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        지리산에 방사한 반달가슴곰의 행동권 크기 및 서식지 이용 특성 연구

        양두하 ( Doo Ha Yang ),김보현 ( Bo Hyun Kim ),정대호 ( Dae Ho Jung ),정동혁 ( Dong Hyuk Jeong ),정우진 ( Woo Jin Jeong ),이배근 ( Bae Geun Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2008 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        2004년 10월부터 2006년 12월까지 지리산에 방사한 반달가슴곰 7개체를 무선추적하여 연간 행동권 크기를 분석한 결과, 95% MCP에서 반달가슴곰 암컷은 71.66km2, 수컷은 90.20km2로 분석되었다. 계절별 행동권 크기는 암컷곰이 봄 19.81km2, 여름 30.48km2, 가을 22.63km2, 겨울 0.22km2이었고, 수컷곰은 봄 33.47km2, 여름 20.26km2, 가을 23.23km2, 겨울 0.78km2이었다(F=4.193, P<0.05). 반달가슴곰의 행동권역중 약 38% 정도가 중첩되었고, 암컷간 12.5%, 수컷간 22.4% 정도가 중첩되었다. 서식지 평균 해발고도는 봄 744±236m, 여름 682±253m, 가을 937±218m, 겨울 975±137m로 분석되었다(F=8.526, P<0.001). 반달가슴곰의 행동권 크기와 위치는 주로 먹이의 분포와 생산량과 밀접한 관계가 있으며, 계절별 서식 환경특성, 연령 등에 따라서도 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. The studies of seven individuals of Asiatic black bears were carried out with radio telemetry from October 2004 to December 2006 in Jirisan National Park. They were attached radio-transmitter and calculated by the 95%MCP and fixed kernel method(95%, 50%). As a result, Mean annual home ranges for female and male asiatic black bears were 71.66km2 and 90.20km2. The seasonal home ranges were calculated 19.81km2 for females and 33.47km2 for males in spring, 30.48km2 for females and 20.26km2 for males in summer, 22.63km2 for females and 23.23km2 for males in autumn and 0.22km2 for females and 0.78km2 for males in winter(F=4.193, P<0.05). The degree of home range overlapped 38%, 12.5% among females, 22.4% among males. Mean elevation of seven bears was 744±236m in spring, 682±253m in summer, 937±218m in fall and 975±137m in winter(F=8.526, P<0.001). It is assumed that home range sizes and location were closely correlated to environmental characteristics of the habitats and the seasonal variation of home-range was related to distribution of food sources.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        반달가슴곰 피해에 대한 보상 만족도 연구

        김보현 ( Bo Hyun Kim ),김용근 ( Young Geun Kim ),양두하 ( Doo Ha Yang ),( K. V. Skripova ),이경재 ( Kyong Jae Lee ) 한국환경생태학회 2008 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.22 No.5

        본 연구는 지리산국립공원 일원에 방사한 반달가슴곰(Ursus thibetanus ussuricus)이 유발한 피해에 대한 보상 만족도를 살펴보고, 지역주민과의 갈등관리 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위해 수행하였다. 이를 위해 2004년부터 2007년까지 반달가슴곰으로 인해 피해를 받고 보상을 받은 93명을 대상으로 2007년 6월~12월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사결과 현재의 피해보상프로그램에 대한 만족도는 5점 척도상 평균 3.14±0.85점으로 보통수준이었다. 보상만족도는 소득수준, 복원사업 찬성 여부, 보상금액, 보상절차 등의 요인과 유의한 상관관계가 있었다. 피해보상심의위원회를 통한 보상방안에는 비교적 긍정적(평균 3.3±0.9점)이었으나, 다른 야생동물과 동일한 기준인 피해액의 80% 수준에서 보상하는 방안에 대해서는 부정적(평균 2.6±1.11점)이었다. This study was carried out to review the satisfaction with compensation for damage caused by the released Asiatic Black Bears into the whole area of Jirisan National Park and to offer basic data for reasonable conflict management with local community. A questionnaire survey was conducted from Jun. 2007 to Dec. 2007 on 93 subjects who got their compensations for the bear damage from 2004 until 2007. The results stayed at a middle level of satisfaction with the proper damage indemnity program with as mean 3.14±0.85 points on the basis of 5 point scale. The satisfaction with compensation was found to have a significant correlation with the factors, such as income levels, whether to agree to restoration project, compensation money and compensation procedures. The compensation plan through the Animal Damage Compensation Consultation Committee was accepted positively(mean: 3.3±0.9); however, to the compensation plan for the 80% compensation of actual amounts of bear damage, was acknowledged negatively(mean: 2.6±1.11).

      • KCI등재

        지리산국립공원 반달가슴곰의 배설물을 통한 먹이원 분석

        정대호 ( Dae-ho Jung ),서문홍 ( Hong Seomun ),송동주 ( Dong-ju Song ),최은혜 ( Eun-hye Choi ),이사현 ( Sa-hyun Lee ),이용학 ( Yong-hak Lee ),조재운 ( Chea-un Cho ),송병철 ( Byeong-cheol Song ),양두하 ( Doo-ha Yang ) 한국환경생태학회 2016 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        지리산국립공원 반달가슴곰은 2004년부터 러시아 연해주, 북한, 중국 동북부 일대와 서식지외 보전기관인 서울대공원에서의 재도입을 통해 복원사업을 진행하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 배설물을 통해 식이물을 분석하여 반달가슴곰의 먹이습성, 지리산국립공원에서의 먹이 자원 환경을 파악하기 위함이다. 2005년부터 2013년 사이에 무선 위치 모니터링이 가능한 반달가슴곰 배설물 78점을 채집하여 먹이원을 분석한 결과 상대출현빈도는 식물이 77%로 가장 높게 나타났고, 곤충 12.8%, 포유류 5.6%, 기타 3.6%, 조류 0.5%, 절지동물문 0.5%의 순이었다. 또한 수집한 배설물 중 건중량을 측정한 52점 대상으로 먹이 비(ratio)를 분석한 결과 식물이 91.2%로 가장 높게 나타났으며, 포유류 3.6%, 곤충류1.0%, 기타 4.2%의 순이었다. 배설물을 통한 먹이원 분석 연구 결과 지리산에 서식하는 반달가슴곰은 잡식성이며, 동물성 먹이보다 식물성 먹이가 주 먹이원인 것으로 확인할 수 있었다. Since 2004, Asiatic Black Bear of the Jirisan National Park is subjected to the restoration project through the re-introduction by the Maritime Province of Siberia in Russia, North Korea, Northeastern part of China and Seoul Grand Park. The purpose of this study is to analyze diets with scat to identify Asiatic Black Bear`s feeding habit and eating resources environment in the Jirisan National Park. 78 scats of Asiatic Black Bears were observed during the field studies of radio telemetry-marked bears and by chance in the Jrisan National Park, from 2005 to 2013. The relative frequency of occurrence demonstrated that the plants comprised the highest with 77%, followed by insects with 12.8%, mammals with 5.6%, birds with 0.5%, arthropoda with 0.5%, and others with 3.6%. Also, 52 scats among the collected scats that were measured for the ratio of food were subjected to dry weight, and plants were the highest with 91.2%, followed by mammals with 3.6%, insects with 1.0% and others with 4.2% in the order mentioned. Asiatic Black Bear`s feed research demonstrated that the Asiatic Black Bear at Jirisan is omnivorous and that the vegetable food is the main feed instead of animal feed.

      • 족제비(Mustela sibirica coreana) 및 두더지(Talpa micurua coreana)의 생체부위별 중금속 축적 경향

        손성원,한성용,양두하 경남대학교 환경문제연구소 1997 환경연구 Vol.19 No.-

        This study was analyzed the heavy metal concentrations and companed with each of the organs of the weasels and moles. In case of the weasels, the elements were detected higher than the case of the moles en the A1, Fe, Cu, Zn, while the Pb, Cr were defected lower than the case of moles In case of Fe, was detected highly in kidney and liver than the other organs, and especially most highly detected in the case of moles. On the organs of samples, Cd was detected highly in kindev and liver than the other organs, and especially most highly detected in the ease of moles. And in case of the weasel's fur, Fe was very highly detected. The weasels seems to be shown that toxic elements were easily excreted by fur exchange system more than the case of the moles, or to be related with environmental factor of the collecting place that the weasel samples had been collected in the Sasang industrial areas of Pusan.

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