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        도리스 레싱의 『마라와 댄』과 『댄장군과 마라의 딸, 그리오와 스노우 독 이야기』: 포스트콜로니얼 사변소설과 "유목적 주체"의 형상화

        민경숙 ( Kyungsook Minn ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2016 현대영미소설 Vol.23 No.1

        Doris Lessing criticizes British imperialism and colonialism by means of the genre of postcolonial speculative fiction in Mara and Dann and The Story of General Dann and Mara``s Daughter, Griot and the Snow Dog. From the presumed African viewpoints of young Mara and her brother Dann living in Africa(Ifrik in these novels) after thousands of years, Lessing emphasizes the temporality and transience of Western civilization and technology. Mara, having arrived at ‘the Centre,’ her supposed destination, after her long journey, refuses her kinsmen’s suggestion that Mara and Dann should reconstruct a Mahondi dynasty, and settles down on a farm with her friends of various races and classes. This means Mara refuses her nationality and fixed homogeneous identity and instead chooses a trans-national identity and a subjectivity in transit. This invokes Rosi Braidotti’s concept of ``nomadic subjects.`` In the latter work, Dann continues his trip to the Mediterranean Sea and finds all knowledge including geography, cartography, history etc. to be just fragmentary, situated, and local. He tries, in vain, to preserve literary works, the residual Western Civilization stored at the Centre, and finds reading, translation, and interpretation of the works neither complete nor perfect. Dann builds a hybrid society, that is, a trans-national community, with peoples of all kinds of ethnic, national, and tribal origins. Following The Golden Notebook, these two works by Lessing most fully embody postmodern concepts such as “denials of a center, originary sites, or perfection,” “incessant deferral of meanings,” and “deconstruction of dichotomies.”

      • KCI등재

        19세기 프랑스의 인종관과 플로베르(Flaubert)

        민경숙 서울대학교 국제지역원 1988 국제지역연구 Vol.7 No.1

        본 논문은 우선 19세기 프랑스의 정치적, 사회적 상황과 학계, 문학계의 동향을 탐색한 뒤, 19세기 프랑스의 대표적인 작가 플로베르의 작품을 분석하면서 당대의 프랑스의 인종관이 어떤 모습이었는지 살펴보려고 한다. 당대의 대사건이었던 프랑스 대혁명의 발발, 알제리 침략, 다아윈의 『종의 기원』과 『천일야화』의 번역출판, 이국취미의 낭만주의의 보급등 별개의 사건들이 어떻게 공조하여 인종차별의 담론을 형성하였는지, 그리고 프랑스가 어떤 사회적, 문화적 분위기 속에서 제국주의의 정치 형태를 자연스럽게 수용하게 되었는지 알아보는 것도 이 논문의 중요 관심사이다. 그리고 마지막으로 플로베르의 작품을 통해 그 속에 재현된 인종관 뿐 아니라 인종관에 대한 비전까지도 읽으려는 것이 이 논문의 목적이다. The declaration of human rights resulted from French Revolution prepared theoretical and practical grounds for eliminating racial discrimination deeply rooted in the contemporary French society. However, the results were that French Revolution only suggested 'ideals' of liberty, equality and fraternity and in reality racial discrimination against immigrants of other races or jews kept on existing at home, and overseas French administrators prodeeded to colonize weaker races. To solve prolonged political confusions caused by French Revolution and conflicts between classes, French politicians tried to find their ways into neighboring countries, specifically North Africa and Near Orient, and farther into Southeast Asia and South America. However, as France plunged inot colonial enterprises with political aims in contrast with Great Britain who established colonial policies based on the thoroughly economical principles, she found more failures than successes. In the meantime, French intellectual world made progresses in diverse sciences such as geography, anthropology, biology etc. and scientism and exoticism were linked together to issue important bases for racist theories. And the intellectuals including scientists and men of letters produced and reproduced the racist discourse mainly through texts, which inevitably proved to stray from the reality. Thsi study examines the fact that we can find the political, cultural, academic characteristics of French society in the 19th century we have seen above, in the works of Gustave Flaubert, one of the most important French authors of that period. Above all, he treated Oriental countries in his works as a means of evading his own country. And he had limitations that he represented his own image of the orient not the real world, mainly because he was under a great influence of his predecessors' tests and the academic mood. But his idealistic estheticism which he sought to realize in his oriental works, for example, Salammbo, his respect for culture without ideological purposes, and his historical consciousness of circularity give us a possibility that he hoped to have a world bloomed with various kinds of cultures, regardless of their nationalities. So i think that it is not a coincidence that the colonized peoples whom France colonized accepted and even loved French culture and language without resistance, while those whom other European countries colonized resisted severely their cultures and languages.

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