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        송병하의 <한글간찰 22> 고찰

        김경순 ( Kim Kyungsoon ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.60 No.4

        동춘당 송준길 후손 집안에 전하는 135편의 한글 편지 중에서, 한국정신문화연구원과 한국학중앙연구원에서 송병하의 장모 안동 권씨의 수신은 <한글간찰>에 1편도 없는 것으로 정리되었으나, 본고는 1편을 밝혀냈다. 조선시대에 쓴 필사체 <한글간찰 22>의 수신자는 장모 안동 권씨임을 밝혔다. 두 책에는 <22>의 판독, 주석, 현대어역, 참고에서 필자와 다른 부분이 있었다. <22> 편지 장법에서 대두법은 세 번, 격간식은 두 번 나왔다. 이것으로 미루어 보면 사위 송병하는 장모에게 격식과 예의를 다하여 편지를 썼음을 알 수 있었다. “장□날”은 송병하의 처 외조부 권순창이 타계하여 장례를 모시는 날로 밝혀냈다. 또한, 필사체를 운필할 때 장모의 건강을 걱정하는 “긔운”보다 처 외조부 권순창의 타계 이후 장사를 하는 “장□ 날”을 조금 더 높인 것은 송병하가 장모보다 처 외조부 권순창에게 더 높여 존경을 표하였음을 알 수 있었다. 송병하가 편지를 쓴 날이 1687년 8월 18일임을 감안하여 유추해 보면, 처 외조부가 타계한 지 약 3개월이 지나가고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이것은 당시 조선시대에 사람이 죽은 지 석 달 만에 지내는 장례문화인 졸곡제의 한 단면을 엿볼 수 있었다. “□냐”는 송병하가 벼슬이 바뀌어 1686년 겨울부터 3년간 덕산현감을 지냈음을 알 수 있었다. “뎐□(轉傳)”은 사위 송병하의 편지가 “여러 사람의 손을 거쳐서 전해지는 것”이었다. 발신자 “□”은 사위 송병하가 장모에게 자신을 낮추어 편지를 적은 것이었다. <22>의 앞면 한글 편지 간지는 1687년 정묘년이다. 뒷면 한문 편지는 1689년 己巳년인 듯하다. Both the Korea Institute of Spiritual Culture and the Academy of Korean Studies reported that none of 135 Hangul letters transmitted in the descendent families of Dongchundang Song Jun-gil were written to Ms. Gwon of Andong that was Song Byeong-ha's mother-in-law in the Hangul Ganchal, but this study found out one of them was written to her. In this study, it was demonstrated that the script Hangul Ganchal 22 was written to Ms. Gwon of Andong in Joseon. Two books contained different information about 22's decoding, annotation, translation into modern language, and reference from the investigator's findings. In the letter's Jangbeop, Daedubeop and Gyeokgansik were used three and two times, respectively, which shows that Song Byeong-ha fulfilled his formality and etiquette in writing the letter to his mother-in-law. “장□날” turned out to be the funeral day of Gwon Sun-chang, his wife's maternal grandfather. Writing the script, Song Byeong-ha used a higher honorific form for “장□날” when the funeral of his wife's maternal grandfather was held than “긔운” that reflected his concern with the health of his mother-in-law, which shows that he used a higher honorific form for his wife's maternal grandfather than his mother-in-law out of his greater respect for him. He wrote the letter on August 18, 1687 about three months after his wife's maternal grandfather passed away, which shows an aspect of Jolgokje, the culture of holding a funeral three months after the death of a person in Joseon. ‘냐’ shows that Song Byeong-ha's government post was changed and that he served Deoksan as Hyeongam for three years starting in the winter of 1686. “뎐□(轉傳)” meant that his letter was transmitted "through the hands of several people." The sender mark “□” was used by him to lower himself before his mother-in-law. The front page holding the Hangul letter 22 shows that the sexagenary cycle was the Jeongmyo year of 1687, and the back page written in Chinese characters was sent in the Gisa year of 1689.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        17~18세기 한글 편지에 나타난 송준길(宋浚吉) 가문 여성의 삶

        홍학희 ( Hak Hee Hong ) 한국고전여성문학회 2010 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.20

        This is the paper which were planned to search regional characteristics of women culture in Chosun Dynasty and is for considering women`s lives and culture of Eunjin Song family and furthermore in Chungcheong province. Examining appellations and ways of speaking, Song Junkil`s family mostly made their daughter`s name using Chinese characters. And they gave more preference to their daughters-in-law succeeding to the family than their daughters by calling their daughters-in-law the title of `-daek` but calling their daughters the title of `-jib` or `-sil`. And elders in the husband`s family used `hage-che(하게체)` and `hao-che(하오체)` to younger daughters-in- law or sisters-in-law and husbands used them to their wives, and elder brothers-in-law respected their sisters-in-law by using `-si(시)-` and husbands also respected their wives by using it. Examining the contents of the letters, daughters-in-law of Song family fulfilled their heavy duties of guest reception and holding memorial services of their ancestors while running the big housekeeping as daughters-in-law of a big family. However, most daughters-in-law leaves outer businesses such as production and income to the head of the house except Mrs. Andong-Kim who is a wife of Song Yohwa. And they didn`t get involved in the management or increase of the wealth of her family. So they got food, groceries, money and so on from their fathers-in-law or husbands and reported breakdown of the expenses. Meanwhile, Mrs. Anjeong-Na(안정 나씨) got their son and daughter-in-law away from each other and cruelly pressed their grandson of tween in order to make them to study hard. And Mrs. Andong-Kim(안동 김씨) sent a poem to another man who is the governor of Samsan-goon in order to borrow some food. Mrs. Yeohung-Min(여흥 민씨) talked over government posts and domok(도목) of her relative with her father-in-law. These were very unusual things at that time.

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