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        Bible Translation and Culture

        Lourens de Vries 대한성서공회 2017 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.41

        The paper presents a theory of Bible translation as intercultural mediation and applies it to the translation of the story of the Cana Miracle in John 2:1-12. The theoretical framework draws on the notions of script, skopos, the ethics of loyalty and the distinction between three domains of intercultural mediation, namely the conceptual domain, the domain of norms and values and the domain of cultural pragmatics. There are three applications, the first is the intercultural mediation of the key concept δόξα, a ‘glory’ in various translations, the second application illustrates the ways in which translators bridge gaps in norms and values, in this case norms and values clashes around the use of alcohol. The third application focuses on the vocative γύναι ‘woman’ used by Jesus to address his mother Mary. Pressured by commissioners and audiences, translators sometimes become disloyal to the writers of the ancient biblical texts and this pressure is especially felt when the cultures of the ancient biblical worlds and those of audiences have very different norms and values. In such cases, the concepts to be translated such as oἰνος ‘wine’ are actually easy to translate in most cases but translators try to soften the blow to the sensitivities of their audiences. This is in stark contrast with the domain of intercultural pragmatics where it is often impossible to find renderings in target languages that convey the sense of the biblical term. The first domain of intercultural mediation, that of concepts, is the domain that most people think of when they reflect on translation and culture, for example wondering how to translate ‘camel’ when audiences have no clue what a camel is. Yet, it is the unique cultural networks of concepts that we reach the boundaries of translatability.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Fall and Rise of Universals on Relativization

        Mark De Vries 세종대학교 언어연구소 2005 Journal of Universal Language Vol.6 No.1

        This article discusses linguistic universals concerning relative clause constructions, which are relatively well-studied, both by typologists and theoreticians. It turns out that several universal statements formulated in the paste.g., in Downings (1978) seminal work must be weakened to tendencies or less on the basis of present knowledge. Following Odden (2003), statistical universals are rejected for the reason that cross-linguistic statistics is inherently unreliable, and may have nonlinguistic causes. However, some absolute universals and universal implications concerning relativization still stand; moreover, some interesting new ones can be formulated. If these universals can be maintained, they constitute (indirect) hypotheses concerning the human language faculty, which need to find an explanation within a specific linguistic model.

      • KCI등재

        Satellite and Local Measurements Based Services for Air Quality Improvement

        Johan de Vries,Edo Loenen,Bas Mijling,Wencke van der Meulen,Arthur van der Meer 한국대기환경학회 2019 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (AJAE) Vol.13 No.1

        AIRBUS presents a global monitoring service on atmospheric composition and emission allocation. Air composition and meteorological data from satellites and local sensors are combined into a chemical transport model to build up or validate trace gas and particulate matter emission sources and their impact on air quality. The service is using the AIRBUS’ developed OMI and TROPOMI satellite sensors to be able to quickly disclose new regions around the globe at low cost, as has been done for eastern Asia and the Indian continent. This yields a database of up-to-date emission sources at a spatial resolution of about 3.5 km (and in the future 1 km) and provides daily observation data on regional and transboundary transport of pollutants. Target constituents are NO2, particulate matter, CH4, (tropospheric) ozone and SO2. The full blown service adds data from several measurement systems (on ground, aircraft, high-altitude solar powered drones or pseudo satelites (HAPS) and nanosatellites) and various data like land-use and traffic information to achieve street level spatial resolution while maintaining accuracy and validation status. The resulting database of emission sources has the same street level spatial resolution and is intended to serve local issues. It has presently been built for several EU cities. This advanced and costcompetitive Air Quality Monitoring service is used for awareness building, policy development and policy evaluation and enforcement. The intent is to realize a commercial global service, based on local cooperation. The paper will describe the service and status.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Retranslations of Holy Scriptures: Why Keep Translating the Bible?

        Lourens de Vries (재)대한성서공회 성경원문연구소 2019 성경원문연구 Vol.0 No.45

        Why are there so many retranslations of the Bible and why accept Christians Bible translations rather than Hebrew or Greek texts as authoritative texts in the center of their spiritual and liturgical life? This is because Christianity, from its very beginnings and because of its deep roots in Hellenistic Judaism a translational religion, was driven by motives of actualization, especially liturgical actualization through translation: the Word, the Logos was believed to need incarnation in the linguistic and cultural worlds which it encountered during its long and still unfinished journey through the world. The actualization motive was already behind the Aramaic and Greek translations of Hebrew Scripture in the centuries before Christ. Sysling in his study of translation techniques in Old Greek and Aramaic translations of the Hebrew Scriptures concludes “that they all try to actualize Scripture, interpreting it and applying it to their own historical and religious situation and time”. For example, the Aramaic Targum Neofiti on Genesis 10:10 replaces the geographical names with contemporary ones that the new audience could relate to: “And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Edessa, Nisibis, and Ctesiphon in the land of Babel” rather than “Babel, Erech and Accad, all of them in the land of Sinear” as in Hebrew Scripture. The liturgical actualization in translation is what sets Christian traditions to a great extent apart from many faith communities within other world religions with Holy Books. The translated Holy Scriptures, from Vulgate to King James, replaced the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek Scriptures as the center of worship and liturgy in Christendom. These translations function as Holy Texts, with authority, in the center of our worship services. The translational nature of Christianity and the actualization motive are already clearly visible in the writings of the New Testament in their dealings with Hebrew Scriptures. The earliest Christian communities centered on the veneration of Jesus Christ, the “Word made flesh”. They read, quoted, and alluded to the sacred writings of what we now call the Hebrew Bible in Greek, and for them, these ancient Greek Scriptures were filled with Christ. For them, “The holiness resided not in the written text or the language in which it was written but in the Christological reality to which it witnessed”.

      • KCI등재후보

        Adapted Performance Measures and the Performance of Dutch Municipalities in Reducing Crime Rates

        Michiel S. de Vries,Christiaan J. Lako 연세대학교(미래캠퍼스) 빈곤문제국제개발연구원 2009 地域發展硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        This article proposes to change performance measurement in such a way that it becomes possible to relate outcomes to the public policies involved, taking into account the complexity of the context. It involves a five step procedure, including quantitative and qualitative analysis. It is argued that this method can also be used as a search-light to detect best practices. This five step procedure is applied to the problem of crime rates in Dutch municipalities. The outcomes suggest that just looking at crime rates as such can distort conclusions about the effectiveness of municipalities. The remarkable finding for the Netherlands is that among those cities experiencing high crime rates there are nevertheless also cities having exemplary policies to combat crime.

      • KCI등재

        Standardization A Multisciplinary Field of Research

        Henk J,de Vries 표준인증안전학회 2012 표준인증안전학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        This paper shows which disciplines can contribute tostandardization research by confronting a characterization of standardization with a systematic listing of sciences. The paper argues that standardization typically requires a multidisciplinary approach in which business research might provide the interconnection between the contributions from many other disciplines.

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