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        동춘당 송준길 후손 가 소장 여흥민씨의 발신 한글편지 고찰

        김경순 ( Kim Kyung Soon ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문학연구 Vol.57 No.1

        동춘당 송준길 후손 집안에 전하는 135편의 한글편지에서, 한국정신 문화연구원과 한국학중앙연구원에서 출판된 책에는 송준길의 측실 여흥민씨의 발신은 없는 것으로 정리되었으나, 본고는 발신 2편을 밝혀냈다. 조선시대에 쓴 한글 필사체 <한글간찰 24>·<한글간찰 26>은 계증조모여흥민씨가 증손자 송요화에게 쓴 것이었다. 두 책에는 판독과 해석이 필자와 다른 부분이 있었다. <24>와 <26>의 추기는 송종오의 9대 계조비민씨 수찰임을 밝혀냈다. <24>의 ‘형’은 송요경이며, 송요경은 당시 아픈 중이므로 여흥민씨 집에 올 수 없는 상황이었다. <24>의 ‘진(塵)’은 “소수(小數)의 단위의 하나.”로 풀이 하고, ‘조금’으로 해석할 수 있을 듯하다. <24>-17-1·2는 ‘톄포(滯飽)’로 여흥민씨의 건강이 좋지 않음을 알수 있었다. <24>의 ‘인손’은 ‘송요화 아들 송익흠의 아명’이며, ‘인손 부’는 인손 송익흠의 아버지인 송요화임을 밝혀냈다. <26>에서 ‘네’는 송요화이며, ‘형’은 송요경을 지칭하였고, ‘네 아자비’는 송요화의 둘째 숙부 송병익이며, 당시 상주목사였음도 밝혀냈다. ‘<26>-7-10∼8-3’의 ‘분조□다가 오□’ 은 당시 숙부가 상주목사 재임기간에 나라에 큰 일이 생겨 분주하게 다니다가 5월 15일 오늘 몸을 심하게 다쳤음을 밝혀냈다. <26>의 수신자는 ‘흥경’임을 밝혔다. <24>의 발신일은 1708∼1711년 9월 27일이므로, 여흥민씨가 65∼68세에 쓴 편지이었으며, 수신자 송요화는 27∼30세임을 알 수 있었다. <26>의 발신일은 1708∼1712년 5월 15일이므로, 여흥민씨가 65∼69세에 쓴 편지이며, 수신자 송요화는 27∼31세임을 밝혔다. Among 135 letters handed down in Donchundang Jun-gil Song, letters from Yeoheung Min, a concubine of Jun-gil Song, were settled to be nonexistent in the books published by The Academy of Korean Spirit and Culture and The Academy of Korean Studies, but 2 letters that were sent from her will be introduced in this paper. < Korean Letter 24 >·< Korean Letter 26 >, Korean calligraphy letters written in Chosun Dynasty, were sent to a great grandson Yo-wha Song from a step great grandmother Yeoheung Min. Some differences were spotted between those two books and me on analysis and interpretation. It has been turned out that Yeoheung Min, Jong-oh Song's step great grandmother who was 9th generation of Yeoheung Min Family, was the one who added some words to <24> and <26>. In <24>, ‘brother’ refers to Yo-kyung Song who was unable to visit Yeoheung Min for he was ill in bed. In <24>, ‘Jin(塵)’ could be regarded as "a unit for decimal numbers" and interpreted as ‘a little’. With ‘Chepo(滯 飽)’ in <24>-17-1·2, it could be assumed Yeoheung Min was in a bad condition. In <24>, ‘Inson’ has been turned out to be a childhood name of Ik-heum Song, Yo-wha Song's son, and ‘Inson's father’ refers to Ik-heum Song's father, Yo-wha Song. Also, in <26>, it turned out that ‘you’ refers to Yo-wha Song, ‘brother’ refers to Yo-kyung Song and ‘your uncle’ refers to Byung-ik Song, Yo-wha Song's second uncle and a pastor in Sangju. ‘working busy and today’ in ‘<26>-7-10∼8-3’ means the uncle got a serious injury on May 15th while working busy as a big trouble aroused in the country during his tenure as the pastor in Sangju. <26>'s recipient has been turned out to be ‘Heungkyung’. <24> was sent between 1708 and September 27th of 1711 which means Yeohueng Min was at the age of 65∼68 and Yo-hwa Song, the recipient, was at the age of 27∼30. <26> was sent between 1708 and May 15th of 1712 which means Yeohueng Min was at the age of 65∼69 and Yo-hwa Song, the recipient, was at the age of 27∼31.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        17~18세기 한글 편지에 나타난 송준길(宋浚吉) 가문 여성의 삶

        홍학희 ( Hak Hee Hong ) 한국고전여성문학회 2010 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        This is the paper which were planned to search regional characteristics of women culture in Chosun Dynasty and is for considering women`s lives and culture of Eunjin Song family and furthermore in Chungcheong province. Examining appellations and ways of speaking, Song Junkil`s family mostly made their daughter`s name using Chinese characters. And they gave more preference to their daughters-in-law succeeding to the family than their daughters by calling their daughters-in-law the title of `-daek` but calling their daughters the title of `-jib` or `-sil`. And elders in the husband`s family used `hage-che(하게체)` and `hao-che(하오체)` to younger daughters-in- law or sisters-in-law and husbands used them to their wives, and elder brothers-in-law respected their sisters-in-law by using `-si(시)-` and husbands also respected their wives by using it. Examining the contents of the letters, daughters-in-law of Song family fulfilled their heavy duties of guest reception and holding memorial services of their ancestors while running the big housekeeping as daughters-in-law of a big family. However, most daughters-in-law leaves outer businesses such as production and income to the head of the house except Mrs. Andong-Kim who is a wife of Song Yohwa. And they didn`t get involved in the management or increase of the wealth of her family. So they got food, groceries, money and so on from their fathers-in-law or husbands and reported breakdown of the expenses. Meanwhile, Mrs. Anjeong-Na(안정 나씨) got their son and daughter-in-law away from each other and cruelly pressed their grandson of tween in order to make them to study hard. And Mrs. Andong-Kim(안동 김씨) sent a poem to another man who is the governor of Samsan-goon in order to borrow some food. Mrs. Yeohung-Min(여흥 민씨) talked over government posts and domok(도목) of her relative with her father-in-law. These were very unusual things at that time.

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