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      • 러시아어가 북한의 조선어에 미친 영향에 관한 연구

        노희승(Hee-seung Noh) 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2022 Acta Russiana Vol.14 No.-

        северокорейской языковой норме. Ключевым событием, рассматриваемым в статье, является развёрнутое в 1966 году в КНДР «движение за упорядочивание языка», направленное в том числе на очистку корейского языка от русизмов. Привлекая теории российской лингвистической науки, автор показывает, как именно поменялась северокорейская языковая норма с началом этой кампании. При анализе русизмы к тому времени прочно укоренённые в корейском языке КНДР, рассматриваются отдельно от прочих заимствованных слов. Автор также показывает, каким корейскими выражениями были заменены слова, ранее заимствованные из русского.

      • Философия Григория Сковороды

        Чой Чжун Хюн 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2009 Acta Russiana Vol.1 No.-

        우크라이나 출신의 그리고지 사비치 스코보로다(1722-1794)는 시인이자 예언가, 신비주의적 성향의 순례자로서 러시아 최초의 철학자로 넓은 의미에서 칭할 수 있다. 이글에서는 18세기 러시아 근대와 함께 러시아적 사유체제의 시작으로서의 스코브로다의 삶과 그의 철학적 견해를 살펴보고자 한다. 스코브로다의 철학적 견해를 알아봄에 있어 가장 눈에 뜨이는 대복은 그의 인식론 지행과 소크라테스의 대화법을 원용한 방법론이다. 앎이라는 것을 무엇보다 ‘나’와 외부세계, 그리고 내부의 경험과의 관계에서 찾는 그의 생각은 존재론과 밀접한 관련하에 이해될 수 있을 것이다. 스코브로다는 사물의 본질에 있어 두 가지 대립되는 측면이 있다고 간주한다. 죽 ‘질료적인 것으로, 볼 수 있으며, 유한한 것’과 ‘영적인 것으로, 세계는 세 가지로 나뉠 수 있는데, 첫 밴때는 인간의 ’작은 세계‘(микркокосм)가 있으며, 두 번째로 전 우주의 ’큰 세계‘(Макрокосм)이 있고, 그리고 상징 세계로서 ’성서‘가 있다. 여기서 스코브로다 철학의 특징인 비경계성과 불정확성이 드러나는데, 그에 따르면 두 가지 사물의 시작과 세 종류의 세계가 서로 유기적으로, 구별없이 관계될 수 있다고 한다. 이런 식으로 “둘 속의 하나, 하나 속의 둘”의 개념으로 사물의 두 대립되는 개념을 구별없이 함께 사유하고 있다. 또한 “진실한 인간과 신은 하나이다”라는 에피쿠로스 학파의 철학을 연상시키기도 하느 s주장으로 그의 사유체계는 심히 인간중심적인 체계를 지향하고 있으며, 윤리학에 있어서도 긴적 윤리론에 많이 경도되어 있는 모습을 보여준다. 스코브로다의 이런 철학적 사유를 논함에 있어 후대의 많은 연구가들은 그의 철학적 견해가 체계가 없으며 산만하며, 근대 철학의 명징성이 결여되어 있다고 많은 비판을 한다. 아마도 이런 비판은 스코브로다의 자신의 철학을 논함에 있어 선택하고 있는 ‘상징론’이 가져오는 모호함에 있을 것이다. 원래 끼예프의 모힐라 아카데미에서 신학을 공부했던 스코보로다는 자신의 철학을 그 어떤 학문적 체계로 정립시키려는 일체의 시도를 회피하였으며, 한 자아도취자와의 대화, 영혼의 친구에게 보내는 편지, 슬라브인에게 주는 교훈 등의 형식으로 소박하며 ‘민중적’ 방법으로 자신의 생각을 전달했다. 이런 면은 근대 철학의 학문적 엄정성으로서는 수용하기 힘들지만, 18세기 중후반 서구화로 표징되는 러시아 근대화의 여정 속에서 러시아적 생각하기의 틀은 러시아적인 독특한 흐름에서 형성되어 갔음을 확인할 수 있다.

      • 러시아정교회의 한국선교

        강영광 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2017 Acta Russiana Vol.9 No.-

        We introduce the history of Orthodox Christianity (Eastern Orthodox Church) and current status of Autocephalous and Autonomous Orthodox Churches in the world. We briefly review the history of the Russian Orthodox Church and Her Mission in Korean peninsula. And we remind readers of the restoration of the Russian Orthodox Church in Seoul, which the late Patriarch Alexei II suggested officially to Korean Government in 2008. Finally, we show our expectation of the Korean Orthodox Mission of Russian Tradition.

      • 러시아의 중세 시대 문학, 무엇을 어떻게 연구할 것인가?

        최정현 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2021 Acta Russiana Vol.13 No.-

        Есть достаточно причин для того, чтобы поговорить сегодня о изучении древнерусской литературы в ВУЗе в Корее, и есть достаточно оснований для того, чтобы её преподавание считать необходимостью. Мы должны обратить внимание на то, что, по моему мнению, является основанием для серьёзного изучения древнерусской литературы. Но древнерусская литература - это и замечательный материал для обучения наших студентов теории литературы, основам анализа текста. Изучая произведения древнерусской литературы, студенты знакомятся с исконно русскими жанрами литературы и имеют возможность проследить их дальнейшее развитие или влияние на литературу последующих эпох. Изучая древнерусскую литературу, необходимо говорить о своеобразном «художественном методе» и его последующем развитии. В художественном методе древнерусских писателей Д. С. Лихачёв прежде всего отмечал способы изображения человека - его характера и внутреннего мира. Литература Древней Руси необходима в ВУЗе в Корее, чтобы мы наконец осознали полноценность русской литературы как таковой.

      • 러시아에서의 한국문화·문학의 수용 현황, 문제점 및 전망

        구리예바 아나스타시아 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2017 Acta Russiana Vol.9 No.-

        The paper aims at giving an overview of Korean culture and Korean literature in Russia and tracing some problematic points along with suggesting ways to solve them. A short history of introducing Korean literature and culture in Russia from the break of 19-20th centuries until nowadays is followed by showing recent tendencies of dissemination of various spheres Korean culture in Russia and explaining them through general cultural specifics of the country. The author separately traces problems and obstacles for its future dissemination. Some of suggestions regarding them are stated in the conclusion.

      • 러시아연방과 자치공화국에서의 러시아 어의 위상

        정경택(Chung, Kyung Taek) 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2011 Acta Russiana Vol.3 No.-

        Эта статья посвящена статусу русского языка в РФ и Республике Татарстан, которая одна из 21 субъектов(=республик) в стране. Русский язык как единственный и государственный в РФ и 21 субъеках в территории РФ утверждён в Конституции РФ и в Законе “О языках народов Российской Федерации” Но в этой Конституции написаны следующие: Республики вправе устанавливать свои государственные языки. В органах государственной власти, органах местного самоуправления, государственных учреждениях республик они употребляются наряду с государственным языком Российской Федерации. И Российская Федерация гарантирует всем её народам право на сохранение родного языка, создание условий для его изучения и развития. И в законе “о языках народов Российской Федерации”содержано одно и то же. Кроме Конституции РФ и закона “О языках народов Российской Федерации”у каждой республики свои республикансая конституция и закон о государственном языке. Например, у Республики Татарстан тоже своя конституция и в этой утверждается, что татарский язык является государственный язык наряду с русским языком. И в договоре “о разграничении предметов ведения и полномочий между органами государственной власти Российской Федерации и органами государственной власти Республики Татарстан 2007 года”написано следующее содержание: Государственными языками в Республике Татарстан являются русский и татарский языки, статус и порядок использования которых определяются Конституцией Российской Федерации, Конституцией Республики Татарстан, федеральным законом и законом Республики Татарстан. Но такие утверждения ещё не реализируются в Татарстане, потому что многие русские живут в этой республике и они не довольны политикой распространения правительства республики, хотя бы русские признают татарский язык государственным языком республики. А Татары считают, татарский язык как государсьвенный является символом возрождения татарской народной сущности. Эта сложная ситуация, которая исходится из двух государственных языка в республике, не будет изменяться.

      • 세계 LNG 시장의 변화와 러시아의 도전

        윤성학(Yoon, Seong Hak) 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2019 Acta Russiana Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the global energy market that has caused the rise of LNG and to predict future global energy market changes. The global LNG market has undergone structural changes since 2017. With the participation of the United States and Russia, LNG production is expanding significantly, and oversupply is expected in the future. Although China and other Asian markets, which are leading LNG imports, are the largest importers, there will be no explosive demand growth in the past. LNG importing countries can not afford the current supply in the long run. The long-term victim of the LNG market is likely to be the United States. The United States is hampering the entry of Russian gas into Asian markets to increase domestic LNG exports. The LNG market confrontation between Russia and the US can not be avoided. If LNG is oversupplied, US LNG costly transportation costs will be damaged. Russia regards LNG as the core of next-generation resources and is making national efforts. Russia has succeeded in the YAMAL project in the midst of Western sanctions and is preparing for a large-scale LNG development project in the future. The advantages of Russia are geographical advantages. Russia can also trade in PNG if LNG is not available. Russia s weakness is subject to Western sanctions, so large-scale external financing is inadequate. In addition, it has constraints such as possibility of additional cost due to overlapping investment with PNG, instability of Arctic route, lack of LNG development technology. Russia is pushing for government deregulation and support policies to break through these difficulties.

      • 흑해경제권의 부상과 한국의 진출전략

        윤성학 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2014 Acta Russiana Vol.6 No.-

        Corresponding to twice the size of the Korean Peninsula, Black Sea has the world's second largest oil and gas reserves. BSEC was born about a population of over 350 million people, the annual foreign trade was $ 300 billion, and containing about 20 million ㎢ area can be regarded as a huge regional cooperation mechanism. Black Sea has a vast energy resources of the Caspian Sea in Russia and going to connect to the world energy market and the passage, EU and the United States, Russia, and constructing a variety of energy-enemy traffic. BSEC is a wealth of resources and growth potential, and connecting Europe and Asia in terms of the logistics hub that can be developed into new emerging markets. South Korea's economic cooperation in the Black Sea region countries and markets through the active promotion of trade and investment, promote common prosperity through economic development assistance, logistics and energy plant market participation, and with the strategic BSCE need to actively promote regional cooperation.

      • ‘역사’-‘소설’ 『전쟁과 평화』 : 피에르를 중심으로

        이선영(Lee, Sunyoung) 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2020 Acta Russiana Vol.12 No.-

        This research note is a basis of studying the interrelationship between “historical” and “novel” plains of The War and Peace. Two plains have often been considered separately, historical one being criticized because of its inaccuracy and inadequacy. This paper stems from the idea that both are deeply related. As an initial step, it analyzes the scenes of Pierre’s revelation, through whom the author’s main idea is presented. Chapter 2 reveals that Pierre’s murmuring of “unification” and “connection” corresponds with the concept of continuous and discontinuous viewpoints on history that Tolstoy insists. Discussion of chapter 3 goes one step further. Although the author stresses the historical “law” of continuous flow, he never neglects the power of individual “free will.” The scene of Pierre’s broad laugh bespeaks it, which means no rule or order can restrict the individual. To sum up, two plains mentioned above are interrelated in the novel. The further task of this note is that preceding research on The War and Peace as a historical novel and deepened analysis on the novel should be fulfilled to develop it.

      • 중앙아시아의 이슬람

        박창규 고려대학교 러시아 CIS연구소 2009 Acta Russiana Vol.1 No.-

        When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Central Asian Republics had independence thrust upon them. They did not actively seek it. Furthermore, there no were strong nationalist movements in Central Asia seeking independence. None of the Central Asian Republics had a history of national existence prior to either the Soviet Union or that of the Tsarist Empire. Hence, the primary source of loyalty of Central Asian peoples under the Soviet Union was not full the Communist State. Rather, a multiplicity's of loyalties existed and continue to do so. These loyalities range form the clan, tribe, family, republic and to Islam, with Islam having a powerful influence on social mores and identity. Upon independence, Islam competed with peoples loyalties to the new states. Some scores years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asia is now rediscovering its historic Islamic roots as a center for study and enlightenment despite some autocracies, which only tolerate only a state-approved version of Islam. The re-emergence of Muslim states of the former Soviet Union sparked the emergence of an ideological battle ground. This paper provides some answers to this question: What the Islam does mean in Central Asia. And it focuss on the arrival, settlement and transformations of Islam in Central Asia. Implementation of Islam was completed in the eighth century A.D., and brought to the region a new belief and culture that until now continues to be dominant. The paper briefly examines the story of this Islamic region under the Tsarist Empire and the first Russian Revolution and Soviet times; the impact of Gorbachev and his reforms, culminating in the independence of the region in 1991. The average Muslim within Central Asia has not received much respite. Many thought the collapse of the Soviet Union would permit them to return to Islam as they whole-heartedly desired. The regimes though have had other ideas. The repression the Muslims suffered at the hands of the Soviet Union, continues in a new guise under the newly independent Central Asian regimes.

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