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      • KCI등재

        낙동강 중류역 삼국시대 성곽의 변천과 방어체계

        조효식 영남고고학회 2008 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.44

        The purpose of this thesis is to examine diachronic transition and defense system based on results of investigation which is about fortresses located on Middle basin of Nak-dong riversides in dense. Construction of fortress and its occupation could be divided into three phases by examining features of fortress constructed on riverside. First,lo w-altitude fortresses are constructed centering around some key potions before middle of 5th century. The fortresses of this period are assumed that they are concerned with trades founded on their location and artifacts from ruins of fortresses. Next,F ortresses are constructed at both Nak-dong riversides densely between middle of 5th century and early of 6th century. Unlike prior period,f ortresses are built under an aspect which is linked with each other in range of mutual vision in this period and it could be identified that some stratigraphic points stand face to face. In addition,th e features which can divide fortresses into Silla fortress and Daekaya fortress are noticed. There are differences in shapes and size of fortress. Especially,l arge-sized valley-included forms were constructed on east riverside. But in contrary,s mall-sized mountaintop-rounded forms had continued to being constructed on west riverside. This differences are due to mobilized labour and constructing time. Finally,a ntagonistic relationship between Silla and Daekaya had finished as a result of Silla's absorption to Daekaya in A.D. 562. Thus,Daekaya fortresses located on west riverside function defense and ruling point of Silla newly. This aspect could be noticed by artifacts such as Silla pottery found in ruins of Daekaya fortresses. In sum,bor der of Silla and Daekaya and their defense system for protecting territory could be established through fortresses constructed on Nak-dong riverside.

      • KCI등재

        대구지역 삼국시대 성곽 연구 -낙동강변 성곽을 중심으로-

        조효식 ( Hyo Sik Cho ) 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.89 No.-

        The gists of this study are as follows. (1) The fortress of Hwa-won, Mun-san, Jul-gok, Seol-hwa which located in west outskirts of Daegu region distribute in systemic network. (2) The construction era of Hwa-won fortress could be earlier than others because of its remains and rampart form. (3) It can be concluded that Hwa-won fortress was constructed at the 4th century, while the others were constructed at the 5th century. and it could be assumed that they were used at the 5th century mainly. (4) Fortress of Seol-hwa is assumed to be a strategic point as a scale of fortress, location and the inner facilities. (5) The mutual observation and connection was possible through stonemounded watch tower placed on the top point of the fortresses and they had formed defense system toward west-side to the north-side of Nak-dong River, based on their systemic distribution. (6) It could be conclude that Silla constructed fortresses located in this area through their remains, tombs, main monitoring direction. The purpose of construction of fortress is related to boosting control and defense in the whole area of the middle basin of Nak-dong River.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 중류역 삼국시대 성곽의 분류와 특징

        조효식 한국대학박물관협회 2006 고문화 Vol.67 No.-

        This thesis is supposed to inspect both concrete features of fortresses located on riverside and its constructing-background by both examining and comparing the form and the location of fortresses and a rampart form based on both traditional theories and the information which have been newly obtained through survey on fortresses densely located on Nak-dong riverside during Three-Kingdom periods. Fortresses are constructed in compliance with geographical features irrespective of their heights, but there are some differences in the form, the location and the scale. the most different feature of those differences is found in the form in the case of east-side, rampart constructed have diverse kinds of forms. On the other hand, in the case of west-side, most of fortress constructed are small-sized, and mountaintop-rounded form. It can be inferred that compared to Silla, these aspects are caused by the Dae-kaya’s shortage of labour-mobilization and its mobilization period considering political influences, namely overall external factors relating the construction of rampart in both Silla and Dae-kaya. Ramparts are mainly constructed by ground-shaving methods and using earth-stone methods in the early period. But as time passes by, for most of fortresses located on west-side, the early methods of construction are used continuously while east-side fortresses are built in the more delicate way . In addition, a stone-mounded watchtower found outside Daegu could be useful for estimating the date of the construction of fortresses because it is a structure which is intensively constructed in a short period. 본고는 낙동강 중류역 양안에 조밀하게 분포한 삼국시대 성곽들에 대한 기존의 보고내용과 실제 답사를 하여 새로이 확인한 사실들을 바탕으로 성곽의 형태와 입지, 성벽형태 등을 비교 검토하여 양안 성곽의 구체적 특징과 그 축조배경을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 양안지역 모두 고도에는 별 관계가 없이 지형에 맞추어 성곽이 축조되었으나 형태, 입지, 규모에서 일부 차이를 보인다. 그 중에서도 가장 큰 차이점은 형태차이로 동안의 경우는 다양한 형태의 성곽이 축조되는 데 반해 서안지역은 대부분 소형의 테뫼식 산성이 주를 이룬다. 이는 양안지역의 삼국시대 정치 세력, 즉 신라와 대가야의 축성사업과 관련한 외적 요인 전반을 검토해 보았을 때 신라와 달리 서안지역의 대가야가 성곽 축조에서 인력동원과 동원기간이 상대적으로 부족했던 데 기인한 것으로 보인다. 성벽형태의 경우 양안 성곽 모두 초기에는 삭토와 토석혼축방식을 주로 사용하고 있다. 그러나 시간이 경과함에 따라 동안성곽은 보다 정연한 석축성벽을 구축해나가는 데 반해 서안성곽은 초기 방식이 지속되는 것이 많다. 그 외 대구 외곽지역에서 확인되는 적석망대는 짧은 시기에 집중 조영된 유구라는 점에서 성곽의 연대 비정에 도움을 준다.

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