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        운동생리학 : 일반인과 비만인의 UCP2 유전자 다형에 따른 혈압의 비교분석

        이지영(JiYoungLee),박수현(SooHyunPark),윤은선(EunSunYoon),우상구(SangKooWoo),강현식(HyunSikKang),안의수(EueSooAnn) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.2

        The purpose of the study was to compare body fatness, cardio-respiratory fitness, blood pressure, and nitric oxide across the UCP2 gene I/D polymorphism in non-obese and obese man. A total of 92 apparently healthy volunteers (non-obese, n=54; obese, n=38; aged 20-30 years) were recruited via flyers and local advertisements. Body fatness measures included body weight, percent body fat, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip (WHR) ratio. Cardio-respiratory fitness measures included VO2max, 1-min recovery heart rate, and treadmill exercise duration. Diastolic and systolic blood pressures were measured by using a mercury sphygmometer. Mean arterial blood pressure was calculated. Nitrite concentration was measured in fasting plasma samples. Chi-square analysis showed no significant difference in the relative frequencies of the UCP2 I/D genotypes between the non-obese and obese groups. One-way analyses of variance showed significant genotype differences in DBP (p=.029), MAP (p=.040), and nitrite concentration (p=.027) in the obese group such that those with DD genotype had significantly higher values than those with ID genotype. With respect to the non-obese group, however, there were no significant genotype differences in any of the measured variables. Therefore, the current findings suggest that 1) the UCP2 I/D gene polymorphism may contribute to elevated blood pressure in the obese group and 2) compared to those with ID genotype, higher nitrite concentration found in those with DD genotype may reflect a compensatory response to the elevated blood pressure in the obese group with DD genotype.

      • KCI등재

        운동생리학 : 비만지표와 안정 시 대사량 및 심폐체력에 대한 β3-AR과 UCP-2 유전자 다형의 상호작용 효과

        이지영(JiYoungLee),한태경(TaeKyoungHan),김대영(DaeYoungKim),박수현(SooHyunPark),안의수(EueSooAnn),강현식(HyunSikKang) 한국체육학회 2005 한국체육학회지 Vol.44 No.4

        The purpose of the study was to experiment synergy effects of beta3-adrenergic receptor(β3-AR) and uncoupling protein 2(UCP2) gene polymorphism on obesity indices, resting metabolic rate(RMR), and cardiopulmonary fitness. A total of 154 apparently healthy volunteers was recruited via flyers and local advertisements. Obesity indices included body mass index(BMI), percent body fat(%BF), waist circumference, waist/hip ratio. A group having Trp/Trp(TT) homozygotes of β3-AR gene together with Deletion/Deletion(D/D) homozygotes of UCP2 gene showed high mean value significantly in body weight(p=0.004), %BF(p=0.039), BMI(p=0.016), waist circumference(p=0.005), waist/hip ratio(p=0.040), and RMR(p=0.025). And the maximal oxygen consumption per minute low than other groups but it was not significant difference statistically. We think that this synergy effect of β3-AR and UCP2 for obesity indices and RMR made by correlation of these gene and than accumulation of body fat may be accelerated, because a simultaneous mutation of β3-AR and UCP2 bring about not only increasing accumulation of body fat but also decreasing cardiopulmonary fitness by decreasing RMR and fat oxidation. Therefore, the current findings suggest that in the event of mutation of β3-AR and UCP2 simultaneously, morbidity on obesity may increase .

      • KCI등재

        인문,사회과학편 : 경기 중 다양한 전술구사 알고리즘

        최성범(SeongBeomChoi),이지영(JiYoungLee),한태용(TaeYongHan) 한국체육학회 2014 한국체육학회지 Vol.53 No.6

        기계공학분야에서 선형배정문제(LAP)와 선형병목배정문제(LBAP)는 다항시간으로 최적 해를 구하는 알고리즘이 알려져 있지 않은 NP-난제로 분류되어 메타휴리스틱 방법이나 O(m<sup>4</sup>)계산 복잡도의 선형계획법(LP) 소프트웨어 패키지나 헝가리안 알고리즘(HA)을 적용하고 있다. 본 논문은 LAP와 LBAP의 개념을 스포츠분야의 경기 중 선수 포지션 변경 전략으로 접목시켰다. 경기 중 선수 포지션 변경 전략으로 경기력 점수에 기반하여 최대-합, 공격지향 최대-합, 수비지향 최대-합과 공수균형 최대-최소 전략을 제안하였다. 제안된 알고리즘을 실험 데이터에 적용한 결과 단지Excel을 활용하여 O(㎡)의 수행 복잡도로 각 전략에서 최적 해를 얻을 수 있었다. The linear assignment problem (LAP) and linear bottleneck assignment problem (LBAP) in mechanical engineering has beenunknown the algorithm to solve the optimal solution within polynomial-time. These problems are classified by NP-hard. Therefore, we can be apply metaheuristic methods or linear programming (LP) software package or Hungarian algorithm (HA)with O(m<sup>4</sup>) computational complexity. This paper grafts the LAP and LBAP upon position changing strategies in sports. Wesuggest max-sum, attack-oriented max-sum, defense-oriented max-sum and balanced attack-and-defence max-min strategy forthe position changing strategies. Application result of the experimental data, the proposed algorithm can be obtain the optimalsolutions for each strategy with O(㎡) time complexity and only utilized Excel.

      • KCI등재

        복부비만 중년여성의 비만과 대사증후군 예방 및 치료를 위한 적정운동량 -폐경 전,후 중년여성을 중심으로-

        윤은선(EunSunYoon),이지영(JiYoungLee),강현식(HyunSikKang),안의수(EueSooAnn),우상구(SangGuWoo),김동제(DongJaeKim) 한국체육학회 2008 한국체육학회지 Vol.47 No.6

        본 연구에서는 폐경 전, 후의 복부비만여성들을 대상으로 비만 및 대사증후군 지표 개선을 위한 적정 운동량을 제시하고자 하였다. 집단을 폐경 전, 후 그리고 운동을 실시하지 않은 CON집단과 칼로리 소모량에 따라 LV-EX집단(1,000~1,500kcal/week), MV-EX(1,500~2,000kcal/week), HV-EX(2,000~2,500kcal/week)으로 구분하여 주당 3회, 12주 걷기운동을 실시하였다. 연구결과 폐경 전후 여성 모두 주당 1000kcal 이상의 운동량은 체중감량에 효과적이었으며, 체지방율, BMI, 허리둘레의 경우 주당 최소 1500kcal 운동에서 감소되었고, 적극적인 비만치료 및 혈중 TC와 이완기 혈압의 감소를 위해서는 주당 2000∼2500kcal 이상의 운동이 요구되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 현상은 폐경 전, 후 여성 모두에서 유사한 경향을 보였으나, 폐경 후 여성은 폐경 전 여성에 비해 동일한 운동의 효과를 얻기 위해 더 많은 운동량이 요구되는 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the weekly optimum volume of exercise needed to improve obesity and metabolic indices in centrally obese, mid-life women who participated in a 12 week-walking exercise program. Based on the menopausal state and volume of energy expended during the exercise training sessions, the participants were divided into premenopausal group, postmenopausal group and CON group, low volume exercise(LV-EX) group(1,000~1,500kcal/week), moderate volume exercise(MV-EX) group(1,500~2,000kcal/week), and high volume exercise(HV-EX) group(2,000~2,500kcal/ week). The current findings suggest that a minimum amount of 1,000kcal/week is needed to improve obesity indices and possibly exercise-induced energy expenditure of 1,500kcal/week appears to be optimal for the improvement of obesity and above 2,000~2,500kcal/week appears to be for the active improvement of obesity, and decrease total cholesterol(TC) and diastolic blood pressure(DBP). its-related metabolic syndrome markers in centrally obese mid-life women. And it will be need more exercise volume to require similar exercise effect in postmenopausal than premenopausal women.

      • KCI우수등재

        자연과학편 : L-(+)-ornithine oxoglutarate 투여가 지구성 운동 전,후의 흰쥐의 혈중과 조직 암모니아 농도 및 뇌 세로토닌 농도에 미치는 영향

        김동제(DongJaeKim),권창기(ChangKiKwon),이봉근(BongKeunLee),이지영(JiYoungLee),이근일(KeunIlLee),김완수(WanSooKim),이한(HanLee),김대영(DaeYoungKim),안의수(EueSooAnn) 한국체육학회 2006 한국체육학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 흰쥐에게 있어 OKG 투여가 지구성 운동 시 근 글리코겐의 고갈을 초래하는 시점에서 대사활성으로 생성된 암모니아를 생체 내에서 글루타민 및 우레아 형태로 전환시키고 뇌 세로토닌의 생성을 억제시키는지를 검토하는데 있었다. 본 연구의 실험 대상은 9-10주령 된 웅성 Sprague-Dawley계 흰쥐(260∼280g) 80여 마리로 하였다. 연구결과 지구성 운동 전 OKG 투여는 rest 2, exe30, 그리고 exh 혈장 glutamate, glutamine, 그리고 ornithine 농도를 증가시켰고, ex30과 exh 의 암모니아와 뇌 세로토닌 농도를 감소시켰다(p<.05). 또한 지구성 운동 전 OKG 투여는 rest 2, exe30, 그리고 exh 에 혈중 2-oxoglutarate 농도를 증가시켰고 운동 지속시간을 약 25분 정도 증가시켰다(p<.05). 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, OKG 투여에 의한 지구성 운동수행력의 증가는 지구성 운동 전 OKG 투여가 glutamate과 ornithine 농도를 증가시켜 암모니아 농도를 감소시킴과 동시에 뇌 세로토닌 생성을 억제시켜 중추 피로를 감소시키며, 추가적으로 2-oxoglutarate를 증가에 의한 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of the study was to investigate effects of OKG[L-(+)-ornithine oxoglurate] on clearance of ammonia and brain serotonin in rats. A total of 80 male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided 8groups according to sampling time(rest 1, rest 2, ex30, and exhaustion) and OKG and placebo administration. OKG and Placebo were given at 20min before exercise. OKG administration group showed significantly higher plasma glutamate, glutamine, 2-oxoglutarate and ornithine concentration at restⅡ(20min after OKG administration), ex30, and exhaustion in comparison with placebo group. Also, OKG administration group showed significantly lower plasma, muscle, brain ammonia and brain serotonin concentration at ex 30min and exhaustion, and significantly prolonged exercise time in comparison with placebo group. The current findings of the study suggest that OKG administration before endurance exercise not only reduce blood, muscle, and brain ammonia and brain serotonin concentration but also induce endurance performance by increasing α-KG concentration.

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