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      • KCI등재

        1913~1945년 경상남도 창원군 내서면의 농지소유분화 : 신감리ㆍ삼계리ㆍ용담리 사례 분석

        이세영 ( Lee Se-young ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2011 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.24

        토지대장에 의하면, 土地所有權査定이 완료되었던 1915년부터 농지 거래(‘소유권 이전’)가 본격적으로 이루어지기 시작했다. 해방이전에는 전체적으로 1920~30년대에 매우 활발했다. 이러한 농지 거래 추세 속에서 농지소유면적의 변동을 통해서 본 7개 그룹의 지주층의 분화는 한마디로 ‘下降分化’였는데, 0.5~3정보의 지주층, 즉 자작ㆍ자소작농의 감소와 0.5정보미만을 소유하는 영세지주층, 즉 소작ㆍ소자작농의 증가와 적체였다. 신감리, 삼계리, 용담리 어느 마을에서도 0.5정보 미만의 영세지주층의 농지 규모는 사정 당시부터 정체적이지만 줄어들고 있었다. 그들은 1920년대 이후에 대지주층의 소작료 增收로 인한 고율소작료와 고리대의 부채 등 때문에 그들의 영세소유지마저 매각하지 않을 수 없었던 것이다. 그들은 대체로 1920년대~1930년대 전반기의 底米價ㆍ底地價期에 증가, 적체되고 있었다. 반면에 0.5~3정보의 지주층의 농지 규모는 사정 직후부터 큰 폭으로 줄어들고 있었다. 1910년대 말엽부터의 비료 구입비와 1920년대 이후에 토지개량에 투입되었던 다액의 자금은 주로 지주층이 부담하게 되었다. 소작인을 둔 지주층은 이러한 종자, 비료 등 생산수단과 영농자금을 소작인에게 전가시켰지만, 소작을 주지 않고 주로 자작했을 0.5~3정보의 지주층은 이러한 과중한 영농비용 때문에 그들의 농지를 줄여나갈 수밖에 없었던 것이다. 1930년대에 들어서면서 총독부는 ‘자작농창정사업’과 ‘농가갱생계획’ 등을 실시하여 농가ㆍ농촌을 안정시키고자 했지만 그러한 자작ㆍ자소작농의 감소 추세를 막을 수는 없었다. A landownership register attests that from 1915 when the land ownership inspection was finished, land transaction(ownership transfer) started taking place in full-scale. It was very much in vogue during 1920~30, before the Liberation. In this trend of land transaction, the 7 groups of the landed classes showed a downward division. In other words, the landed class who owned 0.5~3 jeongbos of land(1 jeongbo is about 9,900㎡), namely, both farm owners and the farmers who did more independent farming than tenant farming decreased in numbers, while the minor landed class who owned less than 0.5 jeongbo, that is, both tenant farmers and farmers who did more tenant farming than independent farming increased in numbers. In the cases of Shingam-ri, Samgye-ri, and Yongdam-ri, the land size of the minor landed class who owned less than 0.5 jeongbo was being diminished when the inspection got started. From 1920s on, the minor landed class were forced to sell their lands, due to the high farm rent imposed by the major landed class and the debts from high-interest loan. In the era of 1920s and the first half of 1930s when the prices of rice and land were low, the number of the minor class increased. On the contrary, the land size of the landed class who owned 0.5~3 jeongbos was being diminished in a big scale right after the inspection. The big amounts of money for the fertilizers purchased in the late 1910s and money for the land improvement invested after 1920s were on the landed class. The landed class who hired tenant farmers had the latter pay for seeds, fertilizers, and farming fund. When they did not hire the latter, however, the huge amounts of farming expenses forced the former to downsize their lands. Entering 1930s, the government-general tried to stabilize the farming houses and farming villages through such plans as farmhouse rehabilitation, the diminishing trends could not be checked.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 초 잉글랜드 지주층의 경제 인식

        한지원(Jiwon Han) 한국서양사연구회 2015 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This thesis is to examine the economic awareness of the English landed class in the beginning of the eighteenth century. Roger North(1651-1734)’s Gentleman Accomptant(1714), a double-entry bookkeeping manual for nobilities and gentries, is mainly used to investigate the change in the landlords’ economic mentality. The landed have been described rather consistently, although difference in degree, as had accepted the market philosophy but only limitedly so due to their old genteel value which disdained extensive pursue of profit and involvement in the world of everyday labor. However, North’s Gentleman Accomptant suggests a possible adjustment to this widely accepted description of the English landed class. Its contents and context reveal that pecuniary interest was highly regarded in estate management that even some modification of the landlords’ genteel life style could be positively perceived. Double-entry bookkeeping is recommended although it demands the bookkeeper to spend considerable time and effort daily and interfere with trivial operations of his estate. Then double-entry would become an useful skill for landlords to maximize profit and to cope with the fatal threat of financial fraud. Stock-jobbing is particularly criticized because its innate conditions scrutinized are unfavorable to landlords’ economic interests. With the keen understanding of contemporary economic development, application of double-entry bookkeeping to estate management is an example of the landed class’ learning from commercial world for their own economic advantage. The landlords like such clearly displays developed capitalistic mentality in the age of early capitalism.

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