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      • KCI등재

        김광균 시의 구조화 원리 연구- 정서와 이미지의 상관성을 중심으로

        오형엽 ( Hyung Yup Oh ) 국제비교한국학회 2014 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.22 No.2

        This writing wishes to analyze Kim Gwang-Gyoon’s poetry in a viewpointof ‘interrelationship of emotion and image’ and search it’s structural principle. Time of ‘high noon’ result link ‘dry emotion-modeling image’ association, timeof ‘evening’ result link ‘melancholie emotion-opacity image’ association appearsgreatly as ‘interrelationship of emotion and image’ In Kim Gwang-Gyoon’spoetry. Kim Gwang-Gyoon attempts first ‘dry emotion-modeling image’association, but ‘melancholie emotion-opacity image’ association has larger weightas this attempt is pulled down. Also, central image is converted by color imageof ‘dusk’ and ‘light-fog’ that is linked with time zone of ‘evening’ in fromfomations image of ‘modeling’ that is linked with time zone of ‘afternoon’. Structural principle in Kim Gwang-Gyoon’s poetry can be arranged tofollowing two foci related to aspect that ‘dry emotion-modeling image’ associationmoves as ‘melancholie emotion-opacity image’ association. As the first focusis dimension of poetic form, as opacity image appears after that modeling image``is pulled down, the border is removed and something that is equivocated haspersonality which is worth ‘negative description of real’. As second focus isdimension of poetic contents, dimension of main subject disclose in ‘speaker’semotion is solidified’ as ‘dry emotion’ vanishes and ‘melancholie emotion’ accounts for larger weight. If psychoanalysis’s ‘sublimation’ concept is linked with ‘melancholie’ concept,we can think that was put in conflicting relation mutually between ‘sublimation’that exalt target to dimension of noble thing and ‘melancholie’ that happenwhen it collapses and falls. To fill gap and blank between ‘sublimation’ and‘melancholie’ is ‘real’ as psychological reality be. The movement from the formerto the latter as correlation of ‘emotion-image’ by time that this article analyzescan be reinterpreted in process that ‘sublimation’ is changed as ‘melancholie’. We must keep in mind here that directivity of ‘sublimation’ has survived andmix in ‘melancholie’. In psychoanalysis’s concept, ‘light’ is involved with‘sublimation’, and ‘fog’ is involved with ‘melancholie’ that suffer whensublimation falls. Therefore ‘opacity image’ that ‘light’ and ‘fog’ are combinedcan understand by conjoiner of sublimation and melancholie. If say more correctly,we can understand as ‘melancholie that sublimation is deposited’.

      • KCI등재

        전후 초월주의의 그늘과 그 극복

        박현수(Park Hyun-Soo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2009 한국민족문화 Vol.35 No.-

        박재삼은 전후 남한 문학의 중심적 기류로 형성된 초월주의의 영향을 전범적으로 보여준다는 점에서 전후시의 특성을 이해하기 위해서 반드시 고찰하여야 할 시인이다. 그는 전후 초월주의의 중요 특성, 즉 전통성, 미학성, 초월성을 창조적으로 계승하여 자신의 시적 자양분으로 삼았다. 박재삼은 초월주의의 강력한 영향권 내에 있었다. 전통성은 그의 시에 나타나는 ‘한’과 연계된 정서의 적극적 표현이나 춘향전이나 흥부전과 같은 고전 작품의 의도적 인유에서 드러난다. 미학성은 생경한 현실 인식을 철저하게 여과시켜 개인적인 정서로 변용시키는 점에서 잘 드러난다. 초월성은 개별적인 존재가 죽음으로써 완료되는 것이 아니라 다른 존재의 탄생과 연계되어 지속성을 지닌다는 생각에서 확인된다. 그러나 박재삼은 초월주의의 영향과 길항하며 자신의 창조적인 공간을 마련하였다. 그의 창조성이 적극적으로 드러나는 지점은 그의 시에 나타나는 두 가지 불투명성이다. 하나는 불투명한 정서이고 다른 하나는 불투명한 구문론이다. 전자에서는 전후의 서정적 동일성에 대한 고민과 그 극복을 확인할 수 있고, 후자에서는 새로운 매체에 안착한 새로운 서정시의 방향에 대한 적극적 인식을 확인할 수 있다. Park Jaesam is one of the important poets in postwar Korean poets. He accepted the ideology of postwar transcendentalism, the ideology of Cheongmunhyup(Korean Youth Writer's Association; leaded by Kim Dongli, Jo Yonhyun and Seo Jungju). The ideology has three features; traditionality(the approval of Korean traditional thought and emotion), transcendentality (transcendental identifying self with the universe) and aestheticism(the exclusion of political issues from poems). But Park had a correct understanding of the problem of that ideology and overcame its problems creatively. First, When he accepted traditional elements by the rhetoric of temporality, he controlled a subject matter in his poems by reducing risks of the distortion of emotion to the minimum. Secondly, he wrote new lyric poems by the strategy of opaque, that is, the strategy of intentional ambiguity. Park used intentionally two kinds of ambiguity, one is the ambiguity of emotion(an ambiguous emotion), the other is that of grammar. This ambiguity made his poems new lyric poems, by keeping his poems away from the plain repetition of old lyric poems. Park's lyric poems are not only traditional but also modern. He succeeded to Korean traditional lyric poetry. At the same time, he made an effort to write postwar modern poems.

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