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      • 토석류 피해저감을 위한 유연성 방호책 적용에 관한 연구

        유병옥,장범수,최승일,최우경,You Byung-Ok,Chang Buhm-Soo,Choi Seung-Il,Choi Yu-Kyung (사)한국토질및기초기술사회 2006 기술발표회 Vol.2006 No.-

        Debris flows are a natural hazard which looks like a combination of flood, land and rock slide. Large rainfall in July 2006 produced several large scale debris flows and many small debris flows that resulted in loss of life and considerable property and highway damage, as was widely reported in the national media. The hazard "debris flow" is still insufficiently researched Furthermore debris flows are very hard to predict. In this paper, a general over view of the debris flow problems along the highway, a generic way for the design and dimensioning of flexible barrier systems will be presented. A brief description of the various unique barrier types will be provided, too. The future for these barrier concepts looks promising because these barriers represent the state of art for such applications and are superior to many other available options.

      • 上下水 大腸菌의 最適確數 및 抗菌劑耐性

        兪炳玉,薛監用,芮旻海,趙東澤 대한화학요법학회 1983 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        1983年 1月에서 5月사이 大邱直轄市 北區 邑內洞 八溪扈에 마을 下水가 流入되는 河川水와 隣近의 簡易상수도 물에서 大腸菌 最適確數(MPN)을 觀察하였고, 分離된 大腸菌의 各種 抗菌劑에 對한 耐性樣相을 調査하였다. 河川水 100㎖ 當 大腸菌 最適確數는 95에서 2,400의 分布였다. 河川水의 大腸菌 總 404株가운데 219株(54.2%)가 抗菌劑 耐性菌이었다. 河川水의 耐性菌 分布의 藥劑別로는 Tc에 耐性인 菌流가 47.8%로 가장 높고, Su. Sm, Ap, Cb, Cm의 順이었다. Tp, Km, Cr, Ct는 32.4%가 耐性이었고 Na와 Gm에 耐性菌株는 없었다. ??點別로는 豚舍 由來菌여 Tc, Sm 및 Su의 藥劑에 耐性이 比較的 높고, 마을 下水가 流入되는 河川水에서 分離된 菌株가 多樣한 耐性樣相을 보였으며 最近 使用이 많은 Ap에 對한 耐性豚度가 顯著히 높아졌다. 多藥劑 重複耐性菌의 分難頻度는 豚舍由來菌에서는 耐性菌의 分離頻度는 가장 높은 반면, 多藥劑에 重複耐性의 傾向은 낮았다. 마을 下水 由來菌은 10劑에 重複耐性을 비롯하여 6劑以上 重複耐性인 菌株가 많아서 耐性의 重複度가 높았다. 畜舍 由來菌에 比해 사람 由來菌일 수록 多藥劑에 重複耐性의 頻度가 높은 것으로 생각된다. 특히 牛舍 廢水가 流入되는 河川水에서는 Tc에만 耐性인 菌株가 主로 많았다. 簡易水水道에서 導水된 上水 100㎖ 當 大腸菌이 1.8에서 220의 分布를 보였다. 이들 生活用水에서 分離된 大腸菌의 耐性樣相을 보면 總 52株 가운데 26株(50.0%)가 耐性이었고 耐性樣相도 6劑에 重複耐性인 것을 비롯하여 多藥劑에 耐性인 菌株가 많았다. R plasmid 保有菌株가 66株 (30.1%)였고 그중 1株는 生活用水에서 分離된 것이다. 藥劑別 R plasmid에 依한 傳達性耐性頻度는 Km에 가장높았고 그다음으로 Tp, Cm 및 Ap의 順 으로 높았다. 耐性傳達實驗결과 都合 119개의 R plasmid를 확보할 수 있었다. Water samples taken from five sites of stream where variom kinds of waste water were drained to and each two tap-water samples from three faucet were examined for the study of the most probable number (MPNj and antimicrobial drug resistance of E. coli during Jan. t o May, 1983. The range of MPN per 100 ml of sewage water was 95 to 2,400 and that of in tap-water. -isas 1.8 to 220. There was no significant difference of MPN in sxTvsge water by the sites and by the time of sampling. Two hundreds and ninteen strains(54.2% j of 404 E. coli strains isolated from sewage water u-ere resistant to one t o ten drugs tested. The frequency of resistant strains isolated from the sewage was highest to tetracycline(Tc) with 47.876 and followed by sulfisomidhe(Su), strep-tomycin(Sm), ampicillin(Ap), carbenicillin(Cb), and chlorampheniclo(Cm) in the decreasing order. The frequency of.resistant strains isolated from waste water of swine herd was higher than those of village sewage, but multiplicity of drugs resistant to was much higher than those of the swine. Most of the strains derived from swine herd were multiply resistant to three drugs of Tc, SIR, a3d su. The strains isolated from village sewage were more multiply resistant to drugs of comm on use in the treatment of the human infectious diseases. Twenty-six strains(50.0%) isolated from tap-water were resistant to drugs and resistance pattern was similar to those observed in sewage water. Sixty-six strains (30.175) of 219 resistant strains were carrying R plasmid. The frequexncy of transferable resistance by drugs was highest to kanamycin and followed by trimethcprim, Cm, and Ap in decreasing order. A total 119 of R plasmids were obtained.

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