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      • KCI등재

        자궁근종의 임상통계적 관찰

        이중희(CH Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1968 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.11 No.2

        The uterine myoma is the most common tumor of the uterus, being estimated about 20% of all women over 34 years of age. From April 1953 to June 1967, 247 cases of myoma uteri were treated at Dept, of Obst. & Gynec., Seoul National University Hospital. 1. During this same period, 2,218 cases of gynecological major surgery (excluded obstrical operations) were performed, giving a ratio 1 myoma to 8.8 major surgeries(11.4%). 2. The mean age was 43.1 years, the most frequent age was 41-45 years group, and 99.2% of all cases was over 30 years of age. The youngest was 21 and the oldest was 64 years. 3. The mean age of menarche was 16.1, and 62.8% of all cases had their menarche before age of 16. 4. The corporeal myoma was the most frequent location (89.6%), whereas, the cervical was 7.6% and the cervicocoporeal was 2.8%. 5. The subserous myoma was about one thirds(34.0%), the interstitial type was another one thirds(32.8%), and the left was the mixed form(19.3%), and the submucous type (13.9%). The submucous type was the least common type. 6. The menometrorrhagia was the most common chief complaints (23.1%), whereas dysmenorrhea in 14.2% and pelvic heaviness in 13.4%, etc, in orders. The submucous and the interstitial type of myoma were the predominant types in patients with menometrorrhagia and irregular bleeding, especially, the submucous type in irregular bleeding. Whereas subeserous type was more common type in dysmenorrhea and pelvic heaviness. 7. Infertility was observed in 55.9% of myoma patients, among them primary is 20.1% and secondary sterility is 35.8% of all cases. The sumucous and the mixed type revealed relativly high incidence of infertility, 59.8% and 68.3% respectively. 8. Adnexal change was observed in 34% of myoma uteri, ovarian follicullar cyst was the most common (45.3%). And I case of comgenitl unilateral absence of ovary was seen. 9. Secondary change of myoma was observed in 10.3%, and hyaline degeneration was the most common degenerative change. No. sarcomatous change was oberved in this study. 10. Anemia (less than 10.0 gm.% as tentative criteria) was seen in 40.9%, and 7.3% of patients was severe anemic condition(Hb.:less than 6gm. %) 11. The method of treatment we apllied, was surgical operation, ie, abdominal hysterectomy(88.4%), vaginal hysterectomy (4.9%), myomectomy (4.1%) and subtotal hysterectomy(2.8%).

      • KCI등재

        반복동측난관임신파열후 발생한 속발성 복강내임신의 1예

        최낙성(NS Choi),최연동(RD Choi),이중희(CH Lee),이교웅(KW Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.9

        자궁외임신은 흔히 볼수 있는 질환으로서 그 반복례도 희귀한 것은 아니다. 그러나 동측반복난소난관은 극히 희귀하고 우리나라에서는 서등의 보고가 있고 외국에서는 우군본,Frankel,Donal,Buerger등이 보고한 바있다. 저자들은 최근에 동측반복난소난관이 중절되어 2차 적으로 그후 볼공내임신이 제4개월까지 지속되었던 흥미있는 1예를 경험하였기에 이에 보고하는 바이다. 결 론 난소절제후에 반복된 동측난소임신이 복공내임신을 속발한 흥미있는 일례를 경험하였기에 이에 보고하는 바이다. (각필함에 있어서 시종 지도하여 주신 김석환박사께 감사하는 바이다)

      • KCI등재

        난관임신경과후 속발된 동측난관간질부 임신의 1례

        김홍택(HT Kim),강조자(JJ Kang),이중희(CH Lee),장윤석(YS Chang) 대한산부인과학회 1969 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.12 No.7

        Interstital pregnancy following homolateral salpingectomy is a rare but well-documented entity. As a second case in Korea a 33-year-old Korean housewife was presented. She had had a left salpingectomy for a ruprured rubal pregnancy two years before this incidence. Pregnancy had been uneventful until seventeenth week of estation when it was spontaneously terminated through cavum uteri resulting in "Tubeneckenplazenta". Immediate hysterectomy with blood replacement was neccessary to save the patient.

      • KCI등재

        자궁선근증에 수반된 더그러스와 및 난소자궁내막증의 1예

        최낙성(NS Choi),최연동(RD Choi),이중희(CH Lee),이교웅(KW Lee) 대한산부인과학회 1967 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.10 No.10

        자궁내악과 같은 조직이 자궁공이외의 부위에 발육증식한것을 자궁내막증 endometriosis라한다. 선골증 adenomyosis는 자궁근증내에 자궁내막이 침입증식한것으로서 내자궁내막증 endometriosis interna라하고 자궁이외의 부위에 발생증식한 외자궁내막증 endometriosis externa와 구별 되어 있다. 본증의 호발부위는 자궁이고 Douglas공에 광범하게 발생한것은 구미에서는 그리 희유한것은 아니다. 그러나 일반으로 동양인에 있어서는 자궁전골증은 그리 희유한 것은 아니나 외자궁내막증은 희유하다. 환자들은 42세 부인의 자궁선근증에 수반된 Douglas공 및 난소에 발생한 외자궁내막증의 1례를 경험하였기에 이를 보고하는 바이다. 결 론 자궁선근종에 합병된 더그라스공 및 난소자궁내막증을 외과적으로 절제한후 그 경과가 양호했던 우리나라에서는 희유한 흥미있는 1례를 보고하는 바이다. (각필함에 있어서 시종 지도하여 주신 김석환박사께 감사하는 바이다)

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