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      • The Semantic Interpretation of the so-called Pronominalization

        Choi, Goonglyeol 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        本 論文은 通하여 筆者는 自然言語의 統辭現像 中, 代名詞化 現像을 記述함에 있어 意味論的인 觀點에서 볼 때 Montague 文法이 最上의 文法임을 主張코자 한다. 이를 證明함에 있어서 第二章에서 變形生成文法의 理論的 土臺위에서 이루어진 Langacker(1969), McCawley(1970), Jackendoff(1972)의 主張을 紹介, 分析함으로써 變形生成文法의 理論的 根據下에 이루어진 論文들은 共通的으로 談話(discourse)에 나타난 代名詞化 現像을 證明할 수 없음을 指摘한다. 그리고 第三章에서는 Montague의 PTQ에 있어서 代名詞를 λpp(u1)推 飜譯했던 것을 λρ∃ × 〔∀y∑∑ P_1〕(y)≡y=x P(x)〕로 飜譯함으로 PTQ의 基本形態를 維推하며 談話에 있어서의 代名詞化 現像을 滿足스럽게 說明할 수 있음을 보인다. 따라서 筆者는 意味問題에 초점을 두고 統辭現像을 說明하려는 Montague 文法이 統辭現像을 基本으로 보고 이에 適當한 意味解釋規則을 부여하려 했던 變形生成文法보다 優越한 言語理論이라는 結論에 到達한다.

      • 씨름選手의 總脂肪量에 關한 硏究 : 全羅北道 中·高·大學生을 中心으로

        朴炫祚 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        We Computed the % Fat by the measured Values of skinfold thickness at 4 sites : Back, 'Waist, Abdomen, Arm with 39 male 씨름 players (13 Jeon ju university, 10 Un Ho high school 6 Sin Heung high school, 13 Jeon ju Dong Junior school that all (Total) were executed Calculation Formula · High school players % Fat = 1.324 × Mean skinfold thickness(mm) - 0.045 · Male university players % Fat = 0.911 × Mean skinfold thickness (mm) + 8.1 · Junior school player % Fat = 0.58 × Mean skinfold thickness (mm) + 14.31 1. the player s average skinfold thickness of 4 sites was large than that of non-athletic Persons 2. 씨름 players showed the maximum Value on the Waist among 4 sites, while non- athltic showed i n Back the maximun Value 3. The Sin Heung high school 씨름 players skinfold thickness is as follows: Back 11.8 mm Waist 14.8 mm Abdomen 12.8 mm Arm 10.4 mm the skinfold thickness averaged 12.4 mm and the Jeon ju university 씨름 player s skinfold thickness is as follow: Bask 14.4 mm Waist 14.6 mm Abdomen 14.9 mm Arm 12.9 mm the skintold thickness averaged 14.2 mm 4. The male player % Fat was 19.8%, Junior school players 20.4 %, high school player 16.3 %, university players 21.0% 5. Both of Junior, high school and university 씨름 players´ % Fat was large than that of non-athletic persons and university prayers' % Fat was more than that of Junior school and high school players.

      • 낭만주의 시대의 유토피아觀 : 그 형성과 변모

        조은영 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        어느 시대, 어느 사회, 어떤 종족에게도 유토피아의 꿈이 있었다. 이러한 꿈은 각 민족고유의 신화속에 스며들어 있는 경우도 있었고, 때로 종교의 형식으로 정착되기도 했다. 유토피아는 ′무지개너머′나 ′달나라′라는 막연한 동경의 형태를 취하기도 했고, 나아가 에덴동산이나 Elysium, 황금시대 등 보다 구체적인 형태로 나타나기도 했으며, Plato의 ′Republic′이나 More의 ′Utopia′등 철학적 사색의 대상이 되기도 했다. 오늘날에도 내세를 약속하는 정통, 또는 유사종교속에 수많은 유토피아들이 자리하고 있으며, 말레이시아 원주민의 ˝Cargo cult˝에서부터 소위 ′프로레타리아의 천국′을 약속하는 공산주의의 프로퍼갠더에 이르기까지 다양한 형태의 유토피아들이 인류를 매혹시키고, 또 미혹시키고 있다. 그런가하면 황금시대나 낙원에의 믿음은 각 개인의 경우에도 예외는 아니어서 ′포근히 감싸주는 고향′, ′행복했던 어린 시절′, 혹은 현재의 고통을 충분히 보상해줄 앞날에의 기약, 등의 신화로서 존재하고 있다. 유한하고 무상한 세계에서 인간과 자연, 영혼과 육체의 이원적 갈등에 시달리는 인간의 삶에 어쩌면 유토피아의 꿈은 자석의 양극처럼 필연적으로 함께 하는 것인지도 모른다. 한편 모든 유토피아의 꿈에 공통되는 점은 그 실현되는 시대와 장소가 ′현재′, ′이곳′의 ′이러한 모습′은 아니라는 점이다. 이점은 대개의 경우 유토피아의 모습이 그것을 그리는 작가의 세계와 부정적으로 관련되어지는 형태를 취하게 되면서 동시에 현실에 대한 불만과 회의가 크면 클수록 그 반대급부로서 유토피아의 꿈도 더욱 무성해지는 부분적 이유이기도 할 것이다. 낭만주의시대는 경제·사회적으로 일찍이 인류가 경험하지 못했던 엄청난 변화를 겪었으며, 아울러 전유럽인의 의식을 강렬하게 자극시킨 프랑스혁명을 생생하게 경험했던 시기이기도 하다. M.H.Abrams는 다음과 같은 점을 지적한다. The romantic period was eminently an age obsessed with the fact of violent and inclusive change, and Romantic poetry cannot be understood, historically, without awareness of the degree to which this preoccupation affected its substance and form. 물론 급격한 변화가 인간과 삶의 모습을 다루는 문학에 지대한 영향을 미쳤으리라는 점은 자명하다. Arnoid Hauser는 ˝In Romanticism the utopian character of art is expressed more purely and fully than elsewhere˝.라 하고 있다. 이 글에서는 산업혁명의 영향과 정치·사회적 변화·, 그리고 일련의 혁명, 특히 프랑스혁명이 어떻게 유토피아의 꿈을 자극했으며, 또 그 꿈을 변질시켰는지를 살펴보기로 한다.

      • "The Waste Land" 에 나타난 죽음과 再生의 問題

        韓須美 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        The Waste Land is an ideal long poem which represents the modem poetry in 20th century. This poem was truly described the phenomena of this generation, as well as the mood of his own. That means that modern situation around us is full with spiritual death, meaningless life, physical and moral corruption, and sexual sterility, i.e. The Waste Land. Eliot´s view of the world like this was exactly right for the period after World War I. This record of special sensibility exposed to the anxieties of that particular culture. Besides, he had trouble with his own problem. This ˝The Waste Land˝ was written at Lausanne in Switzerland while Eliot was recovering from a spiritual and physical break down, Of course, his illness was largely for his unhappy marriage and his taking care of wife´s psychoneurosis of long time. That´s why this poem was a product to be derived from cultural and personal background. ″The Waste Land ″ presents the ambivalent concept of ″death″ and ″rebirth″ throughout this poem. So Eliot used the primordial image of death and rebirth from the Grail legend and ancient vegetation myth. He discovered that the barrenness of modern city was associated with the wounded fisher king and identified with his ″The Waste Land″: His Poetic character is using of juxtaposition of the present and the past, physical and spiritual, temporal and eternal and djrty and beauty. Also he experiments with both the idea of human time and with the stream of consciousness. That′s why he employs a number of quatation from every ancient or modern myths and literatures. And these sources reinforce this poem′s archetypal pattern of ˝death˝ and ˝rebirth˝. In The Waste Land, the epigraph symbolizes the motif of whole ˝The Waste Land˝. This epigraph contains all the suggestion of theme. Sibyl here symbolized ˝death-in-life˝. Because she can not die, she can´t born again. Her misfortune is linked with all character in the Waste Land. In habitants of The Waste Land suffers from this living death condition like sibyl. This concept attributed to a common Adam´s curse of Calvinism according to Eliot´s view. His poem reflects wholy upon his religious view. Ⅰ.Burial of the Dead This section title derived from the Egyptian ritual of Osiris, a fertility ritual normaly taking place in the spring. Opening line begins very ironical expression. The meaning of resurrection(Easter month) is opposite here. The cruelest month of April touches dull root and memory and desire. They are scenes both of joy and agony. The death of winter and the life of spring usurp each other. Memory takes him from the general truth to a particular event in his youth, when warm days of the resurrection season brought rain, the water of life with sun light. But against the happiness of his memory he must now set the present reality of the loneliness, arid desert within him. He thinks of Ezekiel, ˝The son of man˝. The desert nourishes no roots, the spirit of vegetation meaning love cannot survive. But the mystery is ˝fear in a handful of dust˝. Everyone must confont with this death. This kind of death occured in a hyacinth garden. The memories of his is most important his failure of love with hyacinth girl. And two citation from Tristan and Isolde is the drama of love death, ˝O'ed und leer das meer˝. In this verse, We can find a bitterness without love hope. The drowned Phoenician symbolize the loveless death. But the Hanged man who suffered and resurrected is a stranger to degraded Madame Sosostris. The crowds of people, inhabitants in unreal city are turning on the wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. These people, spiritually sterile describe a purposeless circle. Sterility, desolation is a characteristic of ˝The Waste Land˝. Ⅱ.Game of Chess The title of borrowed from a play by Thomas Middleton ˝Woman Beware Woman˝. This section treats sex without love, specifically with in marriage. A game of chess reveals the working of this process in two contrasted classes of society. Those women are Ladies of situation and projection of the people of The Waste Land. The chief symbols of this section is the sexual violation, barreness and abortion. Ⅲ.Fire Sermon ˝Fire Sermon˝ borrowed the Buddha′s teaching that all things burn on fire. The Buddha in his Fire Sermon described all things as burning. Fire symbolize double meaning. One is fire of lust. The other is purification. The section ends with works from the Fire Sermon immediately followed by another quotation from Augustine. Both the Buddha and St. Augustine characterized the lusts of flesh as a burning fire. Augustine came to Cartage, he found there a ″Cauldron of unholy loves″. The only refuge being such an aversion for life that one becomes free of desire and knows the rebirth is exhausted. The Fire Sermon is the cardinal turning point of the poem. Ⅳ.Death by Water The title of this section indicates the fulfillment of the fortune told in Part . The death of Phlebas appeared here. Death by water symbolize ambivalent meaning as well as of fire. One means merely drowning death. But the other is baptism and life-giving redemptive water. Phlebas was drowned but he is not resurrected, nor does the corpse sprout. Instead he is sucked into the whirlpool. It hints also at the physical death beyond the death in life of the Waste Land, it certainly offers no hope of immortality. The lines express regretful and admonitory counseling everyone who turns the Wheel, Gentile or Jew to renounce the worldly things and the lusts of the flesh. Ⅴ.What the Thunder said. The title of this section appears to be derived from the parable of Thunder, an Indian myth from the Upanishad. First passage of this contains three themes. ″The Journey to Emmaus″, ″The approach to the Chapel Perilous″and ″The present decay of Eastern Europe. The chapel is a symbol of the church. But they are empty, the actual ruins, the dry bones of formal religion in the Eastern, Western World. At this confrontation with this situation, the Voice of God utters in the sound of the thunder Da Da Da, i.e. ″give″″sympathize″″control″. Only obedience to these commands can bring the rain of fertility to Waste Land. But this poem is not a conclusion but an obscure beginning. The poet is still in the role of Fisher king reconstructing his physical and spiritual life

      • A Study of Hemingway's View of Life

        曺吉鉉 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        I have tried to deal with Hemingway's view of life in this thesis, which is manifestly revealed through his most works and career, characterized by stoicism and death- themes. Hemingway´s greatest concern was how to live and how to die in this hard-boiled world, overshadowed by violence, war and death since as a young boy named Nick Adams, he saw for the first time man´s death and man´s birth in Indian Camp. Young as he was, he determined never to die and live through this hard-boiled world with refusing to accept defeat. As he grew older, his life was wild and he saw life in the raw. As a human being he lived dangerously, but survived the hazard of a war-time foreign correspondent of the front lines, a bullfighter, boxer, gambler, soldier, big game hunter, sail- fisherman. Hemingway, however, knew the truth that 'marlin are born to be caught. A man is born to die' That is, a man cannot avoid death. Accordingly, Hemingyway set up his own code and tried to observe it faithfully not only in the heroes of his works, but also in the behavior of his actual life while he lived In a word, Hemingway was a kind of man who lived his life with the conviction that 'man is not for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but not defeated. Therefore, he lived through his life with a strung will-power, physical courage and endurance as long as he could. In late years, Hemingway, however, was seized various kinds of diseases-mental and physical, and could not attain even a single thing he was aiming at in his existence. In fact he lost his meamng of existence Therefore, I think he killed himself. But we should remember his contribution to American is that he renovated the American language by writing a new style which made it much more difficult to lie, and a certain clarification of the language which is now in the public domain. And his contribution to American literature is that he raised American literary world to the same level of the European´s by writing American realistic novels.

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