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      • KCI등재후보

        예술의 복수 생산과 멀티미디어적 특성 -판화, 사진, 영상 예술의 공간개념을 중심으로-

        송대섭 ( Daesup Song ),김지혜 ( Jihea Kim ) 한국영상미디어협회 2012 예술과 미디어 Vol.11 No.2

        과학기술의 발달로 예술의 제작과 생산 방식에도 변화가 온다. 기계적 메커니즘은 예술의 복수제작을 가능케 하고 판화와 사진, 영상예술은 복수생산의 시스템을 가장 적극적으로 도입, 예술 형식의 본질로 한다. 복수제작이 가능한 예술은 그렇지 않은 예술에 비해 내용, 조형적으로 다른 특징을 지닌다. 복수 생산된 예술 작품에는``복수의 물리적 공간``이 생성되는데, 이 공간 에 대한 새로운 고찰은 시대적으로 복수 예술의 형식에 타당성을 제공하고 내용의 긴밀한 확장과 창조적 깊이를 가져온다. 본 논문은 판화, 사진 예술이 가장 최근에 발달한 복수예술인 멀티미디어 영상과 끝없이 이어지는 관계성에 주목한다. 판화, 사진이 물리적으로 3차원의 공간에 존재하면서도 복수로 제작하여 설치 시에 나타나 는 복수의 공간이 있음에 주목하고 멀티미디어의 가상공간과 그 안에서 일어나는 행위적 특성과 연관 지어``사 이``의 의미를 이야기한다. 본 논문에서 말하는``사이 공간``이란 멀티미디어의 특성에서 보이듯 이질적인 요 소의 개입을 허용하고 창조적인 과정을 수용하는 개별적 요소들의 만남의 장이며 변화의 공간인 유동의 장으로 해석된다. 이러한 분석을 통해 복수생산예술인 판화, 사진, 영상예술은 오늘날 멀티미디어의``변용성``을 가 장 적극적으로 수용하는 예술임과 동시에 내용과 형식에 새로움을 더하는 현대적 예술로 재탄생하게 된다. As scientific technology develops, methods of creating and producing arts change as well. Mechanical mechanism enables multiple creation of arts, and especially printmaking, photograph and images adopt this system of multiple creation most actively and take it as the essence of art forms. Arts that are subject to multiple creation are of different characteristics both in contents and in a formative sense from those that are not. New consideration on ``space`` in art works resulted from multiple creation provides forms of multiple creation with validity of the times and brings close expansion of contents and depth in creation. This study focuses on constant relationship between arts of printmaking and photograph and multimedia arts, the most recently developed form of multiple creation. Paying attention to the fact that while printmaking and photograph physically exists in three-dimensional space, multiple creation in them makes multiple space appear, the study deals with ``inter-space`` by relating to characteristics of virtual space in multimedia. The ``inter-space`` in this study is interpreted as fluid space in works and also as a place for arts of permitting different elements and embracing changes and creative processes as shown in characteristics in multimedia. Through these analyses, arts of multiple creation including printmaking, photograph and images are reborn as arts of adopting ``mutability`` of today`s multimedia most actively and as modern art adding freshness to contents and forms of arts.

      • KCI등재

        판화작품을 중심으로 한 이성자의 ‘추상양식’

        한규성 ( Han Kyusung ),송대섭 ( Song Daesup ) 한국영상미디어협회 2019 예술과 미디어 Vol.18 No.1

        이 논문은 ‘추상양식’으로 본 이성자(李聖子, Seund Ja Rhee, 1918~2009년) 판화작품의 특징과 의미를 고찰한다. 1957년부터 2008년까지를 전기 판화와 후기 판화로 나누어 살펴 보고 시대별 주요 작품을 선별하여 특징적인 작품을 재해석해 보고자 한다. 1950년대부터 1980년대 초까지는 전기 판화로 구분하였고 나무라는 매체와 적용한 시기이다. 전기 판화는 전통적인 목판화 기법에 따라 작품을 한 시기로 ‘대지 시대’, ‘나무의 자유 시대’, ‘도시 시대’, ‘투명한 대기 시대’로 나뉘어 있다. 1982년부터 2008년까지는 후기 판화로 구분하였고 1981년 자크 마솔 화랑(Galerie Jacque Massol) 에서 개최된 ‘극지로 가는 길’ 전시를 기점으로 나누었다. 후기 판화는 표현 공간을 최대로 확대한 실험적인 판화기법으로 작업했던 시기로 ‘나무의 변신 시대’, ‘롤러의 출현 시대’, ‘목판화와 시(詩) 시대’로 구분하고 있다. 초기 작품 〈풀을 위한 구성〉 [그림 1]은 주로 자유롭고 조각도의 거친 터치와 두꺼운 잉크의 밀도가 있는 것으로 스탠리 윌리엄 헤이터의 추상적 판화를 접하면서 한판다색법인 헤이터 기법의 영향을 받았다. 이성자는 회화와 판화를 동일시하여 상호보완적인 작품을 제작하였기 때문에 매체나 기법에서 서로 간에 연결성을 보이는 작업형태를 보이며 유화나 수채화의 정신적인 부분, 판화의 육체적인 노력 부분이 합쳐진 것이다. 회화 ‘극지로 가는 길’, ‘우주’ 시리즈 작품 후에도 〈어린 날의 과수원〉, 〈시선〉 등의 판화작품에서는 긴 시간 동안 작품을 한 작가의 심리적, 시대적인 흐름의 변화를 살펴볼 수 있다. 또한 1965년 서울대학교 교수회관 전시 이후 재료나 기법이 다채롭고 풍부해졌으며 한국에 있는 가족과 재회한 것은 작품 제작에 강한 영향을 미쳤다. 1975년 상파울루 비엔날레전시에서 새로운 작품으로 변화하는 시도를 하였으며 그 후 지구를 두 개로 자른 원, 음과 양으로 정의하고 작품의 주제로 하였다. 1982년 이후부터 2008년 작고할 때까지 후기 작품에서는 판화의 재료와 기법에서 독창성이 확연하게 드러난다. 이성자는 프랑스에서 활동하였기 때문에 국내에는 잘 알려지지 않았다. 그러나 그의 작품은 당시 유학이 흔하지 않던 시기에 프랑스에 거주하면서도 한국적인 소재를 작품에 적용함으로써 고국에 대한 그리움을 표현하였을 뿐만 아니라 동양의 자연적 요소와 서양의 인위적 요소를 융합하여 동서양의 교류를 가져왔다는 점에서 한국판화사에서 그 의미를 찾을 수 있다. 많은 양의 ‘추상양식’ 판화작품은 2018년 열린 〈이성자: 지구 반대편으로 가는 길〉 국립 현대미술관 전시를 계기로 다시 조명되었다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 이성자의 ‘추상 양식’ 판화작품의 시대적 변천사와 조형적, 기법적 특징에 따른 의미를 재해석해 볼 수 있을 것이다. This paper examines the characteristics and the meaning of the Seund Ja Rhee’s(李聖子, 1918~2009) printworks that are seen in the art of the abstract form. From 1957 to 2008, I divides the printworks into the former part printmaking and the latter part printmaking and would like to reinterpret the distinctive works by selecting the major works of the era. Her works from the 1950s to the early 1980s are marked as the former part printmaking, since it was a time to adapt to the medium of wood and work according to the traditional technique of printmaking, and are subdivided into the era of the earth, freedom of the trees, the city, and the transparent atmosphere. Her works from 1982 to 2008 are marked as the latter part printmaking and are divided by the exhibition which had the theme of the "Road to the Antipodes" at the Jacques Mas sol Gallery in 1981. It was when she did the abstract works with experimental printmaking techniques, which expanded the space to the maximum, and is subdivided into ‘the era of the tree transformation’, ‘the epiphany of Rollers’, and ‘woodcut prints and poetry’. The early work 〈Composition Grass〉 [Fig. 1], which was mainly free-spirited and had the rough touch of sculpture and thick ink density, seems to have been affected by Hayter’s multicolor printing technique (stenochromy), as she contacted the abstract printmaking of the Stanley William Hayter (1901~1988). Seund Ja Rhee produced complementary works by equating paintings and printmaking, so her works shows the connection of each other in the medium or technique and it can be said that the spiritual part of oil paintings or watercolors and the physical labor part of printmaking are combined in her works. After the works of ‘Road to the Antipodes’ and ‘Cosmos’ series, the printworks of ‘Orchards of Childhood’, ‘Line of Sight’, etc, shows her psychological and temporal change of the artist who produced the works for a long time. Also the exhibition of the Seoul National University Faculty Club in 1965 influenced materials and techniques to be enriched, and the reunion of families in Korea had a strong influence on her works. She made an attempt to change her theme to new one at the exhibition of the 1975 Sao Paulo Biennale, so she defined Earth as a two-cut circle, ‘Yin and Yang’ and made it the subject of the work. In her latter part printmaking from 1982 to 2008, by the time she died, her originality is expressed clearly in the materials and techniques of the printmaking. As she was active in France, she was not well-known in her home country, South Korea but the meaning of Korean contemporary printmaking for Seund Ja Rhee’s works is not only she applied the Korean material to the works while living in France, when the studying abroad was not common, to express her longing for the home country, but also her works combined the natural elements of East and the artificial elements of West and brought the exchanges between Eastern and Western. A large number of ‘Abstract form’ printmakings re-illuminated by the exhibition of The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 〈RHEE Seund Ja : ROAD TO THE ANTIPODES〉in 2018. Therefore, this paper reinterprets the periodic changes and the meaning of the formative and technical features about Seund Ja Rhee’s ‘Abstract form’ printmakings.

      • 부하변화에 따른 가정용 스털링엔진 열병합발전시스템의 성능특성에 관한 연구

        최재준(Jaejoon Choi),박병식(Byungsik Park),김혁주(Hyouckju Kim),송대섭(Daesup Song) 대한설비공학회 2011 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.7

        The unpredicted worldwide oil price makes the energy efficiency technology be more important than any other period. The small cogeneration system is one of the most representative technology among the energy efficiency technologies. Recently, the household cogeneration system has been the center object of attention because of the loss of power transmission and the reasonable energy consumption policy relative to the household (condensing) boiler producing heat only. A cogeneration system based on Stirling engine as a primary mover which can produce maximum 1.1kW of electrical output was investigated from various aspects. The part load characteristics are investigated mainly. The electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency of the systems were measured. The experiment was executed at an independent Stirling engine mode without operating secondary burner. The electrical efficiency of the system was decreased as the electrical power decreased and the thermal efficiency of the system was increased as the electrical power decreased.

      • 가정용 스털링엔진 열병합발전시스템의 성능 특성에 관한 연구

        최재준(Jaejoon Choi),박병식(Byungsik Park),정대헌(Daeheon Jung),김혁주(Hyouckju Kim),강석훈(Seokhoon Kang),임용훈(Yonghoon Im),송대섭(Daesup Song) 대한설비공학회 2010 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.11

        The unpredicted worldwide oil price makes the energy efficiency technology be more important than any other period. The small cogeneration system is one of the most representative technology among the energy efficiency technologies. Recently, the household cogeneration system has been the center object of attention because of the loss of power transmission and the reasonable energy consumption policy relative to the household (condensing) boiler producing heat only. Two cogeneration systems based on Stirling engine as primary mover which can produce 1㎾ of electrical output were investigated from various aspects. The electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency of the systems were measured. The experiment was executed at an independent Stirling engine mode, an independent secondary burner mode, and a combined mode. The emission and noise characteristics were also analyzed and compared with each other. The one cogeneration system was superior to the other in the efficiency of electrical power.

      • 가정용 스털링엔진 및 가스엔진 열병합발전시스템의 성능특성에 관한 연구

        최재준(Jaejoon Choi),박병식(Byungsik Park),정대헌(Daeheon Jung),김혁주(Hyouckju Kim),강석훈(Seokhoon Kang),임용훈(Yonghoon Im),송대섭(Daesup Song) 대한설비공학회 2010 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.6

        The unpredicted worldwide oil price makes the energy efficiency technology be more important than any other period. The small cogeneration system is one of the most representative technology among the energy efficiency technologies. Recently, the household cogeneration system has been the center object of attention because of the loss of power transmission and the reasonable energy consumption relative to the household (condensing) boiler producing heat only. A tiny gas-fueled internal combustion engine cogeneration system and two cogeneration systems based on Stirling engine as primary mover which can produce 1㎾ of electrical output were investigated from various aspects. The electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency of the systems were measured. The emission and noise characteristics were also analyzed and compared with each other. The cogeneration system based on internal combustion reciprocating engine was superior to the others in the efficiency of electrical power but was inferior in the noise and vibration level.

      • 1㎾급 스털링엔진 열병합발전시스템의 시동특성에 관한 연구

        최재준(Jaejoon Choi),박병식(Byungsik Park),정대헌(Daeheon Jung),김혁주(Hyouckju Kim),임용훈(Yonghoon Im),강석훈(Seokhoon Kang),송대섭(Daesup Song) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        The unpredicted worldwide oil price makes the energy efficiency technology be more important than any other period. The small size cogeneration system is one of the most representative technology among the energy efficiency technologies, and the Stirling engine cogeneration system has been concerned and investigated continuously due to the several preferable characteristics - low toxic emission, low noise and vibration level, and the various form of fuel. Unlike the reciprocating-internal combustion engine, Stirling engine must have enough time to warm-up inside the cylinder and working fluid for providing certain given power. So the warm-up time and the time for providing the proper electrical power has been investigated by many researchers. A tiny, 1kW of electrical output, gas fueled Stirling engine cogeneration system's cold start-up and warm start-up characteristics were investigated. The cold start-up test was performed at the fully cold condition and the warm start-up test was performed immediately after the Stirling engine perfectly stopped. The electrical output variation with time was mainly investigated and analyzed at various load conditions. The start-up characteristics of a Stirling engine cogeneration system was finally analyzed.

      • 1㎾급 가스엔진 열병합발전시스템 성능특성에 관한 연구

        최재준(Jaejoon Choi),박병식(Byungsik Park),정대헌(Daeheon Jung),임용훈(Yonghoon Im),최영호(Youngho Choi),송대섭(Daesup Song) 대한설비공학회 2009 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        The unpredicted worldwide oil price makes the energy efficiency technology be more importance than any other period. The small cogeneration system is one of the most representative technology among the energy efficiency technologies, and recently, the household cogeneration system has been the center object of attention because of the loss of power transmission and the reasonable energy consumption relative to the household (condensing) boiler producing heat only. A tiny, 1kW of electrical output, gas fueled internal combustion engine cogeneration system was investigated. The electrical efficiency and thermal efficiency of the system were measured. With the emission characteristics, the cogeneration system was analyzed. It was showed the gas engine cogeneration system produced the lowest NOx level compared any other cogeneration system due to the three-way catalyst.

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