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      • 아토피피부염환자에서의 뇨중 Neopterin치와 혈청 IgE치에 관한 연구

        이원석,이규석,송준영 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 仁耕 宋俊榮 敎授 華甲紀念 論文集 Vol.S No.-

        A study was performed to evaluate the mechanism of impaired immune reaction, and rela-tionship between levels of urinary neopterin and serum immunoglobulin E(IgE) in atopic der-matitis. The level of urinary neopterin in 41 atopic patients and 20 healthy, normal, non-allergic subjects were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography, and level of serum IgE in 41 atopic patients were measured by standard radial immune diffusion technique. The results were as follows, 1. The urinary neopterin level of patients with atopic dermatitis was 903.7±74.9 μmol/mol creatinine, which was higher than that of control group(133.8 土79.3 μmol/mol creatinine)(p<0.05). 2. Serum IgE level of atopic patients was increased than normal value. 3. In atopic patients, urinary neopterin level was not correlated with serum IgE level.

      • Trial of immunotherapeutic approach with tubercin-3 on lepromatous leprosy

        Chung, Tai Ho,Song, Joon Young,Seo, Jae Kwan 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        一般的으로 懶睡樣型懶愚의 末稍血條中의 T-微巴球數는 正常A에 比하여 減少되어 있으며 細胞性免疫機轉이 장애되어 있다. 本硏究에서 觀察된 10例의 癩腫樣型癩患에서도 末稍血液中의 T-淋巴球數는 正常對照群에 比하여 減少되어 있었으며 金體 淋巴球에 對한百分率로 현저하게 낮았다. 그리고 全例에서 Tuber-culin 시험은 陰性을 表示하였다. 結核菌體抽出物 Tubercin-3을 6個月閒 皮下에 注射한 결과 全例에서 T 淋巴球數와 百分率에서 對照群에 가까워 졌으며 Tuberculin 시험에서도 半數 이상의 癩患에서 陽性으로 轉化하였다.

      • 數種 白癬菌에 대한 Griseofulvin의 抗菌力에 관하여

        卞東吉,徐治均,宋俊榮,南龍鎭,申鉉喆 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        Although there have been many reports concerning the antifungal effects with various der-matophytes, there has been no such report in Korea, Authers investigated to know the cha- racteristics of main pathogenic species of dermatophytes to griseofulvin in Korea, particulary the T. ferrugineum to which no any griseofulvin sensitivity test has been made in literature. Griseofulvin sensitivity test in vitro and elementary changes of the dermatophytes on the hanging drop culture were observed on total 81 strains isolated from dermatophytosis, consisting of 61 strains of T.ferrugineurn , 6 strains of T. rubrum, 2 strains of T. mentagrophytes, 2 strains of T.gypseum, 4 strans of M.canis and 6 strains of E. floccosum, and the follo-wing results were obtained. 1) T. ferrugineum and E. floccosum were the most sensitive, T.rubrum and M. canis were moderate, and T. gypseum and T.mentagrophytes were least to griseofulvin. 2) Griseofulvin inhibited the growing hyphae moderately at even the minimum concentrationof O. 122 mcg/ ml. 3) All examined fungal hyphae were inhibited to grow by griseofulvin and formed the po-wdery spores macroscopically, 4) Variations of the hyphae such as shortening, curling, swelling, degeneration, clumping, and septation were observed microscopically with arthrospores and microconidia which was rather smaller than normal in size

      • 最近 急增한 早期梅毒에 對하여

        徐抬均,卞東吉,宋俊榮,扑聖圭,徐永旭,徐舜鳳 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 仁耕 宋俊榮 敎授 華甲紀念 論文集 Vol.S No.-

        The increasing prevalence of infectious syphilis during the past few years, which had declined marked1y from the immediate postwar peaks after the advent of the era of the penicillin treatment for syphi1is, has been reported from many other countries. The most probab1e causes of the increasing syphilis reported by many authors were ma1e homosexua1s, teenagers, the greater 1iberty of seyual behavior, danger of penicillin reaction, reduction of V.D. control program; neg1ect the dangers of V.D. noton1y by the genera1 popu1ation but a1so by physicians, the mixing of socia1 classes, more rapid travel , etc. It was said that secondary syphilis is outnumbering primary chancre because there are so many cases of atypical chancres which remain unrecognized. For many years cases of early syphilis have been extremely rare in our clinic until 1962 but 1963 (May) the early cases of symptomatic syphilis have been increasing suddenly. The authors already reported the resurgence of syphilis at the 16th Korean Dermatologic Annual Meeting in Oct. 1963 firstly in Korea, 54 cases of early symtomatic syphilis were observed subsequently till June 1964 and studied by clinical histories, symptoms, therapy, and the causes of the recrudescences. 1) Out of total 54 cases, 6 cases were primary chancre, 1 case roseola,7 cases mculo-papular syphilids, 7 cases condyloma latum, 23 cases alopecia syphilitica, 3 cases condyloma latum with alopecia, 1 case of condylomata lata with maculo-papular syphilid, 2 cases of maculo-papular syphilids with alopecia syphilitica, 1 case of alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre,1 case of maculc-papular syphilid and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre, 1 case of roseola with primary chancre, and 1 case of condy lomata lata and alopecia syphilitica with primary chancre. 2) Almost a11 the cases belonged to thesecondary stage and alpecia syphilitica was predominant. among them. 3) As to sex, 52 cases were male and 2 were female. The age distribution showed 3 cases below age of 20 and 38 below 30. 4) 1n the contradiction to the American and Europian reports, the infectious sources in our patients were prostitutes in 43 cases, with whom they had frequent contact, while homosexual seen in only 1 case. 5) A11 cases had no prophylaxis and were ignorant of venereal diseases. 6) of secondary cases, 28 did not recognize the previous. chancres and 20 recognized the previous> eruptions on the genitalia but did not think of V.D. and neglected treatment. 7) The lesions of primary chancres were an atypical form, multiple, superficial erosions in most cases .. Those of maculo-papular syphilids were localized and grouped in distribution. Of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica, 27 showed a moth-eaten appearance but the remaining 4 cases-‘ were diffuse in character like a post-febrile alopecia. The eye brow loss was seen in 5 cases out. of 31 cases of alopecia syphilitica. 8) Lymphadenopathy was noted in ipsilateral side of the primary chancre in 4 cases out of 6. 1n secondary syphilis, inguinal adenopathy was noted in 100% of the cases, axillary adenopathy in 66~7%, epitrochlear adenopathy in 37.5%, cervical adenopathy in 31. 3%, and occipitaladenopathy in 16.7% ,in order. Supraclavicular lymphnode was palpable in only 1 case. 9) 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of secondary syphilis had positive VDRL. The incu-bation periods of 2 cases with negative VDRL in primary chancre was less than 5 weeks 10) Treponema pallidum was demonstrable in 4 cases of primary chancre and a11 cases of condyloma latum on dark-field examination. 11) 52 cases were treated with penicillin and the remaining 2 cases who showed transient penicillin hypersensitivity were treated with erythromycin and aureomycin respectively. The lesions of all cases of primary chancre, reseola, maculo-papular syphilids, and condyloma latam were cleared within 1 week of the treatment, while in alopecia syphilitica hair growth was noted after 4 to 5 weeks of the treatment. Jarish-Herxheimer reaction was observed in only 2 cases of roseola syphilitica. 12) The estimated incubation periods averaged 4 weeks in primary chancre, 12 weeks in roseola, 9 weeks inmaculo-papular syphilid, 10 to 25 weeks in condyloma latum, and 8 to 50 weeks in alopecia syphilitica. 13) Active V.D. control program is necessary and also education for venereal diseases.

      • 癩患者의 血淸 Testosterone値

        朴義守,宋俊榮,鄭祥立,鄭泰浩 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 仁耕 宋俊榮 敎授 華甲紀念 論文集 Vol.S No.-

        Testicular involvement in male patients with leprosy is well documented and may be associated with impotence, sterility and gynecomastia. Testicular histology shows atrophy of the seminiferous tubules with hypertropy and clumping of Leydig cells and hyalinization of the small and medium sized vessels. The hormonal functions of the testes have been studied by a number of 'workers, usually in patients‘ with testicular atrophy and gynecomastia. In these particular patients, androgens are generally diminished while gonadotropins are increased. The pathogenesis of testicular damage is uncertain, though Wall and Wright (1974) found that testicular germinal cell antibodies were present in 75 % of lepromatous, and postulated that .autoimmunity, Erythema Nodosum Leprosum immune complex damage and direct invasion by Mycobacterium leprae may all be contributory. The author studied the serum testosterone levels in male patients with leprosy (twenty-five with lepromatous type and . twenty-five with tuberculoid type) and twenty-five normal healthy controls by double-antibody .method of radioimmunoas: say. Comparative studies of testosterone levels in these two types of leprosy and relationships among the degree of testicular atrophy, gynecomastia, duration of treatment and age were also conducted. The results were summarized as follows: Ages of the selected patients were between 27 to 72 years in lepromatous leprosy (average 47.4), 29 to 75 years in tuberculoid leprosy(average 48.4) and 24 to 73years in the control group (average 43. 6). The duration of treatment in lepromatous leprosy was between 6 and 33 years and the averagewas 13.6 years. Of tuberculoid leprosy, duration of treatment was between 6 and 38 years and the average was 19 years. The mean serum testosterone level in lepromatous leprosy patients was 1. 212ng/ml, which was significantly lower than that of both the tuberculoid lep-rosy, 4. 112ng/ml(+1. 807) (p<0.001), and the normal healthy control group, 4. 535ng/ml (+2.343) (p<0.001). There were no significant differences of serum testosterone levels between the tuberculoid leprosy group and the normal healthy.control group. Gynecomastia was seen in 64% of the lepromatous leprosy group, 12% of the tuberculoid leprosy group and testicular atrophy was seen in 64 % of the lepromat ous leprosy group and 20 % in the tuberculoid leprosy group. In the lepromatous leprosy group with gynecomastia, the serum testosterone level was significantly lower than that of the control group (p<0.001), however no significant differences of serum testosterone levels were noted between the lepromat-ous leprosy group with gynecomastia and without gynecomastia (p> 0.1). No significant meaning was found in the serum testosterone level in both lepromatous leprosy groups with or without 'gynecomastia or testicular atrophied groups. There was no correlation between age and serum testosterone levels in the lepr-omatous leprosy and control groups, but the serum testosterone levels increases according to the increase of age in tuberculoid leprosy. There was no relationship between the duration of dapsone treatment and serum testosterone level in both the tuberculoid and lepromatous leprosy groups.

      • 아토피피부염환자에서의 뇨중 Neopterin치와 혈청 IgE치에 관한 연구

        이원석,이규석,송준영 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        A study was performed to evaluate the mechanism of impaired immune reaction, and rela-tionship between levels of urinary neopterin and serum immunoglobulin E(IgE) in atopic der-matitis. The level of urinary neopterin in 41 atopic patients and 20 healthy, normal, non-allergic subjects were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography, and level of serum IgE in 41 atopic patients were measured by standard radial immune diffusion technique. The results were as follows, 1. The urinary neopterin level of patients with atopic dermatitis was 903.7±74.9 μmol/mol creatinine, which was higher than that of control group(133.8 土79.3 μmol/mol creatinine)(p<0.05). 2. Serum IgE level of atopic patients was increased than normal value. 3. In atopic patients, urinary neopterin level was not correlated with serum IgE level.

      • 증류수 및 생리식염수에 노출된 흰쥐 표피세포의 미세 형태학적 연구

        朴璋煥,朴義守,宋俊榮 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        The author studied ultrastructural changes of the skin induced by exposure to the water. Rats were exposed on the distilled water and physiologic saline of their legs for 8, 16, 24, 36 and 48hours respectively. Expos cd skins were examined by light atd electron microscopes. The results obtained were summarized as follow: Light microscopically, exposed skin showed edema and mild inflammatory infiltration on the dermis and subcorneal abscess formation from 8 hours, which were more prominent after 16 hours and increasing in intensity till 24 hours, but remained in same degree after that time.

      • 쥐에서 Cyclophosphamide투여에 의한 모낭의 초미형태학적 변화

        김대연,이규석,송준영,손태중 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        Authors studied the effects of cyclophosphamide, a potent inhibitor of nucleoprotein synthesis, to investigate the morphologic evidence of destructive actions tothe . hair follicles. Sprague-Dawley rats were received 4 mg/kg of cyclophosphamide for to 6weeks, intraperitoneally, and examined light and electron microscopically. Light microscopically, distortion and constriction of the hair shafts, diminished diameter of the hair bulbs, and atrophy of the hair matrix were deve10ped from 1 week, which were more prominent in second weeks and they were progressed after that time. Hairs were frequently fractured due to constriction of the hair shafts. Electron microscopically, cells of the hair pulp were decreased in number, and cells of the hair matrix were atrophied. Degenerative changes of the cellu1ar organelles participating in growth and development of the hairs were noted, such as disordered formation of trichohyaline granu1es, diffuse atrophy and increased e1ectron density of the inner root sheath, and 10ss of the glycogen and intercellular edema of the outer root sheath, but basa1 cells of the matrix showed minor changes telatively. From the above results, cyclophosphamide may specifically alter the matrix cells of the hair follicles and induces anagen hair losses, which may be reversible at a small dosage when the drug is discontinued, because basal cells of the matrix show minor changes.

      • 鬱陵島 白癬에 관하여

        宋俊榮 계명대학교 醫科大學 皮膚科學 1993 논문집 Vol.S No.-

        There have been no extensive studies on the distribution of dermatophytosis in Korea except a few reports covering the limited areas by several investigators. During the period 1954 to 1958,Dr. Suh carried out the investigations on the distributional stauts of dermatophytosis in more wider areas of Korea and on the recent varieties a) There was 4.61% in male children whereas there was 0.79% in female(The ratio between the male and female sex was 7: 1). b) The morbidity found in each grade is listed in the decreasing order: 2nd grade. 3rd grade, 4th below grade. 5th , grade, ' 1st grade and 6th grade. c) The morbidity was also different geographically and it was the highest in Joudong school (9. 73%) and the the Jowest in Woosan school. 3. On1y55 strains (80.9%) of Trichophyton , fer-rugineum were cultued among the , total cases of 68 and noother causative organisms were found. 4. The positivity of culture was parallel with the degree of fluorescence of affected hairs under wood lamp and the size of lesion.

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