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        Teaching English Fantasy in the Nineteenth Century Using Alice in Wonderland

        Yunjeong Yang 한국영미문학교육학회 2017 영미문학교육 Vol.21 No.1

        This study introduces methods of teaching nineteenth century English fantasy novels using Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland by. Alice in Wonderland has become a part of English literary canon as criticism of life. This work, interesting but serious, is primarily considered as entertainment for children. The novel, however, is ripe with criticism of life that might well fascinate adult readers as well as childeren: conducting a literary experiment inspired by fairy tales, Carroll created an interesting story for children with an eye on human reality. Alice in Wonderland is thus a search for the conditions of human life and a delicate and humorous satire in fairy-tale form. This has enabled the novel to enjoy a large readership to this day and establish itself as a canonical work within the English literary tradition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        버넷의 「소공녀」와 「비밀의 정원」 에 재현된 모성

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2018 영미문학교육 Vol.22 No.2

        This study intends to research Frances Hodgson Burnett’s changing idea of the role of motherhood in A Little Princess (1905) and The Secret Garden (1911). These popular novels contain a progressive view of women, especially motherhood. Sara’s mothering role in A Little Princess begins with taking care of her father and herself and extends to motherless students at the Minchin Boarding School and a hungry and poor child, Ann, on the street. In The Secret Garden, readers are invited to compare the roles of three mothers, Mrs. Lennox, Mrs. Craven and Mrs. Sowerby in light of ‘an angel in the house,’ the ideal woman in the Victorian Era. The role of motherhood extends to Dicon and Mary, Mr. Craven and even Mother Nature. In these novels, Burnett expands motherhood into society without limitation in the family. Also, she proves that motherhood is a great value and role that people of all ages and sexes should consider important and take part in. Burnett challenges patriarchal norms by promoting motherhood in the Victorian era, when women’s motherhood was undervalued.

      • KCI등재

        팀 버튼의 '이상한 나라의 앨리스'를 활용한 각색수업

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2015 영미문학교육 Vol.19 No.3

        This paper explores the narrative structure and its representation in the film, Alice in Wonderland (2010) by Tim Burton and uses the same to adaptation in a literature class. Although Burton’s Alice in Wonderland is adapted from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass (1871), its narrative structure and artistic qualities differ from the original works. The film progresses quickly with confrontations between good and evil based on the structure of the hero’s journey. The narrative structure is Vogler’s principle of contemporary storytelling, derived from Joseph Campbell’s mystic studies. Button’s storytelling in the film, including organization of the film, the portrayal of the protagonist of Alice, the representation of Carroll’s satire reveals artistic values that are different from the Alice books. In an age of when literary works are used in various film contexts, Disney, one of the successful film companies in Hollywood, albeit sometimes controversial, is noteworthy. Disney’s story conferences produce the successful narrative structure of the hero’s journey and their artistry directors represent narratives in films in their own ways. In this context, the research on Burton’s Alice in Wonderland shows Disney’s popular and successful way of adapting literary works, their narratives and representations.

      • KCI등재

        오스카 와일드의 사회적 미학: 「행복한 왕자 」와 「어부 」와 그의 영혼 가르치기

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2019 영미문학교육 Vol.23 No.3

        Oscar Wilde’s fairy tales express his ‘socio-aesthetics’ well. Socio-aesthetics is a term that includes Wilde’s social interest in art and aesthetic sensibility to capture the essence of beauty. Wilde was influenced by the social reform movement as he interacted with fairy tale writers at the time. His views appear in his fairy-tale book, The Happy Prince and Other Tales (1888) and A House of Pomegranates (1891). “The Happy Prince” in The Happy Prince and Other Tales allows him to work and expand his ideas on Fabian socialism, described in his essay “The Soul of Man Under Socialism” (1891). “The Fisherman and His Soul” in A House of the Pomegranates expresses a critical view of the religion of his time, writing about his religious interests and his own homosexuality problems. Wilde used the symbolic nature of fairy tales to relate his social interests and his problems to social aesthetics in his fairy tale works.

      • KCI등재

        노인일자리사업 정책결정ㆍ집행과정에서의 '이용자 참여'에 관한 연구

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang),정영순(Youngsoon Chung) 한국노년학회 2011 한국노년학 Vol.31 No.4

        본 연구는 노인일자리사업 정책과정에서의 이용자 참여에 관한 탐색적 연구로서, 정책 결정 및 집행 과정에서 소위 정책대상자이자 이용자인 노인들의 참여는 어떻게 이루어지는가에 관한 연구 질문에서 시작되었다. 노인일자리사업이 비교적 성공적으로 자리잡고 있는 서울시 A구 사례를 중심으로 중앙정부에서부터 사업수행 기관의 실무선까지 정책과정의 각 단계 담당자들과의 인터뷰를 통한 질적 연구를 바탕으로 하였다. 분석 결과, 정책결정과정에서의 이용자 직접 참여는 전무(全無)하다고 볼 수 있으며, 이는 하향식 정책과정의 구조적 한계와 관료들이 파악하는 현재 노인들의 역량 부족에 기인하는 것으로 나타났다. 한편, '윗선'의 인식변화와 주요이슈에 관한 '사회적 합의'는 이러한 경직된 정책과정에 변화를 가져올 수 있는 것으로 파악되었다. 정책집행 과정에서도 이용자 참여는 근무환경의 개선 등 제한된 범위 내에서 부분적으로 이루어지고 있었는데, 이에는 사업수행기관의 적극적인 지원이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 기관의 적극적 지원이 뒷받침되었을 때 참여노인의 역량 강화에 따라 사업에의 참여도와 만족도 역시 높아지는 것으로 나타나 실질적 지원의 강화가 현 시점에서 이용자 참여를 높이는 데 매우 중요함을 시사하고 있다. 한편, 관련자들은 베이비 붐 세대의 은퇴 이후, 즉 미래 노인들의 참여 행태는 노인들의 역량 면에서나 사회적인 인식 면에서 기존 노인세대와는 다를 것으로 예상하고 있었다. 이는 미래의 활발한 이용자 참여를 위해서는 정부를 비롯한 관련 기관들이 지금부터 정책적인 준비와 지원을 해야 함을 시사한다. This study aims at examining the extent to which older people participating in the Seniors' Job Programme do involve in policy-making and implementation processes of the programme. The study is based on qualitative interviews with seven experts among those involved in the policy process in District A of Seoul. They include civil servants of central and local governments and social workers of implementing bodies such as seniors' welfare centres and job centres. The results show that firstly, practically no direct involvement of participants is being made at the policy-making level, due mainly to the traditional top-down approach of policy process in Korea and also to prejudices of public servants concerned on the current senior citizens' capability as contributor to public policy-making. User-involvement is being made, however, at the implementation level: participants are making, although minor, suggestions for improvements of working conditions and they are being listened to by frontline social workers. Support by the implementing institutions turns out to be necessary for this. Lastly, in contrast with the present, many interview participants are expecting a more active participation from the future generation, i.e. the baby-boom generation when they would have retired. The study concludes by calling for enhancement of institutional and capacity-building support for active user involvement in the future.

      • KCI등재

        해리포터 영화에 나타난 헤리티지 미학

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2021 영미문학교육 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aims to investigate Harry Potter films as including themes and video reflected the aesthetics of heritage films. The Harry Potter films also reflect British nostalgia and progressive views, reproducing the boarding school’s educational system for the privileged and the architectural solidity of ancient schools, therefore suggesting that Hogwarts itself is considered a world for the upper middle class. Films reproduce a male-centered society through masculine confrontation in Hogwarts, which is no longer safe. In addition, the Malfoy family, composed of pure-blood wizards, is set as an adversary; Hermione shows meritocracy and equitable distribution of power; and Harry Potter, a mixed-race hero, is confirmed as Hogwarts’ successor. Along with these themes, Diagon Alley displays Dickensian costumes, settings, and props; the Gringotts bank has an awe-inspiring and imposing appearance; and Hogwarts shows the visual aesthetics of heritage films in both its exterior and interior, and in students’ lives. The Harry Potter films, incredibly successful fantasy blockbusters, have British heritage cinematic characters that embrace national nostalgia and a progressive future in their narratives as well as in their visual reenactments. The heritage aesthetics of Harry Potter films also creates extensive added value by establishing a connection with various heritage industries.

      • KCI등재

        『이상한 나라의 앨리스』 리텔링하기

        양윤정(Yang, Yunjeong) 건국대학교 스토리앤이미지텔링연구소 2011 스토리&이미지텔링 Vol.1 No.-

        루이스 캐럴의 『앨리스』 시리즈(1864-1890)는 기존의 관념을 뛰어넘는 판타지소설로서 현재에도 다양한 매체를 통해 끊임없이 리텔링되는 작품들이다. 『앨리스』는 19세기 중엽에 출판된 이래로 오늘날까지 이미 오페라, 영화, 텔레비전 등으로 거의 30번은 리텔링되었는데, 그 가운데서도 가장 최근에 발표된 팀 버튼(Tim Burton 1958-)의 판타지 영화 ?이상한 나라의 앨리스?(Alice in Wonderland 2010)는 주목할 만하다. 캐럴의 판타지 『앨리스』에 근거하여 21세기에 새로이 태어난 팀 버튼의 ?이상한 나라의 앨리스?는 가족 판타지영화로서 원작의 모티프, 판타지 구성, 등장인물들, 그리고 작가의 풍자정신을 일부 차용하지만 원작과는 다른 작품이다. 이 영화는 헐리웃의 가장 전통적이고 성공적인 서사방식인 발단, 전개, 위기, 절정, 결말의 5장 구조와 이를 근거로 한 통과제의 구조를 채택하였다. 영화 ?앨리스?를 반 헤네프의 통과제의 이론에 따라 분석하면 이 작품은 앨리스의 내면여행이 된다. 19세의 숙녀 앨리스가 결혼이라는 중요한 결정을 해야 하는 시점에서 방문한 판타지세계인 언더랜드에서 그녀는 여전사이다. 언더랜드는 악을 대표하는 붉은 여왕과 선을 대표하는 하얀여왕으로 대립되어 있는데, 이곳을 붉은 여왕이 통치하고 있다. 앨리스는 이곳에서 여전사가 되어서 질서를 회복한 후 현실세계로 돌아와서 자신의 삶을 당당하게 헤쳐나갈 결심을 한다. 영화 ?앨리스?에 사용된 ‘통과제의성’은 일반적으로 인간 삶에 있어서 근원적인 원형이자 변 화하는 시대적 현실을 반영하는 척도로 존재해왔다. 이러한 구조는 자신의 해결해야할 문제를 가지고 있는 신참자 뿐만 아니라 영화를 즐기는 관객들에게 자신의 삶의 문제에 대한 통찰력을 갖게 해 준다는 점에서 ?앨리스?를 리텔링하는데 주요한 성공요인으로 작용한다. Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland has been retold nearly 30 times through a variety of media since it was published. Among them Tim Burton’s fantasy film Alice in Wonderland(2010) is worth noticing because it has been released successfully and loved by all the audiences, children and adults. One of the most important successful factors is a structure of a rite of passage. One analytic device of a rite of passage is to use Arnold Van Gennep’s theory of Separation, Transfer and Integration. According to Gennep’s theory, Alice separates to take an inner journey to the fantasy land in Alice in Wonderland. She cannot decide whether to marry Hamish Ascot in the framing story. Wondering what decision she should make, Alice separates by a journey to Underland where disorder reigns. Underland has been separated into the White Queen’s good kingdom and the Red Queen’s evil kingdom and dominated by Red Queen when Alice gets there. She transfers by becoming White Queen’s champion and wins a battle against Red Queen’s champion, Jabberwocky. Alice is victorious and enables to restore order there. Her imaginative power encouraged by her father lets Alice go through with Separation and Transfer and get to Integration. When she returns to reality, Alice refuses Hamish’s hand and chooses to become an apprentice at his father’s trading company. She will sail to China not embracing the restrictive Victorian ideal of becoming a wife but creating her new identity as a Victorian woman. The rite of passage structure used in the narrative of Burton’s Alice in Wonderland exists as an archetype of human life. A rite of passage itself can be a main character’s inner journey in which she gets to Integration after going through the stages of Separation and Transfer. Film directors enjoy adopting a rite of passage structure when retelling stories because it gives insight into characters’ problems which engages audiences and increases their enjoyment of a film.

      • KCI등재

        『소공녀』에 나타난 세라의 성장

        양윤정(Yunjeong Yang) 한국영미문학교육학회 2012 영미문학교육 Vol.16 No.2

        Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924)’ A Little Princess (1905) is an autobiographical novel created on the basis of the “Cinderella” type. However, Sara, the main character, differs from the one dimensional main characters found in “Cinderella” and other children’s literature written in the early 20th century. In A Little Princess, Sara, who is born into middle class comfort, lives comfortably with her father in India, only to experience sorrow, a fall into extreme adversity, and finally a surprising return to comfort and wealth. Though Sara is ultimately rewarded with the restoration of her fortunes, she demonstrates some differences over her predecessors: Sara’s fortunes are not restored by her passive waiting or reliance on marriage with a prince. Instead, she plays an active role in her redemption. While Sara creates and tells stories, raising herself and her orphaned companions, her imagination works as the transformative power. Throughout her ordeal, she escapes her reality, pretending herself as a princess even though she lives in the cold and bare attic. Sara endures this hard time with imagination and is finally rewarded with her late father’s fortune and Mr. Carrisford’s sweet home. When she tells stories to the children of the Carmichaels and shares a moment of understanding with Ann, a beggar child, we can envision her as a surrogate mother, caring for children across boundaries of home and class.

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