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      • KCI등재

        결혼(結婚)의 질(質)과 행복감(幸福感)의 남녀(男女) 및 가족생활주기(家族生活週期) 차이(差異)

        서문희 ( Moonhee Suh ) 한국보건사회연구원 1996 保健社會硏究 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구는 結婚의 質 및 이것이 일반적 幸福感에 미치는 영향의 남녀 및 가족생활주기별 차이를 파악하여 정책적 의미를 도출하고자 한국보건사회연구원이 실시한 1994년도 家族生活實態調査 자료를 분석하였다. 전체적으로 볼 때 결혼의 질이 행복감에 미치는 영향은 매우 크다. 성별로는 결혼의 질은 부인보다 남편이 높으나 이것이 행복감에 미치는 영향력은 부인에게서 더 높게 나타나 남편보다는 부인의 삶에서 결혼의 비중이 더 큼을 반영한다 하겠다. 특히 心理的 特性이 강한 부부관계에 대한 만족이 결혼에 대한 가치 평가에 비해 큰 영향력을 갖는다. 家族生活週期別로는 부인의 행복에 있어서 부부관계 만족은 모든 가족주기에 걸쳐 사회적 지위나 건강보다 더 중요한 변수이나, 남편은 자녀출산 이후 그 영향력은 상당히 감소하고, 특히 막내자녀가 초중고생인 때는 건강이나 사회적 지위가 행복도에 미치는 영향이 부부관계 만족보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 행복한 삶을 위한 결혼의 질의 중요성을 볼 때 학교 및 사회교육기관을 통한 家族生活敎育의 擴大 및 强化를 장기적 정책과제로 제안할 수 있다. 인간의 외적 조건뿐 아니라 내면적인 면을 포함하는 포괄적인 삶의 질 제고 측면에서 부부됨, 부모됨, 자녀 출산 및 양육, 노령화 등 가족주기 진행에 따르는 역할과 기능의 변화에 대한 體系的인 生涯敎育이 個人의 安寧 增進에 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to find out the differential effect of quality of marriage on general happiness by sex and family life cycle. For this analysis data of 20-59 years old currently married people surveyed by KIHASA in 1994 were used. In the analysis the family life cycle was divided into 5 stages: with no child and less than 40, last child is preschool age, last child is primary school age, last child is middle or high school age and last child is 19 or over. The quality of marriage was measured using two questions: the extent of marital satisfaction and the evaluation of marriage compared to if-not-married life. If the former is more psychological, the latter is more social. Both are significantly higher among husbands than wives. However, the life cycle differential showed a different pattern; marital satisfaction decreased according to the family life stages, while, the evaluation of marriage itself become more positive along the life stage, especially among husbands. For marital satisfaction, satisfaction with spouses` love, sex life, and consumption patterns were more important than housework sharing or hours spent together. In later stages, satisfaction with marital sex life had more influence on husbands` happiness than wives`. In stage Ⅱ, with preschool children, satisfaction with housework sharing was an important factor for wives, and in the last stage, hours spent together was important for both. As for the evaluation of marriage, mental stability and living standard was most influential. As with other prior research results, these results also showed that the marital quality had a very significant effect on general happiness. Generally, the effectiveness is higher among wives than husbands. Particulary, marital satisfaction, rather than evaluation of marriage, is critical to general happiness, and the effectiveness is stronger among wives, except in stage Ⅰ. In stage Ⅰ with no child, husbands` happiness is affected more by marital quality compared to wives, though it decreased drastically after that. Compared to other factors, such as health or social status, it had the greatest effect in every stage among women, while for the husband, self-evaluated health and social status had more of an effect in stages Ⅲ and Ⅳ, when their last child was either a primary, middle or high school student. The analysis suggested that family life had more of an influence on wives than husbands, regardless of the relatively low marital quality among wives. From the perspective of comprehensive quality of life, including not only physical but also psychological aspects, some measures to increase and maintain high marital quality can be suggested as along term policy: family life education in school and social educational institutions. In Korea, family life education is very limited. Taking into the consideration of the recent weakening function of the family and increasing divorce rate, education about changing roles and function according to family development, parenthood, spousehood, child rearing, aging, etc., are necessary for a healthy family and for the well-being of the people.

      • KCI등재

        가족(家族)의 사회적(社會的) 지원(支援)이 사회심리적(社會心理的) 안녕(安寧)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        서문희 ( Moonhee Suh ) 한국보건사회연구원 1998 保健社會硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        개인이 주위 사람들과의 상호작용을 통해서 받는 정서적 위안이나 물질적 도움은 개인의 身體的ㆍ精神的 安寧에 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 한국보건사회연구원의 1995년도 국민건강 및 보건의식행태조사 자료 분석결과에 의하면 미혼자는 친구와 부모ㆍ형제를 주요 지원자로 인식하였고, 기혼자에게는 配偶者의 역할이 매우 중요하였으며, 특히 남편이 부인에 비해 배우자의 지원을 많이 받고 있었다. 이혼ㆍ사별ㆍ별거자의 경우, 여자는 자녀와 형제를, 남자는 친구와 형제를 주요 지원자로 인식하는 경향이 강하였다. 그러나 친척 및 기타 사람들의 지원에 대한 인식은 거의 미미하였다. 이같은 社會的 支援은 생활만족감, 우울, 죽고 싶은 생각 등 사회심리적 안녕에 중요한 영향력을 미치는데 情緖的 支援보다는 道具的 支援이 보다 큰 영향을 주었고, 출처별로는 가족의 영향력이 크고 방향도 일관성 있게 나타난 반면에 친구의 지원은 미혼에게서만 중요한 것으로 나타났다. 이혼ㆍ별거ㆍ사별자의 지원에 대한 인식 및 그 영향력은 대체로 약하였다. 社會的 支援의 社會心理的 安寧에 대한 중요성을 고려할 때 사회적 지원을 건강인자의 하나로 인식하고 健康增進을 위해 정책적으로 활용할 필요가 있으며, 사회적 지원의 출처가 주로 가족이라는 점으로 볼 때 건강한 家族을 위한 支援政策을 강화해야 할 것이다. 아울러 가족 이외의 사람들로부터도 지원이 가능하도록 支援의 出處를 多樣化하는 정책을 펴나가야 할 것이다. This study is aimed at realizing the adults` perception of social support and the effect of social support on their sociopsychological well-being, particularly personal life satisfaction, depression and suicidal intent. For such analysis, the data of 1995 National Health Survey conducted by KIHASA was used. Social support was measured, in terms of instrumental support and emotional support which are based on answers to two pertinent questions targeted to adults aged 20~59 years old. The first question was, "Is there someone in your life that can help you in times of difficulty?", and the second was, "Is there someone in your life that you can trust and confide with on a personal level?" The former and latter questions were asked to perceive instrumental support and emotional support, respectively. Each of the questions were followed by "Who?" to realize the source of social support. As the result, 85% of the people answered `yes` to instrumental support and 90% answered `yes` to emotional support. The source of social support turned out to be family and friends: family as strong instrumental supporters and friends as emotional supporters, relatively. On the other hand, married couples identified their spouse as their primary source of social support and husbands proved to receive more support from their wives. Generally social support revealed significant and positive effect on sociopsychological well-being. Instrumental support emitted more signifiant effects than emotional support. For unmarried people support from parent, siblings and friends have significant positive effects. Among the married social support from spouse have strong effect on their sociopsychological well-being. Support from friends and relatives had positive effects on single adults and adversely, negative effects on married couples. But the divorced, the separated and the bereaved have no significant supporter effecting on their sociopsychological well-being. Based on these results, several policy implications can be made on health promotion, family support and social welfare policies. First, the significance of social support implies that it must to be considered as one of indispensable factors in health promotion, in addition to the frequently recommended heath related behaviors as smoking, drinking, physical exercise etc., Second, the significance of familial support further implies the need for more relevant policies to help family do its function well as well as to prevent dissolution of it. Third, the lack of social support, other than family and friends, urges the need for developing various sources of social support as counselling services and social organizations. Especially considering that social support and its effect are very weak for the divorced, the separated and the bereaved, programs to improve their subjective well-being are needed to develope and implement.

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