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      • 反芻動物의 Hemoglobin型에 關한 硏究

        金宇權,李載洪,金五南,林貞澤,韓邦根 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1977 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        牛와 緬羊 그리고 山羊의 hemoglobin phenotype 및 遺傅子의 出現頻度를 檢討하고자 牛 460頭(韓牛 430, Holstein 30), 緬羊 214頭(Corriedale 140 Polworth 74), 山羊 150頭(在來山羊 黑色種 60, 在來山羊 白色種 40, Saanen 雜種 50)에 對하여 寒天 gel 電氣泳動法을 實施하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1. 牛의 hemoglobin phenotype는 HbAA, HbAB, HbBB, HbAC 그리고 HbAD의 5型으로 나타났으며 이들의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 78.70%, HbAB型이 20.00%, HbBB型이 0.43%, HbAC型이 0.43%, 그리고 HbAD型이 0.43%이었다. hemoglobin型, 支配遺傅子은 ??, ??, ?? 그리고 ??의 4種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 89.13%이고 ??가 10.43%이며 ??와 ??는 名名 0.22%이었다. 단지 Holstein種은 hemoglobin phenotype가 HbAA型과 HbAB型만이 나타났으며 그 出現頻度는 HbAA型86.67%이고 HbAB型이 13.33%이었다. Holstein種의 hemoglobin 支配遺傅子는 ??와 ??의 2種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 93/33%이었고 ??가 6.67%이었다. 2. 緬羊의 hemoglobin phenotype는 HbAA, HbAB 그리고 HbBB의 3型으로 나타났으며 이들의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 63.08%, HbAB型이 29.91% 그리고 HbBB型이 7.01%이었다. hemoglobin型 支配遺傅子는 ??와 ??의 2種으로 그 出現頻度는 ??가 78.04%이었고 ??가 21.96%이었다. Carriedale種과 Polworth種과는 hemoglobin型에는 差異가 없었으나 型의 出現頻度와 그 支配遺傅子의 出現頻度에는 큰 差가 있었다. 즉 Corriedale種는 hemoglobin phenotype의 出現頻度가 HbAA型이 80.71%이며 ??의 出現頻度는 89.64%나 되었으나 Polworth의 hemoglobin phenotype의 出現頻度는 HbAA型이 29.73%이며 HbAB型이 52.70%로 가장 많았으며 ??의 出現頻度가 43.92%나 되었다. 3. 山羊의 hemoglobin phenotype는 全部 同一型으로 나타났으며 牛나 緬羊의 HbAA型에 類似하였다. The hemoglobin phenotypes and the gene frequencies of 460 cattle(430 Korean native cattle, 30 Holstein), 214 sheep(140 Corriedale, 74 Polworth) and 150 goats(60 black Korean native goats, 40 white Korean native goats, 50 Saanen hybrid) were examined by agar gel electrophoresis. The results obtained were as follows; 1. In cattle hemoglobin phenotypes, HbAA, HbAB, HbBB, HbAC and HbAD were observed and their frequencies of appearence were 78.70, 20.00, 0.43, 0.43, and 0.43 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 89.13 in ??, 10.43 in ??, 0.22 in ?? and 0.22 per cent in ??. Among the cattle hemoglobin phenotypes two hemoglobin types, HbAA and HbAB, were observed in Holstein and their frequencies of appearence were 86.67 and 13.33 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 93.33 in Hb?? and 6.67 per cent in ??. 2. In sheep hemoglobin phenotypes, HbAA, HbAB and HbBB were observed and their frequencies of appearence were 63.08, 29.91 and 7.01 per cent respectively. The distribution of gene frequency were calculated 78.04 in ?? and 21.96 per cent in ??. The distribution of gene frequency of Hb?? was 89.64 per cent in Corriedale but 56.08 per cent in Polworth. 3. Only one hemoglobin type was found in the goats and the type was similar to the HbAA type which was showed in cattle and sheep.

      • 乳牛의 血液性狀과 泌乳量에 關한 硏究

        林貞澤,金宇權,李載洪,韓邦根 全南大學校農漁村開發硏究所 1982 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.17 No.2

        國內에서 飼育되고 있는 Holstein種의 血液成分値 그리고 血液成分値와 泌乳量과의 相關關係등을 檢討할 目的으로 全南地域에서 飼育되고 있는 外觀上 健康하다고 認定된 Holstein種 870餘頭를 對象으로 血液成分値를 調査檢討 하였고 한편 産乳量을 調査하여 血液成分値와 産乳量과의 關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 平均 RBC數는 5.97(3.20~9.96)×10 6/㎕이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 RBC數는 6.06(3.20~9.74)×10 6/㎕이었으며 年齡別 平均 RBC數에서 1年牛가 5.19×l0 6/㎕로 特히 낮았다. 2. 平均 Hb量은 9.61(5.3-18.4)g/100ml 이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 Hb量은 9.42(5.3-18.4)g/100ml 이었으며 年齡別 平均 Hb量에서 2年牛가 8.97g/100ml로 特히 낮았다. 3. 平均 PCV値는 31.10(19~5)ml/100ml이었으며 成牝牛의 平均 PCV値는 31.04(19~55)ml/100ml 이었으며 年齡別 平均 PCV値에서 2年牛가 29.84ml/100ml로 가장 낮았다. 4. 平均 MCV値는 52.09(23.77~86.57) fl이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 MCV値는 51.22(29.77~86.57)fl 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 55.64fl 및 1年牛의 57.63fl 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 5. 平均 MCH値는 16.10(8.21~28.96)pg 이었으며 成牝牛의 平均 MCH値는 15.54(8.21~28.96)pg 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 18.41pg 및 1年牛의 19.17pg 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 6. 平均 MCHC値는 30.90(17.35~53.75)g/100ml 이었으나 成牝牛의 平均 MCHC値는 30.35(17.35~53.57)g/100ml 이었으며 1年未滿牛의 33.27g/100ml 등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 7. 貧血牛는 大部分이 大赤血球性이며 高血色素性이었으나 小赤血球性(MCV 37.15fl)이며 低血色素性(MCH 12.35pg)인 個體, 大赤血球性이며 低血色素性(MCHC 24.21g/100ml)인 個體 그리고 小赤血球性(MCV 35.71fl)이며 高血色素性(MCHC 40.83g/100ml)을 나타낸 個體도 發見되었다. 8. 平均 WBC數는 10.186(3,200~31,600)㎕ 이었고 成牝牛의 平均 WBC數는 10,408(3,200~31,600)㎕으로 어느 年齡層에서나 높은 値이었으나 2年牛가 12,647/㎕로 特히 높았다. 9. WBC鑑別計數의 平均値는 淋巴球가 66.95(36~91), 單核球가 3.08(0~12), 好中球가 25.69(2~54), 好酸球가 3.84(0~18) 그리고 好鹽基球가 0.44(0~5)%이었으나 成牝牛의 平均値는 淋巴球가 65.87(36~86), 單核球가 3.15(0~9), 好中球가 25.84(6~53), 好酸球가 4.73(0~15) 그리고 好鹽基球가 0.4(0~2)% 이었다. 10. 淋巴球는 1年牛를 頂点으로 年齡의 增加에 따라서 減少하고 있었으나 好中球는 1年牛가 가장 낮았으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 增加하여 淋巴球와는 負의 相關關係를 나타냈고 單核球와 好酸球는 高齡牛에서 若干 높은 傾向이 있었다. 11. 平均血小板數는 252,429(93,000~964,000)/㎕이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血小板數는 245,658(110,000~570,000)/㎕이었으며 年齡別特徵은 認定할 수 없었다. 12. 平均血淸TP量은 6.88(4.10~10.20)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸TP量은 7.35(5.10~10.20)g/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 13. 平均血淸Alb量은 3.43(2.00~4.40)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Alb量은 3.51(2.00~4.40)g/100ml이었으며 1年未滿牛의 3.33g/100ml 및 1年牛의 3.31g/100ml등 송아지에서 若干 더 낮은 傾向이 있었으나 그 外는 거의 비슷하였다. 14. 平均血淸Glb量은 3.45(1.10~7.15)g/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Glb量은 3.84(1.40~7.15)g/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 15. 平均血淸A/G比는 0.99(0.40~3.33)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸A/G比는 0.91(0.43~2.64)이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 점점 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 16. 平均血淸 cholesterol量은 145.65(44.0~336.0)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸cholesterol量은 180.93(46.4~336.0)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡의 增加에 따라서 增加하여 4年牛를 頂点으로 다시 下向하는 傾向을 나타내고 있었다. 17. 平均血淸 glucose量은 46.00(27.0~96.0)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸glucose量은 39.61(27.0~65.0)mg/100ml이었다. 血淸 glucose量은 全般的으로 낮은 値이었으나 年齡別 平均血淸glucose量에서 1年未滿牛가 58.07(39.7~96.0)mg/100ml로 가장 높았으며 特히 어린 송아지에서 높았다. 18. 平均血淸Mg量은 2.68(0.20~8.60)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Mg量은 2.72(0.20~8.46)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸Mg量에서 7年以上牛가 2.27mg/100ml로 特히 낮았으며 老齡牛에서 Mg의 減少가 顯著하였다. 19. 平均血淸Ca量은 4.36(3.16~8.40)mEq/L이었고 成牝牛의 平均血淸Ca量도 4.37(3.16~8.40)mEq/L로 全般的으로 낮은 量이었으며 年齡別 特徵은 認定할 수 없었다. 20. 平均血淸P量은 6.27(3.10~9.78)mg/100ml이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸P量은 5.92(3.10~9.78)mg/100ml이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸P量에서 1年未滿牛가 7.50(4.70~9.40)mg/100ml로 特히 높았다. 21. 平均血淸Ca/P比는 1.39(0.68~2.64)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Ca/P比는1.48(0.68~2.64)로 全般的으로 낮은 値이었으며 年齡別 平均血淸Ca/P比에서 1年未滿牛가 1.21(0.83~1.93)로 가장 낮았다. 22. 平均血淸K量은 4.94(3.5~6.7)mEq/L이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸K量은4.84(3.5~6.2)mEq/L이었으며 年齡別 血淸K量에서 1年未滿牛가 5.22(4.0~6.7)mEq/L로 特히 높았으며 그外는 거의 비슷하였다. 23. 平均血淸Na量은 138.43(123~157)mEq/L이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Na量은137.32(123~157)mEq/L이었으며 1年未滿牛의 139.74mEq/L 및 1年牛의 140.16mEq/L등 송아지에서 더 높았다. 24. 平均血淸Cl量은 99.96(84.6~123.0)mEq/L이었고 成牝牛의 平均血淸Cl量도 100.09(84.6~123.0)mEq/L로 年齡別差異点은 발견할수 없었다. 25. 平均血淸Na/K比는 28.02(21.49~37.14)이었으나 成牝牛의 平均血淸Na/K比에서 1年未滿牛가 26.77(21.49~35.00)로 特히 낮았다. 26. RBC數, Hb數, PCV値, MCH 및 MCHC는 모두 15~20kg群에서 第一 높았고 20~25kg群, 25kg以上 群으로 갈수록 낮아지는 傾向을 보였다. 卽 赤血球系 檢査値와 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아진다. 27. WBC數와 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係가 있는 것으로 보아지며 血小板數와 産乳量과는 特別한 關係를 認定할 수 없었다. 28. WBC鑑別系數와 産乳量과의 相關에서는 淋巴球는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 好中球는 淋巴球와는 反對로 正의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아진다. 한편 單核球와 好酸球는 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 29. 血淸TP量 및 血淸Glb量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었으며 血淸Alb量 및 血淸A/G比는 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 30. 血淸glucose量과 産乳量과는 負의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 血淸cholesterol量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었다. 31. 血淸Mg量은 産乳量이 가장 많은 25kg以上群에서 特히 낮았으며 血淸Ca 및 P量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 增加하는 傾向이 있었으나 血淸Ca/P比는 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 32. 血淸Na量 및 血淸Na/K比는 産乳量과는 正의 相關關係에 있는 것으로 보아지며 血淸K量은 産乳量增加에 따라서 減少하는 傾向이 있었고 血淸Cl量과 産乳量과는 特別한 關係를 認定할 수 없었다. This work was conducted to determine the composition of the blood of Holstein cattle in Korea and the relationships between the blood composition and milk production. Blood samples were taken from 870 healthy cattle in Chonnam province. Milk yield was recorded, and the results obtained in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Mean red blood cell(RBC) count was 5.97(3.20~9.96)×10 6/㎕, whereas the RBC count of adult cows was 6.06(3.20~9.74)×10 6/㎕. The RBC count between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of 1 year(5.19×l0 6/㎕) than in the other age groups. 2. Mean hemoglobin(Hb)content was 9.61(5.3-18.4)g/100ml, whereas the Hb content of adult cows was 9.42(5.3-18.4)g/100ml. The Hb content between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of 2 years(8.97g/100ml) than in the other age groups. 3. Mean packed cell volume(PCV) was 31.10(19-5)ml/100ml. The PCV between age groups was lowest in the age group of 2 years(29.84ml/100ml). 4. Mean corpuscular volume(MCV) was 52.09(23.77-86.57) fl. whereas the MCV of adult cows 51.22(29.77-6.57) fl. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH) was 16.10(8.21-28.96) pg, whereas the MCH of adult cows was 15.54(8.21-28.96) pg. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC) was 30.90(17.35-53.57)g/100ml, whereas MCHC of adult cows was 30.35(17.35-53.57)g/100ml. The MCV, MCH and MCHC appeared to be higher in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 5. Most anemic cattle showed macrocytic, hyperchromic anemia. Various types of anemia were detected; microcytic(MCV 37.15 fl) hypochromic(MCH 12.35.pg); macrocytic hypochromic(MCHC 24.21g/100ml); microcyticfMCV 35.71 fl)hyperchromic(MCHC 40.83g/100ml). 6. Mean white blood cell(WBC) count was 10,186(3,200-31,600)/ l, which was high compared with other results. The WBC count between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of 2 years(12, 647/yu.e) than in the other age groups. 7. Mean differential WBC count was lymphocyte 66.95(36-91), monocyte 3.08(0-12), neutrophil 25.69(2-54), eosinophil 3.84(0-18) and basophil 0.44(0-5%), respectively, while in the adult cows, it was lymphocyte 65.87(36-86), monocyte 3.15(0-9), neutrophil 25.84(6-53), eosinophil 4.73(0-15) and basophil 0.41(0-2)%, respectively. Lymphocyte count increased up to 1 year of age and thereafter it decreased with age, whereas the reverse was the case with neutrophil count. There was a negative correlation between lymphocyte and neutrophil counts. Monocyte and eosinophil counts tended to be slightly higher in the older age groups. 8. Mean platelet count was 252,429(93,000-964,000)/㎕; no differences were found in the platelet count between age groups. 9. Mean serum total protein(TP) content was 6.88(4.10-10.20)g/100ml, while the TP content of adult cows was 7.35(5.10-10.20)g/100ml. The TP content tended to increase with age. 10. Mean serum aIbumin(Alb) content was 3.43(2.00-4.40)g/l00ml, while the Alb content of adult cows was 3.51(2.00-4.40)g/100ml. The Alb content appeared to be lower in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 11. Mean serum globulin(GIb) content was 3.45(1.10-7.15)g/100ml, while the Gib content of adult cows was 3.84(1.40-7.15g)/100ml. The Gib conienc tended to increase with age. 12. Mean serum .albumin: globuIin(A/G) ratio was 0.99(0.40-3.33), while the A/G ratio of adult cows was 0.91(0.43-2.64). The A/G ratio tended to decrease with age. 13. Mean serum cholesterol concentration was 145.65(44.0-336.0)mg/100ml, whereas the scrum cholesterol concentration of adult cows was 180.93(46.4-336.0)mg/100ml. The serum cholesterol concentration increased up to 4 years of age and thereafter it decreased with age. 14. Mean serum glucose concentration was 46.00(27.0-96.0)mg/100ml, whereas the serum glucose concentration of adult cows was 39.61(27.0-65.0)mg/100ml, which was low compared with other results. The serum glucose concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of less than 1 year(58.07mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. 15. Mean serum magnesium(Mg) concentration was 2.68(0.20-8.60)mg/100ml, whereas the Mg concentration of adult cows was 2.72(0.20-8.46)mg/100ml. The Mg concentration between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of more than 7 years(2.27mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. Decreased Mg concentration was shown in older cows. 16. Mean serum calcium(Ca) concentration was 4.36(3.16-8.40)mEq/L, which was low compared with other results. No differences were found in the Ca concentration between age groups. 17. Mean serum inorganic phosphate(P) concentration was 6.27(3.10-9.78)mg/100ml, whereas the P concentration of adult cows was 5.92(3.10-9.78)mg/100ml. The P concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in the age group of less than 1 year(7.50mg/100ml) than in the other age groups. 18. Mean serum calcium: inorganic phosphate(Ca/P) ratio was 1.39(0.68--2.64). The Ca/P ratio of adult cows was 1.48(0.68-2.64), which was lower compared with other results. The Ca/P ratio between age groups was lowest in the age group of less than 1 year(1.21). 19. Mean serum potassium(K) concentration was 4.94(3.5-6.7)mEq/L> whereas the K concentration of adult cows was 4-84(3.5-6.2)mEq/L. The K concentration between age groups appeared to be especially higher in rhe age group of less than 1 year(5.22mEq/L) than =n the other age groups. 20. Mean serum sodiurn(Na) concentration was 138.413(123-157)mEq/L> whereas the Na concentration of adult cows was 137.32(123-157)mEq/L. The Na concentration between age groups appeared to be higher in the calves and heifers than in the adult cows. 21. Mean serum chloride concentration was 99.96(84.6-123.0)mEq/L; no differences were found between age groups in the scrum chloride concentration. 22. Mean serum sodium: potassium(Na/K) ratio was 28.02(21.49-37.14), whereas it was 28.37(22.00-37.14) in the adult cows. The Na/K ratio between age groups appeared to be especially lower in the age group of less than 1 year(26.77) than in the other age groups. 23. The values of RBC count, Hb content, PCV, MCH and MCHC increased up to 15-20kg milk yielding group and thereafter they tended to decrease with higher milk yielding groups. In other words, there was a negative correlation between the values of erythrocytic series and milk production. 24. The leukocyte and lymphocyte count were a negative correlation with milk yield, while the neutrophil count was a positive correlation wirh milk yield. The monocyte and eosinophil count tended to increase as milk production increased. No relationships were found between the platelet count and milk production. 25. The serum total protein and globulin content tended to increase as milk production increased, while the reverse was the case with serum albumin content and A/G ratio. 26. The serum glucose concentration was a negative correlation with milk yield. The Serum cholesterol concentration tended to increase as milk production increased. 27. The serum calcium and inorganic phosphate concentration tended to increase as milk production increased, while the opposite was the case with Ca/P ratio. The serum magnesium concentration was especially lower in the highest milk yielding group than in the other milk yielding groups. 28. The serum sodium concentration and the Na/K ratio tended to increase as milk production increased. In other words, there was a positive correlation with milk yield. The serum potassium concentration tended to decrease as milk production increased. No relationships were found between the serum chloride concentration and milk production.

      • Holstein種의 血液像에 關한 硏究 : Ⅰ. 成牝牛의 血液像 Ⅰ. Hematologic Values of Adult Cows

        李載洪,金宇權,林貞澤,韓邦根 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1980 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        國內에서 飼育되고 있는 Holstein種 成牧牛의 血液上의 標準値를 얻고저 全南地域에서 飼育되고 있는 外見上 建康하다고 認定된 經産牛 670頭를 對象으로 血液上을 調査 檢討하여 다음과 같은結論을 얻었다. 1. 平均 RBC數의 現實値는 6.06(3.20~9.74)x 10??/㎕이었으나 正常値는 6.35(5.00~8.95)x10??/㎕이었으며 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 2. 平均 Hb量의 現實値는 9.42(5.3~18.4)g/100ml 이었으나 正常値는 10.11(8.0~13.9)g/100ml 이었으며 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 3. 平均 PVC値의 現實値는 31.04(19~55)g/100ml 이었으나 正常値는 32.30(27~42)g/100ml 이었으며 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 4. 平均 MCV의 現實値는 51.22(29.77~86.57) fl 이었으나 50.87(41.56~62.00)fl로 現實値보다 낮았다. 5. 平均 MCH의 現實値는 15.54(8.21~28.96)pg 이었으나 正常値는 15.92(13.00~20.94)pg로 現實値보다 높았다. 6. 平均 MCHC의 現實値는 30.35(17.35~ 53.57)g/100ml이었으나 正常値는 31.30(28.00~36.97)g/100ml로 現實値보다 높았다. 7. 平均 WBC수의 現實値는 10,408(3,200~31,600)/㎕ 이었으나 正常値는 9,233(4,810~14,000)/㎕이었으며 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하는 傾向이 있었다. 8. WBC 감별계수의 正常値는 임파구가 66.00(50~80), 單核球가 3.35(0~9), 好中球가 26.06(10~38), 好酸球가 4.24(0~11)그리고 好鹽基球가 0.35(0~2)% 이었으며 現實値와 비슷하였다. 9. 淋巴球는 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하고 있었으나 單核球와 好中球는 年令의 增加에 따라서 漸漸 減少하고 있었다. 10. 平均 血小板數의 現實値는 243,645(93,000∼57,000)/㎕이었고 正常値는 248,453(116,000~445,000)/㎕으로 現實値와 거의 비슷하였으며 年令別 差異는 認定할 수 없었다. In order to get the normal blood values, blood samples were taken from 670 healthy Holstein cows in Chonnam province. The result obtained in the present experiment are summarized as below. 1. Determined average red blood cell count was 6.06(3.20∼9.74)x 10??/㎕, whereas average red blood cell count obtained from the results in the normal range(normal) was 6.35(5.00∼8.95)x10??/㎕. The red blood cell count tended to decrease with age. 2. Determined average hemoglobin content was 9.42(5.3∼18.4)g/100ml. whereas normal hemoglobin content was 10.11(8.0∼13.9)g/100ml. The hemoglobin content tended to decrease with age. 3. Determined average packed cell volume(PCV) was 31.04(19∼55)g/100ml, while normal PCV was 32.30(27∼42)g/100ml. The PCV appeared to decrease with age. 4. Determined mean corpuscular volume(MCV) was 51.22(29.77~86.57) fl. Normal MCV was 50.87(41.56∼62.00)fl, which was lower than the determined MCV. 5. Determined mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH) was 15.54(8.21∼28.96)pg. Normal MCH was 15.92(13.00∼20.94)pg, which was higher than the determined MCH. 6. Determined mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration(MCHC)was 30.35(17.35∼ 53.57)g/100ml. Normal MCHC was 31.30(28.00∼36.97)g/100ml, which was higher than the determined MCHC. 7. Determined average white blood cell(WBC) count was 10,408(3,200∼31,600)/㎕, whereas normal WBC count was 9,233(4,810∼14,000)/㎕. The WBC count appeared to decrease with age. 8. In the normal WBC differential count, the values were lymphocyte 66.00(50∼80)%, monocyte 3.35(0∼9)%, neutrophil 26.06(10∼38)%, eosinophil 4.24(0∼11)% and basophil 0.35(0∼2)%, respectively. No differences were found between the determined and normal values. 9. Lymphocyte count tended to decrease with age, while the reverse was the case with monocyte and neutrophil count. 10. Determined average platelet count was 243,645(93,000∼570,000)/㎕, whereas normal platelet count was 248,453(116,000∼445,000)/㎕. The platelet count did not change with age.

      • Characterization of Silicon Kerf and the Effect of Grinding on the Synthesis of SiC Powder

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Soo Ryong,Kim, Y.,Lee, Yoon Joo,Won, Ji Yeon,Ko, Tae Gyung,Oh, Sea Cheon Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2013 Materials science forum Vol.761 No.-

        <P>Characterization of silicon kerf from photovoltaic silicon-wafer production was carried out. Also, SiC powder was synthesized using high purity silicon kerf by varying grinding conditions. With increase of grinding time, surface of the silicon was oxidized to form silicon oxide. Also, it was observed that the unreacted silicon oxide and free silicon amount in the SiC powder increases with an increasing grinding times, even though silicon particle size of the starting material is decreased.</P>

      • Effect of Temperature and Carbon Contents on the Synthesis of β-SiC from Silicon Sludge by Direct Carbonization Method

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Soo Ryong,Kim, Y.,Lee, Yoon Joo,Won, Ji Yeon,Park, Won Kyu,Oh, Sea Cheon Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2012 Materials science forum Vol.724 No.-

        <P>β-SiC powder was synthesized using silicon sludge from photovoltaic silicon-wafer production by varying heat treatment temperature and carbon contents. The synthesized β-SiC powder and silicon sludge was analyzed by XRD, SEM, FT-IR and Particle size analysis. It is known that the conversion of SiC from the mixture of Silicon and Carbon is mainly affected by the mole ratio of C/Si and heat treatment temperature. In this study, the influence of reaction temperature and carbon contents on the synthesis of β-SiC from silicon sludge was examined.</P>

      • Effect of Heat Treatment Temperature and Atmosphere on Micro Structure of Polyphenylcarbosilane

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Soo Ryong,Kim, Jong II,Lee, Yoon Joo,Bhave, Ramesh R.,Kim, Y. Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2011 Materials science forum Vol.695 No.-

        <P>Polyphenylcarbosilane (PPCS) was synthesized from thermal rearrangement of the polymethylphenylsilane around 350 ~ 430°C. Characterization of synthesized PPCS was performed with FT-IR spectroscopy analysis. From FT-IR data, the band at 1035cm<SUP>-1</SUP> is very strong and assigned to CH2 bending vibration in Si-CH2-Si group, indicating the formation of the PPCS. Ceramic thin film was fabricated onto stainless substrate by dip coating using a 20wt% PPCS in toluene. Heat treatment of the samples was performed at various temperatures (600°C and 800°C) under nitrogen atmospheres. The prepared PPCS samples and the coating layers on SUS316 after heat treatment were analyzed using FT-IR and XPS, respectively.</P>

      • A Study on the Synthesis of SiC Powder from the Silicon Sludge of the Photovoltaic Industry

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Soo Ryong,Kim, Y.,Lee, Yoon Joo,Jung, Eun Jin,Park, Won Kyu,Oh, Sea Cheon Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2012 Materials science forum Vol.724 No.-

        <P>β-SiC powder was synthesized directly from silicon sludge with carbon black. Large amount of silicon sludge is generated from Solar Cell industry. In an environmental and economic point of view, recycling silicon sludge is important. In this study, two kinds of silicon sludge were characterized using XRD, SEM/EDS and FT-IR. SiC powder was synthesized by the reaction of ball-milled silicon powder for 3h in vacuum at different temperatures (1350 and 1600). Physical properties of the heat treated SiC have been characterized using a SEM, XRD, Particle size analyzer and FT-IR Spectroscopy.</P>

      • Effect of Pair-Mineralizer on the Reaction of Alite and Calcium Langbeinite Formation

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Young Phil,Kim, Y.,Kim, Soo Ryong,Bae, Seong Youl Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2006 Materials science forum Vol.510 No.-

        <P>This paper investigates the effect of the pair-minerializer (CaSO4,-CaF2) on the reaction of alite, belite and calcium langbeinite formation with different alkali and sulfate contents. A set of clinker samples was prepared by adding laboratory grade reagents of (NH4)2SO4, CaF2 and K2CO3 to the cement raw mixes. The mineralogical composition of clinker was analyzed by X-ray powder diffraction, and the quantity of minerals was evaluated by using TOPAS software. As the experimental results, the total amount of calcium silicate minerals was rapidly increased with the addition of F and SO3 components simultaneously as pair-mineralizer with K2O more than the value which mineralizer was added separately. Also, in the case of adding K2O only to the raw mixes, the amount of alite is decreased after clinkering. However, if alkali (K2O) and pair-minerializer (CaSO4,-CaF2) were added simultaneously, the quantity of alite and calcium langbeinite mineral increased because of the formation of stable clinker minerals by the reaction of alkali (K2O) and sulfate.</P>

      • Recovery of Silicon and Silicon Carbide Powder from Waste Silicon Wafer Sludge

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Soo Ryong,Kim, Y.,Poudel, Jee Ban,Oh, Sea Cheon Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2013 Materials science forum Vol.761 No.-

        <P>In an environmental and economic point of view, recycling of silicon wafer sludge is important. The aim of this work is to investigate the recycling method of silicon wafer sludge. Therefore, drying rate of silicon wafer sludge has been studied for separation of liquid and solid from sludge. Silicon and silicon carbide powder obtained from silicon wafer sludge were analyzed by SEM, XFR, XRD and particle size analyzer. The recovered oil was also characterized using GC-MS. From this work, it can be seen that the falling drying rate of silicon wafer sludge is linear equation. Various metal components have been found in recovered solid powder caused by wire sawing processing.</P>

      • Characterization of Power Plant Bottom Ash and its Application to Cement Mortar

        Kwon, Woo Teck,Kim, Byung Ik,Kim, Y.,Kim, Soo Ryong,Ha, Sang Wook Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2009 Materials science forum Vol.620 No.-

        <P>In this work, the physical & chemical properties of bottom ash generated from power plant are analyzed. Characteristic mortar property and thermal conductivity for building material were investigated with content of added bottom ash. According to the analytic result of bottom ash, chemical compositions of bottom ash is similar to those of fly ash and compressive strength after 7days related to pozzolanic activity shows 2.5N/cm2 and it is confirmed that bottom ash possess a certain amount of moisture activity. Although the fluidity of cement mortar is rapidly decreased with increasing addition of bottom ash, compressive strength for 3 and 7days is increased. The thermal conductivity is not sensitive to the addition of bottom ash.</P>

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