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      • KCI등재

        러시아 토지 사유화의 전개과정 토지법을 중심으로

        조영관(Jo Young Kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2006 슬라브학보 Vol.21 No.1

        Russia is a country that possesses the largest land in the world. In the land of Russia, there is a great amount of underground resources including gas and oil. Therefore, to control and use the land effectively is one of the crucial economic policies for the Russian government. This article examines the process of the privatization of the Russian land in three stages focusing on the agricultural village. The first stage of the Russian Land Reform is from 1990, the year the Reform began, to 1993, the year the Privatization Law enacted. The second stage is from 1994 to 2001, the year the Federal Land Law enacted. And the third stage is from 200 I to the present. During the first stage, the basic direction of the privatization of land was settled. The government performed the land privatization by equally allotting the land for free to the farmers of the collective farm and the national farm. It is similar to the free division of the voucher to the people of the whole country in the process of the privatization of enterprises. In the 1993 Law, the privatization of land was included. In the second stage, the privatization of land was acknowledged in the constitutional level, but it could not be performed in the federal level because of the absence of the federal land law which would make the law alive in the particular level. Each region enacted the land law and performed the privatization of its own. In the third stage, the legal institution was established for the land privatization through the Federal Land Law and Farmland Trade Law. To the present, through the land privatization, 54.6% of farmland is privatized and 40 million people come to possess the land in the form of a subsidiary or an orchard. In the process of reorganizing the collective farm and the national farm, new forms of the economic organizations appear in the form of cooperations and joint-stock companies in the rural area. The privatization of Land provided a good chance for the new economic organizations and farmers to use land effectively and made a good base for the progress of the agricultural economy.

      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아와 중국의 에너지 협력의 특징과 유라시아 지역에 대한 영향

        조영관(Jo Young Kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2015 슬라브학보 Vol.30 No.2

        After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, various energy projects have been worked in Central Asian countries(Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan). For these countries, energy development and production is crucial point for their economy. Geographical location of central asia have drawn attention of many Eurasian countries. After 1990s, in China energy consumption has been increased rapidly. China needs to import more energy resources. And China became energy import country from export country. It gives much impact to global energy cooperation especially eurasian energy relation. In this regard, energy cooperation between central asian countries and china is inevitable. In addition Central Asian countries adjoin China in long border. Now China imports petroleum and gas from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan through pipeline. They became stable energy partner in this region. Energy cooperation between Central Asian countries and china gives many influences to eurasian countries like Russia, EU. And in this circumstance, it is necessary to develop new energy strategy in these eurasian countries.

      • KCI등재
      • 극동러시아의 경제특구 정책에 관한 연구

        조영관 ( Young Kwan Jo ) 한국유라시아학회 2019 Acta Eurasiatica Vol.10 No.1

        글로벌 금융위기 이후, 러시아 경제의 장기적 침체가 전망되는 상황에서 러시아 정부는 투자, 수출증대를 위한 구체적인 실현 방안이 필요하였다. 따라서 극동러시아 지역에 대한 투자 유치를 통해 제조업을 육성하고 수출을 늘리기 위하여 극동러시아 개발과 동시에 경제특구 정책을 추진하였다. 러시아가 그동안 추진했던 경제특구들은 큰 성과를 거두지 못하였으나, 최근의 극동러시아 경제특구는 연방정부 차원에서 큰 기대를 가지고 추진하고 있다. 이러한 경제특구의 추진 전략에 대해 2015년 9월에 개최된 동방경제포럼을 통해 동북아시아 지역국가와 기업들에게 대대적으로 발표하기도 하였다. 이후 선도개발구역과 자유항 등 경제특구는 극동러시아의 다른 정책과 비교하여 매우 적극적으로 추진되고 있다. 이에 따라 선도개발구역과 자유항 등 경제특구에는 한국, 중국, 일본 등의 기업들이 투자하고 있다. 비록 중국의 경제성장률 하락 등과 같은 개별 국가들의 경제 문제나 러시아에 대한 서방의 제재 지속과 같은 외적인 요인들이 투자의 어려움으로 작용할 수 있을 것이지만 지역 국가들 간의 에너지, 물류, 운송, 관광 등 다양한 분야들에서 협력의 필요성에 따라 극동경제특구는 발전 가능성이 매우 높다고 할 수 있다. After the global financial crisis, a long-term downturn in the Russian economy was expected. In this situation, russian government needed concrete measures to increase investment and exports. Therefore, in order to foster manufacturing and increase exports by attracting investments in the Far East Russia region, the government promoted the SEZ policy. The special economic zones have not achieved great results in far eastern Russia. But the recent Far Eastern Special Economic Zones have high expectations from the federal government. There were an announcement on the strategy of promoting these SEZs in the Eastern Economic Forum held in September, 2015. Since then, Advanced Development Territories and Free Port have been actively promoted in Far East Russia. As a result, companies from Korea, China and Japan are investing in Advanced Development Territories and Free Port. Although external factors such as the decline of China's economic growth rate, or the continuation of Western sanctions on Russia, may be hinder investment foreign companies in various areas such as energy, logistics, But the need for cooperation in far eastern area between Russia and Korea, China, Japan is very high. So we can predict the development of the Far Eastern Special Economic Zones.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 경제의 국가 부문 확대에 관한 고찰

        조영관(Jo Young kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2008 슬라브학보 Vol.23 No.3

        This article examines the expansion of state in Russian economy. In energy, machine and aviation sector, state-managed companies acquired ownership of private companies. Although the government's privatization program continued in the 2000s, state-managed companies expanded and diversified their business. And the government has great influence on the economy. There are some interpretations of the expansion of government sector. First, it is Putin's policy for restoring state control over the strategic sectors of the economy. Second, it is reaction to the inappropriate privatization in 1990s. Third, expansion of government sector is explained by the consolidation of Putin's personal political power. Russia's oil, gas and aviation companies have played important role in the economy. In this regard, it is reasonable to suppose that Putin's policy is reaction to the inappropriate privatization in 1990s. And this situation will continue in Medvezev's government.

      • KCI등재

        투르크메니스탄의 경제발전과 에너지, 운송 부문의 특징

        조영관(Jo Young Kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2016 슬라브학보 Vol.31 No.1

        Following independence in 1991, Turkmenistan adopted a gradual approach strategy to economic and political reforms. It is distinguished features of transitional reform in Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan has recently been one of the fastest expanding economies in the world. The main reason of this economic development is expansion of export of natural gas. For the further long-term development of Turkmenistan, it is very important to develop energy and transport infrastructure. Recently energy cooperation between Turkmenistan and China gives many influence to international policy, energy policy of Turkmenistan. In order to overcome landlocked environment, turkmenistan has constructed railroads which linked with neighbor countries. And turkmenistan wants to take a role of eurasian transportation hub. “National program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan 2011-2030” promotes economic diversification, industrialization, and modernization. For these purpose, it is need to attract foreign investment. Government of turkmenistan has hopes investment of Korean company and looks forward to cooperate with Korea in many fields.

      • 한 · 중앙아 협력과 유라시아 이니셔티브 추진 방안

        조영관 ( Young Kwan Jo ) 한국유라시아학회 2015 Acta Eurasiatica Vol.6 No.-

        유라시아 이니셔티브는 중장기적인 차원에서 통일된 한반도와 유라시아 대륙의 협력을 과제로 한다고 할 수 있다. 유라시아 대륙과의 협력의 주요한 대상에는 중앙아시아 지역이 포함된다. 중앙아시아 국가들은 이미 한국과 다양한 부문에서 협력을 추진하고 있다. 무엇보다 중앙아시아는 유라시아 지역의 어떤 국가들보다 한국과의 협력을 적극 추진하고 있으며, 향후 협력을 기대하고 있다. 따라서 중앙아시아 국가들은 한국 정부의 유라시아 이니셔티브 협력 추진에서 우선순위를 둘 수 있는 중요한 동반자가 될 수 있을 것이다. 현재 한국 정부는 중앙아시아 국가들과의 협력을 위해 한-중앙아 협력 사무국을 설립하였다. 향후 사무국이 유라시아 경제연합과의 협력을 준비하고, 추진하는 실질적인 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. 유라시아 이니셔티브 추진의 성공을 위해서는 장기적인 차원에서 한국의 대유라시아 협력을 실질적으로 추진하기 위한 조직을 갖출 필요가 있다고 할 수 있다. Eurasia Initiative is a primary international policy of existing Korean government. The aim of Eurasian Initiative is a cooperation of Korea and Eurasian countries(mainly Russia and Central Asian countries). In comparison with other Eurasian countries, Korea has more opportunity to cooperate with Central Asian countries. Central Asian countries want to cooperate with Korea for the development of industry. And it’s need to attract investment from Korean companies. Moreover Central asian countries have strong intension to study the process of development of Korean economy. In this sense, it's time to promote cooperation with central asian countries. And it’s need to set up special and detailed plan for this purpose.

      • KCI등재

        중앙아시아 지역에서 유라시아개발은행(EDB)의 활동에 대한 연구

        조영관(Jo Young Kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2016 슬라브학보 Vol.31 No.3

        Multilateral development banks help emerging countries developing their societies and economies as well as infrastructure. In Central Asia, multilateral development banks are also playing a important role in economic growth of the region by mobilizing development finance directed to various sectors. In particular, the EBRD – established by the EU for the purpose of developing former Soviet Union countries – and the ADB – a significant proportion of its shares are held by Japan and the U.S. – have actively provided financing for development across the region. With respect to infrastructure investment, the EBRD initiated the “TRACECA” project while the ADB launched the “CAREC” program. In the meantime, recently established development banks plan to fund new development programs targeting emerging countries. For instance, the AIIB and the NDB – both with an initial capitalization of a staggering $100 billion – are projected to greatly contribute to developing infrastructure in emerging countries in partnership with existing development banks, and reinvent themselves as major international development banks. Especially, the AIIB would invest hugely in infrastructure development projects in Central Asia. Besides this, the EDB led by Central Asian countries such as Russia and Kazakhstan has been implementing development financing projects. The EDB funds infrastructure development projects just like other development banks. In addition to this, the EDB is making an effort to facilitate economic cooperation in the Central Asian region. The EDB currently functions as a financial institution under the EAEU. The the EDB will play an even bigger role, as the size of the EAEU becomes larger in the future.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 대러 제재가 러시아 경제에 미친 영향

        조영관(Jo, Young Kwan) 한국슬라브유라시아학회 2020 슬라브학보 Vol.35 No.3

        This article aims to examine the impact of the US sanctions against Russia in 2014. Are there the real impacts of the broad-scale sanctions against Russia, led by the US, on the Russian economy? To solve this problem, this study analyzed the effect of sanctions on macroeconomic and financial indicators from 2014 to 2019, as well as to examine the effects of sanctions on the implementation of large-scale energy projects in Russia. U.S. sanctions against Russia, which began in 2014, were first imposed on government officials, businessmen and entrepreneurs, and have been expanded to include such sectors as energy, defense industry and finance, Russia"s major industrial sectors. In addition, U.S. sanctions against Russia were basically targeted at Americans or corporations in the U.S., but secondary sanctions were implemented that could also be subject to sanctions for foreigners or foreign corporations. The enforcement of these secondary sanctions has made it difficult for investment cooperation between Russian and foreign companies. According to the study, US sanctions have affected fluctuations in exchange rates in the short term. In addition, it is estimated that it has affected the inflow of foreign direct investment and the financial market such as stock index, CDS premium, and government bond yields. US sanctions against Russia also affected the real economy. The enforcement of sanctions against Russia has also suspended plans for participation by foreign companies in energy projects. In addition, it recently affected the construction of the Nordstream-2 gas pipeline, which supplies natural gas from Russia to Europe. Therefore, it can be said that US sanctions against Russia are affecting macroeconomic and financial markets on the one hand, and energy development projects on the other hand. If the US sanctions against Russia continue in the future, it is expected to have a negative impact on the Russian economy along with the global economic depression and lower oil prices.

      • KCI등재

        아시아틱 나리 신품종 육성을 위한 다양한 품종간 교잡

        조영관(Young Kwan Jo),Fahad Ramzan,손병구(Beung Gu Son),김홍열(Hong Yul Kim),임기병(Ki Byung Lim) 한국육종학회 2018 한국육종학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        본 연구에서는 아시아틱 나리의 품종 간 교잡을 통하여 절화, 분화용으로 활용할 수 있는 품종 육성의 기능성을 알아보고자 하였다. L. davidii와 ‘Conception’의 정역교배 결과, F₁ 개체들의 화색은 부본의 화색에 가깝게 나타났으나 측향 개화하는 등 원종인 L. davidii의 영향을 많이 받은 것으로 나타났다. ‘Tresor’ × ‘Black Out’으로부터 선발된 F₁ 개체들의 특성 형질은 ‘Tresor’의 특성 형질과 비교적 유사하게 나타났다. ‘Navidad’ × ‘Gironde’으로부터 선발된 F₁ 개체들 중 122611-4 개체만 모본인 ‘Navidad’처럼 점이 나타났으며, 화색은 모부본의 중간색이나 부본인 ‘Gironde’의 화색인 노랑색이 비교적 많이 나타났다. ‘Gironde’ × ‘Red Sensation’으로부터 선발된 F₁ 개체의 화색 또한 모부본의 중간색으로 나타났다. ‘Gironde’가 부본인 F₁ 개체들과 ‘Gironde’가 모본인 F₁ 개체의 화색은 모부본의 중간색을 보이거나 ‘Gironde’의 화색인 노랑색이 부분적으로 나타나는 것으로 보아 ‘Gironde’의 화색의 특성에 대한 유전이 강한 것으로 나타났다. 위의 개체들의 초장은 40cm 이상이었으며 이들 모부본의 초장은 70cm 이상으로, 이는 모부본의 초장 길이가 길면 F₁ 개체의 초장도 길게 나타나는 것으로 생각된다. ‘Matrix’ × ‘Holebibi’으로부터 선발한 F₁ 개체는 화색이 화려했으며 초장은 작았다. ‘Kotnali’ × ‘Tiny Bee’으로부터 선발한 F₁ 개체 112061-1은 모본의 화색인 오랜지색을 나타냈고, 112061-2는 부본의 화색인 노랑색을 나타냈다. 초장은 각각 27.7cm, 22.4cm 로 부본인 ‘Tiny Bee’와 유사하게 나타났다. 이와 같이 ‘Tiny Bee’, ‘Matrix’ 등의 초장이 작은 품종을 교배에 사용하면 왜성용 분화용 나리개발 가능성이 큰 것으로 판단되었다. This study was conducted to breed interspecific hybrids by crossing between Asiatic hybrids for the purpose of cut flower or pot plant. According to results of reciprocal crossing between L. davidii and ‘Conception’, flower color of F₁ appears nearer to that of each male parent but they seemed to be influenced by L. davidii which has side-facing flower position. The characteristic traits of F₁ hybrids obtained from the cross between ‘Tresor’ and ‘Black Out’ is related to female parent ‘Tresor’. Whereas in a cross between ‘Navidad’ and ‘Hironde’, a progeny 122611-4 has the petal spot characteristic similar to the female Asiatic hybrid ‘Navidad’ and male parent ‘Gironde’ influence on the petal color. F₁ hybrid cross ‘Gironde × Red Sensation’ showed parental flower color expression contribution. In addition ‘Gironde’ as parent contributed extensively in imparting flower color in the resulting hybrids. In the above statements, F₁ progenies were more than 40cm in height and the plant height of their parents was over 70cm. Therefore, it is considered that their F₁ progenies are not short if parents have a long plant height. In ‘Kotnali × Tiny Bee’ progenies, 112061-1 progeny expressed orange flower color similar to female while 112061-2 showed yellow flower color same as male. Plant height was 27.7cm and 22.4cm close to 35.0cm of male parent ‘Tiny Bee’. F₁ hybrid of ‘Matrix × Holebibi’ expressed three flower color all of parents. It was dwarf and distinguishable as compared to parental phenotype. Therefore, it is concluded that for potted lily flower development carrying dwarf plant height and intermediate morphological traits Asiatic hybrids plays an important role such as ‘Tiny Bee’ and ‘Matrix’.

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