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      • KCI등재

        가인 김병로 선생의 범죄론체계와 한국형법의 총칙규정

        신동운 ( Dong Woon Shin ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.1

        A major reform in Korean Criminal Code is being carried out by the Ministry of Justice. As a first step towards reform in Korean Criminal Code it is necessary to revisit the publication process of Korean Criminal Code which was published in 1953. Byungro Kim, who was the chair of the Korean Code Compilation Committee, drafted the General Provisions of the Korean Criminal Code. Much of his draft was based on his article on Justification of Crime which was published in 1915. The author of this paper analyzed the structure and the content of Kim`s 1915 article and examined how his philosophy of criminal law had been reflected in the General Provisions of Korean Criminal Code. It is the author`s expectation that Kim`s 1915 article will be appreciated by a wider audience and that it will significantly contribute to the current revision process of Korean Criminal Code.

      • KCI등재

        법, 관습, 전통 ; 형법 제20조 사회상규 규정의 성립경위

        신동운 ( Dong Woon Shin ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2006 서울대학교 法學 Vol.47 No.2

        One of the grounds that allows the exemption of criminal liability in the Korean Criminal Act is the Article 20 (Justifiable Act). Article 20 specifically states that `an act which is conducted in accordance with Acts and subordinate statues, or in pursuance of accepted business practices, or other action which does not violate the social rules shall not be punishable`. Among the three justifiable acts, the exemption based on the `normal social rules` is considered one of the most unique features of Korean Criminal Act. Unlike other laws, it does not originate from the German Criminal Act or Japanese Criminal Act. There has not been much research on how the `Normal Social Rules` had been established in the past. Since it was unclear where the `Normal Social Rules` originated benchmarked from, many issues have been raised regarding the interpretation of the provisions. Recently, the author found important documents which illustrate the legislative process of The `Normal Social Rules`. Byungro Kim played a significant role in writing the draft of general provisions of Korean Criminal Law. In his article, Discussion on Unlawfulness as a Requisite for Criminal Liability, which was published in 1915, he used the concept of `Normal Social Rules` based on the concept of material unlawfulness. The author examined the establishment process of `Normal Social Rules` in the following chronological order: (1) Byungro Kim` idea in his 1915`s article, (2) Reform of Criminal Act in Japan in 1930s, (3) Draft of Korean Criminal Act in 1949, (4) National Assembly and Establishment of Korean Criminal Act in 1953, (5) Korean Supreme Court decisions. The author`s goal is to reconstruct the purpose of the legislation of `Normal Social Rules`. The author proposes a hypothesis that the `Normal Social Rules` was introduced into the Korean Criminal Act as a buffer, which mitigated the conflicts between the Western Rule of Law and Korean or Eastern Society.

      • KCI등재

        사법행정가로서의 초대 대법원장 김병로

        조상희 ( Sang Hee Jo ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2014 一鑑法學 Vol.0 No.27

        In the history of Korean Judicial system, the works and influence of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, Kim Byungro, cannot be empathized too much. Although he studied law in Japanese universities of Tokyo, he was an activist lawyer against Japanese colonial rule in Chosun. After Korea`s emancipation from Japan (as it was defeated in WWII), he played a very important role as a Korean director of Justice of the Government of Korea under interim United States Military Governor. He was appointed as first Supreme Court Chief Justice by then President Lee Seung Man and built Judicial administrative system and prepared many basic legislations of Korea such as Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Civil Code and Code of Civil Procedure, etc. Though he was appointed by the President, he tried hard to keep the independence of Judiciary against intervening court judgment and management by the executive and administrative department and other socio-economical powers. He even explained the adequacy of the each and individual judgment to the President and the newspapers and the press. He put great emphasis on the integrity, impartiality and righteousness of each judge and encouraged that kind of practical ethics.

      • KCI등재

        1946년 전반 한국민주당의 재편과 우익정당 통합운동

        윤덕영(Yoon, Duk-young) 한국사학회 2016 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.121

        본 연구는 동아일보 계열과 호남지역 정치세력을 중심으로 일제하 주요 민족주의 세력은 물론 상당수 우파 사회주의 세력까지 망라하여 결성된 한민당이 송진우 사후, 어떠한 과정과 분란을 경과하면서 김성수 수석총무체제로 재편되었는가, 비상정치회의와 비상국민회의, 그리고 민주의원이 조직되는 일련의 정치과정에 한민당이 어떻게 구체적으로 대응하였으며, 그 과정에서 드러난 한계는 무엇인가, 한독당 중심의 우익정당 통합운동에 한민당은 어떻게 대응하고, 그를 둘러싼 내부 분란과정을 거치면서 어떻게 재편되었는가에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 송진우가 죽자 당권을 둘러싸고 한민당내 분란이 표면화되기 시작했다. 논란의 중심이 된 것은 한민당의 비주류인 우파 사회주의 세력과 진보적 민족주의 세력들의 대표적 인물로 임시 당대표를 맡고 있던 원세훈이었다. 1946년 1월 8일 한민당은 자기 당대표가 합의한 4당 코뮤니케를 부인하는 성명을 서둘러 발표한다. 이는 당권 향배와 관련하여 임시 당대표였던 원세훈에 대한 견제도 있었다. 한민당 주도세력은 김성수를 후임 수석총무로 선임하여 당권 도전에 적극 대응하였다. 1945년 12월 우익 진영의 정치활동 과정에서 고립되었던 이승만은 1946년 초 비상국민회의와 민주의원이 조직되는 일련의 정치과정에서 미군정의 지원 아래 주도적 역할을 수행하면서 화려하게 부활하였다. 임정주도세력은 반탁운동의 높은 열기를 바탕으로 한민당과의 협력을 파기하고 독자적인 정계통합을 시도했지만, 결국 실패하게 된다. 이 과정에서 1945년 우익세력 중에 가장 강력한 정당이었던 한민당의 존재감은 급격히 위축되었고, 이승만과 김구가 주도하는 정치과정에 끌려가는 모습을 보이게 되었다. 한민당 간부였던 정노식의 탈당은 한민당내 우파 사회주의 세력의 동향의 일단을 보여주는 것인 동시에 정국을 주도하지 못하고 표류하는 한민당의 한계가 드러나는 최초의 파열이었다. 민주의원이 결성되면서 임정이 사실상 유명무실화 되고, 제1차 미소공위가 임박해지면서 임시정부 수립 문제가 가시화되자, 한독당을 중심으로 우익정당 통합운동이 전개되었다. 통합교섭 과정에서 한독당은 한민당과 국민당, 신한민족당의 3개 정당이 무조건 해체하고 한독당으로 흡수 통합하는 방식을 주장하였다. 한민당은 당명과 정강정책에 대해서 한독당으로 하는 것에 찬성하였지만, 흡수 통합과 간부 인선에 있어 한독당 독주에 대해서는 거부감을 보였다. 한민당은 자신의 구축해놓은 세와 기득권이 사라지는 것을 원치 않았다. 이런 반발은 단지 한민당내 주류파나 보수 세력에 한정된 것이 아니었고, 비주류나 진보세력도 비슷하였다. 김성수는 당 수석 총무로서 당의 대표하는 입장이었지만, 그가 대표로 가서 받아온 통합 안이 당내의 논의과정에서 부결되는 수모를 겪었다. 주류파의 유력 인물인 김병로도 같이 대표로 참석했기 때문에 그 타격은 더 컸다. 통합 부결 사태는 권위를 가지고 당을 이끄는 리더쉽이 한민당내에 존재하지 않다는 것을 드러냈다. The aim of this study is as follow. After the assassination of Song Chin-woo, who led the early Korea Democratic Party(KDP) as a senior secretary, KDP has been down over the process of reorganization and any distraction to the chief secretary Kim Song Soo system, how did the KDP respond specifically to a series of political process in early 1946, what are the limits of KDP revealed in the process, how to respond Korea Independence Party(KIP) in the center of the unified movement of Right-Wing, Was that the point went through a process of distraction around him KDP how the reorganization. After the death of Song Chin-woo, infighting broke out around the political power of the KDP. Won Seihoon was the center of the controversy, he has been temporary secretary and representative figures of progressive nationalist forces of Right-wing Socialists forces as a subcultures of the KDP. As the dispute within the party was ending as the chief secretary Kim Songsu. Early political process in a series of 1946, Rhee Syngman was brilliantly revived while performing a leadership role with the support of the United States Army Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK). The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea led forces have tried their own political integration on the basis of high movement of against Trusteeship, and eventually fails. Phase was the most powerful right-wing parties KDP was rapidly shrinking. The first American-Soviet Joint Commission nearing and be visible establish a provisional government issues, unified movement of Right-Wing were deployed around the KIIP. KIP claimed the absorption and integration of the three political parties KDP, Nationalist Party, New Korea Nationalist Party. KDP was however in favor of the party name and platform for policy, but opposition was integrated absorption and was contrary to the claims of senior executives of the KIP. Opposition was not just a limited number of reader forces and conservatives within the KDP and It was also similar to non-reader forces and progressive forces. Kim Songsu has exposed the limitations of leadership in the unified movement of Right-Wing process.

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