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      • KCI등재

        광복 70년, 국어학 외연의 확대와 발전

        홍종선(Hong Jongseon) 한국언어문학회 2015 한국언어문학 Vol.95 No.-

        Over 70 years since Independence, the outer edge of the Korean Linguistics has been expanded in various ways with the development of the Korean Linguistics. When we roughly divide the study which is included in the external areas of the Korean Linguistics into interdisciplinary research and applied research, there are philosophy of language, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, rhetorics, Korean stylistics, glottochronology, mathematical linguistics, computational Korean lingustics, Korean corpus lingustics and Korean language culture studies in interdisciplinary research. In applied research, there are Korean educational linguistics, Korean educational linguistics as a foreign language, Korean lexicography, Computational Korean Linguistics, Korean lalopathology, Korean language policy, Korean medium lingustics, Korean advertising lingustics, interpretation studies and translation studies. These external studies of Korean Linguistics and pure Korean Linguistics help each other to expand their views and research methodology, adding various viewpoints in many ways, and achieving mutual rising development by providing new facts and materials in the aspect of information. It can also contribute to the development of Korean language culture by adding practicality that can be used in real life through external studies. Among interdisciplinary researches and applied researches, there are a lot of fields where the researches are already activated but there are still quite a few areas which are about to be studied. In the future, Korean linguistics research should foster user-oriented grammar with researcher-oriented grammar and greatly develop the study of spoken language and discourse. Therefore, we should enlarge the cooperating researches providing more information to external areas of Korean linguistics.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 번역학 연구와 국어학의 몇 과제

        김정우(Kim, Jeong-woo) 우리말글학회 2012 우리말 글 Vol.56 No.-

        이 연구에서는 번역 또는 번역학의 연구 동향을 국어학 연구자들에게 소개하고, 이 가운데서 국어학과의 협동 연구가 가능한 몇 가지 주제를 선택하여 번역학과 국어학의 상호 접점을 찾아보고자 했다. 이러한 연구 목표를 달성하기 위해 우리는『번역학연구』에 게재된 번역 관련 논문337편을 조사했다. 조사 결과 순수 번역학이 253편, 응용 번역학이 84편으로 나타났고, 순수 번역학에서는 이론 번역학이 124편, 기술 번역학이 129편으로 나타났다. 이는 우리 번역학계의 연구 경향이 상당한 이론 편향성을 보인다는 의미로 해석된다. 한편 영어 복수 표현의 번역 문제(국어 문법론), 영-한 번역문의 특징(한국어 문체론), 한국 번역사(국어사)등은 번역학과 국어학의 협동 연구가 필요한 주제로 향후 국어학자들의 연구 지평 확대가 요망된다. This paper aims at introducing the translation studies for Korean researchers and trying to find out some topics which the two fields share with each other. To hit the intended target, we have surveyed 337 papers admitted in the related journal, The J ournal of Translation Studies, and summarizing their academic significance in a brief manner. In this description, we have used the classification frame of translation studies earlier claimed by Holmes. It has been revealed that our circle of researchers on translation studies is heavily theory-oriented. This trend should be overcome, if our research trend of translation studies is to be balanced between theory and practice. The author thinks that some interesting topics, such as the translation rules of English plural expressions, some special lexical, morphological, syntactic traits of English-Korean translated texts compared with non-translated texts, and the translation history of Korea, heartily wait for the insightful aids of Korean linguists. This will help Korean linguists expand their academic horizons over the Korean linguistics proper towards inter-linguistic communication field.

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