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      • KCI등재

        An efficiency calibration method of segmented gamma scanning in reconstructing radioactive waste drum activity

        Zheng Honglong,Tuo Xianguo,Wang Zhou,Gou Rui,Liu Qi,Li Qiang,Shi Rui,Yang Guang 한국물리학회 2024 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.84 No.4

        For measuring radioactive waste drum, the segmented gamma scanning (SGS) is a quick and efective procedure. The accuracy of reconstructed radioactivity in the drum is directly impacted by SGS efciency matrix. To overcome the challenges of restricted experimental source and excessive workload in existing SGS efciency calibration methods, a new SGS efciency calibration method is presented. The point source efciency function calculates the non-attenuation efciency of each voxel in the calibrated segment. The voxel attenuation efciency is corrected by the linear attenuation coefcient for segments’ absorption. The attenuation efciency for the segment is calculated as the weighted average of all voxel attenuation efciencies in a segment. The waste drum sample is flled with a random mixture of 0.33 g·cm−3 aluminium silicate fbre, 0.64 g·cm−3 wood fbre, 1.84 g·cm−3 polyvinyl chloride plastic and a point source 60Co of 1.244× 105 Bq. The SGS system and the waste drum sample are used to complete SGS experimental measurement, efciency calibration and activity reconstruction. Result shows that the relative deviations of reconstructed activity are − 15.39–30.98% for the extreme case where just a point source 60Co is placed at 16 positions in the drum with diferent heights and eccentric distances. This relative deviation rang of reconstructed activity meets the needs of most users. Compared with other methods which have complicated computational processes, the main beneft of this work is to present a low-performance and easy-to-implement additional alternative to commercial software or existing approaches.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Fitness Function of Two Evolution Algorithms Used for Neutron Spectrum Unfolding

        Li Rui,Yang Jianbo,Tuo Xianguo,Shi Rui 한국물리학회 2021 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.78 No.2

        When evolution algorithms are used to unfold the neutron energy spectrum, fitness function design is an important fundamental work for evaluating the quality of the solution, but it has not attracted much attention. In this work, we investigated the performance of eight fitness functions attached to the genetic algorithm (GA) and the differential evolution algorithm (DEA) used for unfolding four neutron spectra selected from the IAEA 403 report. Experiments show that the fitness functions with a maximum in the GA can limit the ability of the population to percept the fitness change, but the ability can be made up in the DEA. The fitness function with a feature penalty term helps to improve the performance of solutions, and the fitness function using the standard deviation and the Chi-squared result shows the balance between the algorithm and the spectra. The results also show that the DEA has good potential for neutron energy spectrum unfolding. The purposes of this work are to provide evidence for structuring and modifying the fitness functions and to suggest some genetic operations that should receive attention when using the fitness function to unfold neutron spectra.

      • KCI등재

        Gamma-Ray Source Positioning Using Array NaI(Tl) Detectors in the Radiation Portal Monitors

        Qibiao Wang,Chao Deng,Jian-Bo Yang,Rui Shi,Songbai Zhang,Xianguo Tuo 한국물리학회 2019 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.75 No.3

        Radiation portal monitors (RPMs) are globally employed in ports to decrease the illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. Most RPMs are generally considered as threshold devices because they utilize large plastic scintillators, which have limited energy resolution and no position sensitivity, to count the gamma-rays and neutrons emitted by nuclear materials. Hence, we designed an RPM detector system with NaI(Tl) detectors inserted into the plastic scintillators to realize gamma-ray source identification and positioning. In this work, a 2D gamma-ray source positioning algorithm based on the attenuation law and solidangle variation was studied with the simulation results, and the variation of the positioning deviations with the real positions was spline interpolated to calibrate the calculated position. The testing experiment showed a small root mean square error (RMSE) for both x (0.86 cm) and y (1.52 cm) after calibration.

      • KCI등재

        Preparation and characterization of boron films used for boron-lined gaseous neutron detectors

        Deng Chao,Wang Qibiao,Wu Yadong,Peng Shuming,Liu Fule,Li Huailiang,Cheng Jianfeng,Tuo Xianguo 한국물리학회 2021 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.79 No.7

        Boron-lined gaseous neutron detectors are being widely used in neutron detection to replace 3He proportional counters, and the boron film’s parameters comprise the key factors influencing the performance of such detectors. However, the method of characterizing boron film is relatively simple at present. In this study, boron films stuck to ultrathin glass substrate with different mass proportions of epoxy to natural boron (MPENBs) were prepared. A variety of characterization methods, including scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, white-light interferometry, and multiple tape tests, were used to test the boron films simultaneously, and the test results are discussed herein. Moreover, neutron imaging was conducted to analyze the uniformity of boron-10 atoms. These characterization results demonstrate that the optimized MPENB formulation is 0.16 with the boron atomic ratio of chemical elements (ARCE) at approximately 68.8% and surface roughness Sa = 1.457 μm and that the structure of boron film is uniform and fluffy, contributing to improving the boron-lined method.

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