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      • 韓國勤勞者들의 健康診斷結果 報告書 : (第7報) 韓國勤勞者들의 胸部X線檢診에 나타난 肺結核病者의 統計的考察 (Report 7) A Statistical Observation on Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients among Korean Industrial Workers as Shown by Mass Chest X-ray Survey.

        가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1964 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.3 No.2

        In the year of 1963, this Institute organized five mobile health examination teams under the joint program with the Korean Tuberculosis Association, and administered photofluorographic studies of the chests to the total of 146,375 workers(89,257 male persons; 57,118 female persons) who were working in 1,734 different working places that had 30 or more workers throughout the country. Classified and examined by the standards of the National Tuberculosis Association of the United States, the following results were obtained : 1. The prevalence rate for chest cases among the total examinees were 6.64% for male and 2.74% for female. 2. Out of the total chest cases inactive tuberculosis cases, non-tuberculosis cases, and diagnosis deferred cases amounted to 5.85% of male and 2.35% of female, and the average of male and female was 4.4%. 3. Out of the total chest cases 88.0% of male and 85.7% of female were tuberculosis cases. Out of these the prevalence rates were 63.6% for men and 54.4% of women excluding suspected tuberculosis cases. 4. The minimal cases among tuberculosis cases were 63.6% for men and 64.5% for women. The figure for women was sightly than that for men. In the case of moderately advanced cases and far advanced cases, however, men showed higher rates with 30.8% and 5.6% respectively to those of 30.4% and 5.1% for women. (X²=11.19) 5. The prevalence rates of pulmonary tuberculosis seen by age group showed that those for men and women were about the same for below the age of 17 with 1.26% and 1.44% respectively, but as they grow older the rates increased with the one for men increasing more conspicuoucly. 6. The precentage of tuberculosis cases among chest cases discovered through photofluorograph tended to decrease for both sexes as they grow older. 7. The prevalence rates for tuberculosis cases as seen by the length of service are as follows. for the first year, they were 4.28% for men and 1.90% for women. These figures increased as the length of service became longer until they reached 8.95% for men and 4.25% for women for the group with 11 or more years of service. 8. The prevalence rates for men as seen by the types of work engaged in showed thet the men with relatively higher education such as printing and publication workers including the press workers, transportation workers, and bank and other administrative workers had higher rates with 9.13%, 7.88% and 7.1% respectively. 9. The prevalence rates as seen by geographical areas showed higher rates for men in Kangwon Province, Seoul, and Choong-buk Province with 7.97%, 6.76%, and 6.53% respectively ; Kangwon and Pusan areas showed higher rates for women with 3.52% and 3.29% respectively. Although Chun-nam Province showed the lowest rates with 4.51% for men and 1.36% for women, it was difficult to determine the correlations with the types of industry, age, and the length of service, etc.

      • 산업장 가족계획사업에 대한 산업보건 관리요원들의 태도 조사

        맹광호 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1977 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.16 No.4

        The Korean family planning program has hitherto placed emphasis mainly on women over 30 years of age with three of more children and services for family planning were made available through a net-work of country and township health centers. Family planning acceptors in the Republic account for approximately 40% of eligible couples but it has been noted that the "hard core" levels have been reached and that considerably intensified efforts are needed if the Government's target of a natural growth rate of 1.3% by 1981 is to be achieved. The position has been aggravated by the fact that a discernible increase has been noted in urban birth-rates. Further, it is realised that the products of the post-war baby-boon are now ready to make an impact on fertility rates. It is felt strongly that the Government's goals will not be attained unless the national family planning program is enlarged to motivational program covering both men and women. In that sense, as in other developing countries, the workers in the organized industrial sector present a special target group with whom significant results could be possible within a relatively short space of time and with comparatively small inputs of resources. A further significant and encouraging feature of the industrial scene in Korea is that there has already been an industrial health service program controled by the Office of Labor Affairs. Every plant which has more than 50 workers should have at least one full-time or part-time industrial health physician and one full-time industrial health assistant who are supposed to do various industrial health matters for the workers in the plants. This study was planned to see the possibility of utilization of the industrial health assistants as the family planning workers in industry by looking at their attitudes towards family planning program in industry. As we all know, the family planning program should be integrated with health program to see the successful results. Therefore, utilization of those industrial health workers for the family planning industry is most desirable. For this study, 1234 industrial health workers who attended the annual continuing education program provided by the Korean Industrial Health Association at the request of the Office of Labor Affairs were asked to answer to several questions appeared on the predesigned questionnaire. Major findings obtained through analysis of their answers are as follows; 1. General characteristics of the respondents. 69.2% of the respondents were female and those who were in the age group of under 25 occupied 67.0% of all. 77.7% of the respondents were single and high school graduates were 73.9% of all. 2. Type and scale of the industries. 65.5% of the respondents were from manufacturing industries and those who came from the industries which has 100-499 workers occupied 54.7% of all. 3. Knowledge about the existence of national family planning program in industry. 83.4% of the respondents have ever heard of existence of the family planning programs in industry in Korea but 16.4% of all respondents haven't still heard of it. 4. Experience of having family planning program in industry. 32.1% of the respondents remembered that they had some type of family planning programs in their plants while 58.8% said that they had never had those programs. 5. Attitude towards family planning program in industry. 81.2% of the respondents stated that the family planning program in industry was desirable. 6. Qualification of family planning worker in industry. 46.0% of the respondents picked the industrial health assistants as the best person for the family planning programs in industry while 37.8% chose the industrial health physicians. Those who personally wanted to take the job for family planning in industry were 74.2%. Among them, 50.4% stated that they would do the job regardless provision of extra-payment but the rest(23.8%) wanted extra-payment for the job. 7. Priority of contents for the family planning program in industry. 55.6% of the respondents wanted "sex education" be put as the first priority in the contents of the program while 44.5% chose "teaching practical contraceptive methods". 8. Sterilization program in industry. Those who agreed the provision of sterilization program in industry were 62.9%. 9. Cost for the family planning program in industry. Half (50%) of the respondents stated that the cost for the program should come from the government while 19.1% of the respondents thought that the employers should pay for it but 19.5% of all insisted that the employers and the workers themselves should equally share the cost.

      • 카톨릭의과대학 부속산업재해병원

        유병국,윤임중,이승한 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1979 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.18 No.1

        For the purpose of obtaining reference materials which may be applied to diagnosis of lead poisoning and absorption by D-penicillamine chelation technique, 4-hour fractionated urinary lead excretion was determined under various dosage schedule on 90 lead workers who were either heavily exposed to or intoxicated with lead. The observation groups consisted of nine groups of ten persons and each group was administered 200㎎, 300㎎ or 400㎎ of oral D-penicillamine, either once daily, twice daily at 12-hour intervals or thrice daily at 6-hour intervals. The resulls were as follows: 1. 24-hour urinary lead excretion increased by 2.3 to 6.0 times after daily oral D-penicillamine of 200∼1,200㎎ as compared with initial excretion. 2. 4-hour fractionated urinary lead excretion reached plateau usually within 0-4 hours after each dose of D-penicillamine, though frequently plateau was observed in 4-8 hour period with single doses of D-PCA. 3. 4-hour fractionated urinary lead excretion showed close association showed close association with initial lead excretion only when three doses of 400㎎ D-penicillamine were administered at 6-hour intervals. No association was noted with initial blood lead, urinary coproporphyrin or δ-amino-levulinic acid levels. 4. Determination of lead in third period 4-hour fractionated urine after 2 doses of 400㎎ D-penicillamine given at 6-hour intervals seems most helpful for diagnosis of lead poisoning and absorption.

      • 통계자료의 기본분석(I)

        맹광호 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1984 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.23 No.4

        근로자들의 질병관리와 관련된 좁은 의미의 산업보건 통계자료중에는 양적자료보다 질적 자료가 단연 많다. 그래서 이런 자료를 다루는 통계방법도 각종 율(率, rate)의 계산이라던지 원인적 요소와의 관련성을 보는 질병 역학 통계방법이 많이 쓰이는 것이 사실이다. 그러나 산업보건 또는 산업의학을 넓게 볼 때는 산업위생사(industrial hygienist)들의 각종 환경측정은 물론 실험실적 연구들에서 얻어지는 자료는 거의가다 양적 자료 들이다. 물론 보건 통계자료 중에도 가령 근로자들의 신장이나 체중, 그리고 몇가지 질병상태 파악을 위한 혈액이나 소변에 대한 이화학적 검사 성적들은 모두 양적 자료이다. 따라서 산업보건 통계의 내용중에 이들 양적 통계자료에 의미를 부여하기 위한 기본적 통계방법이 포함되는 것은 물론이다. 양적 자료에 대한 기본 통계 분석으로 우선 자료의 대푯값과 산포도 계산 등 그룹 평균값의 비교 그리고 무 측정값들간의 상관과 회귀에 관한 것들을 들 수가 있다. 산업장내의 양적 통계자료를 다루는데 있어서 적어도 이들에 대한 용도와 계산, 그리고 결과에 대한 해석은 기본적으로 알아두는 것이 매우 유익한 일이다.

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