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A. Vasiliev,E. Kolbe,H. Ferroukhi,R. Pittarello 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.23
The paper refers to an analysis of the `H.B. Robinson-2 Pressure Vessel Benchmark' with the MCNPX code. The benchmark is based on an experiment performed at an operating PWR reactor and includes measurements for both in-vessel and ex-vessel dosimeters.With the aim to enlarge the in-house validation database of the LWR neutron fluence assessments for the Swiss reactors, an MCNPX-based analysis of this benchmark was recently performed, using the general-purpose point-wise library JEFF-3.1. The analysis was done in compliance with the benchmark specifications and using the same or similar assumptions/approximations as employed by the previous participants in order to ensure consistency in the comparison of solutions.A detailed assessment of different libraries was not performed in these past calculations because of the rather poor statistical precision achieved at that time when modeling the high-energy reactions with MCNPX. In the course of recent additional optimization studies the variances of the calculation results have been significantly reduced, allowing thereby comparing the performance of different neutron data libraries for the analysis of this benchmark. This comparison is presented in this paper and includes an assessment of the data libraries JEFF-3.1, JEFF-3.1.1, ENDF/B-VII.0 and IRDF-2002. The differences observed in the results and their potential sources are discussed.
Frequency of EGFR Mutations in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients: Screening Data from West Siberia
Gervas, Polina,Ivanova, Anna,Vasiliev, Nikolay,Ananina, Olga,Zharkova, Olga,Rogovieva, Olga,Verzhbitskaya, Natalia,Didichuk, Ivan,Cheremisina, Olga,Popova, Natalia,Goldberg, Victor,Cherdyntsev, Evgeny Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.2
Background: Incorporation of molecular analysis of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene into routine clinical practice has shown great promise to provide personalized therapy of the non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the developed world. However, the genetic testing of EGFR mutations has not yet become routine clinical practice in territories remote from the central regions of Russia. Therefore, we aimed to study the frequency of major types of activating mutations of the EGFR gene in NSCLC patients residing in West Siberia. Materials and Methods: We examined EGFR mutations in exons 19 and 21 in 147 NSCLC patients (excluding squamous cell lung carcinomas) by real time polymerase chain reaction. Results: EGFR mutations were detected in 28 of the 147 (19%) patients. There were 19 (13%) cases with mutations in exon 19 and 9 cases (6%) in exon 21. Mutations were more frequently observed in women (42%, p=0.000) than in men (1%). A significantly higher incidence of EGFR mutations was observed in bronchioloalveolar carcinomas (28%, p=0.019) and in adenocarcinomas (21%, p=0.024) than in large cell carcinomas, mixed adenocarcinomas, and NOS (4%). The EGFR mutation rate was much higher in never-smokers than in smokers: 38% vs. 3% (p=0.000). The frequency of EGFR mutations in the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions was 19%. Conclusions: The incorporation of molecular analysis of the EGFR gene into routine clinical practice will allow clinicians to provide personalised therapy, resulting in a significant increase in survival rates and improvement in life quality of advanced NSCLC patients.
Assessement of the JEFF-3.1.1 Neutron Data Library for FOR CSE of LWR Fuel Storage Pools
Edwin Kolbe,Alexander Vasiliev,Hakim Ferroukhi 한국물리학회 2011 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.59 No.23
A methodology for criticality safety evaluations (CSE) of light water reactor (LWR) compact storage pools and transport casks based on the Monte Carlo code MCNPX-2.5.0 was recently established at PSI. Validation calculations were performed applying a suite of 15 low-enriched thermal compound uranium and 4 mixed plutonium uranium thermal compound benchmarks extracted from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments. In a first part of this paper, the same validation suite, comprising in total 149 benchmark cases, is analyzed with the latest release of the JEFF-3.1.1 nuclear data library. The resulting bias is compared to the ones obtained previously with the ENDF/B-VII.0, JEFF-3.1 and JENDL-3.3 libraries. Secondly, in licensing-related studies for a new PWR commercial wet storage pool, a noticeable sensitivity upon the employed thermal neutron scattering S(α,β) matrix data was observed for water reflected configurations. By performing trend analyses with respect to the magnitude of the thermal flux for a selected subset of benchmark cases, various parameterizations of S(α,β) could be assessed including the one in JEFF-3.1.1. Finally, the benefits from applying several cross-section libraries in CSE will be pointed out.
A. Dokhane,A. Vasiliev,M. Hursin,D. Rochman,H. Ferroukhi 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.5
The aim of this paper is to assess the reliability and accuracy of the PSI standard method, used in manyprevious works, for the quantification of ND uncertainties in the SPERT-III RIA transient, by quantifyingthe discrepancy between the actual inserted reactivity and the original static reactivity worth and theirassociated uncertainties. The assessment has shown that the inherent S3K neutron source renormalization scheme, introduced before starting the transient, alters the original static reactivity worth of thetransient CR and reduces the associated uncertainty due to the ND perturbation. In order to overcomethese limitations, two additional methods have been developed based on CR adjustment. The comparative study performed between the three methods has showed clearly the high sensitivity of the obtained results to the selected approach and pointed out the importance of using the right procedure inorder to simulate correctly the effect of ND uncertainties on the overall parameters in a RIA transient. This study has proven that the approach that allows matching the original static reactivity worth andstarting the transient from criticality is the most reliable method since it conservatively preserves theeffect of the ND uncertainties on the inserted reactivity during a RIA transient.