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      • 근막 이완술의 생리학적 체형변화 분석

        최정윤,옥치상 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2007 보건과학연구소보 Vol.17 No.-

        Myofascial release therapy has been greatly distributed for health promotion and reinforcement of skin elasticity. 1bis study fulfilled the physiologic variation on body types by myofacial release therapy. Materials for myofascial release therapy, that is partial body fat measuring tool, subcutaneous fat measuring tool were measured three times to minimize the source of error, which was recorded to be mean value. In the variation rate of body fat and subcutaneous fat in myofascial release therapy it decreased 2.74mm, 3.26 in scapular, 3.84mm, 3.34% in spine, and 3.30mm, 3.42% in lumbar regions, 3.23mm, 3.10% in the regions above abdomen and 3.24mm, 3.21 % in below abdomen, 1.69mm, 2.39% in thigh and 1.06mm, 1.67 % in arm, respectively. For the physiological aesthetic effects, both body fat and subcutaneous fat in the experiment group and the control group manifested the significant difference in scapular, spine, and lumbar regions, the regions above abdomen and below abdomen, thigh and arm(p<0.05). From the results above, the effects on myofascial release therapy was more plausible than the general massage. Therefore myofascial release therapy will have great influence on health improvement, skin elasticity, and body shape. In order to increase the effect of myofascial release therapy, developing the education program is desperately needed .

      • 공동주택의 관리비 문제점과 개선방안

        이재희 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2007 보건과학연구소보 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to calculate reasonable management expenses of multi-family housing. Research method was reviewing of concerned papers and law of housing. As results, the problems of management expenses for multi-family housing were some payment regulation in standard contract of apartments such as deposit of one month management expense and the management expense of the first month from the date of moving. Also, TV or cable TV subscription fee should be unreasonably paid together with management expense by the regulation. It should be paid by the apartment enterprisers for the deposit of one month management expense and the management expense of the first month. The article 17:2-3 in standard contract of apartments should be deleted. The subscription fees of TV and cable TV should be separately paid from management expenses. 우리나라의 주택형태는 단독주택과 공동주택으로 대별되며 1995년 이후부터는 공동주택이 차지하는 비율(단독주택 47.12%, 공동주택 49.16%)이 높게 나타나고 있다. 부산의 경우 2005년 총가구수 19,390 가구에 주택수는 22,930호로 주택보급율 101.4%로 공급이 수요를 초과하고 있으며 이중 단독주택이 260,592호(25%), 공동주택이 788,531호(75%)이고 공동주택에서 아파트가 차지하는 비율은 58.18%로 나타나고 있다. 그러나 공동주택에 대한 관리지침이 부정확하고 감독체계가 확실하지 않아 업체에 따라 해석에 차이가 있으며 실제 관리하는 주체에 따라 상당한 차이가 있어 많은 부정과 갈등을 초래하고 있다. 1999년 4월 아파트관리비리 수사 이후 아파트 관리비에 대한 입주자 퉁의 관심이 고조되고 투명한 관리비에 대한 요구는 공동주택 입주자들의 주요 관심과 정치와 생활의 중요한 이슈가 되었다. 따라서 가정 학자들과 건축 관계자들의 관리비 연구가 진행 되었으며 공동주택의 관리비 비교에 연구가 지속되고 있다.

      • 부산 여성들의 미용실 선택 요인

        박정해,황인철 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2007 보건과학연구소보 Vol.17 No.-

        In order to inform what factors women have to select a beauty salon, 153clients, who visit to a beauty salon in Kwangbokdong, Busan, were surveyed using questionnaire. The interests for outward appearance in subject women appeared in order of hair style, face(24.8%), body line(23.5%), and clothing(17.6%). Therefore, hair styles seem to be a very important factor to pursue beauty in women. To which beauty salon women may go to treat their hair is primarily dependent upon update style or hair designer's skill. Motives to go a specific beauty salon were dependent upon the recommendation of friends(46.4%) and family(9.2%) .

      • 천연약용식물의 황산화성과 금속착체 형성능에 관한 연구

        윤혜경,강진훈 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2007 보건과학연구소보 Vol.17 No.-

        This study was carried out to elucidate the physiological properties of five kinds of Natural medical Herb and check up their utility as the functional food material. The antioxidativity, radical scavenging activity and metal-chelating ability of the natural medical herbs, such as Saururus chinensis, Hovenia dulcis, Houttuynia cordata, Eucommia ulmoides and Astragalus Membranaceus were investigated. All the samples were shown to have the radical scavenging activity, which it was the strongest in Saururus chinensis, follwed by Hovenia dulcis, Houttuynia cordata, Eucommia ulmoides and Astragalus Membranaceus. Especially, the radical scavenging activity of Hovenia dulcis was appeared to be almost 100% in the concentration of 1,000μg/mL. The highest total phenol compound content(59.39mg/g) among 5 natural herbs was shown in Saururus chinensis, which was two times as other samples. The antioxidation activity against mackerel oil peroxidation was clearly appeared in all samples, and it was the greatest in Saururus chinensis and Hovenia dulcis, which it was stronger than a-tocopherol. Through the Sephadex G-25 column chromatography, all the samples was shown to have one or two peak, which meant the generation of the metal-chelating complex with the extracts from natural medical herbs. The chelating ability of Saururus chinensis with ferrous and cupric ion was the greast among the samples, which was followed by Eucommia ulmoides and Houttuynia cordata. The metal-chelating ability was some different from the samples, but all the samples appeared to have a great metal-chelating ability.

      • 茶類의 폴리페놀 화합물 함량과 이화학적 특징

        강진훈 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2008 보건과학연구소보 Vol.18 No.-

        This study was carried out to elucidate the polyphenol compounds content in 3 kinds of teas and its physicochemical properties. The results summarized as follows : All the samples showed to contain the polyphenol compounds, in which the content in black tea was themost. and black tea had more than green tea. The antioxidative effect of green tea was some greater as dunggulle tea and similar to black tea. Radical scaveng activity was shown to have in all the tea extract. which meant that green tea. black tea and dunggulle tea have antioxidation activity and radical scavenging activity. and they showed to have the possibility as functional beverage.

      • 미인형의 체형에 대한 고찰

        최정윤,옥치상 고신대학교 고신보건과학연구소 2007 보건과학연구소보 Vol.17 No.-

        The beauty is subjective pushes. Anyhow, the beauty is an idea of each person. But today's people are desirable to pursue beauty person types like printed styles. Also, the people think the beauty standards of oriental and western styles. But, the time changed and also the beauty standards changed plentifully. To former times the tube shape and the full moon style which lead the together round face, the eye style like crescent moon were beautiful woman of these people who has the same eye. But, today the well-proportioned beautiful woman, a little thin body shape, small and longish face, the big eye and clear nose are beautiful standards. The beauty is relative values. So we have better strive to take care of internal and external beauty.

      • 의료협력과 국제화

        남은우 高神大學校保健科學硏究所 1997 보건과학연구소보 Vol.7 No.-

        교통과 통신의 발달로 인하여 세계 각국간의 국경이 없어지고, 지구가 하나의 지역사회를 이루어 지구촌화 함에 따라 의료분야에도 국제협력을 해야 할 기회가 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 이에, 보건의료의 국제협력의 필요성과 그의 방법론을 중심으로 거머토한 겨러과 몇 가지 주요 사항을 알 수 있었다. 어떤 보건사럽의 서어패는 기본방침이나 이념이 불명확하고 사전조사. 관련정보의 수집이 불충분하기 때문이다. 이에 따라 그의 활동이나 사업의 목적이 불명확하게 되고, 따라서 도달목표나 평가방법 및 그 적절한 지표가 설정되지 않고, 책임의 소재가 불명료하게 된다. 또 관계자의 공통적인 이해를 얻기 어렵고, 이와 같은 여러 가지의 문제점이 국제 보건의료 프로젝트를 어렵게 하는 것이라고 생각된다. 예를 들면 이 ZOPP방식과 같은 사고방식이나 방법론은 보건소가 실시하는 지역의 공중보건활동의 입안, 실시,평가에도 충분히 응용할 수 있고 또 유익하다고 생각된다. 이후 이와 같은 논리적 프레임웍에 따른 목적지향성의 사업계획의 설정에 관하여, 과학적인 방법론의 개발 연구와 그 응용결과를 총회선교부와 교회에서의 의료선교활동 등에도 적극 이용할 것이 요구된다. 국제협력 활동을 전개할 때는 정부기구(GO)와 민간기구(NGO)등의 긴밀한 연계로 협력효과를 극대화시켜야 할 것이다. 정부차원의 경제협력 성과를 수원국의 일반 국민에게 확산시키거나 정부차원에서 실시하기 곤란한 사업을 추진하기 위해서는 민간부분과 정부의 역할 분담이 필요하고, 또한 민간부분의 인적. 물적 자원을 협력사업에 활용함으로써 원조효과를 높일 수있다. 아울러, 국제협력에 대한 민간기구의 자발적인 참여는 세계화 추진을 위한 국민의식의 전환에도 크게 기여하게 될 것이다. 이런 측면에서 우리정부가 개발도상국에 대한 민간차원의 원조활동을 적극 지원하는 정책의 개발이 필요하다. 이상에서 살펴본 정부의 국제협력방침과 정책을 잘 고려하여, 의료선교단체는 여러 선교단체와의 협력관계를 잘 구축하여 개발도상국의 의료협력을 효율적으로 추진하여 국제협력의 궁극적인 목적인 복음전파를 하여야 한다.

      • 국제보건에 미치는 의료선교의 영향에 대한 연구

        송희완 고신대학교 보건과학연구소 2000 보건과학연구소보 Vol.10 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to identify trends occurring in missionary medicine some of which are radically altering approach to challenges faced In world health today. Significant changes have been and are taking place in health care ministries. When they happen slowly, they tend to be overlooked. It was attempted to place these trends within their historical context, highlighted by current examples, in order to maintain a balanced perspective. The first purpose of the christian medical missions is to fulfill the Great Commission and Great commandment. During the christian medical missions has been carrying its purpose, it also has improved the health condition of the third country. The christian medical missions has introduced the modern medicine to the nations which have not modern health care. They have brought the hospital to the lands where have not the hospital. This study identify the facts which medical mission has improved the condition of the international health care. If there were not the medical missions in past century, the medicine development are very much tarried. This study prove it though the past and the present of the medical missions history.

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