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        본 연구의 목적은 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무를 분석하고 초등학교 교육정보부장이 인식하는 교육정보부의 직무에 대한 중요도와 실행도를 분석함으로써 궁극적으로 초등학교 학교교육과정 운영을 위한 교육정보부의 역할과 효율적인 직무 수행에 대한 시사점을 제공하는 데 있다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 설정한 연구 문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무 실태는 어떠한가? 둘째, 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무에 대한 중요도와 실행도는 어떠한가? 셋째, 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무 중요도와 실행도의 차이(조정요구도)는 어떠한가? 이러한 연구 문제를 해결하기 위하여, 먼저 선행 연구 및 문헌 조사를 통해 교육정보화의 역사와 교육정보부의 역할과 직무의 범위를 명료화하고, 초등학교 직무의 세부업무를 추출하여 중요도와 실행도 값의 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 홍은경(2002)의 업무 목록과 문대영, 조동헌(2007)의 직무 명세서를 참고하여 설문지를 작성하고, 이것을 토대로 교육정보부장 10명으로 구성된 만든 기초 설문을 통해 초등학교 교육정보부의 5개의 영역과 그 하위로서 18개의 직무내용 및 31개의 세부업무로 된 직무 목록을 추출하였다. 대전광역시교육청 소속 초등학교 147명을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하였으며, 그 중 63명의 응답을 IPA 방법에 의한 분석과 31가지 세부업무에 대한 중요도, 실행도를 알아보고 평균값에서 얼마나 분산되어 있는지 중요도와 실행도의 값을 비교하여 4사분면 그래프에 나타내고, t검정으로 유의미한 차이가 있는지 알아보았다. 그 결과 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무의 실태를 조사하고, 초등학교 교육정보부 직무에 대한 중요도와 실행도의 분석 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교육정보부의 직무의 범위는 5개의 영역과 18개의 직무내용과, 31개의 세부업무로 나누어지며, 그 내용은 다음과 같다. 교육정보부의 직무는 ‘정보기획 및 정보’와 ‘정보 인프라’, ‘정보행정지원’, ‘학생교육지원’, ‘교사연수지원’으로 구분해 볼 수 있다. 그 하위 요소는 ‘교육정보부 운영’, ‘정보보안’, ‘개인정보보호’의 정보기획 및 정보보안 영역이 있으며, ‘학내망 운영’, ‘선진화기기’, ‘장비유지보수’, ‘CCTV’, ‘소프트웨어 관리’, ‘민간참여 컴퓨터실 운영’에 해당하는 정보 인프라 영역이 있다. ‘나이스 업무’, ‘학교홈페이지’, ‘정보화지원업무’, ‘정보공시’에 해당하는 정보 행정 영역과 ‘ICT 교육’, ‘스마트교육’, ‘학생 정보화대회’에 관한 학생교육 지원 영역이 있으며, 마지막으로‘교사 연수’와 ‘전문성개발’의 교사지원 영역이 있다. 둘째, 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무 중요도와 실행도를 알아보기 위해 영역별, 세부업무별로 나누어 4사분면에 배치하였더니 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. ‘정보기획 및 보안’ 영역은 1사분면 지속유지에 속하며, ‘인프라 관리’ 및 ‘행정지원’은 과잉 노력 지양으로 나타났으며, ‘학생교육지원’과 ‘교사연수지원’ 은 우선순위 낮음으로 중요도와 실행도가 모두 낮은 영역에 속해 있었다. 교육정보부의 직무와 그 역할은 학교 교육과정을 실현하는 교육 본연의 역할보다는 행정 지원으로서의 역할이 더욱 많은 비중을 차지하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 셋째, 초등학교 교육정보화의 성공적 수행을 위한 직무 범위와 내용을 제안하기 위해서 초등학교 교육정보부장이 인식하는 중요도를 한 축으로 하고, 실행도를 다른 한 축으로 하여 실시한 매트릭스 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 1) ‘교육정보부 운영’, ‘정보보안’, ‘개인정보보호’, ‘나이스 업무’, 정보공시‘, ’스마트교육‘, 교사연수’ 분야는 교육정보부 직무로서 지속적으로 강조해야 한다. 2) ‘선지화기기 관리 및 정보화 사업’, ‘정보화 지원’과 관련된 업무는 교육정보부로서 과잉 노력을 지양해야 하는 부분이다. 3) ‘CCTV 운영’, ‘민간참여 컴퓨터운영’, ‘학생 정보화 대회’, ‘학내망 관리’, ‘전문성 개발’ 항목은 교육정보부 직무에서 우선순위가 낮은 항목으로 볼 수 있으며, 향후 조정이 필요한 직무이다. 4) ‘ICT 활용 및 사이버 교육’, ‘스마트교육 및 디지털교과서 관련 업무 수행하기’, ‘최신 동향 파악 및 전달하기’, ‘정보화 전문가 연수 참여하기’에 대한 영역은 앞으로 집중 노력과 개선해 나가야 하는 항목이라고 볼 수 있다. 이상의 연구 결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 초등학교 교육정보부의 직무의 역할을 행정 지원의 역할에서 교육과정 지원의 역할로 옮겨가야 한다. 둘째, 교육부의 교육정보화에 대한 이해를 돕기 위한 교육청과 학교 내부에서 협의를 통해 현실적인 교육정보부 직무를 현실에 맞게 조정해야 한다. 셋째, 교육정보화의 실현을 위한 전문성을 가진 교사 양성 연수 개발과 교사들의 적극적인 참여가 있어야 한다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the job performance of The Educational Information Department (EID) in elementary schools, and to provide clarity of the EID’s role in elementary school curriculum management and efficient job performance, which is deemed meaningful by the head of the EID. The issues encountered during analysis are as follows. Firstly, a deeper look into the actual working conditions of the EID in elementary schools must be assessed. Secondly, the importance and performance of the individual jobs in the EID must be concluded. Lastly, the difference between the importance of and performance of the EID in elementary schools should be looked at. To answer these questions, the history of the EID must be known, as well as the role and scope of the EID through preceding research and literature research, and on the difference between the importance and performance value by extracting specific tasks of elementary school works. To achieve the purpose, a questionnaire was conducted with reference to a task list by Hong Eun-kyoung(2002) and a job statement by Moon Dae-young and Cho Dong-hyun(2007). Based on this questionnaire 10 executives of the EID created a basic survey, and through it, developed a job model that is composed of 5 categories of the EID in elementary schools, and which includes 18 job contents and 31 specific tasks. The survey was carried out, targeting 147 elementary school teachers of the education office. The response of 63 teachers, which followed the IPA method, were displayed on the 4 distinct quadrants graph. This graph compares the importance and performance, translating it into a valueshowing how much is dispersed. A t-test was also utilized to look into their meaningful difference. The survey of actual job condition and the analysis result of the importance and performance about the job of EID in elementary schools is as follows. First, the scope of job in the EID is divided into 5 domains, 18 job specifications, and 31 specific tasks, and the content is as follows. The jobsof the EID can be classified into these groups: 'information planning and information', 'information infrastructure', 'information administration support', 'student education support', and 'teacher training support'. The subdivisions deal with information planning and security such as 'educational information department management', 'information security', and 'personal information protection'. The Information infrastructure sector corresponds to 'intra-school network management', 'advanced equipment', 'maintenance and repair of equipment', 'CCTV management', 'software management', 'private sector computer classroom management' The information administration sector corresponds to 'NEIS task', 'school website', 'information support task', and 'public announcement information'. The “student education support” sector is related to 'ICT education', 'smart education', and 'Student information and Engineering Fair'. Lastly, the teacher support sector includes 'teacher training' and 'professional development'. Second, to find out the importance and performance of the EID in elementary schools, 4 parts were assigned in 4 distinct quadrants by sections and specific tasks. The following results were concluded: 'Information planning and security' makes up the sustaining, 1 quadrant, 'infrastructure management' and 'administration support' are shown as superfluous effort sublation, and ‘student education support’ and ‘teacher training support’ makes up the portion that has low importance and performance with low priority. The job and role of the EID takes on a greater role in administrative support than education's natural role in the school curriculum. Third, in order to suggest job scope and contents for successful performance of the EID in elementary schools, a matrix that has importance-axis and performance-axis analysis was carried out. The analysis result areas follows. 1) 'educational information department management', 'information security', 'personal information protection', 'NEIS task', 'information public announcement', 'smart education', and 'teacher training' sectors should be emphasized consistently. 2) In the areas of 'advanced equipment management and information-oriented business' and 'information support', superfluous efforts should be sublated within the educational information department. 3) 'CCTV management', 'private participation computer management', 'students information competition', 'intra-school network management', and 'professional development' sectors are considered low priority items in The Educational Information Department, and adjustment is needed in the future. 4) 'Use ICT and cyber education', 'smart education and performing tasks related digital textbook', 'understanding and delivery of recent trend', and 'participation in information expert training' sectors should be improved going forward. Based on the research results it was concluded that: First, the role of The Educational Information Department in elementary schools should be turned to the curriculum support role from the administrative support role. Second, the job of The Educational Information Department should be adjusted realistically through discussion in the Ministry of Education and intra-school to help comprehension about educational information. Third, development of teacher training and active teacher participation should be encouraged in order to realize the educational information.

      • 교수·학습자료 사용 실태에 기반한 교과서 정책평가 연구

        방인자 忠南大學校 大學院 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        Textbooks serve as an important teaching and learning material. It also determines the direction and the quality of the study. For this, the Ministry of Education has aimed a textbook policy of supplying quality textbooks to both teachers and students. However, students' dependence on supplementary learning materials is very high, and it is difficult to establish an effective learning environment without supplementary materials in the Korean education system. Existing researches on textbook policy have mainly studied the problems and improvement of textbook policy. In particular, research institutes have only focused on the development of quality textbooks and supply. However, in order to make better textbooks, the textbook policy needs to be considered and then it should be reviewed in terms of how textbooks are used in a practical way. More specifically, policy evaluation has to even analyze the unintentional effect of the policy in order to prevent wasting of a limited resource. This study evaluates textbook policy by analyzing the usages and effects of teaching and learning materials. This was especially done to shed light on equality of educational opportunity. In order to measure the effect of teaching and learning materials and their relationship with one another, teaching and learning materials were examined through using data analysis from the Seoul Education Longitudinal Study. The results of the study are as follows: First, textbook regulations and policy severely restrict the materials available in schools. These textbooks were developed as part of a low-cost policy and consisted of summarized content that stimulated demand and the necessity of utilizing supplementary learning materials. In the early days of the public education system settlement, the low cost textbook policy provided educational opportunities and ensured a minimum standard for the curriculum in the poor economic conditions, but textbook policy could not effectively cope with students' need. Educational needs of the students resulted in a high dependence of supplementary learning materials. This was due to the role of textbooks in terms of learning outcomes, not being considered. In other words, despite the textbook policy which aimed to supply good quality textbooks, the policy caused an undesired phenomenon. The operating principle of the Korean Education Act and the Constitution was to present equal educational opportunities. Therefore the purchasing cost of supplementary learning materials is unequitable and contradicts the principle the act. Second, the percentage of teachers using only textbooks in class is very low, whereas the frequency of using supplementary teaching and learning materials is higher. Also, the purchasing cost of supplementary learning materials is high and students frequently use them. Both teachers and students often use supplementary learning materials, and there are differences between the purchasing cost of the materials in relation to income. These results suggest that the supplementary learning materials can cause an increase in the educational gap. Third, the purchasing cost EBS books for English, mathematics and Korean achievement were proven statistically significant through multiple regression analysis and variables are statistically significant and have positive effect. In particular, the purchasing cost of EBS books is a highly influential variable except for the individual learning time variable in the case of English and Korean academic achievement. Also, the purchasing cost of EBS books has direct and indirect effects on academic achievement. In other words, the purchasing cost of supplementary materials exacerbates the educational gap factor by influencing on academic achievement.

      • 전문계고등학교 학생의 직업선호에 미치는 직업기초능력의 영향 연구

        김대영 충남대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        직업기초능력이 직무를 수행하는 능력의 기초를 이루기도 하지만 오늘날과 같이 변화가 심하고 발전이 빠른 직업세계에서 직업생활을 영위하는 능력의 핵심이 되고 있다. 또한 학생들의 직업 선택이 자신의 바램 보다는 환경적인 요인에 의해서 강요받게 되는 경우가 종종 있다. 그런 인식하에, 이 연구는 전문계 고등학생의 직업기초능력을 조사하고 직업선호 경향을 파악하여 영역별 직업기초능력 수준이 직업선호도에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 연구하여 진로지도에 보다 실질적인 시사점을 제공하고자 하였다. 이 연구결과를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 전문계고등학교 학생의 직업기초능력 실태는 집중능력이 높고, 언어능력이 매우 낮게 나타났다. 둘째, 기술전문가, 예체능에 대한 직업선호 경향이 매우 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 직업을 선호하는 이유가 적성과 흥미를 찾아 선호하는 것은 바람직한 것이다. 그러나 아직 사회현상이나 자신의 능력과 타협하지 않은 결과를 반영한 것으로 판단된다. 넷째, 직업기초능력 수준으로부터 학생의 선호하는 직업을 예측하기 위해 회귀식을 유도하였다. 이것은 비록 설명력이 낮지만 통계적으로 유의하였다. 다섯째, 영역별 직업기초능력이 직업선호도에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 그 결과 과학영역이 집단을 판별하는데 가장 큰 기여를 하였다. 이 연구결과를 토대로 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 전문계 고등학생을 위해서 다각적이고 심층적인 진로지도와 진로상담이 절실히 요구되고 있는 실정에서 우리나라에 고등학생을 대상으로 하는 직업기초능력 측정도구를 개발해야 한다. 둘째, 전문계고등학교 직업기초능력 중 언어능력 평균은 30.99로 유독 낮아 언어관련 교육과정에 직업기초능력 중 언어능력을 강화해야 한다. 셋째, 이번 연구에 반영한 직업기초능력은 5개 영역이었다. 그러나 직업기초능력에 대하여 정철영이 분류한 것만 하여도 의사소통능력, 수리능력, 문제해결능력, 자기관리 및 개발능력, 자원활용능력, 대인관계능력, 정보능력, 기술능력, 조직이해능력으로 9개 요소로 분류하고 있다. 따라서 9개 이상의 직업기초능력 영역을 모두 연구에 적용하면 보다 높은 정확도를 보일 것으로 기대한다.

      • 교원이 인식하는 잡무가 교육활동에 미치는 영향

        정선철 충남대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        본 연구는 교사들에게 주어진 업무들 중에서 잡무라고 인식하는 업무들과 교사들이 수행하는 교육활동과의 상관관계를 규명해보고, 교수학습활동에 보다 많은 시간과 노력을 투자하는 교육여건을 조성함으로써 교육활동의 질을 높여 교육력의 향상을 꾀 할 수 있는 환경의 조성에 자료를 제시하며 도움을 주고자 하는 데 목적이 있다. 이와 같은 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여 연구 문제를 다음과 같이 설정하였다. 첫째, 학교에서 교사들에게 주어진 업무 중에서 교사들이 인식하는 잡무는 어떤 것들이 있는가? 둘째, 교사들이 인식하는 잡무 처리 실태는 어떠한가? 셋째, 교사들이 인식하는 잡무로 인해 수업 등 교육활동에 미치는 영향은 어느 정도인가? 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 자료 분석(선행연구, 서적, 신문 등)과, 설문지를 이용한 조사연구를 하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 설문지는 교원의 배경변인 7문항, 교원의 잡무에 대한 인식과 인식되어지는 잡무로 인해 교사들의 수업 등 교육활동에 미치는 영향 26문항, 교사의 잡무처리실태 4문항 등 총 37문항으로 구성되었으며 박정아(1997), 이강일(1998), 안준성(2003) 등의 선행연구에서 사용한 설문지를 본 연구의 목적에 적합하게 수정 및 보완하여 사용하였다. 본연구의 대상은 경기도 성남시, 수원시, 용인시에 소재한 초․ 중․고등 학교를 단순무선 표집하고, 근무교사 300명을 대상으로 하여 실시하였으며 자료의 처리는 회수된 설문지를 SPSS 프로그램을 활용하여 각 문항별 빈도와 백분율을 산출하고, χ²검증, 회귀분석 등의 과정을 거쳤다. 연구에 의하여 밝혀진 주요 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 교사들이 교수․학습 활동 이외에 행하는 업무들 중에서 잡무라고 인식하는 업무요인들을 4개의 영역으로 구분하고 다시 20개의 하위요인으로 분류하여 조사․분석한 결과, 교사들이 잡무라고 인식하는 업무들은 금전관련 독려 및 수집관리, 전시위주의 환경관리, 공문서처리2(보고공문이외의 공문), 각종 행정업무, 대외협조 업무, 시책에 의한 사회교육 운영, 장부처리, 공문서처리1(보고공문), 장학지도 대비활동, 수업 중 행사 및 회의참석 의 업무들로 나타났다. 이것은 20개의 하위요인 중에서 교사의 잡무인식 응답률이 높은 10개의 업무들을 나열하여 제시한 것이다. 특히 ‘금전관련 독려 및 수집관리’ 는 92.7% 의 잡무인식 응답률을 보여교사들이 잡무로 가장 높게 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 교사들의 잡무 인식률이 낮은 업무내용 들을 살펴보면 특별지도(각종 청소년단체), 교외단속 업무, 공개시범․연구학교 참관, 학급 경영록 작성, 가정 방문, 각종검사, 직원연수, 교내행사지도, 안전지도, 진로지도의 순으로 잡무인식률이 낮은 10개의 업무들을 볼 수 있다. 이러한 업무들은 교사들이 본연의 업무로 인식하고 있는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 둘째, 교사들이 인식하는 잡무들의 처리시기를 살펴보면 수업이외의 근무시간에, 퇴근시간이후), 휴식․점심시간에, 수업시간에, 별도로 지정한 일자에 모아서 의 순으로 처리하고 있는 것으로 응답하였으며, 개인배경 변인별로 살펴보면 교사의 직위, 교직경력, 학교규모에 따라서 잡무 처리 시기가 유의수준 0.05에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교사들이 인식하는 잡무처리시간은 교사들의 하루 일과 중에서 2~3시간미만, 1~2시간미만, 3~4시간미만, 4시간이상, 1시간미만의순으로 나타났으며, 교사들의 개인적 배경에 따라서 잡무 처리 시간이 유의수준 0.05에서는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 교사들의 수업시간에 잡무를 처리한 경험정도를 묻는 질문조사는 가끔 있다, 아주 가끔 있다, 자주 있다, 매우 자주 있다, 전혀 없다 의 순으로 나타났으며, 교사들의 개인적 배경에서 학교급별, 성별, 담임여부에 따라서 수업시간에 잡무 처리 경험 정도는 유의수준 0.05에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 교사 들이 인식하는 잡무업무의 양 은 많은 편이다, 매우 많다, 보통이다, 적은편이다 의순으로 잡무를 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 개인배경변인 별로 살펴보면 학교 급 별, 교직경력에 따라서 잡무 업무의 양은 유의수준 0.05에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 교사들이 인식하는 잡무가 수업 등 교육활동에 미치는 영향에 관한 질문조사에서 수업 중 행사 및 회의 참석, 가정 방문업무가 교사들의 교재 연구 시간에, 공문서처리1(보고공문), 가정 방문, 금전관련 독려 및 수집관리가 교사들의 교과 학습 지도에, 공문서처리1(보고공문), 각종 행정업무, 수업 중 행사 및 회의 참석, 특별지도, 가정 방문, 금전관련 독려 및 수집관리 업무가 교사들의 학습 부진아 지도에 유의수준 0.05에서 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 공문서처리2(보고공문 이외의 공문), 대외협조 업무, 가정 방문업무가 교사들의 학습 생활지도에 공문서처리2(보고공문 이외의 공문), 수업 중 행사 및 회의 참석, 대외협조 업무, 시책에 의한 사회교육 운영, 가정 방문 업무가 교사들의 학생상담활동 시간에, 수업 중 행사 및 회의 참석, 대외협조 업무, 가정 방문, 각종 교내행사지도 업무가 교사들의 개인 연수시간에 유의수준 0.05에서 통계적으로 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. Schools need specialized teachers who can satisfy the social needs for the fast modern society and enhance the quality of education. For this reason teachers should focus on their main duty which includes teaching and studying. However, in order to deal with teachers' main job effectively the real condition of schools is poor for teachers to spend their time and effort on their main job, teaching and studying. Most teachers have thought main cause of this situation is the extra school work which teachers recognize. The purpose of this study is to investigate the interrelation between the extra school work and main job and to help to make better education environment by offering proper research result. Education activity is classified by the factors which are researching texts, instructing curriculums, teaching students who poorly perform their studying, checking students' lives, counselling students and parents, and individual research. In order to accomplish the purpose of the study, questionnaires were used. The results were as follows. First, It was shown that some of school work done by teachers was regarded as extra work, and also there is work which is not regarded as extra work, even though it is not the work associated with teachers main task. Especially, teachers answered that collecting and managing students' money, meaningless school design for exhibition, dealing with official documents and administration tasks, cooperation tasks with the other organizations pointed as the extra school work which has affected teachers' main job badly. but the work related with tests, self-enrichment, school events for students, safety education, counselling, special guidance of students, recording class tasks, having and participating open class are not regarded as the extra school work. Teachers did not recognize that the work related with students and teachers themselves was the extra school work. Second, after the class, most teachers dealt with the extra school work. it took 2hours to 3hours for the teachers to accomplish it. A few teachers reported that they sometimes dealt with the extra school work in their class. Most teachers noted that the amount of the extra school work was too much and the extra school work became the factor which can discourage whole teacher education activity. However, it is noticed that a few teachers positively answer about dealing the extra work during the class. Third, some tasks not regarded as the extra school work also affect teachers' main job. Most teachers have thought that collecting and managing students' money, meaningless school design for exhibition, dealing with official documents and administration tasks, cooperation tasks with the other organizations affect badly the whole education activities. But a few teachers have thought visiting students' home, preparing school events can also affect badly too. Therefore, in order to make more effective school circumstance, the tasks which are recognized as the extra school work should be reduced.

      • 교육행정정보시스템(NEIS)의 비용편익분석 : 교무업무시스템을 중심으로

        김수구 충남대학교 대학원 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        The purpose of this study was to measure the result and efficiency of the NEIS(National Education Information Service) Academic Affairs System which was reestablished in 2006, using the Cost Benefit Analysis. This study analyzed 10 School Affairs segments, 3 Admission segments, and 5 Health segments from elementary, middle and high schools. The analysis period was between 2005 and 2014. The expenses for BPR/ISP, system establishment, supplementary system establishment and labor costs, operating costs, maintenance costs, and operating costs for model schools were chosen as cost elements. The benefit factors gained from the NEIS Academic Affairs System were system logging time, the time required for individual affairs of each school, workload, and the effectiveness of furnishing college-entrance process data. The calculated total expenses were 546 billion won, and the highest cost in the total expenses were expected to be 92.3 billion won, which will be invested in 2010 if the endurance period of equipments with systemic material basis were 5 years. And the highest expected expense factor in 10 years was study and training costs(179.3 billion won), followed by operating costs(167.4 billion won), system development costs(87 billion won), labor costs(35.7 billion won), and extension server costs(33.3 billion won). The data related to the time consumption for getting each work done before and after the introduction of the NEIS Academic Affairs System was compiled through surveys of elementary, middle and high school teachers across the country. The advantages in college-entrance process data were collected through Korea Education & Research Information Service, Statistical Yearbook of Education, home pages of each university, etc. The calculated total benefit for a year is expected to be 753.6 billion won. Applying 10% discount rate and 10 years of analysis period to the calculated total expenses and the total benefits, the expenses were calculated at 366.5 billion won and the benefit was calculated at 36.6 trillion won. To analyze economical effectiveness, economic validity, and investment validity about the NEIS Academic Affairs System which all elementary, middle and high schools have used since 2006, Benefit-Cost Ration, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Discount Rate Vulnerability which were the evaluative criterion for the benefit-cost were calculated. The results of the calculation were as follows. The Rate of Expense and Benefit was 9.97, the Net Present Worth was 3.3 trillion won, and the Internal Rate of Return was 298%. The results obtained from this study on the NEIS Academic Affairs System's economic effectiveness and investment validity were as follows; First, the fact that Benefit-Cost Ration was 9.97 means that the NEIS Academic Affairs System which computerized School Affairs, Admission, and Health segments was very economically effective in dealing with school affairs. Second, Net Present Value can be regarded as a Net Profit in the NEIS Academic Affairs System. Therefore, calculated Net Present Value 3.3 trillion won by Benefit-Cost Ration of the NEIS Academic Affairs System represents 328 billion won per year. It means the benefit of 30 million won on a school basis, 2.5 million won on a monthly basis, 105,000 won on a daily basis. Third, Internal Rate of Return 298% was much larger than Discount Rate 10%, so it was worth investing in the NEIS Academic Affairs System continually from a long-term investment perspective. Fourth, when the Discount Rate changed from 8% to 15%, Benefit-Cost Ration changed from 8%(10.19) to 15% (9.44) and Internal Rate of Return changed from 8% (2.62 trillion won) to 15% (2.63 trillion won) as the Discount Rate changed. It means that the NEIS Academic Affairs System was high in economic efficiency and profitability, which proves that the NEIS Academic Affairs System has a high investment validity. It was concluded from the results that the NEIS Academic Affairs System which computerized School Affairs, Admission, and Health segments is an invest-worthy National Education Information System with its high economic effectiveness and profitability from a long-term investment perspective.

      • 2012년 학교폭력 대응체계 구축 후 교사의 학교폭력 해결 경험 분석

        이정도 충남대학교 교육대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        학교현장의 학교폭력 사건이 심각해지고 확대됨에 따라 학생 뿐 아니라 학교 공동체 구성원들이 겪는 피해가 커지고 있다. 이에 정부는 학교폭력종합근절대책을 발표하고 2012년 3월「학교폭력 예방 및 대책에 관한 법률」(이하 학교폭력예방법)중 상당히 많은 부분을 개정하여 학교에 도입하였으며 일선 학교에는 학교폭력 대응체계가 구축되었다. 이에 연구자는 개정된 법률이 학교에 도입된 후 발생한 학교폭력 당사자들의 사례를 살펴보고, 개정 내용의 타당성과 이를 보완하기 위해 만들어진 제도적 장치에 대한 교사의 경험을 분석하고자 한다. 따라서 이 연구를 통해 2012년 학교폭력 대응체계가 학교에 도입된 후 학교폭력 해결에 관한 교사의 경험을 사례연구로 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위해 다음과 같은 연구 문제를 설정하였다. 첫째, 2012년 학교폭력 대응체계 구축 후 학교폭력 예방 및 해결과정에서 교사들은 어떤 경험을 하였는가? 둘째, 교사들이 생각하는 2012년 학교폭력 대응체계의 문제점과 개선방향은 무엇인가? 그리고 이를 바탕으로 다음과 같이 연구를 수행하였다. 연구 문제의 답을 얻기 위해 현장에서 학교폭력 해결을 위해 노력하고 있는 교사들의 경험을 분석하여 사례연구를 수행하였다. 학교폭력 대응체계의 구축 시점을 기준으로 2012년 이전 A중학교의 학교폭력 예방과 해결과정을 먼저 살펴보고 학교폭력 대응체계 구축 후 학교폭력 예방과 해결과정을 교사들의 심층면담을 통해 비교하여 분석하였다. 기존의 학교폭력 해결방법이 교사의 중재나 당사자 간의 합의를 통해 주로 이루어졌다면, 학교폭력 대응체계 구축 이 후에는 작은 사건도 신고대장에 학교폭력을 접수 한 후 학교폭력대책자치위원회라는 절차를 통해 문제를 해결하도록 하였다. 이에 교사들은 학교폭력 해결을 위해 만든 제도적 장치의 효과와 문제를 경험하고 있었으며, 학교폭력 대응체계의 개선방향도 제시하였다. 이를 통해 다음과 같은 연구의 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 2012년 학교폭력예방법 개정으로 학교 현장에 학교폭력 대응체계가 구축되어 학교폭력 예방에 효과가 있었으며, 학교폭력을 체계적으로 처리 할 수 있게 되었다. 둘째, 학교폭력 해결을 위해 행정절차가 복잡해지고 선도보다는 법률적 원칙이 강조되면서 학교가 행정적・사법적 역할에만 머물러 교육기관으로서의 역할 기능이 많이 사라졌다는 지적이 있다. 셋째, 학교폭력 대응체계의 구축으로 학교폭력 발생 시 문제를 보다 전문적으로 해결할 수 있지만 업무량이 너무 많다 보니 담당교사들이 스트레스를 받았으며, 학교폭력을 신속하게 해결하는 데도 어려움이 있다. 넷째, 가・피해학생에 대한 교육프로그램의 획일성으로 인해 교육적 효과의 저하와 학교폭력이 재발될 수 있는 문제가 있다. Not only for students, School bullying and Violence become a serious issue for every member of our society. In response, the government makes a particle amendment in the Act on the Prevention and Countermeasures against Violence in Schools as a countermeasure. Since then, every school made their own school violence coping system 2012. This thesis looks on the cases of school violence and interviews with teachers about their thoughts in the validity of the amendment and the coping system. The main subjects are as follows. First, what were the responses of the teachers who had dealt with bullies and victims on the amendment and the coping system? Second, what were the indicated problems and suggestions of school violence coping system 2012 teachers pointed out? This thesis contains analyzed interviews with teachers who had dealt with school violence. This case study compares the effects of dealing school violence before the amendment and coping system to ones in after. Before the coping system, it was customary for teachers to make bully and victim friends again. But after the system, teachers solve those cases with the school violence committee according to the new procedures even if it is a small and slight problem. So, with these experiences, teachers see this coping system’s effects and side effects, further suggest few improvements. Answers to the main subjects above are as follows. First, there were obvious benefits in prevention against school violence with the amendment in the law and teachers can handle school violence systematically. Second, some point out that school lost the little bit of educational obligation. Because, with this system, teachers should follow the procedures which is more focus on law rather than counseling and guidance. Third, with those heavy paper works, many teachers were under the constant stress. Also, It takes too much time to solve the case. Last, those procedures are for every bully and victim so can’t respect specific needs. As a result, it could bring a lowering effectiveness and a recurrence of violence.

      • 대학생의 학업중단 요인 분석

        김용남 충남대학교 대학원 2009 국내박사

        RANK : 247599

        1. The purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to find out the personality, institutional characteristic, and university experience factors that influence students' dropping out and effects that they exert on the dropout. The specific questions of the study were as follow : 1) Does dropping out vary according to the personality, institutional characteristic, and university experience factors 2) Does university experience factors vary according to personal or institutional factors? 3) How do personal, institutional, or university experience factors affect the dropout? 2. The Methods of the study The data were collected from the students who are seniors at university now. Universities in Korea were divided into four according to their regions, and 50 questionnaires were allocated to 14 universities in each region. 620 questionnaires were recovered and 608 questionnaires were actually analyzed among a total of 700 questionnaires. The survey method used in the study is the Institutional Integration Scale that was developed by Pascarella와 Terenzini(1980) and applied by 김수연(2006), 김재웅(1991), 이병식(2003), Mannan(2007), Tinto(1983), which was reconstructed to suitable for our universities' circumstances. Each question was based on a 5-point-scale and the content, reliability, and validity of the questionnaire were presented. The data were analyzed by SPSS 14.0. To be more specific, to find out whether dropping out varies according to personal, institutional, or university experiential factors, Anova, t-teat was utilized and to find out how they affect, logistic regression analysis was used. 3. The results of the study First, it was found that in relation to personality factors, more male students have a plan stop out a year off or drop out than female ones, and that in the field of study, there are more students in business or economics majors who have the plan to stop out, but there was no such meaningful difference in the number of students who have a plan to drop out. Second, those who plan to stop out show low commitment to the university and academical ambition, and those who plan to drop out are found to have low expectations and commitment to the university. From the observation that those students who plan to stop out or drop out show less commitment to the university, it can be inferred that it is necessary for universities to provide programs to boost students' commitment. Thirdly, in relation to institutional characteristic factors, though the rates of stop out among students who attend national universities are low, there was no such meaningful difference in the number of students who have a plan to stop out or drop out. In relation to the location of universities, it is found that those who attend universities in Seoul and its vicinity show high rates of stop out or planing to stop out, whereas those who attend in regions show higher rates of a plan to drop out. Fourthly, stop out shows differences according to the university experience. Those students who keep on studying have better relationships with colleague students than those who stop out. And those who have a plan to stop out show low learning abilities. Those who do have a plan to drop out receive high grades in the last semester, are satisfied with the curriculum, interactions with professors, and extra-curricular activities. Fifthly, it seems that the university experience is differently perceived according to students' personality. In relation to the institutional factors, generally public universities, ones in Seoul and its vicinity, and highly-selective ones show higher perception than those that are not. Sixthly, the personal factors that affect stop out are grades, academic ambition, the ones that influence the plan to take off are genders, perception about jobs, and commitment to the university. It appears that the low commitment to the university influences the plan to drop out negatively as well as the plan to stop out. The lower the commitment to the university, the more likely to drop out. Seventhly, among the institutional properties, the type of university foundations, the location of universities and the rates of having jobs, the rates of scholarship, average tuition fees are found to have a meaningful influence on stop out. The location and selectivity of universities have a meaningful influence on dropping out. Eighth, The better the relationships among students, the more likely to keep on studying rather than stop out. The higher the ability to learn, the lower the possibility to plan tostop out. One negative factor that influence a plant to drop out is satisfaction from extra-curricular activities. The more satisfied with them, the less possibility to plan to drop out. Finally, the personality, institutional characteristic, and university experience are put to extract the factors that affect dropping out, stop out, a plan to stop out, and a plan to drop out as dependent variables. In the case of stop out, the grade(year) and the relationship with students reduce the stop out, whereas academic ambition increases the stop out. In the case of a plan to drop out, male students and freshmen are more likely to plan a dropping out than females and seniors. Commitment to the university, satisfaction with the curriculum, interactions with professors are found to reduce the possibility of dropping out. 3. The results of the study It is found that a student's personality, a university's property, and the degree of academic and social integrations through experience at university have an influence on a student' dropping out. For universities to reduce the dropping out, they should grasp the rates of dropouts and seek programs to enhance the academic and social integrations based on the finds.

      • 在韓 중국유학생의 유학동기와 대학 선택요인에 관한 연구

        장암 충남대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247599

        이 연구에서는 재한 중국인 유학생의 유학동기와 대학 선택요인에 대해 살펴보았다. 구체적으로 중국인유학생의 유학 선택 동기, 유학에 관한 중국의 배출요인, 한국 및 한국 특정 대학을 선택하는 요인으로 구분하였다. 연구문제 해결을 위하여, 일반적인 유학동기, 유학에 관한 중국의 배출요인, 한국유학 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인, 특정 대학 선택요인에 대하여 살펴보았다. 연구의 결과, 중국인유학생들의 한국유학 동기에 따라 한국 특정 대학을 선택한 요인에서 차이가 나타났다. In the twenty-first century with the development of globalization and fierce competition, domestic universities are also moving towards internationalization. To enhance international competitiveness and overcome financial crisis, universities in Korea have been going to the extra mile to attract more foreign students, especially Chinese students. The number of foreign students enrolled in degree program in South Korea underwent an explosive rise from 12,314 in 2003 to roughly 89,537 in 2011. Meanwhile, students from China have emerged as the largest foreign consumers of South Korean higher education, accounting for fully 66.2% of all foreign students in the country. This study aims to find out the motivations for studying abroad, the factors influencing the selection of South Korean universities by Chinese Students. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the following are the concrete processes used to carry out the research. First, what is the motivations for choosing to study abroad of the Chinese students? Second, what is the push factors for Chinese students when they decided to study abroad? Third, what is the factors of Chinese students who chose Korea and its specific universities for studying abroad? This study made an integrated research model to work on these issues based on "Push-Pull" model by Sirowy & Inkeles. Surveys were also carried out with Chinese students in Korea and total 393 copies were used in this study. The research adopt SPSS package for various statistical analyzes. Followings are the results of this study based on the analysis. First, depending on the background factors of each students, there were significant differences in what the motivations for choosing to study abroad of the Chinese students. In tote, the general motivations for choosing to study abroad is more important than the education motivations. Applying for jobs in the future is one of the biggest determination factor of choosing to study abroad for the students of National Universities. To take a degree or improve interpersonal skills is one of the biggest determination factor of choosing to study abroad for the students of Private Universities. Second, serious competition in the college entrance examination is the biggest determination factor of choosing to study abroad for the Chinese students. The results showed push factors didn't have the larger influence than pull factors on the choice of study abroad as the Chinese students. Third, depending on the background factors of each students, there were significant differences in why the Chinese students chose korea. The results showed Chinese students think advantage of Korea's geographical location is the most positive factor of choice. Also career opportunities, on the Korean cultural interest, and meaningful factors have influence on the choice of South Korea as the Chinese students. Fourth, The results showed easy admission to the universities was one of the biggest determination factor of choosing a particular South Korean university for the Chinese students of Private Universities. And for the Chinese students of National Universities, significant effect for the education level, the reputation of the university, the impression of university and university recognition. The results suggest that continued success in measures to attract foreign students will require ongoing attention to the reasons that influence foreign students's selection and the factors behind their selection of South Korea and its universities, and so strengthen international competitiveness of Korea and domestic universities the policy and strategy to attract foreign students should be improved based on the results.

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