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        甲骨文과의 比較를 통한『說文』部首字의 誤謬 硏究

        서영근(Xu Ynog-Gen) 한국서예학회 2005 서예학연구 Vol.7 No.-

        『說文解字』는 後漢의 許愼이 지은 中國語言文字學史上 최초의 字典으로, 文字學, 聲韻學, 訓詁學, 書藝學 等 方面에 커다란 影向을 미치고 있다. 『說文解字』의 硏究는 經書를 연구하는 補助書에 그치는 것이 아니라, 獨立的인 學問인 小學으로 발전되어 『說文』學의 最高峰인 段玉裁의 『說文解字注』와 王筠의 『說文解字句讀』, 朱駿聲의 『說文解字通訓定聲』等 卓越한 저서들이 출현하게 되었다. 許愼은 『說文解字』에서 形과 義에 의하여 540部首를 확립하고, 9353자의 小篆을 분류별로 세우고 서로 섞이지 않게 하였다. 이 “部首法”은 『說文解字』 이전에는 없었던 일종의 特殊한 方法으로, 後世의 『康熙字典』,『新華字典』等 字典과 詞典의 편찬에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 許愼은 中國語言文字學의 初創期에 처하여, 時代的 影向을 받았을 뿐만 아니라, 『說文解字』를 편찬 할 當時에는 아직 甲骨文이 출토되지 않았으므로, 문자를 解說하는 가운데서 적지 않은 錯誤를 범하였다. 本文은 『說文』의 誤謬를 지적하고, 進一步 漢字의 本義를 탐구하며, 漢字敎育에 正確한 基礎를 제공하는데 硏究目的이 있다. 上述한 硏究目的에 의하여, 本 論文은 『說文解字』의 540部首 중 “甲骨文字에서도 보이는 370部首字”를 硏究範圍위로 정하고, 甲骨文과의 比較를 통하여 그 誤謬를 검토하고자 한다. 남은 170部首字에도 誤謬가 존재하나, 甲骨文 等 根據資料가 不充分한 관계로 硏究範圍에 포함시키지 않는다. 文字의 硏究方法에는 “形․音․義”에 의한 연구가 있지만, 本文에서는 “形․義” 두 方面으로 硏究를 진행한다. 硏究結果, 『說文解字』의 540部首 중“ 甲骨文에서도 보이는 370部首字”중, 字形分析이 正確하지 않은 部首는 66字로 7.8%를 차지하고, 字義解說이 正確하지 않은 部首는 23字로 6.2%를 차지하며, 形義解說이 모두 正確하지 않은 部首는 101字로, 370字중 27.3%를 차지한다. 그 외, 本義가 分明하지 않은 部首는 19字, 甲骨文에서 同一字 혹은 異體字이나, 許愼은 두 개 혹은 서너 개의 部首로 분류한 것은 24種 53個字이다. 以上의 結果를 圖表로 통계하면 다음과 같다. 區分 硏究範圍 字形 字義 形義 誤謬合計 本義不分明 部首誤分 字數 370 66 23 101 190 19 53 百分比 100% 17.8% 6.2% 27.3% 51.3% 5.1% 14.6% 우리는 『說文解字』의 偉大한 業績을 인정함과 동시에, 그 缺點 도한 重視하여야 한다. 이렇게 하여야만 비로소 이 위대한 저서를 正確히 운용할 수 있으며, 中國語言文字學과 書藝學 등 여러 학문의 發展과 漢字敎育에 貢獻할 수 있을 것이다. 《ShuoWenJieZi》, written by Xu Shen in the latter Han, is the first Chinese Character Dictionary in Chinese language and cultural history, its influences on the afterwards Chinese vocabulary, Chinese phonetics as well as Shunguxue, Calligraphy are enormous. Xu Shens work was not only a complement tool to investigate the Old Chinese Jingshu, at the same time, a new research area, named Xiaoxue, was also founded in his work. After the publish Shuo Wen Jie Zi, there were many excellent great works related to this area, such as Notation to Shuo Wen Jie Zi written by Duan Yucai, Sentences Interpretation in Shuo Wen Jie Zi written by Wang Jun and Phonetics Origin in Shuo Wen Jie Zi written. As many as 540 building blocks of Chinese vocabulary was separated by Xu Shen in 《ShuoWenJieZi》, based on these blocks more than 9353 Chinese words, so called Small Seal, could be formed independently and definitely, combining the pictography and the meaning of Chinese characters. The method of Xu Shen was original in history and was employed by the composition of afterwards Chinese dictionary such as 《Kangxi Dictionary》and 《Xinhua Dictionary》. There were many mistakes in 《ShuoWenJieZi》as Xu Shens time was not so far from the beginning of Chinese Characters, moreover, the Oracle Bone Inscriptions, which was the oldest origin of writing Chinese, had not been found during that time. The purpose of this study is to find out and correct the mistakes in 《ShuoWenJieZi》, further explore the original meanings of Chinese Characters and make a sound background for nowadays Chinese language education. In order to realize above purpose, this study choose the 370 building blocks of Chinese Character, which appeared in both 《ShuoWenJieZi》and Oracle Bone Inscriptions, as the targets, find out the mistakes through comparing the difference in above two materials. Because of the lack of references, the other 170 blocks are not included in this study. Generally speaking, there are three methods for language study, that is, from pictography, from meanings and from phonetics, the former two methods are employed in this study. The study results indicate that there are 66 blocks having pictographic mistakes, about 17.8%, 23 blocks having meaning mistakes, about 6.2%, and 101 blocks having both pictographic and meaning mistakes, about 27.3% of 370 blocks. Additionally, there are 19 blocks whose original meaning are not clear. And other 53 blocks in 24 kinds has only one meaning in Oracle Bone Inscriptions, but 2 or 3 kinds of meanings in 《ShuoWenJieZi》. Above results are summarized in the following table. Items Total Blocks Pictographic Mistake Meaning Mistake P+M Mistake Total Mistakes Meaning Unclear istake Clarification Amounts 370 66 23 101 190 19 53 Percentage 100% 17.8% 6.2% 27.3% 51.3% 5.1% 14.6% We should face the mistakes when we give our respects to 《ShuoWenJieZi》, only by this way could we use this great work to develop our Chinese Character education to a higher stage.

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