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        ChungSuk Cho,Don Chen,Sungkwon Woo 한국BIM학회 2012 KIBIM Magazine Vol.2 No.1

        With the increased awareness of energy consumption as well as the environmental impact of building operations, architects, designers and planners are required to place more consideration on sustainability and energy performance of the building. To ensure most of those considerations are reflected in the building performance, critical design decisions should be made by key stakeholders early during the design development stage. The application of BIM during building energy simulations has profoundly improved the energy analysis process and thus this approach has gained momentum. However, despite rapid advances in BIM-based processes, the question still remains how ordinary building stakeholders can perform energy performance analysis, which has previously been conducted predominantly by professionals, to maximize energy efficient building performance. To address this issue, we identified two leading building performance analysis software programs, Energy Plus and IES <Virtual Environment> (IES <VE>), and compared their effectiveness and suitability as BIM-based energy simulation tools. To facilitate this study, we examined a case study on Building Performance Model (BPM) of a single story building with one door, multiple windows on each wall, a slab and a roof. We focused particularly on building energy performance by differing building orientation and window sizes and compared how effectively these two software programs analyzed the performance. We also looked at typical decision-making processes implementing building energy simulation program during the early design stages in the U.S. Finally, conclusions were drawn as to how to conduct BIM-based building energy performance evaluations more efficiently. Suggestions for further avenues of research are also made.

      • KCI등재


        Cho, Chung-Suk,Chen, Don,Woo, Sungkwon Korean Institute of Building Information Modeling 2012 KIBIM Magazine Vol.2 No.1

        With the increased awareness of energy consumption as well as the environmental impact of building operations, architects, designers and planners are required to place more consideration on sustainability and energy performance of the building. To ensure most of those considerations are reflected in the building performance, critical design decisions should be made by key stakeholders early during the design development stage. The application of BIM during building energy simulations has profoundly improved the energy analysis process and thus this approach has gained momentum. However, despite rapid advances in BIM-based processes, the question still remains how ordinary building stakeholders can perform energy performance analysis, which has previously been conducted predominantly by professionals, to maximize energy efficient building performance. To address this issue, we identified two leading building performance analysis software programs, Energy Plus and IES <Virtual Environment> (IES <VE>), and compared their effectiveness and suitability as BIM-based energy simulation tools. To facilitate this study, we examined a case study on Building Performance Model (BPM) of a single story building with one door, multiple windows on each wall, a slab and a roof. We focused particularly on building energy performance by differing building orientation and window sizes and compared how effectively these two software programs analyzed the performance. We also looked at typical decision-making processes implementing building energy simulation program during the early design stages in the U.S. Finally, conclusions were drawn as to how to conduct BIM-based building energy performance evaluations more efficiently. Suggestions for further avenues of research are also made.

      • A Basic Study for Wind Energy of Building Cladding using Computational Fluid Dynamics

        정영배(Chung, Yung-Bea) 한국신재생에너지학회 2011 한국신재생에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2011 No.11

        The new and renewable energy today has a great interest in all countries around the world. In special it has need more limit of the fossil fuel that needs of low carbon emission among the social necessary conditions. Recently, the high-rise building demand the structural safety, the economic feasibility and the functional design. The high-rise building spends enormous energy and it satisfied the design in solving energy requirements. The requirements of energy for the building depends on the partly form wind energy due to the cladding of the building that came from the surroundings of the high-rise building. In this study of the wind energy, the cladding of the building was assessed a tentative study. The wind energy obtains from several small wind powers that came from the building or the surrounding of the building. In making a cladding the wind energy forms with wind pressure by means of energy transformation methods. The assessment for the building cladding was surrounded of wind speed and wind pressure that was carried out as a result of numerical simulation of wind environment and wind pressure which is coefficient around the high-rise building with the computational fluid dynamics. In case of the obtained wind energy from the pressure of the building cladding was estimated by the simulation of CFD of the building. The wind energy at this case was calculated by energy transform methods: the wind pressure coefficients were obtained from the simulated model for wind environment using CFD as follow. The concept for the factor of E_f was suggested in this study. C_p=frac{P_{surface}}{0.5{rho}V^{2ref}} E_c=C_p{cdot}E_f Where C_p is wind pressure coefficient from CFD, E_f means energy transformation parameter from the principle of the conservation of energy and E_c means energy from the building cladding. The other wind energy that is E_p was assessed by wind power on the building or building surroundings. In this case the small wind power system was carried out for wind energy on the place with the building and it was simulated by computational fluid dynamics. Therefore the total wind energy in the building was calculated as the follows. E=E_c+E_p The energy transformation, which is E_f will need more research and estimation for various wind situation of the building. It is necessary for the assessment to make a comparative study about the wind tunnel test or full scale test.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스의 스마트빌딩 법제의 쟁점에 관한 연구

        정재도 한국부동산법학회 2019 不動産法學 Vol.23 No.1

        In general, the conceptual elements of smart building are as follows.: ‘intelligent building system with information communication function and automatic control system’, ‘providing and managing energy, lighting, disaster prevention, water resources, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning(HVAC) based on smart sensors and control systems.’ Recently, however, the most discussed issues related to smart buildings are the energy efficiency of buildings, the use of new renewable energy, and the reduction of CO2 emissions. In addition, the issue of protecting personal data is also important. In France, Smart Building is closely related to the energy efficiency improvement of buildings, which is the main goal of ‘Energy Conversion Law for Green Growth’(Loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte). Thus, France has been striving to improve the energy and environmental performance of new buildings by preparing legislation for the promotion of ‘energy-efficient buildings’ or ‘environment-friendly buildings’ for public buildings. In addition, based on the Energy Conversion Law for Green Growth, a mid to long term energy plan(PPE) has been prepared to remodel various energy-efficient buildings and develop smart grids and storage systems. Another important issue related to the management of smart buildings is the protection of personal data. Information required for management of smart buildings managed by information and communication technology is personal data about people living in the building, and it is possible to indirectly identify individual lives through processing and analysis of these data. In France, data generated in relation to smart grid is regarded as personal data and protected by the ‘Personal Data Protection Act’(Loi no 78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 relative à 1’ informatique, aux fichiers et aux libertés). Therefore, the Personal Data Protection Committee(Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés, CNIL) has become the main body and is carrying out activities to protect personal data. In addition, as the ‘EU General Data Protection Regulation’(GDPR) comes into effect, the explicit consent of building users and the implementation of privacy impact assessment will be carried out in the management of smart buildings in relation to the processing of related personal data. This tendency is not just for France, but for other countries as well. Therefore, even in our case, we think that we should deeply consider and respond to the problem of building energy efficiency system of buildings and the protection of personal data, in legal regulation of smart buildings. 스마트빌딩의 개념요소로는 일반적으로 ‘정보통신기능과 자동제어 시스템을 갖춘 지능형 빌딩 시스템’, ‘스마트센서와 컨트롤 시스템을 기반으로 에너지, 조명, 방재, 수자원, HVAC(Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning) 등의 제공 및 관리’ 등을 들고 있다. 그러나 최근에 스마트빌딩과 관련하여 가장 많은 논의가 이루어지고 있는 주제는 ‘빌딩의 에너지의 효율화, 새로운 재생에너지의 활용, 그리고 이산화탄소 배출량의 감축 문제 등이다. 아울러 개인정보의 보호 문제도 중요하게 제기되고 있다. 프랑스에서도 스마트빌딩은 ‘녹색성장을 위한 에너지전환법’의 주요 목표인 건축물 에너지 효율개선과 밀접한 관련을 맺고 있다. 그리하여 프랑스는 우선 공공건물을 대상으로 ‘에너지수행 우수 건물’ 또는 ‘환경수행 우수 건물’의 증진을 위한 법령을 마련하여 신축 건물의 에너지 및 환경적 성능의 개선에 힘쓰고 있다. 아울러 에너지전환법에 근거하여 중장기에너지계획(PPE)를 마련하여 각종 에너지효율관련 건물의 개조와 스마트 그리드 및 저장시스템 개발을 진행하고 있다. 스마트빌딩의 관리와 관련하여 또 하나 중요한 문제는 개인정보의 보호문제이다. 정보통신기술에 의해서 처리되는 스마트 빌딩 관리에 필요한 정보(data)는 빌딩에서 생활하고 있는 사람들에 관한 정보로서 해당 정보의 가공과 분석을 통해서 개개인의 생활을 간접적으로 식별할 수 있다는 점에서 개인정보의 범주에 속한다고 할 수 있다. 프랑스에서는 스마트 그리드와 관련하여 생성된 정보를 개인정보로 보고 이를 ‘개인정보보호법’에 의해서 보호하고 있다. 따라서 CNIL(개인정보보호위원회)가 주체가 되어서 개인정보의 보호를 위한 활동을 진행하고 있다. 또한 ‘유럽연합의 일반개인정보보호규칙’(GDPR)이 발효됨에 따라 스마트빌딩의 관리에도 관련 개인정보의 처리에 대한 빌딩 사용자들의 명시적인 동의의 요구 및 개인정보 영향평가의 수행이 이루어 질 것으로 보인다. 이러한 법제의 경향은 프랑스만의 경우는 아니며, 다른 나라의 경우에도 마찬가지이다. 따라서 우리의 경우에도 스마트빌딩을 법적으로 규율함에 있어서 빌딩의 에너지 효율화 시스템의 구축이나 정보통신기술로 인한 개인정보 보호의 문제에 대해서 깊이 있는 고민과 대응이 필요할 것으로 생각한다.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 기후 및 경제적 여건을 고려한 건물에너지 패키지 적용에 따른 건물에너지 절감효과 분석

        윤태균(Yun Tae Gyun),신재윤(Shin Jae Yoon),강석표(Kang Seok-pyo) 한국태양에너지학회 2022 한국태양에너지학회 논문집 Vol.42 No.5

        Due to the construction industry, the increase in energy demands from the population, and economic growth in Vietnam, the need for energy efficient buildings has increased. An analysis of Vietnam’s regulations and standards related to building energy shows that Vietnam’s current technology level is similar to Korea in the 1980s, so it needs to upgrade its technology. Using Korea’s advanced energy efficient building technology, it will be possible to satisfy Vietnam’s need for energy efficient buildings. In a prior study, the baseline data were calculated using a building energy simulation program with Vietnam’s weather data and input values provided by the most recent Vietnam building energy standards (QCVN 09:2017:BXD). Then, the optimized input combination of building energy packages was derived to achieve energy savings of 60% by integrating the building energy simulation program (Energyplus) with a programming language (Python). Vietnam’s climate characteristics vary by region, so simulations were run with three sets of weather data (Northern: Hanoi, Central: Da Nang, Southern: Ho Chi Minh). As a result, the optimized input combination could reduce building energy usage by about 55% compared to the baseline model. In this study, building energy savings were analyzed using simulated data by modeling a real example building in Vietnam before the building energy package was installed.

      • 건축물 에너지 통합지원시스템 체계 재정립 및 에너지 효율화 가이드 구현

        오수현(Su Hyun Oh),이승언(Seung Eon Lee),유기형(Ki-Hyung Yu) 대한설비공학회 2019 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.-

        This study introduces web-based integrated support system for building energy. A development of the system focuses on providing services, includes a building energy information service, web-based building energy diagnosis and providing detailed building energy information using measurement data to users and ultimately reducing national energy with active participation of citizens. This system contains in the following three main-services. and a detailed building energy information service using measurement data with 11 sub-services. First of all, the total information guide service performs a role of providing energy usage information about reducing building energy. Secondly, a building energy efficiency guide service performs a role as a web-based building energy diagnosis. Users could compare a relative performance level of their own buildings, perform online evaluation of building energy usage and use efficiency diagnosis service with intuitive user interface. Lastly, detailed building energy information service using measurement data performs a role of providing detailed building energy information to user using the cumulative measurement building energy data. Up to now, the study has been performed the design framework of the entire system and development individual components of the system and integrating process of the components will be performed from this year. After constructing this building energy integrated support system, it could be expacted to contribute reducing of national energy effectively.

      • KCI등재

        제로에너지빌딩의 기술 패키지 적용을 위한 에너지성능 평가 도구 비교분석 및 개선방안 제안

        조수(Soo Cho),한설이(Seol-Yee Han),성욱주(Uk-Joo Sung),김석현(Seok-Hyun Kim) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2017 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.4

        The research of energy saving in building was studied many case of studies. The zero energy building contained a two concept like a minimum energy consumption and renewable energy facility installation for energy suppling. It means what the envelope of Zero Energy building has high performance of thermal. And the facility of building use independent heating and cooling energy consumption without outer source too. For accomplish the zero energy building, many technology were developed and applied at new building. In case of applying technology, the critical technology is enough for the zero energy building but the joint technology for zero energy building is not enough. Also the supply of the economical technology is difficult. To solving these difficult, the energy performance evaluation tool is used by many researchers in phase of the building design. These tool have a problem about reproducibility by the different input data. That was inputted by each simulator and they divided to level about expertise and situation. So they need to getting an specific information of building and advanced training of simulation. But for accomplish the zero energy building, these tool must be have modified to analysis of the building energy consumption suitably. Absolutely these tool need to update for the precision of analysis results. Additionally the zero energy building design contain a new technology for energy saving through the tool’s extendability. In this study, authors was proposed the technical package and the case of simulation tool was compared for improvement suggestion. And this study was based actual certification and analysis tools like a ECO2. By these result, the authors was proposed two the improvement suggestion ‘User friendly Interface’ and ‘Analysis reliability’.

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