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      • KCI등재

        Parlodel ( Ergocriptine, CB 154 ) 의 유즙분비 억제효과

        이승호(SH Lee),남용강(YG Nam) 대한산부인과학회 1978 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.21 No.4

        Therapeutic efficacy of parlodel, CB 154, in prevention and suppression of lactation has been evaluated in 50 puerperal women. The total number of women comprised 32 cases of prevention of postpartum lactation and 18 cases of suppression of established lactation. Medication was started 4 to 6 hours after delivery in the prevention group and as soon as the decision was made in the suppression group, lasting for 14 days in both. Methods of medication were designed in two different wasys to evaluate whether or no differences in the efficacy and rebound reaction between them, the one is simple method taking 2.5mg parlodel tablet twice daily and the other is tapering method having 2.5mg three times a day for the first 5 days and 2.5mg twice a day for the next 4 days and once a day for the last 5 days. The radioimmunoassay of serum prolactin (hPRL) values in 6 parlodel treated women were so impressive as to fall rapidly down to the normal levels. Fig. 1 demonstrates the postpartum changes of hPRL values in parlodel treated cases and nursing women. Criteria of clinical evaluation were the degree of breast engorgement, pain, milk secreation and rebound engorgement. The drug effectiveness were excellent and were thought to be superior to any other conventional methods of treatment revealing about 90% scored Good and about 10% were Fair regardless of preventation and suppression, method of medication, parity, type of delivery and history of previous suppression. 14 out of 50 cases (28%) showed rebound reaction but they passed through spontaneously without additional medication. The frequency of rebound milk secretion was found to be more common among the patients treated for prevention of postpartum lactation than among those treated for suppression of established engorgement of the breast. Hemodynamic studies and laboratory tests of blood and urine carried out during and after the treatment remained within normal limits and uterine involution of parlodel treated cases showed no difference from normal nonmedicated puerpe

      • KCI등재

        약년자에 발생한 자궁내막암의 1예

        김기영(KY Kim),윤영숙(YS Yoon),남용강(YG Nam),김광철(KC Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.5

        1) 현재까지 문헌에 보고된 자궁내막암의 최연소자는 16세였으며 일본인에 있어서는 25세, 본예에서는 29세였다. 2) 자궁내막암 환자 중 40세 이전에 발생하는 빈도는 Barter씨의 235예 가운데서 0.85%, Docherty씨의 1,694예에서는 2.1%, Bouteselis씨의 269예 중 4.8%, Speert씨의 255예 중 5.0%, Herbert씨는 6.56%, 황색인종인 일본인에서는 증연의 152예에서 4.6%로 각각 연구보 고되었다. 3) 약년자에 발생하는 자궁내막암은 본 환자의 경우와 같이 흔히 irregulas minstrution, infertility, low birth rate1∼6), Stein-Leventhal ovary1)3)8) 등의 임상적 특징을 동반하는 경우 가 많다. 4) Novak씨 등의 여러 저자들은 자궁내막암은 비만증, 당뇨증, 고혈압 등의 여러 가지 증후 를 가진 환자에 많다고 하였으나 약년자인 본 환자에서는 그러한 임상적 특징을 볼 수 없었 다. 5) 본 환자에서 적출자궁의 조직학적 검사 결과에서 자궁내막암을 발견할 수 없었던 것은 자궁내막에 국한된 조기암으로서 진단적 자궁소파술에 의하여 내막암 조직의 대부분이 제거 된 좋은 예라고 하겠다. A case of endometrial adenocarcinoma which developed at the young age of 29 in Korea weman and reported and the literature is reviewed. The youngest patient ever reported in the world literature was 16 years old and was 25 years old among Japanese women. This case is the youngest patient of endometrial adenocarcinoma of Korea women reported.

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