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      • 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 교육 연구 : 조선족 학습자를 중심으로

        김미선 서울대학교 대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        This study aims to educate ethnic Korean learners to facilitate inner change and development by understanding the other and exploring the inner side of themselves. Reading poetry is to face a different kind of the other, and to discover oneself in a relationship with the other. Learners can shape their own experience in mutual communication with the other, and facilitate new self-understanding by comparing and evaluating themselves with others. At this moment, not only the meaning of the object will be different depending on how the learners experience and recognize the object, but also the value and direction of the learners’ life will be different. Therefore, this study aims to design reflective understanding education in Korean modern poetry based on the concept of ‘reflective understanding’ of learners who grasp the object in the course of poetry comprehension, realize the true meaning of it, understand themselves, and facilitate inner growth. In this study, ‘Self-reflection poetry’ is selected as a specific medium to communicate with learners. “Self-reflection poetry” is a work representing the inner story of a poet, which well embodies the poet's life and reflective attitude toward life. In particular, the fact that reflections in the "self-reflection poetry" text and learners’ reflections through the poetry text are homology. is effective at drawing the learners’ reflective understanding. From this point of view, this study categorized aspects of the reflective understanding of ethnic Korean learners about self-reflection poetry, and suggested principles of the reflective understanding of Korean modern poetry as 'recognition of the other as an object of comprehension,’ ‘reorganization of multiple experiences through engagement’ and ‘self-identification through communication.’ The aspect of reflective understanding of Korean modern poetry was categorized as follows through the analysis of ethnic Korean learners’ poetry report. First of all, in the course of ‘recognition of the other as an object of comprehension,’ learners used the inner information of poetry text or their own background knowledge to recognize the other. Next, in the course of ‘redefinition multiple experiences through negotiation,’ learners actively sought to explore factors within their experience range that could be common denominators with others, and showed themselves redefinding their multiple experiences by awareness of a problem or sociocultural factors of poetry text. Finally, in ‘meta self-reflection through communication,’ it was possible to identify aspects as learners objectify themselves by comparing with other, or reflection in poetry text was transferred to learners and reorganize their identity by self-referral. Based on these aspects of ethnic Korean learners, deterrent factors and facilitating factors revealed in reflective understanding of Korean modern poetry was analyzed. The deterrent factors of reflective understanding are the fixation of thought, limitation of experience, and conventionalized reflection. Then, the facilitating factor is self-referral through interaction with fellow learners. Based on the possibilities and implications identified in the analysis of the aspects of reflective understanding of Korean modern poetry by ethnic Korean learners, the goals, contents and methods of reflective understanding education of Korean modern poetry were devised. As the contents of the education, recognition of the other as a subject, empathic understanding through reference of multiple experiences, and identity formation through self-reflection were proposed. The teaching methods to achieve these education goals were to provide question for the activation of multiple experience contexts, autobiographical writing for the embodiment of communication, and discussion for objective value judgment. This study is meaningful in which it sought to facilitate the growth of learners as active reading subjects and to expand the learners’ vision toward the world by experiencing various perspectives through the poetry education, in consideration of justice such as arousing the interest of learners, and triggering creative thinking, and so on. Furthermore, it has a significance of devising poetry education to enhance self-understanding ability of ethnic Korean learners. 본 연구는 조선족 학습자가 타자를 이해하고 자기의 내면에 대해 적극적으로 탐구함으로써 내적 변화와 발전을 도모할 수 있는 시 교육을 구안하는 것을 목표로 한다. 시를 읽는다는 것은 이질적인 타자와 마주하는 일이며 그와의 관계 속에서 자신을 발견하는 일이다. 학습자는 타자와의 상호소통 속에서 자신의 경험을 구체화할 수 있고, 타자와 자신을 비교 및 평가하며 새로운 자기 이해를 도모할 수 있다. 이때 학습자가 대상을 어떻게 경험하고 인식하느냐에 따라 대상의 의미가 달라질 뿐만 아니라, 학습자의 삶의 가치와 방향 또한 달라진다. 따라서 본 연구는 시 이해 과정에서 대상을 파악하고, 그 속의 참된 의미를 깨달음으로써 자신을 이해하고 내면의 성장을 도모하는 학습자의 ‘성찰적 이해’의 개념에 입각하여, 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 교육을 설계하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 학습자와 더불어 소통할 구체적 매개체로서 ‘자아성찰 시’를 선정하였다. ‘자아성찰 시’는 시인 내면의 이야기를 담고 있는 작품으로 시인의 삶, 그리고 삶에 대한 성찰적 태도를 잘 형상화하고 있다. 특히 ‘자아성찰 시’ 텍스트 속의 성찰과 시 텍스트를 통한 학습자의 성찰이 상동적이라는 점은 학습자들의 성찰적 이해를 이끌어 내는데 효과적이다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구는 자아성찰 시에 대한 조선족 학습자들의 성찰적 이해 양상을 범주화하여, 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 원리를 ‘이해 대상으로서의 타자 인식’, ‘참여(engagement)를 통한 다중적 경험의 재구성’, ‘소통을 통한 자기 조회’로 제시하였다. 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 양상은 조선족 학습자의 시 감상 자료에 대한 분석을 통해 다음과 같이 범주화하였다. 우선 이해 대상으로서의 타자를 인식하는 과정에서 학습자들은 시 텍스트의 내적 정보나 자신의 배경지식을 활용하여 타자를 인식하는 양상을 나타냈다. 다음으로 교섭을 통하여 자신의 다중적 경험을 재의미화하는 과정에서 학습자들은 자신의 경험역 안에서 타자와의 공통분모가 될 수 있는 요소들을 적극적으로 탐색하고자 하였으며, 시 텍스트의 문제의식이나 사회⋅문화적 요소에 의해 자신의 다중적 경험을 재의미화하는 모습을 보였다. 마지막으로 소통을 통하여 메타적으로 자기를 성찰하는 과정에서는 타자와의 비교를 통해 자기 객관화를 하거나, 텍스트 속 성찰이 전이되어 자기 조회를 통해 정체성 재구성으로 나아가는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 조선족 학습자들의 양상을 토대로, 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 과정에서 나타난 저해 요인 및 촉진 요인에 대해 분석하였다. 성찰적 이해의 저해 요인에는 사고의 고착화, 경험에의 매몰, 관습화된 성찰이 있으며, 촉진 요인에는 동료 학습자들과의 상호작용을 통한 자기 조회가 있다. 이같이 조선족 학습자의 한국 현대시 이해 양상 분석에서 확인된 가능성과 시사점을 바탕으로 하여 한국 현대시의 성찰적 이해 교육의 목표, 내용, 방법을 구안하였다. 교육 내용으로는 주체의 지향에 의한 타자 인식, 다중적 경험의 조회를 통한 공감적 이해, 자아성찰을 통한 정체성 형성을 제안하였다. 이를 달성하기 위한 교육 방법으로는 다중적 경험 맥락의 활성화를 위한 발문 제공, 소통의 구체화를 위한 자전적 글쓰기, 객관적 가치 판단을 위한 토론을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 조선족 학습자의 흥미 유발 및 창의적 사고 증진 등의 정의적 측면을 고려한 시 교육을 통해 조선족 학습자가 능동적인 감상 주체로서 성장하고 다양한 관점을 경험하여 세상을 바라보는 시야를 넓힐 수 있도록 하며, 나아가 조선족 학습자의 자기 이해 능력을 신장시키는 시 교육을 구안하였다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다.

      • (The) relationship between mother-child verbal interaction and four-year-olds’ emotion understanding

        서유정 서울대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        Emotion understanding is an essential ability in order to have meaningful relationships with others, and early childhood is considered to be the most critical stage in obtaining this ability. The age of four during a child’s preschool year is especially crucial because affective perspective taking skills become available. Previous studies have inferred that mothers’ mental state talk and mother-child verbal interaction styles are important variables associated with the children’s emotion understanding. However, past studies have only provided limited knowledge of emotion understanding on four-year-olds, and those relations with verbal and non-verbal aspects of emotion understanding have not yet been empirically established. Therefore, the present study focused on the emotion understanding of four-year-olds in relation to the mothers’ mental state talk and mother-child verbal interaction styles. The current study examined the verbal (i.e., labeling) and non-verbal (i.e., prop selection) forms of emotion understanding among four-year-olds using the pretend play assessment paradigm. Mothers’ mental state talk and mother-child verbal interaction styles were assessed using the book-sharing paradigm. Results revealed that the verbal form of four-year-olds’ emotion understanding was generally related with the mothers’ mental state talks. The mothers’ use of cognitive state terms by tokens (i.e., frequencies) and types (i.e., varieties), emotional state terms by tokens, and mothers’ preferred type of using statements entailing mental state terms in a manner designed to articulate causal explanation (i.e., EMS) were positively correlated, but the mothers’ preferred type of using statements entailing causal explanation without mention of mental state terms (i.e., ENMS) was negatively correlated with the verbal form of children’s emotion understanding. After controlling the frequency of book-reading at home, emotional state terms (token) and EMS were shown as positive predictors, whereas the ENMS type turned out to be a negative predictor. Contrary to the verbal form, the effect of mother-child verbal interaction styles on the non-verbal form of children’s emotion understanding was examined; significant differences were found in the non-verbal form of four-year-olds’ emotion understanding among mother-child verbal interaction styles that the children from the Co-Construct and Child Lead by Mother groups performed better than children from the Skeletal group. A main effect of gender was found but an interaction effect of styles and gender was not found on the non-verbal form of four-year-olds’ emotion understanding. The implications and limitations of the present study were also discussed. 학령전기 정서이해력은 중요한 사회인지능력으로서 이후 친사회적 행동 및 학업 수행과 같은 긍정적인 발달적 결과와 관련되어 있다. 학령전기 중에서도 만 4세는 정서 조망 수용 능력이 가능해지는 시기라는 점에서 중요하다. 지금까지의 연구들은 어머니의 심적 상태 언어 사용이 아동의 정서이해력과 관련 있는 중요한 변인임을 밝혀 왔고, 어머니-아동 언어적 상호작용 유형 역시 관련 있는 변인임을 시사했다. 하지만 이런 변인들과 아동의 정서이해력의 관계를 살펴본 기존 연구들은 4세 아동의 정서이해력에 대해 제한된 정보만을 제공하고, 4세 아동의 언어적, 비언어적 형태의 정서이해력과의 관련성을 살펴본 실증적 연구가 거의 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 어머니의 심적 상태 언어 사용 및 어머니와 아동의 언어적 상호작용 유형과 만 4세 아동의 정서이해력 간의 관련성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 만 4세 아동 64명을 대상으로 가상 놀이 패러다임을 통해 언어적, 비언어적 형태의 정서이해력을 측정하였다. 64쌍의 아동과 어머니의 그림책 읽기 상호작용을 통해 어머니의 심적 상태 용어 사용 빈도, 유형, 방식을 측정하였고, 어머니와 아동이 대화에 참여하는 정도에 따라 언어적 상호작용 유형을 분류하였다. 그 결과, 언어적 형태의 정서이해력은 어머니-아동 언어적 상호작용 유형보다 어머니의 심적 상태 언어 사용과 관련성이 있었다. 언어적 형태의 정서이해력은 어머니의 심적 상태 언어 중에서도 인지 상태 용어 사용 빈도 및 유형, 정서 상태 용어 사용 빈도, 심적 상태 용어를 언급하면서 인과적 설명을 하는 방식(EMS)과 유의미한 정적 상관이 있었고, 심적 상태 용어를 언급하지 않고 단순히 인과적 설명을 하는 방식(ENMS)과 부적 상관이 있었다. 기존 연구들을 통해 아동의 정서이해력과 관련이 있다고 밝혀진 가정에서의 책 읽기 빈도를 통제한 후 위계적 회귀분석을 한 결과 정서 상태 용어 사용 빈도, EMS, ENMS는 언어적 형태의 정서이해력을 유의미하게 예측하였다. 반면에 비언어적 형태의 정서이해력은 어머니의 심적 상태 언어 사용보다 어머니-아동 언어적 상호작용 유형에 따라 차이가 있었다. 어머니와 아동 모두 대화의 참여도가 높은 그룹(Co-Construct 또는 Child Lead by Mother)으로 분류된 아동들은 그렇지 않은 아동(Skeletal)보다 비언어적 형태의 정서이해력이 높았다. 비언어적 형태의 정서이해력에서 성별에 따른 차이는 유의미했지만 성별과 어머니-아동 언어적 상호작용 유형의 상호작용 효과는 없었다. 본 연구는 4세 아동의 정서이해력을 언어와 비언어적 반응으로 측정하여 어머니-아동 상호작용 맥락에서의 변인들 간 관련성을 실증적으로 입증하였고 이를 토대로 아동기 정서이해 발달에 대한 후속 연구의 기반이 될 수 있다는 점에서 의미가 있다.

      • Adult Chinese EFL Learners' Understanding of English Metaphor

        서자원 전남대학교 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 2942

        In cognitive studies of metaphor, metaphorunderstanding has always been a significant research topic. Doing research on EFL learners’ understanding of English metaphor cannot only promote our understanding of the mechanism of metaphor itself, but also help us be aware of the mechanism of languageunderstanding to better reveal the brain processing of bilinguals. Furthermore, it can also help us understand learners’ cognitive activities and cultural interactions in the process of SLA, facilitate their thinking in L2 and cultivate their metaphorical competence and conceptual fluency in order to improve L2 teaching efficiency. Based on the theoretical framework of Cognitive Linguistics, SLA, and Bilingual Mental Lexicon, this dissertation did research on adultChinese EFL learners’ understanding of English metaphor in terms of metaphor understandingstrategies, metaphor types,metaphor understandingcompetence, and English language proficiency from the perspectives of learners’ thinking process and thinking outputs. The present study involved two surveys: the overall analysis and the analysis by language proficiency. The first survey focused on looking for the strategies that Chinese EFL learners adopted to understand English metaphor. Besides, it tried to find if metaphor types influenced metaphor understanding competence. The participants for the first survey consisted of 72adult Chinese EFL learners studying in Qingdao University of Technology in China. The second survey attempted to discover if English language proficiency influenced metaphor understandingstrategies, and if English language proficiency influenced metaphor understanding competence and had interaction with metaphor types. Participants for the second survey included two groups: 40 third-year English majors and 40 first-year non-English majors. Questionnaire was adopted as the material of the two surveys, including background information of the participants and 40 metaphorical sentences for metaphor test. Participants were required to provide their background information, and give the Chinese meaning of the underlined English part of each sentence and the reasons of their answers. The results of this study showed that: first, adult Chinese EFL learners mainly adopted the strategies of sentence context and literal translation to understand metaphors, followed by English knowledge learnt before, Chinese knowledge, guessing the meaning, mental imageryand syntactic analysis. Second, metaphor types influenced metaphor understanding competence. The metaphors of the same form and concept were the most easily understood, and the metaphors of the same form but different concepts were the most difficultly understood. Third, adult Chinese EFL learners’ English language proficiency influenced metaphor understandingstrategies. There was significant difference of high proficiency groupand low proficiency groupin using the strategies of English knowledge learnt before, Chinese knowledge, syntactic analysis, guessing the meaning and mental imagery to understand metaphors correctly. High proficiency learners achieved more correct understanding by using the strategiesof English knowledge learnt before and syntactic analysis while low proficiency learners achieved more correct understanding by using the strategies of Chinese knowledge, guessing the meaning and mental imagery. Fourth, English language proficiency significantly influenced metaphor understandingcompetence, and had significant interaction with metaphor types. Metaphor understanding competence of high proficiency learners was higher than that of low proficiency learners.Although the difference of the understanding of metaphors of the same form and concept between them did not reach the significant level, the competence of high proficiency learnerswas significantly higher than that of lowproficiency learnersin understanding the other three types of metaphor, i.e., similar forms and the same concept, the same form but different concepts, and different forms but the same concept. This study revealed how adult Chinese EFL learners understood English metaphor, provided theoretical and pedagogical implications, pointed out limitations, and gave some suggestions for the future research on cognitive metaphor.

      • Dynamic reconfiguration of functional networks when understanding a story

        Song, Hayoung Sungkyunkwan university 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 2942

        Story understanding represents a continuous process of information accumulation and integration, where higher levels of story understanding are achieved by integrating the accumulated narrative information into a coherent structure. Previous studies have elucidated the differences in neural representation between conditions of disparate levels of story understanding, but none have studied the evolving neural representation as one’s levels of story understanding change across time. This paper illustrates how the brain dynamically reconfigures its functional networks upon fluctuating levels of story understanding. In a behavioral experiment, subjects made button responses when they thought to have understood the story while watching three sets of temporally scrambled films. The moments of each film were categorized into either high or low levels understanding, depending on the frequency of all subjects’ responses. Separate pool of subjects underwent fMRI scans while watching the same scrambled films, where the functional networks’ activation level and functional connectivity (FC) profiles were compared between moments of high and low understanding. In terms of BOLD responses, the default mode network (DMN) increased its activations when understanding of the story was high, whereas visual processing and attentional networks increased its activations when understanding was low. We observed that as the levels of story understanding increase, the brain enters into functionally integrated and efficient state, via increased across-modular connections centering around frontoparietal network and DMN. Further, we observed a systematic modulation of network-level states using a purely data-driven hidden markov model, where the combined DMN and visual sensory networks with strong across-modular FCs spontaneously increased its state occupancies when the level of story understanding was high. Lastly, we found that the moment-to-moment decoding of cognitive states regarding levels of story understanding is possible using the dynamic FC patterns that span the whole brain, and that it could be generalized across subjects and across different stories. The activation patterns alone did not hold robust predictive performance across different sets of stories. The study signifies that the brain continuously accumulates and integrates the narrative information to form a cohesive story understanding, by systematically modulating the whole brain functional networks. 이야기 이해는 시시각각으로 내용에 대한 정보를 축적하고 통합하는 과정이며, 높은 이해의 순간은 정보가 유기적으로 통합하여 이야기의 전반적 구조에 대한 표상이 가능해질 때 이루어진다. 이전 연구들은 이질적인 이야기 이해 수준을 실험 조건으로 나누어 신경 표상에서의 차이를 밝혔다. 그러나 이야기를 이해하는 도중, 이해의 수준이 변화함에 따라 신경 표상이 어떻게 변화하는지에 대한 연구는 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구는 변화하는 이야기 이해의 수준에 따라 전뇌의 기능 네트워크가 역동적으로 재구성하며, 활성화 및 기능적 연결성을 체계적으로 변화시키는 양상을 밝힌다. 행동 실험에서 참가자는 시간적으로 뒤섞인 세 영화를 보며 이야기를 이해했다고 생각할 때 버튼 반응을 보였다. 각 영화의 순간은 모든 참가자의 반응 빈도에 따라 높거나 낮은 이해의 순간으로 분류하였다. 별도의 참가자가 동일한 뒤섞인 영상을 보는 과정에서 기능적 자기 공명 영상을 얻어, 뇌기능적 특성을 각각 이해의 수준이 높고 낮은 순간에서 비교하였다. 뇌의 활성화 측면에서, 높은 이해의 순간에 디폴트 모드 네트워크가 높은 활성화를 보였으며, 낮은 이해의 순간에는 시각 자극을 처리하는 감각 및 주의 네트워크가 활성화를 높였다. 변화하는 기능적 연결을 계산하여, 본 연구는 이야기에 대한 이해가 높을 때 뇌가 기능적으로 통합되고 효율적인 상태로 진입한다는 것을 보였고, 이는 전두-두정 네트워크와 디폴트 모드 네트워크가 다른 네트워크 상의 영역들과 기능적 연결의 정도를 높임으로써 이루어진다는 것을 밝혔다. 또한, 본 연구는 순수 뇌기능 데이터를 기반으로 한 은닉 마르코프 모델을 사용하여, 시시각각으로 기능 네트워크가 체계적으로 변조하며, 이는 이야기 내용 정보가 축적 및 통합되는 각각의 과정에서 시감각 처리 네트워크와 디폴트 모드 네트워크가 주도적으로 관여하는 정도를 바꾸며, 전뇌가 기능적으로 분리되고 통합되는 양상을 전이한다는 것을 보여주었다. 더 나아가, 영화를 보는 각 순간에서의 이야기 이해 정도를 전뇌에 걸친 역동적인 기능 연결 패턴을 통해 예측할 수 있다는 것을 밝혔으며, 이는 다른 참가자에게, 그리고 다른 이야기 구조를 가진 영화에 일반화 가능하다는 것을 확인하였다. 뇌의 활성화 패턴을 이용한 예측 모델은 다른 이야기에 일반화가 불가능하였다. 본 연구는 뇌가 기능 네트워크를 체계적으로 조절함으로써 유기적인 이야기 이해를 표상하기 위해 이야기 내용 정보를 지속적으로 축적하고 통합한다는 것을 시사한다.


        Jung, In Chul University of Georgia 2002 해외박사

        RANK : 2941

        The primary purpose of this study was to investigate how and to what extent 'representations' affect the students' understanding and the growth of understanding in a technology [GSP]-based collegiate mathematics classroom. There are three themes in the framework of the study to support this purpose: 1) technology in mathematics education; 2) images on computer screen - visualization and representation; 3) understanding and growth of understanding. present each component of representations when they study 'transformations' in a technology [GSP]-based classroom? If there is any difference between the first and second presentation for each component, how are they different?; 2) How and to what extent do representations affect the students' understanding and the growth of understanding in a technology [GSP]-based classroom?; 3) What types of benefits and obstacles are there when students study 'transformations' in a technology [GSP]-based classroom? methodology study was used, especially case study, which is the most powerful and appropriate method for intensive examination (Goetz & LeCompte, 1984). Two college students were purposefully chosen based on three criteria and voluntarily participated for this study. Data were collected from descriptive notes, reflective notes, archival data, interviews, and concept maps. The collected data were analyzed using 'constant comparison method' described by Corbin and Strauss (1990) along with analytic induction. The following three research questions guided this study: 1) How do students This study was conducted during spring semester of 2001. A qualitative Findings indicated unbalanced students' representations of what they learned in the classroom. Pictorial representation was dominant and verbal representation camealong with it. However, written representation was often avoided unless participants were specifically asked to use it. Students' growth of understanding in transformations was based on a) their understanding basic concepts, b) the applicability of these basics, and c) their mathematical understanding of the given situations. If paper and pencil were the main tools for this course, written representations might play a major role in the whole process. Due to the complexity of mathematical contents, 'don't need boundary' in Pirie and Kieren's model (1994) was not significantly featured in this study, whereas 'folding back' was. There were obstacles and benefits with technology experiences. As for obstacles, first, images on computer screen restrict learners' logical thinking; second, images on computer screen might lead learners nowhere or to misconception. As for benefits: first, students could quickly make a solid conjecture with accurate constructions with technology; second, the dynamic function of technology plays a significant role; third, well-constructed figures lead learners to efficient problem solving and psychological relief. Finally, this study suggests that further researches with various perspectives relating to technology should be conducted for students' better understanding of mathematics so that we can use technology that we have more efficiently. Further, we need to develop a theory or a tool to recognize students' understanding and growth of understanding.

      • Semantic scene understanding based human-robot cooperation

        문지윤 서울대학교 대학원 2020 국내박사

        RANK : 2941

        Human-robot cooperation is unavoidable in various applications ranging from manufacturing to field robotics owing to the advantages of adaptability and high flexibility. Especially, complex task planning in large, unconstructed, and uncertain environments can employ the complementary capabilities of human and diverse robots. For a team to be effectives, knowledge regarding team goals and current situation needs to be effectively shared as they affect decision making. In this respect, semantic scene understanding in natural language is one of the most fundamental components for information sharing between humans and heterogeneous robots, as robots can perceive the surrounding environment in a form that both humans and other robots can understand. Moreover, natural-language-based scene understanding can reduce network congestion and improve the reliability of acquired data. Especially, in field robotics, transmission of raw sensor data increases network bandwidth and decreases quality of service. We can resolve this problem by transmitting information in the form of natural language that has encoded semantic representations of environments. In this dissertation, I introduce a human and heterogeneous robot cooperation scheme based on semantic scene understanding. I generate sentences and scene graphs, which is a natural language grounded graph over the detected objects and their relationships, with the graph map generated using a robot mapping algorithm. Subsequently, a framework that can utilize the results for cooperative mission planning of humans and robots is proposed. Experiments were performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods. This dissertation comprises two parts: graph-based scene understanding and scene understanding based on the cooperation between human and heterogeneous robots. For the former, I introduce a novel natural language processing method using a semantic graph map. Although semantic graph maps have been widely applied to study the perceptual aspects of the environment, such maps do not find extensive application in natural language processing tasks. Several studies have been conducted on the understanding of workspace images in the field of computer vision; in these studies, the sentences were automatically generated, and therefore, multiple scenes have not yet been utilized for sentence generation. A graph-based convolutional neural network, which comprises spectral graph convolution and graph coarsening, and a recurrent neural network are employed to generate sentences attention over graphs. The proposed method outperforms the conventional methods on a publicly available dataset for single scenes and can be utilized for sequential scenes. Recently, deep learning has demonstrated impressive developments in scene understanding using natural language. However, it has not been extensively applied to high-level processes such as causal reasoning, analogical reasoning, or planning. The symbolic approach that calculates the sequence of appropriate actions by combining the available skills of agents outperforms in reasoning and planning; however, it does not entirely consider semantic knowledge acquisition for human-robot information sharing. An architecture that combines deep learning techniques and symbolic planner for human and heterogeneous robots to achieve a shared goal based on semantic scene understanding is proposed for scene understanding based on human-robot cooperation. In this study, graph-based perception is used for scene understanding. A planning domain definition language (PDDL) planner and JENA-TDB are utilized for mission planning and data acquisition storage, respectively. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified in two situations: a mission failure, in which the dynamic environment changes, and object detection in a large and unseen environment. 인간과 이종 로봇 간의 협업은 높은 유연성과 적응력을 보일 수 있다는 점에서 제조업에서 필드 로보틱스까지 다양한 분야에서 필연적이다. 특히, 서로 다른 능력을 지닌 로봇들과 인간으로 구성된 하나의 팀은 넓고 정형화되지 않은 공간에서 서로의 능력을 보완하며 복잡한 임무 수행을 가능하게 한다는 점에서 큰 장점을 갖는다. 효율적인 한 팀이 되기 위해서는, 팀의 공통된 목표 및 각 팀원의 현재 상황에 관한 정보를 실시간으로 공유할 수 있어야 하며 함께 의사 결정을 할 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 관점에서, 자연어를 통한 의미론적 환경 이해는 인간과 서로 다른 로봇들이 모두 이해할 수 있는 형태로 환경을 인지한다는 점에서 가장 필수적인 요소이다. 또한, 우리는 자연어 기반 환경 이해를 통해 네트워크 혼잡을 피함으로써 획득한 정보의 신뢰성을 높일 수 있다. 특히, 대량의 센서 데이터 전송에 의해 네트워크 대역폭이 증가하고 통신 QoS (Quality of Service) 신뢰도가 감소하는 문제가 빈번히 발생하는 필드 로보틱스 영역에서는 의미론적 환경 정보인 자연어를 전송함으로써 통신 대역폭을 감소시키고 통신 QoS 신뢰도를 증가시킬 수 있다. 본 학위 논문에서는 환경의 의미론적 이해 기반 인간 로봇 협동 방법에 대해 소개한다. 먼저, 로봇의 지도 작성 알고리즘을 통해 획득한 그래프 지도를 이용하여 자연어 문장과 검출한 객체 및 각 객체 간의 관계를 자연어 단어로 표현하는 그래프를 생성한다. 그리고 자연어 처리 결과를 이용하여 인간과 다양한 로봇들이 함께 협업하여 임무를 수행할 수 있도록 하는 프레임워크를 제안한다. 본 학위 논문은 크게 그래프를 이용한 의미론적 환경 이해와 의미론적 환경 이해를 통한 인간과 이종 로봇 간의 협업 방법으로 구성된다. 먼저, 그래프를 이용한 의미론적 환경 이해 부분에서는 의미론적 그래프 지도를 이용한 새로운 자연어 처리 방법에 대해 소개한다. 의미론적 그래프 지도 작성 방법은 로봇의 환경 인지 측면에서 많이 연구되었지만 이를 이용한 자연어 처리 방법은 거의 연구되지 않았다. 반면 컴퓨터 비전 분야에서는 이미지를 이용한 환경 이해 연구가 많이 이루어졌지만, 연속적인 장면들은 다루는데는 한계점이 있다. 따라서 우리는 그래프 스펙트럼 이론에 기반한 그래프 컨볼루션과 그래프 축소 레이어로 구성된 그래프 컨볼루션 신경망 및 순환 신경망을 이용하여 그래프를 설명하는 문장을 생성한다. 제안한 방법은 기존의 방법들보다 한 장면에 대해 향상된 성능을 보였으며 연속된 장면들에 대해서도 성공적으로 자연어 문장을 생성한다. 최근 딥러닝은 자연어 기반 환경 인지에 있어 급속도로 큰 발전을 이루었다. 하지만 인과 추론, 유추적 추론, 임무 계획과 같은 높은 수준의 프로세스에는 적용이 힘들다. 반면 임무를 수행하는 데 있어 각 에이전트의 능력에 맞게 행위들의 순서를 계산해주는 상징적 접근법(symbolic approach)은 추론과 임무 계획에 있어 뛰어난 성능을 보이지만 인간과 로봇들 사이의 의미론적 정보 공유 방법에 대해서는 거의 다루지 않는다. 따라서, 인간과 이종 로봇 간의 협업 방법 부분에서는 딥러닝 기법들과 상징적 플래너(symbolic planner)를 연결하는 프레임워크를 제안하여 의미론적 이해를 통한 인간 및 이종 로봇 간의 협업을 가능하게 한다. 우리는 의미론적 주변 환경 이해를 위해 이전 부분에서 제안한 그래프 기반 자연어 문장 생성을 수행한다. PDDL 플래너와 JENA-TDB는 각각 임무 계획 및 정보 획득 저장소로 사용한다. 제안한 방법의 효용성은 시뮬레이션을 통해 두 가지 상황에 대해서 검증한다. 하나는 동적 환경에서 임무 실패 상황이며 다른 하나는 넓은 공간에서 객체를 찾는 상황이다.

      • 싱가포르의 다문화교육에 관한 연구 : 초등학교 도덕과 교육과정을 중심으로

        이무 동국대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 2940

        Singapore's rapid rise is related to economic and political development, but further to his pluralistic inclusive and open moral curriculum, and its moral construction provides a spiritual pillar and a harmonious and inclusive social environment for Singapore's development. Therefore, researching and analyzing the Singaporean moral curriculum helps Korean students develop their multicultural understanding skills. This study targets Singapore's elementary school moral curriculum, and first, Singapore's elementary school personality and civic curriculum have been developed from a multicultural social background, and the multicultural background requires students to consider multicultural adaptation. Second, the Singapore Elementary Moral Curriculum presents curriculum goals, curriculum contents, textbook settings, and curriculum evaluation methods to examine how Singapore can cultivate students' multicultural understanding and the characteristics of Singapore's moral education. Explore the meaning of the multicultural curriculum in Korea by examining the multicultural processing experience in Singapore's elementary school ethics curriculum. The conclusion consists of four points. A. Focusing on multicultural understanding in the curriculum goals. When combined, Singapore's education process clearly defines the stages of educational goals, each of which is related to the cultivation of multicultural understanding. It encourages students to take an interest not only in racial, cultural, linguistic, and national identities, but also in the evolution and blending of cultures. It fosters good character traits of respecting and caring for others and raises students' multicultural awareness. It helps students realize their responsibilities in their homes, society, nation, and the world, and clarifies their position in Singapore's multicultural society. Students learn to develop themselves using Singapore's diverse cultures, love Singapore's national ideals and culture, and cultivate a sense of belonging and emotions towards Singapore. It educates them to recognize regional, national, and global tensions and understand the connection between discrimination and social status. B. Highlighting multicultural education in the curriculum content. Singapore's multicultural education curriculum content unfolds from six dimensions: individual, family, school, local community, nation, and world. At each dimension, it classifies into three core relational issues: status, human relations, and choices. By intersecting the three issues and six dimensions independently, the entire curriculum content emphasizes students' multicultural understanding ability comprehensively. C. Innovating teaching methods to facilitate multicultural understanding. With the advent of economic globalization, the Singapore Ministry of Education constantly innovates teaching methods and advances cultural-related teaching methods to achieve the cultivation goal of moral education that keeps pace with the times. Through experiential activities throughout the class, it helps shape students' personalities and fosters moral reasoning and critical cultural understanding. The advanced teaching methods of Singapore's moral education curriculum include cultural transmission approach, empathy approach, experiential learning approach, moral cognitive development approach, value clarification approach, and value explication education approach. Students can learn how to cultivate moral reasoning skills by being at the center of activities during class time. The cultural activities provided by teachers during class time effectively provide students with more opportunities to express their thoughts on diversity issues, increase students' learning interest, and prevent students from learning distorted values from boring topics. Furthermore, this inquiry-based teaching method encourages students' thinking and discussions, promotes students' independent inquiry and critical thinking skills, particularly fosters improvement in information evaluation skills for assessing contradictions. It prompts students to reflect on themselves and the local community where they live, guides them to make rational and balanced judgments about individual and societal interests, nurtures students' moral reasoning skills to help them understand others' feelings and thoughts in different perspectives and manage their emotions. D. Assessment promotes the development of students' multicultural understanding abilities. The assessment of Singapore's moral education curriculum adopts three evaluation models: self-assessment, peer assessment, and teacher assessment. By evaluating students in diverse real-life situations, it helps them comprehend their emotional management abilities comprehensively and enhances their multicultural social interaction skills of respecting and understanding people from different cultures. Self-assessment is particularly important as it emphasizes self-directed self-reflection to consider one's own morality. Through self-assessment, students introspect and generate moral reasoning and critical reflection abilities, make responsible decisions, and apply values in practice. Singapore is working on a process to cultivate students' multicultural understanding, developing an understanding of various cultures, respecting the cultures of each ethnicity, understanding and handling cultural differences correctly, and striving to empathize with multicultural cultures in a globalized environment and understand cultural diversity. 본 연구에서는 싱가포르의 초등학교 도덕과 교육 과정을 연구 대상으로 하고 있으며, 연구내용은 주로 싱가포르 ‘공민과 도덕교육’ 과정의 다문화 내용을 포함하고 있다. 싱가포르 초등학교 도덕과 교육과정의 다문화교육 경험 분석을 통해 한국의 다문화 교육에 주는 시사점을 모색하는 것을 목 적으로 한다. 제2장에서 다문화교육의 교육적 이론의 틀을 확립하기 위해서 선행 연구 문헌을 중심으로 국제 다문화 교육의 개념과 목표, 내용 등을 정리하고 한국의 다문화 교육에 관한 내용을 서술했다. 이를 위해서 관련 서적과 연구서, 기존의 논문 등의 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 막지마 도덕과와 다문화교육의 공통 치향성을 밝혔다. 싱가포르의 초등학교 도덕 과 교육과정은 다문화 사회인 국가적 배경에서 발전되어 왔으며, 이러한 배경은 학생들의 다문화 사회의 적응 문제를 고려해야 한다고 요구한다. 둘째, 제3장 및 제4장에서는 싱가포르 초등 도덕 교육의 교과 목표, 교과 내용, 교재 설정, 교수학습 방법, 교과 평가 방법 등에 나타난 다문화 교 육과정을 기술하여 싱가포르가 어떻게 도덕교육 과정을 활용하여 학생들 의 다문화 이해력을 함양할 수 있는지 서술했다. 마지막으로 제5장에서 한국 다문화 교육이 더 나아가기 위해 싱가포르 도덕과 중 나타난 다문화 교육의 특징을 제시하고 올바른 다문화 교육의 확립을 위해 초등 도덕과 교육에서 해야 할 역할에 대해 논의해 보고자 한다. 그리고 한국 청소년의 다문화 수용 및 이해력 제고, 유연한 교수학 습 방법을 개발, 교원 양성, 다양한 평가도구 개발 등 네 가지 방면에서의 시사점을 제시하고자 한다.

      • The Relationships between Parental Reactions to Children's Negative Emotions and Children's Emotional Understanding : Mediated Pathways by Children's Internal Working Models of Attachment Relationship

        송하나 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2003 해외박사

        RANK : 2940

        Preschoolers’ ability to understand their own and others’ emotions, one of the most essential factors for emotional competence, is developed and elaborated by abundant experiences of emotional interactions with their parents. This study was launched to examine how the emotional understanding of children is influenced by six specific parental reactions to children’s negative emotional expressions. Within the framework of attachment theory, it was hypothesized that children’s security of attachment relationships mediates the relationship between parental reactions to children’s negative emotions and children’s emotional understanding. This mediation model was tested through eight hypotheses based on data obtained from 63 four-year-old Korean children (36 boys and 27 girls) and their mothers and fathers who live in Seoul and its vicinity. Children were interviewed at school using the Attachment Story Completion Task and the Puppet Task that evaluate their types of attachment and levels of emotional understanding, respectively. Each parent completed two self-report questionnaires for parental reactions and emotional expressiveness at home. To administer the original scales to Korean participants, each scale was translated into Korean, and refined through back-translation procedures, pilot studies, and factor analysis until it reached acceptable levels of validity and reliability. The data analysis using hierarchical multiple regression resulted in two major findings. First, children’s ability to understand emotions was significantly predicted by their attachment security (secure vs. insecure). However, this relationship existed only in boys’ data. For girls, there was no significant relationship between emotional understanding and attachment security. As a result, the initial model poorly fit the current data, and it was necessary to propose a revised model that contains only one substantial path between children’s emotional understanding and their attachment security. This study provided empirical evidence for the connection between the quality of early parent-child relationship and the child’s emotional outcome using Korean samples. However, the conclusion regarding gender differences in this relationship is tentative. Due to yet inconsistent results across studies, future research may focus on establishing a reliable conclusion on the gender difference in more ecologically and culturally valid settin

      • 초등학교 엘리트 축구선수의 감각적 판단-인식, 언어이해-지각추론의 관계

        김민규 전북대학교 교육대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2939

        The purpose of this study is to identify the nature, language understanding and relationship with perceptual reasoning of elite elementary school football players. Specifically, it is aimed at identifying sensory judgment-awareness, language understanding-perception relationships. Elementary school soccer players registered with the Korea Football Association were selected as the population, and 100 players were used as final research materials using convenience extraction methods. Based on this, T-test, random analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted using SPSS version 23. The purpose of the study is to identify the relationship between personality and intelligence among elite soccer players in elementary school. Specifically, it is to identify the relationship between sensory judgment, perception and linguistic understanding and perception. First, T-test and random analysis were conducted to look at the differences between all sub-factors according to demographic variables. Second, T-test was conducted to examine the relationship between sensory judgment, perception and linguistic understanding and perception reasoning. Third, to examine the relationship between sensory judgment-awareness and linguistic understanding-perception reasoning, we conducted a correlation analysis between the subfactors of all variables. Analysis of differences in sensory judgment-awareness and language understanding-perception reasoning among elite elementary school footballers showed significant differences in language understanding, a sub-factor of intelligence (F=6.648, p<0.05). As a result of the Scheffe post-analysis to look at more specific differences, fourth grade (M=4.62, SD=).619) and fifth grade (M=3.83, SD=).910), (M=3.62, SD=.936) showed significant differences. On the other hand, there was no statistically significant difference in perception inference, which is a sub-variant of personality type preference indicators such as extroversion-inversion, sensory-intuitive, perception-judgment, and intelligence. The results of the analysis to examine the differences in sensory judgment, perception and linguistic understanding and perception based on the player's career are as shown in Table 6. Analysis of the differences in performance and intelligence according to player experience shows no significant differences across variables such as extroversion-intuitive,sensory-intuitive,emotion-thinking, perception-judgment, perceptual reasoning, and linguistic understanding. Analysis of the difference between personality type and emotional intelligence according to their win-win experience showed significant differences in sensory-intuition among preference indicators of personality type (t=-2.944, p<0.01). On the other hand, it has been found that there is no significant difference between perceptual inference and language understanding, which are sub-factors of personality type preference, extroversion, emotion-thinking, perception-judgment, and intelligence. Correlation analysis was conducted to examine differences between personality and intelligence level according to position. As a result, there are significant differences in the standing career depending on the personality subfactor sensation and intuition factors. Also, the forward was the highest among the positions, and there was a difference in the order of midfielder, defender, and goalkeeper. Sense and intuition in the analysis of differences between personality type substrate and intelligence.In was different from perception. Overall, the difference in personality and intelligence among elementary school soccer players was shown. Sensibility and intuition are also identified as having relationships and influences in demographic variables in personality, so personality and intelligence are thought to be interrelated. Keyword : Sensory Judgment and Perception Language Understanding and Memory of Elite Footballers

      • Ambiguity Resolution in Spoken Language Understanding

        조원익 서울대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 2939

        언어의 중의성은 필연적이다. 그것은 언어가 의사 소통의 수단이지만, 모든 사람이 생각하는 어떤 개념이 완벽히 동일하게 전달될 수 없는 것에 기인한다. 이는 필연적인 요소이기도 하지만, 언어 이해에서 중의성은 종종 의사 소통의 단절이나 실패를 가져오기도 한다. 언어의 중의성에는 다양한 층위가 존재한다. 하지만, 모든 상황에서 중의성이 해소될 필요는 없다. 태스크마다, 도메인마다 다른 양상의 중의성이 존재하며, 이를 잘 정의하고 해소될 수 있는 중의성임을 파악한 후 중의적인 부분 간의 경계를 잘 정하는 것이 중요하다. 본고에서는 음성 언어 처리, 특히 의도 이해에 있어 어떤 양상의 중의성이 발생할 수 있는지 알아보고, 이를 해소하기 위한 연구를 진행한다. 이러한 현상은 다양한 언어에서 발생하지만, 그 정도 및 양상은 언어에 따라서 다르게 나타나는 경우가 많다. 우리의 연구에서 주목하는 부분은, 음성 언어에 담긴 정보량과 문자 언어의 정보량 차이로 인해 중의성이 발생하는 경우들이다. 본 연구는 운율(prosody)에 따라 문장 형식 및 의도가 다르게 표현되는 경우가 많은 한국어를 대상으로 진행된다. 한국어에서는 다양한 기능이 있는(multi-functional한) 종결어미(sentence ender), 빈번한 탈락 현상(pro-drop), 의문사 간섭(wh-intervention) 등으로 인해, 같은 텍스트가 여러 의도로 읽히는 현상이 발생하곤 한다. 이것이 의도 이해에 혼선을 가져올 수 있다는 데에 착안하여, 본 연구에서는 이러한 중의성을 먼저 정의하고, 중의적인 문장들을 감지할 수 있도록 말뭉치를 구축한다. 의도 이해를 위한 말뭉치를 구축하는 과정에서 문장의 지향성(directivity)과 수사성(rhetoricalness)이 고려된다. 이것은 음성 언어의 의도를 서술, 질문, 명령, 수사의문문, 그리고 수사명령문으로 구분하게 하는 기준이 된다. 본 연구에서는 기록된 음성 언어(spoken language)를 충분히 높은 일치도(kappa = 0.85)로 주석한 말뭉치를 이용해, 음성이 주어지지 않은 상황에서 중의적인 텍스트를 감지하는 데에 어떤 전략 혹은 언어 모델이 효과적인가를 보이고, 해당 태스크의 특징을 정성적으로 분석한다. 또한, 우리는 텍스트 층위에서만 중의성에 접근하지 않고, 실제로 음성이 주어진 상황에서 중의성 해소(disambiguation)가 가능한지를 알아보기 위해, 텍스트가 중의적인 발화들만으로 구성된 인공적인 음성 말뭉치를 설계하고 다양한 집중(attention) 기반 신경망(neural network) 모델들을 이용해 중의성을 해소한다. 이 과정에서 모델 기반 통사적/의미적 중의성 해소가 어떠한 경우에 가장 효과적인지 관찰하고, 인간의 언어 처리와 어떤 연관이 있는지에 대한 관점을 제시한다. 본 연구에서는 마지막으로, 위와 같은 절차로 의도 이해 과정에서의 중의성이 해소되었을 경우, 이를 어떻게 산업계 혹은 연구 단에서 활용할 수 있는가에 대한 간략한 로드맵을 제시한다. 텍스트에 기반한 중의성 파악과 음성 기반의 의도 이해 모듈을 통합한다면, 오류의 전파를 줄이면서도 효율적으로 중의성을 다룰 수 있는 시스템을 만들 수 있을 것이다. 이러한 시스템은 대화 매니저(dialogue manager)와 통합되어 간단한 대화(chit-chat)가 가능한 목적 지향 대화 시스템(task-oriented dialogue system)을 구축할 수도 있고, 단일 언어 조건(monolingual condition)을 넘어 음성 번역에서의 에러를 줄이는 데에 활용될 수도 있다. 우리는 본고를 통해, 운율에 민감한(prosody-sensitive) 언어에서 의도 이해를 위한 중의성 해소가 가능하며, 이를 산업 및 연구 단에서 활용할 수 있음을 보이고자 한다. 본 연구가 다른 언어 및 도메인에서도 고질적인 중의성 문제를 해소하는 데에 도움이 되길 바라며, 이를 위해 연구를 진행하는 데에 활용된 리소스, 결과물 및 코드들을 공유함으로써 학계의 발전에 이바지하고자 한다. Ambiguity in the language is inevitable. It is because, albeit language is a means of communication, a particular concept that everyone thinks of cannot be conveyed in a perfectly identical manner. As this is an inevitable factor, ambiguity in language understanding often leads to breakdown or failure of communication. There are various hierarchies of language ambiguity. However, not all ambiguity needs to be resolved. Different aspects of ambiguity exist for each domain and task, and it is crucial to define the boundary after recognizing the ambiguity that can be well-defined and resolved. In this dissertation, we investigate the types of ambiguity that appear in spoken language processing, especially in intention understanding, and conduct research to define and resolve it. Although this phenomenon occurs in various languages, its degree and aspect depend on the language investigated. The factor we focus on is cases where the ambiguity comes from the gap between the amount of information in the spoken language and the text. Here, we study the Korean language, which often shows different sentence structures and intentions depending on the prosody. In the Korean language, a text is often read with multiple intentions due to multi-functional sentence enders, frequent pro-drop, wh-intervention, etc. We first define this type of ambiguity and construct a corpus that helps detect ambiguous sentences, given that such utterances can be problematic for intention understanding. In constructing a corpus for intention understanding, we consider the directivity and rhetoricalness of a sentence. They make up a criterion for classifying the intention of spoken language into a statement, question, command, rhetorical question, and rhetorical command. Using the corpus annotated with sufficiently high agreement on a spoken language corpus, we show that colloquial corpus-based language models are effective in classifying ambiguous text given only textual data, and qualitatively analyze the characteristics of the task. We do not handle ambiguity only at the text level. To find out whether actual disambiguation is possible given a speech input, we design an artificial spoken language corpus composed only of ambiguous sentences, and resolve ambiguity with various attention-based neural network architectures. In this process, we observe that the ambiguity resolution is most effective when both textual and acoustic input co-attends each feature, especially when the audio processing module conveys attention information to the text module in a multi-hop manner. Finally, assuming the case that the ambiguity of intention understanding is resolved by proposed strategies, we present a brief roadmap of how the results can be utilized at the industry or research level. By integrating text-based ambiguity detection and speech-based intention understanding module, we can build a system that handles ambiguity efficiently while reducing error propagation. Such a system can be integrated with dialogue managers to make up a task-oriented dialogue system capable of chit-chat, or it can be used for error reduction in multilingual circumstances such as speech translation, beyond merely monolingual conditions. Throughout the dissertation, we want to show that ambiguity resolution for intention understanding in prosody-sensitive language can be achieved and can be utilized at the industry or research level. We hope that this study helps tackle chronic ambiguity issues in other languages ​​or other domains, linking linguistic science and engineering approaches.

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