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      • Thermal Properties Analysis for LNG from Various Product Regions

        Jin Meihua(김미화),Jin Zhenhua(김진화),Youngjin Kim(김영진),Hanshik Chung(정한식),Hyomin Jeong(정효민) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.5

        Liquefied natural gas or LNG is natural gas that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. Liquified natural gas takes up about 1/600th the volume of natural gas at a stove burner tip. In this paper , we will list the properties of LNG at the scope of pressure and temperature from 80 bar to 130 bar, 108.15 K to 328.15 K. Main properties are density, heat capacity, entropy, conductivity, enthalpy, sound speed, viscosity, which are highly depended on pressure and temperature. To compare the difference between varies product region, we choose Alaska, Alaska Brunei abdai Indonesia Malaysia Oman Kartar, except Alaska other region LNG have slightly different percentage of component.

      • 섭외 OEM생산이 중국에서 상표권 침해에 해당되는지에 대하여

        김미화(JIN MEIHUA) 세창출판사 2016 창작과 권리 Vol.- No.85

        自2000年左右开始, 中国就有关于涉外定牌加工是否属于商标侵权的议论, 该议论直到2013年发布的新《商标法》明确规定了“商标的使用” 必须是“用于识别商品来源的行为”, 并且, 2014年最高法院公布“PRETUL 再审案件判决”, 才得以终止。关于涉外定牌加工的核心问题也从“混淆 是不是商标侵权的构成要件”渐渐发展为“定牌加工是否属于在中国使用商标”。本文通过主要判例, 介绍该问题在中国形成法理的过程。

      • Study on the Optimum Thermal Performance of Metallic Foam Heat Exchanger

        Meihua Jin(김미화 ),Myoungkuk Ji(지명국 ),Younhwan Lee(이윤환 ),Hanshik Chung(정한식 ),Hyomin Jeong (정효민 ) 한국동력기계공학회 2009 한국동력기계공학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.6

        Since metallic foam will increase the performance of heat exchanger, it has caused many researchers' attention recently. Our research based on the model that metallic foams applied to heat exchanger. In this case, there is three kinds of heat transfer mechanisms, heat conduction in fibers, heat transfer by conduction in fluid phase, and internal heat change between solid and fluid phases. In this paper we study both the hydraulic and thermal aspect performance. Pressure drop along airflow direction will be presented. As thermal aspect, we first discuss the acceptance of applying thermal equilibrium among the two phases, then to calculate the dimensionless temperature profile, the heat transfer coefficient and Nu number in 7 Aluminum foams.

      • KCI등재

        해방 이후의 민간역서와 달력 시간의 혼종성

        김미화 ( Jin Meihua ) 한국사회사학회 2021 사회와 역사 Vol.- No.130

        같은 달력을 쓴다는 것은 같은 시간질서에 따르고 시간과 관련된 문화적 상징을 공유하는 것이다. 전통시대의 달력은 ‘역서’ 형태였고, 그것의 간행은 국가가 독점했다. 태양력 도입 이후에도 식민지기에 총독부는 전통적인 책자 형태의 역서를 독점간행했다. 해방 이후 역서 출판이 자유화되면서 남한에서는 다양한 민간역서가 대거 등장했다가, 1960년대부터는 명문당과 남산당 두 출판사가 시장을 거의 점유했다. 이들 민간역서는 제사나 택일 등과 관련한 전통적 ‘음력’의 수요에 부응하면서, 매 순간에 다른 의미가 매겨지는 질적 시간관을 온존시켰다. 시계 시간이 획일화되면서 정밀해진 것과 달리, 현대 한국에서 달력 시간은 비동시적인 것들의 공존, 다차원의 혼종성을 보인다. To use the same calendar is to follow the same temporal order and share cultural symbols of temporality. The calendar of the traditional period was created in almanac form, and the state monopolized its publication. Even after the inception of the Gregorian (solar) calendar, the General Government exclusively published official almanacs of traditional design during the colonial period. After liberation in 1945, the ban on the private publication of almanacs was lifted, which led to the popularity of various privately published almanacs emerging in the country. But starting from 1960s, two publishers, Myeongmundang and Namsandang, cornered the market in almanac sales and distribution. The popular almanacs met the needs of those people wishing to perform traditional lunar calendar-related ancestral rites. The almanacs also remained viable for crucial day-selections while preserving a qualitative conception of time. Unlike the uniformity and precision of clock-based perceptions of time, calendar time still allows non-simultaneous things to coexist, and produces multidimensional hybridity in modern Korea.

      • KCI등재

        근대 이행기 동아시아의 기년법(紀年法)

        김미화 ( Jin Meihua ) 한국사회사학회 2016 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.110

        특정한 紀元을 기준으로 햇수를 세는 방식을 `紀年(法)`이라고 한다. 오늘날 기년이란 하나의 도구적 장치로만 여겨지지만, 근대 초까지 그것은 정치권력과 이념, 사상, 종교적 믿음과 문화가 뒤얽힌 중요한 상징이었다. 전통적으로 우주질서를 상징하는 `干支`와 왕의 치세를 뜻하는 `年號`를 기년으로 써 온 동아시아는 19세기 말 서구 근대의 도전에 직면해서 시간질서를 새롭게 定位하고자 했다. 그것은 또한 각국이 어떤 근대국가를 설립할 것인가, 무엇을 `민족/국민(nation)` 통합의 구심점으로 삼을 것인가와 직결된 문제였다. 일본은 위로부터의 개혁을 거치면서 `一世一元`의 천황 연호와 함께 `萬世一系`의 천황제의 정통성을 부각시키는 `皇紀`를 도입했다. 중국의 변법 과정에서는 공자나 黃帝를 국민통합의 상징이자 새 기원으로 삼자는 주장도 제기되었으나, 결국청을 무너뜨리고 수립된 중화민국은 혁명과 신생 민주공화국을 기념하는 `民國`기년을 채택했다. 중국과의 사대관계를 청산하고 자주독립을 실현해야 했던 조선은 개항 이후 중국 황제의 연호를 폐지하고 조선왕조 `개국`기년을 채택한 데 이어, 대한제국 선포를 전후해서 `建陽`, `光武`, `隆熙` 등의 독자 연호를 사용했다. 조선이 일본의 식민지가 된 뒤로는, 역사와 전통에서 민족통합의 구심점을 찾으려는 세력은 `檀紀`와 `공자`기년 등을 주창했고, 대한민국임시정부는 `民國`기년을 제정했다. 이렇게, 동아시아 전근대의 기년법이 대개 왕정과 결부된 것이라면, 근대 이행기에 시도된 다양한 기년법들은 `민족`의 유구한 역사나 문화, 아니면 혁명과 신생 근대국가의 수립을 상징했던 것이다. 해방 후 대한민국은 `단기`를 공식기년으로 채택했다가 1962년 `서기`로 바꾸었다. 그러나 그때의 서기는 이미 본래의 종교적·문화적 배경에서 벗어난 도구적기호에 불과했다. 국민국가 건설의 뜨거운 시기가 지난 뒤에 남은 것은, 추상화된 세계적 표준이다. The calendar era system (紀年法) brings with it years from a particular epoch (紀元). Today, this system and the epoch may be considered as an instrumental. But for a long time, all major civilizations have their own era systems and epochs, and the epochs have played pivotal symbol roles in the form of political power, ideology, religious beliefs and cultures. Traditionally, in East Asia, methods adopted for counting years were set `Chinese sexagenary cycle (干支)`, which symbolizes the cosmic order, and the `imperial era name (年號)` corresponding with the reign of the incumbent emperor. But faced with the challenges of the Western modernity in the late 19th century, East Asian countries had to establish a new calendar era system. That task was closely related to the projects of nation-building or modern state-building. Japan has carried out reforms based on the above, and introduced `Mikado`s era name (元號)` and `Kouki (皇紀)` to highlight the legitimacy of the Mikado system and the permanent succession of Mikado. On the other hand, various political forces that tried to reform China into a nation-state, proposed alternative era systems, with Confucius (孔子) or Yellow Emperor (黃帝) as an new epochal symbol and the symbol of the national unity. At last, however, the Republic of China (中華民國) replaced the Qing Dynasty system in favor of the `Minguo (民國)` as an era name to commemorate the revolution and the new republic. After the `port opening`, to escape from subordination to China and achieve actual independence, Joseon repealed the imperial era name of China and established `Gaeguk (開國)`, commemorating the foundation of the Joseon Dynasty. And then King Gojong proclaimed himself an emperor, and established Joseon`s own imperial era name. As you can see here, the calendar eras usually associated with the monarchy in pre-modern East Asia, the calendar eras of which introduced in transition period toward modernity symbolized the long histories and cultures of the nations, or revolution and the establishment of a new modern state. After the liberation, Republic of Korea adopted `Dangi (檀紀)` as an official calendar era, but replaced it with `anno domini` in 1962. However, at that time, anno domini was only accepted as an instrumental sign that is already disembedded from its original religious and cultural context. After the heated effort to form a nation-state building, what remained was an abstract world standard.

      • 열교환기 및 발포금속 열교환기에 관한 특허분석

        김필환(Pilhwan Kim),김미화(Jin Meihua),지명국(Myeogkuk Ji),이용훈(Yonghun Lee),정한식(Hanshik Chung),정효민(Hyomin Jeong) 대한기계학회 2008 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2008 No.10

        For several decades, heat transfer enhancement has been the focal point of interest for high-performance thermal systems. On this basis, the variety heat exchanger part was considered in the present study for heat transfer enhancement. Metallic foam also can be applied in the heat exchanger instead of the plate fin. So, in the present study, the patents tendency about heat exchanger in the world was searched to research the metallic foam applied to heat exchanger. The results was analysed based on International Patent Classification(IPC) about the application possibility of metallic foam for heat exchanger.

      • 발포금속의 열전달 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        김필환(Pilhwan Kim),김미화(Jin meihua),김영진(Youngjin Kim),정효민(Hyomin Jeong),정한식(Hanshik Chung) 대한설비공학회 2008 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2008 No.2

        To enhancement heat transfer performance, the metallic foam as heat exchanger was studied rapidly. This was attributed to its high surface area to volume ratio as well as intensive flow mixing by tortuous flow passages. So the experimental study about the heat transfer characteristic of metallic foam is presented in this paper. The material in this experiment was used as FeCrAl which has density of 10 ppi, 20 ppi and 30 ppi respectively. And the results show the heat transfer is rise with permeability Reynolds number increase and the pressure drop metallic foam was increased with the ppi increase.

      • 온도 변화에 따른 기포펌프의 수직관내 이상유동과 성능특성

        이광성(Kwangsung Lee),김진화(Zhenhua Jin),김미화(Jin Meihua),정효민(Hyomin Jeong),정한식(Hanshik Chung) 대한기계학회 2009 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2009 No.5

        A study on the two-phase flow and performance characteristics in the tube according to temperature in bubble pump system presented in this paper. For the experimental facilities composed of electrical heater used for provide heat source to generate bubble, a vertical tube with diameter of ?8㎜, length of 500㎜, Storage tank with capacity of 40Liter and heat exchanger. The separator and condenser of the air bubble pump were installed separately. As results, air bubble occurred within 50~60 ℃ but it was stagnate in the tube no moving. However, the heating temperature maintained within 70~80℃ then bubble flow occurred and flowing to upward. Consequently, from 80℃ temperature condition the slug flow happened and the flow velocity located within 7.69~14.28 ㎝/sec and the thermal amount of storage tank as 9280㎉.

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