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      • KCI우수등재

        표준항혈청 생산 및 한우 ( Bos taurus coreanae ) 의 혈액형에 관한 연구

        신형두,윤충근,신언익,양일석,권종국 ( H . D . Shin,C . K . Yoon,U . I . Shin,I . S . Yang,J . K . Kwun ) 한국축산학회 1993 한국축산학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        These studies were carried out to produce standard antisera for the serological blood typing of cattle and to clarify the genetic characteristics of Korean Native Cattle. For the serological blood typing, thirty-three standard antisera(reagents) were produced by iso-immunizations and absorptions with two hundreds animals. Seven hundreds and forty-two Korean Native Cattle were bloodtyped by those antisera. Also the phenogroups (alleles) in each blood group system were investigated. Two hundreds animals were bloodtyped with standard antisera which introduced from bovine bloodtyping laboratory, Saskatoon, Canada and used far isoimmuniz anon to produce immunesera. Thirty-two reagents(A1, A2 and Z` of A system; B, C, I1, Y2, A`1, A`2, B`, D`, E`2, E`3, I` and J` of B system; C1, C2, X1, X2, R1, R2, W and L` of C system; F and V of I` system; J of J system; S, H`, U1, U`1, U` and U$quot; of S system: Z of Z system) were produced by iso-immnunizations and absorptions. And J reagent was seperated from natural serum. In ISAG international comparison test in 1991, the specificities of these thirty-three antisera were compared with those of other laboratory. In A blood system, four kinds of phenogroups were appeared. The gene frequency of A1Z` phenogroup, which has been characteristically reported in Indian cattle breed, was 0.206. In B blood system, thirty-five kinds of phenogroups were appeared and showed similar gene frequencies in each other. In C blood system, sixteen kinds of pheuogroups were appeared. The gene frequency of X2 phenogroup was the highest(0.300). In F blood system, three kinds of alleles were appeared. The gene frequency of $quot;-$quot; allele which has been characteristically reported in Indian cattle breed, was 0.213. In S blood system, ten kinds of phenogroups were appeared. The gene frequency of $quot;-$quot; and G$quot; phenogroups were relatively high. In J and Z blood system, the gene frequency of J and Z alleles were 0.432 and 0.600.

      • KCI우수등재

        한우혈액형의 phenogroup 과 아형관계에 관한 연구

        신형두(H . D . Shin),신언익(U . I . Shin),양일석(I . S . Yang),권종국(J . K . Kwun) 한국축산학회 1990 한국축산학회지 Vol.32 No.9

        This experiment was carried out to clarify the phenogroups and subtype relationships of bloodtype antigens appeared in Korean Native Cattle. Fifty-two standard antisera(reagents) which were standardized by International Society for Animal Blood Group Research were introduced for bloodtyping of 213 Korean Native Cattle. And computer program II-2 and I-2 were used to find phenogroups. 1. In A system, 4 kinds of phenogroups; A₁, A₂ A₁Z` and $quot;-$quot; were appeared in Korean Native Cattle and A₁ Phenogroup showed the highest gene frequency(0.5065). Z`-A₁-A₂ linear subtype relationship was proved in Korean Native Cattle. 2. In B system, 49 kinds of phenogroups were appeared in Korean Native Cattle. And B-K, linear subtype relationships and A`₁-A`₂ A`_x, non-linear subtype relationship were approved. In G₁-G₂-G_x non-linear subtype relationship, G₂ antigens without G₁ and G_x antigens were appeared. 3. In C system, C₁-C₂. R₁-R₂ linear subtype relationship and X₁-X₂-X` non-linear subtype relationship were appeared in Korean Native Cattle. 4. In F system, 7 kinds of phenogroups : F, V₁, V₂, FN`, V₁N`, FV₂N` and $quot;-$quot; were appeared in Korean Native Cattle and FV₂N` phenogroup which had not emerged in other species of East Asian cattle showed gene frequency of 0.0013. In V₁-V₂ linear subtype relationship, V₁ antigens without V₂ antigens were appeared in Korean Native Cattle. 5. In S system, 5 kinds of phenogroups : H`U₁, SH`, H`, U` and $quot;-$quot; were appeared in Korean Native Cattle and H` and U` phenogroups showed relatively high gene frequencies, 0.2523 and 0.2614, respectively. U₁-U₂-U` non-linear subtype relationship was appeared in Korean Native Cattle. 6. In J, L, Z and R`-S` system, two kinds of alleles were appeared in Korean Native Cattle, respectively. The gene frequencies of J. L, Z and R`-S` alleles were 0.1279, 0.0383, 0.4827 and 0.0024, respectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        한우 ( Bos taurus coreanae ) 의 혈액단백다형에 관한 연구

        신형두(H . D . Shin),신언익(U . I . Shin),양일석(I . S . Yang),권종국(J . K . Kwun) 한국축산학회 1993 한국축산학회지 Vol.35 No.3

        These studies were carried out to clarify the genetic characteristics of Korean Native Cattle. To examine the biochemical polymorphisms of eight protein loci, polyacrylamide and starch gel electrophoresis methods were used. Gene frequencies of alleles in hemoglobin locus(Hb) were 0.870(Hb A) and O.130(Hb B) which was rarely reported in European cattle breed. Gene frequencies of alleles in albumin locus(Alb) were 0.997(AIb A) and 0.003(Alb B) which was rarely reported in European cattle breed. Gene frequencies of alleles in amylase t locus (Am I) were 0.307(Am I B) and 0.693(Am I C). Gene frequencies of alleles in carbonic anhydrase locus(CA) were 0.065(CA F) and 0935(CA S). Gene Irequencics of alleles in ceruloplasmin locus(Cp) were O.s38(Cp A) and 0.662(Cp C). Gene frequencies of alleles in post transferrin-2 locus(pTf-2) were 0.692(pTf-2 F) and 0.30 8(pTf-2 S). Gene frequencies of alleles in post-albumin locus(pAlb) were 0.580(pAlb F) and 0.420(pAlb S). Gene frequencies of alleles in transferrin locus(Tf were 0.268(Tf A), 0.234(Tf D1), 0.247(Tf D2), 0.235(Tf E), 0.017(Tf K) and 0.001(Tf Y), respectively. The two transferrin variants have been found in this studies and nomenclatured as Tf K and Tf Y. The heredity of Tf K allele were reported at first.

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