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        The Different sets of Confucian Classics and the Ruzang 儒藏: Shuxue 蜀學 in the Confucian Classics System

        ( Shu Dagang ) 성균관대학교 유교문화연구소 2016 儒敎文化硏究(中文版) Vol.0 No.26

        儒學是以經典傳授與詮釋爲主要形式的學術流派, 儒家經典文獻由“四經”而“六經”, 又由“五經”而“七經”, 由“九經”而“十三經”, 是一個不斷擴展和更新的過程。在這個過程中, 巴蜀學人也做出過不朽貢獻:漢代文翁所建石室學宮曾使儒家經典從“五經”擴大到“七經”;五代孟蜀興刻的“蜀石經”, 又使儒家經典從“九經”擴大到“十三經”;近代廖平嚴分“今學、古學”, 又欲將儒學經典從《十三經注疏》向《十八經注疏》推進。借鑒“蜀學”推動經典體系不斷更新的經驗, 爲適應儒學的當代創新性發展和創造性轉化, 打造普及型“六書”(《孝經》、《論語》、《孟子》、《荀子》《大學》、《中庸》), 和高級型“十三經”(《周易》、《尙書》、《詩經》、《周禮》、《儀禮》、《禮記》、《大戴禮記》、《春秋左傳》、《公羊傳》、《穀梁傳》《國語》、《爾雅》、《古樂經傳》)兩個系列, 幷輔以新出土的儒學文獻, 形成內容最全面、校勘最精良的經典文本, 爲儒學的大衆化傳播和學術性提升奠定可靠的文獻基礎。 Confucianism is an academic school which emphasizes teaching and understanding the Confucian classics. The system of the Confucian classics has expanded over time from the Four Classics to Six Classics, and the Five Classics to Seven Classics, and the Nine Classics to the Thirteen Classics. These changes can be understood as a process of expanding and updating the canon of essential Confucian texts. In this process, scholars in Bashu 巴蜀 have made some very significant contributions. During the Han dynasty 漢 Wen Weng 文翁 built the stone school house which extended the Confucian classics from the Five Classics to the Seven Classics; Meng Shu 孟蜀 in the Five Dynasties period engraved Confucian classics in stone, making the Confucian classics expand from the Nine Classics to the Thirteen Classics. In modern times, Liao Ping 廖平 made clear distinction between jinxue 今學 and guxue 古學, wishing to expand the canon of Confucian classics from the Thirteen Classics to the Eighteen Classics. The constant effort of the Shu 蜀school in promoting and updating the Confucian classics set a good model for our efforts to innovate and develop Confucianism by creating two sets of Confucian classics: the Six Books (the Xiaojing 孝經, the Lunyu 論語, the Mengzi 孟子, the Xunzi 荀子, the Daxue 大學, and the Zhongyong 中庸), and an advanced version of the Thirteen Classics “(the Yijing 易經, the Shujing 書經, the Shijing 詩經, the Zhouli 周禮, the Yili 儀禮, the Liji 禮記, the Da Dai Liji 大戴禮記, the Chuqiu zuozhuan 春秋左傳, the Gongyang zhuan 公羊傳, the Guliang zhuan 穀梁傳, the Guoyu 國語, the Er’ya 爾雅, the Gu Yuejing zhuan 古樂經傳). We also seek to integrate the excavated Confucianism classics with the new classics and wish to form the most comprehensive and reliable reservoir of Confucianism to help popularize and universalize the Confucian tradition. [Article in Chinese]

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