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      • KCI등재

        Preparation of shaped non-polyelectrolyte hydrogel particles with decomposable and recyclable performance by vortex ring freezing

        Bo Liu,Chao Li,Yicheng Wang,Jun Nie,Xiaoqun Zhu 한국공업화학회 2021 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.103 No.-

        The vortex-ring derived particles are new type of non-spherical hydrogel particles, which are prepared byimitating the process of vortex-ring in nature. However, the traditional existing vorticity ring derivedhydrogel particles were prepared by dropping polyelectrolyte solution into contra-ion coagulation bath,which limited the choice of materials. In this paper, a strategy of preparation non-spherical hydrogel particlesby using non-polyelectrolyte polyvinyl alcohol through the method of vortex ring was proposed. Based on the principle that the boraciated polyvinyl alcohol solution could be quickly gelled underalkaline condition, the spherical and various derivative shapes (red cell, bowl, dish, ring) of polyvinylalcohol vortex-ring derived hydrogel particles (PVHP) were prepared. The hydrogel particles have theability to assemble into different modules by dynamic borate bond in the hydrogel particles. Also, thisdynamic borate bond endowed the PVHP decomposable and recyclable performances. In addition,two-compartments, three-compartments and magnetic PVHP were also prepared, endowing PVHP withseveral functions. which opens up a new environmentally friendly way for the preparation of multifunctionalparticles.

      • KCI등재

        Transparent organogel based on photopolymerizable magnetic cationic monomer for electromagnetic wave absorbing

        Hengda Yuan,Yu Zhang,Guoqiang Lu,Fuping Chen,Tanlong Xue,Xin Shu,Yingying Zhao,Jun Nie,Xiaoqun Zhu 한국공업화학회 2022 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.109 No.-

        The application of conventional absorbing materials is limited due to complex preparation process andpoor transparency caused by fillers. In this study, a highly transparent ionic organogel was preparedby photocuring a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solution of a polymerizable magnetic cationic monomer[DAC]5[Dy(NCS)8]. Both components of organogel, which are the photopolymerizable magnetic cationicmonomer and polar solvent DMSO, have an important effect on the magnetic losses and dielectric lossesproperties of the organogel respectively. By tuning the mass ratio of DMSO to the monomer and the contentof the cross-linker, the complex permittivity of the gel could be effectively adjusted to improve theimpedance matching, and finally a gel with excellent wave absorption properties and good tensile propertieswas obtained. The optimum organogel was fabricated with a minimum reflection loss of 45.9 dBand a broadest effective absorption bandwidth (EAB) of up to 5.2 GHz, and effective absorption in the millimeterband (26.5–40 GHz) which is within the fifth generation (5G) mobile networks. With the advantagesof simple preparation method, arbitrary shape and good adhesion to a variety of substrates andcomplex surfaces, this multifunctional gel provides a new solution for complex scenarios requiring opticaltransparency and simultaneous absorption of electromagnetic waves.

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