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      • KCI등재

        Western Travelers in Colonial Korea: Foreign Perceptions on Legitimacy of the Japanese Rule and the Two Nations

        Álvaro Trigo Maldonado 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2020 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.23 No.1

        This paper analyzes the information contained in a variety of travelogues written prior to and after the Japanese annexation of Korea to provide a better understanding on how Westerners perceived the colonial rule. In order to do so quotes on specific topics such as the socio-political situation of Korea or the traveler’s perception on both Korean and Japanese people have been extracted and juxtaposed in an effort of identifying and defining predominant trends. These primary sources need to be approached taking in consideration the Zeitgeist during the period in the West. Their authors depart from a sociopolitical context during which Social Darwinism was in vogue. Besides that, while taking travelogues as a source of historical information has its limitations it also constitutes an excellent way to discuss to what extent the Japanese propaganda effort in the colony was efficient or not. It is also important to note that most of the travelers arrived into Korea via Japan, stayed at the Japanese-managed Chosun Hotel and they often had very limited interactions with Koreans. Thereby they were exposed to the Japanese discourse. This can be perceived in their comparisons between Korean and Japanese customs. However, I would like to argue how their perception on the latter was still influenced by the orientalist discourse as well.

      • KCI등재

        From Intellectuals to Opportunists: Redefining the Satirical Archetype of the "Chameleon" in the Works of Ch'ae Mansik

        Álvaro Trigo Maldonado 계명대학교 한국학연구원 2024 Acta Koreana Vol.27 No.1

        Perhaps one of the most remarkable characteristics of the work of Ch’ae Mansik is his capacity for satire within a deeply traumatic historical context. Although he is known as a satirist, academic studies have approached his categorization from different perspectives. Given the significance of satire in identifying Ch'ae's legacy, this article aims to provide a classification of his works in which satire plays a crucial role. In addition, through literary analysis, it proposes a theory concerning the archetypal character often found in his satirical novels. The article focuses on works that depict the "chameleon"–an opportunist archetype willing to do anything and disregard ethical considerations in order to attain material wealth and social acceptance. Furthermore, it explores the contrasting ways in which this archetype differs from the satirical portrayals of intellectuals found in some of his works from the 1930s. In so doing, this study seeks to elucidate how a focus on the chameleon archetype can contribute to a better understanding of literary legacy of Ch’ae Mansik.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        ISRI - Information Systems Research Constructs and Indicators: A Web Tool for Information Systems Researchers

        Varajao, Joao,Trigo, Antonio,Silva, Tiago Korea Institute of Science and Technology Informat 2021 Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice Vol.9 No.1

        This paper presents the ISRI (Information Systems Research Indicators) Web tool, publicly and freely available at isri.sciencesphere.org. Targeting Information Systems (IS) researchers, it compiles and organizes IS adoption and use theories/models, constructs, and indicators (measuring variables) available in the scientific literature. Aiming to support the IS theory development process, the purpose of ISRI is to gather and systematize information on research indicators to help researchers and practitioners' work. The tool currently covers eleven theories/models: DeLone and McLean's IS Success Model (D&M ISS); Diffusion of Innovations Theory (DOI); Motivational Model (MM); Social Cognitive Theory (SCT); Task-Technology Fit (TTF); Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE); Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB); Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB); Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA); and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). It also includes currently over 400 constructs, nearly 2,500 indicators, and about 60 application contexts related to the models. For the creation of the tool's database, nearly 580 references were used.

      • KCI등재

        Antiproliferative and antibacterial activity of extracts of Ganoderma strains grown in vitro

        Leonardo Serrano-Marquez,Angel Trigos,Alan Couttolenc,Jose M. Padron,Alla V. Shnyreva,Guillermo Mendoza 한국식품과학회 2021 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.30 No.5

        In this bioprospecting study the biologicalactivities of extracts of the in vitro culture of GanodermaMexican strains were evaluated. The extracts were testedby the Sulforhodamine B staining method for antiproliferativeactivity and the plate microdilution method forantibacterial activity. Extracts that proved bioactive inthese two activities, the antioxidant activity (Galvinoxyl,ABTS, and DPPH) and total phenolic contents (Folin-Ciocalteu) were additionally determined, as well as acutetoxicity (Artemia franciscana). In the antiproliferativeactivity Ganoderma curtisii strain (GH-16-015) obtained aremarkable value of GI50 B 50 lg/mL against tumorlines: A549, HBL-100, HeLa, and T-47D. G. curtisiistrains (GH-16-012 and GH-16-015) showed MIC values= 500 lg/mL against Staphylococcus aureus. G. curtisiistrain (GH-16-012) almost reduced by 50% theradical Galvinoxyl. Finally, G. curtisii strain (GH-16-023)presented the lowest level of toxicity with a LC50 of490.881 lg/mL against A. franciscana. These resultssupport the potential medicinal effects of Mexican strainsof G. curtisii.

      • KCI등재

        Anti-Ulcerogenic Mechanisms of the Sesquiterpene Lactone Onopordopicrin-Enriched Fraction from Arctium lappa L. (Asteraceae): Role of Somatostatin, Gastrin, and Endogenous Sulfhydryls and Nitric Oxide

        Ana Beatriz Albino de Almeida,Anderson Luiz-Ferreira,Maı´ra Cola,Luciana Di Pietro Magri,Leonia Maria Batista,Joseilson Alves de Paiva,Jose´ Roberto Trigo,Alba R.M. Souza-Brito 한국식품영양과학회 2012 Journal of medicinal food Vol.15 No.4

        Arctium lappa L. has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic, depurative, and digestive stimulant and in dermatological conditions. The mechanisms involved in the anti-ulcerogenic activity of the sesquiterpene onopordopicrin (ONP)-enriched fraction (termed the ONP fraction), obtained from A. lappa leaves, were studied. The gastroprotective mechanism of the ONP fraction was evaluated in experimental in vivo models in rodents, mimicking this disease in humans. ONP fraction (50mg/kg, p.o.) significantly inhibited the mucosal injury induced by ethanol/HCl solution (75%), indomethacin/bethanecol (68.9%), and stress (58.3%). When the ONP fraction was investigated in pylorus ligature, it did not induce alteration in the gastric volume but did modify the pH and total acid concentration of gastric juice. ONP fraction significantly increased serum somatostatin levels (82.1 – 4.1 vs. control group 12.7 – 4 pmol/L) and decreased serum gastrin levels (62.6 – 6.04 vs. control group 361.5 – 8.2 lU/mL). Mucus production was not significantly altered by the ONP fraction. Gastroprotection by the ONP fraction was completely inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide treatment and did not modify the effect in the animals pretreated with l-NG-nitroarginine methyl ester. These results suggest an antisecretory mechanism involved with the antiulcerogenic effect of the ONP fraction. However, only endogenous sulfhydryls play an important role in gastroprotection of the ONP fraction.

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