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      • KCI등재

        2012년 대선, 가난한 이들은 왜 보수정당을 지지했는가?

        한귀영 한국사회과학연구회 2013 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.89

        이글은 지난 대선에서 가난한 이들의 계급 배반 투표의 실태 및 원인을 살펴보기 위한 탐색적 성격의 글이다. 민주화 이후로 한정할 때, 계급배반 투표는 2007년 대선 이후 강화된 현상이며 이번 대선에서는 세대갈등과 결합해 나타났다. 본 논문에서는 세대갈등과 계층갈등이 어떻게 교차하는지 살펴보기 위해 유권자집단을 40대 이하와 50대 이상으로 구분해 각 집단 내에서 하위층과 중간이상층의 정치적 선택이 어떻게 이루어지는지를 분석했다. 분석 결과, 50대 이상에서는 빈곤보수 현상이 나타났으나 40대 이하에서는 빈곤진보경향도 일정부분 나타났다. 40대 이하에서 나타난 빈곤진보 경향은 복지효능감, 정치효능감 등과 같은 보다 본질적인 요인에 입각한 것이 아니었다. 반이명박정서 등과 같은 외부적 요인이 작용했던 것으로 추론된다. 그리고 50대 이상에서는 빈곤보수경향이 나타났으며, 하위층과 중간이상층 간 미디어 이용, 정치 참여 및 능동적 선택 등 정치적 태도, 사회문화적 가치 등에서 차이가 현저했다. 고연령층에서 빈곤보수 경향이 구조화되고 있는 것이다. This article aims to analyse the reason why the poor did cross-class voting in the last Korean presidential election 2012. The analytical results shows that the cross-class voting was happened among the people over 50 while the people under 50 chose class voting. However, class voting tendency of the under 50 people was not based on the essential factors for class voting such as social welfare efficacy and political efficacy, but on the external factor such as anti-incumbent president(Lee Myung Bak) sentiment. The cross-class voting tendency of the over 50 people also accompanies striking differences in media use pattern, political attitude, and sociocultural value between the lower and the middle and upper strata.

      • KCI등재

        일본 회사법상 거부권부종류주식에 관한 고찰

        오성근 한국상사법학회 2014 商事法硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        The refusal right of class shares is a type of golden share – a legal device that is commonly used in some European countries – and was introduced in 2001 under the revised Commercial Code of Japan. This means that, within Japan’s current legal framework, a company can adopt articles of incorporation under which it can be stipulated that for certain important matters to be decided it is necessary to obtain approval of a class shareholder meeting as well as approval of both a general meeting of shareholders and a board of directors meeting. Although there was much debate within Japan’s business and financial communities, Japan finally decided to adopt the refusal right of class shares because it was expected to provide the shareholders with more effective abilities for raising capital and thus block hostile takeover attempts. This article traces the historical background of Japan’s adoption of the refusal right of class shares, examines cases where this legal device was actually employed by Japanese corporations, and attempts to discover what lessons Korea’s business and financial communities may learn from Japan’s experience. Chapter II reviews the chronology of Japan’s adoption of the refusal right of class shares and the rationale behind it. Chapter III lists in detail the regulations relating to the legal device. Chapter IV discusses the issuance procedure and evaluation process. Chapter V presents cases where this legal device was actually used by listed firms in Japan. Chapter VI looks at expiration of the refusal right and the effects of exercising the refusal right. Finally, Chapter VII provides a conclusion. The study finds that even though it has already been fifteen years since Japan introduced this legal device with good intentions for the country’s business and financial communities, it is difficult to find actual cases where it has been employed by Japanese companies. This means that one should always remember (in case that Korea decides to revise its Companies Act) that a company is a capital entity where the capital majority rule dominates, rather than contracts between investors. This, in turn, suggests that one may recognize that even in cases where a certain regulatory measure limiting this basic nature of modern enterprises is taken, its utilization is limited to a great extent.

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