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      • CREATING SPACES FOR PEACE : A Comparative Overview of Zones of Peace

        Tehranian, Majid 제주대학교 동아시아연구소 1991 東아시아硏究論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        국문요약1989년 말타회담 이후 대두된 신질서는 아직은 취약하다. 그 이유는 소련과 유고의 민족 문제, 남북한과 인도-파키스탄, 아랍-이스라엘간의 대립, 핵무기와 화학무기의 확산 등 많 은 갈등요인들이 도처에 깔려 있기 때문이다. 상호의존적이고 취약한 신세계질서를 이해하기 위해서는 세계시민으로서의 범지구적인 의 식과 책임감을 수반하는 새로운 패러다임이 요구된다. 이 패러다임은 1) 핵이라든가 생화학 적 파괴의 위협에 놓여있는 세계가 기본적으로 통합되어 있다는 점과, 2) 중심과 주변간의 격차가 더욱 심화되어 가고 있다는 점, 그리고 3) 평화와 협력이 가능한 절차와 수단이 필 요하다는 점을 인식하는 위에서 마련되어야 한다. 평화지대의 개념은 세계체제를 대결로부터 협력으로 재조정할 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 평화지대와 관련한 사례와 운동은 종교의 성전에서 많이 찾아볼 수 있고, 스위스와 오스트 리아와 같은 정치적 중립국의 형태로, 그리고 네루, 수카르노, 낫세르 등이 주창한 비동맹 운동을 통해서 나타나곤 했다. 최근 안토니오 호르티히주교가 주도하는 필리핀 평화지대화 운동, 제주국제협의회의 평화의 섬 운동, 그리고 달라이 라마의 티벳 평화지대화 운동으로 나타나고 있다. 평화지대는 군사적 힘을 통한 평화가 아니라 평화적 수단을 통한 평화라는 개념에 근거하 고 있다. 이러한 평화지대의 실현 가능성은 세계질서가 억압적인 것으로부터 패권적인 것으 로 그리고 지금은 상호의존적인 공동사회로 변모하여 가고 있다는 측면에서 찾아볼 수 있 다. 그리고 평화지대안은 공토의 이해관계와 규범, 법에 의해 공동사회라 불리우는 신세계 질서를 건설해 나갈 수 있는 가장 효율적인 수단이다. 평화지대안은 주권의 신성불가침이라는 원칙 보다는 인도주의와 집단안보의 견지에서 국 제공동체의 개입권한을 인정해야 한다는 데에 근거하고 있다 평화지대안은 주권 문제 이외 에도 평화지대의 법적인 지위를 인정해 주기 위해서 사실상의 권력으로 하여금 평화지대를 관리하도록 하는 충분한 유인을 어떻게 제공할 것인가 하는 것도 쉬운 문제는 아니다. 이는 기능적 영역과 공간적 영역으로 나누어서 해결의 실마리를 찾아야 할 것이다. 평화지대안의 성공은 상호신뢰와 상호이익의 정도에 의존한다. 이를 위해서는 갈등요인에 대한 철저한 조사-감독을 통해서 평화적 해결의 가능성을 높이고 정보의 개방과 평화교육을 통해서 평화에 대한 인식을 제고시키는 것도 필요하다. AbstractThe stunning events of 1989-91 have inaugurated a new cra in international relations . From the Yalta Summit of 1945 to the Malta Summit of 1989 the world was dominated by the Cold War Since Malta, a new order has been emerging. (Galtung.1991) This order is however very fragile . It can easily break down as it already has in many places , including the Persian Gulf, former Soviet Union, arid Yugoslavia. Other protracted conflict areas such as the Korean Peninsula and the Indian-Pakistani border also are at risk. The Cold War was characterized by a balance of nuclear terror between the super-powers leading to a precarious peace. The universalist ideological pretensions of the Cold War have now been replaced by rising ethnic , religious , and nationalist conflicts. With the increasing proliferation of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons into the hands of smaller states, the threats to international peace and security may have in fact increased rather than decreased . The new cold wars between North and South Korea, India and Pakistan, the Arabs and Israelis (to name just a few) can erupt into full-scale wars of incalculable costs. To usher in a period of durable peace, therefore, the new world requires a new paradigm to understand an increasingly interdependent and vulnerable world system . (Tehranian , forthcoming) The emerging paradigm calls for planetary consciousness . global responsibility, and world citizenship . In place of the outmoded ideologies of capitalism, communism, and non-alignment which divided the world into first , second and third worlds, the new paradigm must recognize at least the following three conditions : (1) the essential unity of the world when confronted by nuclear or eco- logical disasters such as the Three-Mile Island, Chermobyl, Exxon-Va1dez , the burning of over 600 Kuwaiti oil wells , and the green-house effect, (2) the mounting divisions of the world between the centers and peripheries of power as reflected in the gender , religious, ethnic, and nationalist conflicts , and (3) the urgent need for new principles and methods economic progress.The idea of zones of peace (ZOP) offers one such opportunity for restructuring the world system from confrontation to cooperation. It is an old idea whose time has come. In fact, it promises to turn into a grassroots movement in which governments will have to respect the demands to their citizens for new peace zones . According to Elise Boulding (1991), the number of nuclear weapons free zones (NWFZ) has increased from 250 in 1982 to 5000 in 1991. There are already 24 countries in the world which have unilaterally declared themselves as NWFZs. There are also 5 formal NWFZ treaties signed among governments .Broadly speaking, a ZOP may be defined as (1) a well-defined territory or region in which the parties at dispute commit themseives to non-violent and pacific settlement of their conflicts by total or partial disarmament and through binding adjudication , arbitration, or mediation procedures . (2) with a governing authority consisting of the governments or parties at dispute over that territory under the surpervision of the United Nations Trusteeship Council, (3) with a land authority for the development of a free economic zone among the members and other interested parties acquiring "peace bonds" with commercial rates of return, and (4) in instances of protracted ethnic conflict. with a culturally homogenous majority gearanteeing bower the civil and human rights of the ethnic or religious minorities residing in the zone.this essay will provide a brief introduction to the history of the idea, its philosophical underpinnings , and some Policy issues facing its development and implementation. However, the richness and diversity of the concept and its varieties of actual and potential practice require more research and longer expositions.



        Tavasoli, Elham,Salimi, Maryam,Tehranian, Abolfazl Korean Mathematical Society 2012 대한수학회보 Vol.49 No.5

        Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and let I be an ideal of R. In this paper we study the amalgamated duplication ring $R{\bowtie}I$ which is introduced by D'Anna and Fontana. It is shown that if R is generically Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically Gorenstein) and I is generically maximal Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically canonical module), then $R{\bowtie}I$ is generically Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically Gorenstein). We also de ned generically quasi-Gorenstein ring and we investigate when $R{\bowtie}I$ is generically quasi-Gorenstein. In addition, it is shown that $R{\bowtie}I$ is approximately Cohen-Macaulay if and only if R is approximately Cohen-Macaulay, provided some special conditions. Finally it is shown that if R is approximately Gorenstein, then $R{\bowtie}I$ is approximately Gorenstein.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        Aminizadeh, Reza,Rasouli, Hamid,Tehranian, Abolfazl Korean Mathematical Society 2020 대한수학회논문집 Vol.35 No.3

        In this paper, the class of quasi-annihilator (homo)flat acts based on the notion of quasi-annihilator ideal is introduced. This class lies strictly between the classes of weakly (homo)flat and principally weakly (homo)flat acts. Some properties of such kinds of flatness are studied. We present some homological classifications for monoids by means of quasiannihilator (homo)flatness of their right Rees factor acts.

      • KCI등재


        Elham Tavasoli,Maryam Salimi,Abolfazl Tehranian 대한수학회 2012 대한수학회보 Vol.49 No.5

        Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and let I be an ideal of R. In this paper we study the amalgamated duplication ring $R{\bowtie}I$ which is introduced by D'Anna and Fontana. It is shown that if R is generically Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically Gorenstein) and I is generically maximal Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically canonical module), then $R{\bowtie}I$ is generically Cohen-Macaulay (resp. generically Gorenstein). We also de ned generically quasi-Gorenstein ring and we investigate when $R{\bowtie}I$ is generically quasi-Gorenstein. In addition, it is shown that $R{\bowtie}I$ is approximately Cohen-Macaulay if and only if R is approximately Cohen-Macaulay, provided some special conditions. Finally it is shown that if R is approximately Gorenstein, then $R{\bowtie}I$ is approximately Gorenstein.

      • KCI등재

        Semi-symmetric cubic graph of order $12p^3$

        Pooriya Majd Amoli,Mohammad Reza Darafsheh,Abolfazl Tehranian 대한수학회 2022 대한수학회보 Vol.59 No.1

        A simple graph is called semi-symmetric if it is regular and edge transitive but not vertex transitive. In this paper we prove that there is no connected cubic semi-symmetric graph of order $12p^3$ for any prime number $p$.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization of suzuki group by nse and order of group

        Ali Iranmanesh,Hosein Parvizi Mosaed,Abolfazl Tehranian 대한수학회 2016 대한수학회보 Vol.53 No.3

        Let $G$ be a finite group and $\nse(G)$ be the set of numbers of elements of $G$ of the same order. In this paper, we prove that the simple group $Sz(2^{2m+1})$, where $2^{2m+1}-1$ is a prime number, is uniquely determined by $\nse(Sz(2^{2m+1}))$ and $|Sz(2^{2m+1})|$.



        Iranmanesh, Ali,Mosaed, Hosein Parvizi,Tehranian, Abolfazl Korean Mathematical Society 2016 대한수학회보 Vol.53 No.3

        Let G be a finite group and nse(G) be the set of numbers of elements of G of the same order. In this paper, we prove that the simple group $Sz(2^{2m+1})$, where $2^{2m+1}-1$ is a prime number, is uniquely determined by $nse(Sz(2^{2m+1}))$ and ${\mid}Sz(2^{2m+1}){\mid}$.

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