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      • 밝혀지는 植物資源(7)

        李昌福 서울大學校農業生命科學大學附屬樹木園 1986 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.7

        During last 7 years our taxonomists have made remarkable progress in the field of Numerical, Cytotaxonomical, Ecological, Chemical, Serological and Palynological attack to plant taxonomy. Many new taxa and unrecored taxa were found through their work of investigation. Following 41 taxa have been disclosed from various parts of Korea, which include findings of new taxa, unrecorded species from studies of specimens and field exploration and distribution to new areas of known species. Abelia dielsii Rehder-Caprifoliaceae Aconitum sibiricum Poir.-Ranunculaceae Aletris foliata Bur. et Fr.-Liliaceac A. fauriei Lev.-Liliaceae Adenophara grandiflora for. alba T. Lee-Campanulaceae A. lamarckii Fischer and for. albiflora T. Lee-Campanulaceae Allium thunbergii for. alba T. Lee-Liliaceae A. thunbergii for. rubra T. Lee-Liliaceae Anemone glabrata Jujep.-Ranunculaceae Apocynum sibiricum Jacq.-Apocynaceae Artemisia laciniata Willd.-Compositae Anagallidium dichotomum Griseb.-Gentianaceae Carpinus laxiflora var. macrostachys Oliv.-Betulaceae Codonopsis ussuriensis var. minima (Nakai) T. Lee-Campanulaceae Dracocephalum rupestre Hance-Labiatae Forsythia saxatilis Nakai-Oleaceae Gentiana uchiyamai for. alba T. Lee-Gentianaceae Goodyera maximowiczii for. alba T. Lee-Orchidaceae Hanabusaya asiatica Nakai-Campanulaceae H. asiatica for. asiatica-Campanulaceae H. asiatica for. alba T. Lee-Campanulaceae H. asiatica for. albescens T. Lee-Campanulaceae H. asiatica for. rubescens T. Lee-Campanulaceae H. asiatica for. rubropurpurea T. Lee-Campanulaceae Hypoxis aurea Lour.-Amarylidaceae Isoetes japonica R. Br.-Isoetaceae I. corean Chung et Choi-Isoetaceae Liparis nervosa Lindl.-Orchidaceae Lycopus uniflorus Michx.-Labiatae Michelia compressa Sarg.-Magnoliaceae Neolitsea sericea for. xanthocarpa Okuyama-Lauraceae Omphalodes krameri Fr. et Sav.-Boraginaceae Ostericum koreanum kitagawa-Umbelliferae Peucedanum coreanum Nakai-Umbelliferae Polygonatum sibiricum Redoute-Liliaceae Orostachys filifer Nakai-Crassulaceae Saussurea mongolica Fr.-Compositae Thalictrum rhanorhizon Nakai-Ranunculaceae Villebrunea frutescens Blume-Urticaceae Viola crassa Makino-Violaceae Viola pumilio W. Becker-Violaceae Viola yazawana Makino-Violaceae

      • 밝혀지는 植物資源(Ⅵ)

        李昌福 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 附屬樹木園 1978 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.2

        The author collected Apocynum sibiricum Jaquin from the top of a sand piles in the midst of the Han River, near Yoido, Seoul, which is a new addition to our flora. Apocynum lancifolium is the only taxon known so far of the same genus in Korea. It seems to be infiltrated through the United States of America where it has long been planted as an ornamental source. It fruits nicely and seems to like sandy site along the river. Lasianthus japonicus was found from the southern foot ot the Mt. Halla by Mr. J. D. Park, which is a new genus to our flora. It is very similar to the member of the genus Damnacanthus except thornless twing, 5-merous flower parts, sky blue frutit, and smoothed root. From the same locality mentioned above, Vaccinium bracteatum var. lanceolatum Nakai was found, which locality has not been known so far for us in Korea. A new form of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya for. alba has been produced during cultivation of for. semialba at our arboretum, type tree of which was transplanted from kangwondo in 1965. The seed of for. semialba produced pure white and semiwhite though it has been very difficult to find pure white forms in the field. Morphological appearance is not different from the basic species or other forms. Ambrosia trifida L. infiltrated to the western part of the Demilitarized Zone while it's form for. integrifolia Fernald was found near Chooncheon, Kangwon-do. The author found Platycodon grandiflorum for. duplex Makino from the sumit of the Mt. Joge. and Quercus dentaat for. pinnatiloba Rehder from a small island. "Nangsae Island". Cheollipo, Choongcheongnam-do during 1976 and 1977. The latter taxon was an addition to our flora. A new taxon, youngia denticulata var. alpina was disclosed from the volcanic basin of the Mt. Halla. It appears to be very similar to Y. sonchifolia but much branched and deminished, which height when fruiting attains 5∼12 cm. leaves are similar to the basic species except incised margin wiht reflexed edges. Since a new taxon, Youngia koidzumiana Kitamura was named it brought much confusion with Y. chelidoniifolia. In the fall of 1976 the author noticed many intermediate forms of Y. chelidoniifolia and Y. denticulata for. pinnatipartita, some of those approach to the former species and some to the latter taxon. Y. koidzumiana was named to that of intermediate form. Thereforse it will hard to stand as a distince species but a hybrid. It grows at the Mts. Jiri, Dokyu as well as in the area of Kwanngnung, Kyunggi-do. Ulmus macrocatpa was thought to be very hard to get germinated since I collected it at first from a southern limit, Lake paroho, Kangwondo on the 24th May 1966. Fortunately it fruited well and germinated perfectly at the our arboretum. Therefore brought a doubt on the U. macrophylla Nakai while our observations continued on it. According to the original description of U. macrophylla, Nakai had not chanced to see any fruit of it while late. T. H. Chung illustrated it's samara in his Flora Koreana though he also mentioned no flowers seen. Therefore it seems to be the illustration ofsamara came from his imagination. On the other hand U. macrocarpa collected from the Lake Paroho does not go with descriptions known so far. It differs especially not only size of the leaves on the sterile shoot but also even those of fruiting brasnches, such as they are much larger than those known. I have not chanced to read original descripton or to see type specimen of it, the specimens collected fron the Lake Paroho must put under the name of U. macrophylla. From the results made through our observation the latter is nothing different from U. macrocarpa except larger size of the leaf as well as slightly larger size of the samara, such as 2∼3 cm long instead of 2∼2.5cm long known. Therefore U? macrophylla will hard to stand as a species level but as its variety though it requires through study in compare with typical U. macrocarpa. Ulmus macrocarpa var. macrophylla, grad, nov. Ulmus macrophylla Nakai, FI. Sylv, Kor. 19, 15(1932) et Synopt. Sketch Kor. Fl. 42(1952); Uyeki, Woody PI. 23(1940); Kawamoto, Ill. For. PI. 164(1943); T. Lee. Arb. Kor 60(1947), Ill. Woody PI. (1969) et Bull. Kwanak Arb. no. 1,23(1976) ; T. Chung, Kor, FI. 1, 119 f. 238 (1957). Lespedeza cyrtobotrya for. alba, for. nov. Flora alba cetera ut typica Typus; no. 1761-1, Herb. Coll. Agr. S.N.U. Youngia denticulata var. alpina, var. nov. Similat in forma cum Y. sonchifolia et Y. denticulata sed rededit a priori multo minor, capitula nutantis, achenia latiora et breve rostrata, posteriori folia incisa mit mucronulato-dentata. Herba biennis, caulis 5∼12cm altus, ramosus, ramis divaricato-ascendentibus, Folia radicalia sub anthesi viva aut semiemarcida, oblonga, margine incisa et mucronulatodentata, leviter revoluta. Folia caulina 3.5cm longa, plus minus 1cm lata, margine irregulariter incisa et revoluta, basi semi-amplesicaulia, supra viridia scabra. Involucrum calculatum, anguste tubulosum, 6mm longum, medio 2mm latum in sicco. Squamae biseriales, exteerioles 4∼6 in numero, 0.5mm longae, interioles 8 in numero, 6mm longae, glabrae basi incrasato-carinata. Achenia nigra fusiformia 11∼12 in numero, 3mm longa, 0.7mm lata basi contracta apice brevirostra. longitudinaliter 10 costulata, costis leviter inaequalibus minute setulosa. Papus albus vel albescens, 3mm longus, setis sigilatim caducis minute scabris ceteera ut typica. Typus ; 3626-1, Herb. Coll. Agr. S.N.U Youngia x koidzumiana Kitamura, st. nov. Youngia koidzumiana Kitamura, Acta Phytot-Geobot. 11, 127 (1942), pro species ; T. Lee, Bull. Kwanak Arb. no. 1, 107(1976).

      • 天然記念物의 保護

        李昌福 서울大學校 農業生命科學大學 附屬樹木園 1978 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.2

        The author made a proposal of natural monument protection citing following facts 1. In 1916 General Government of Korea recorded 5330 individuals of old and big trees from Korea, among which Zelkova serrata occupied 36.33% of total and Celtis sinensis, Ginkgo, Pinus densiflora, Fraxinus mandshurica and Sophora japonia followed it in the umber of trees of the species recorded. In 1972 Ministry of Interior recorded 13784 old and big trees which enumerate 90 species. Among those a sinle species, Zelkova serrata had 50.63% of total, 10 species, such as Celtis sinensis, Pinus densiflora, Ginkgo, Salix glandulosa, Sophora japonics, Juniperus chinensis, Gleditsia japonica var. koraientsis, Quercus acutissima, Quercus variabilis, and Wisteria floribunda were 38.37%, and the rest 79 species had 11% of total in the number of individuals recorded. 2. Made an operation to Pinus densiflora (Nat. monum. no. 103) in order to eliminate the basal part of a branch decayed. 3. Transplanted Salix glandulosa in order to secure from demersion of water caused by Janseong Dam construction. 4.Preservation of natural habit of Abeliophyllum distichum; Made cuttings of Abeliophyllum distichum and distributed over 1000 cuttings to the primary school through official channel and planted some of those grown to the natrual habitat since most of them were disappeared so far. 5. A variety and two new forms of Abeliophyllum distichum were disclosed as the followings; var. obtusicarpa, for. viridicalycina and eburneum.

      • 자작나무科 植物 뿌리의 木部解剖에 依한 系統學的 硏究

        蘇雄永,李昌福 全北大學校 生物學硏究所 1982 生物學硏究年報 Vol.3 No.-

        A comparative root antomy of the Betulaceae in Korea including 16 species of 5 genera has been performed to elucidate the intergeneric relationship within the family. From anatomical description of the family it appeares that the root xylem of the Betulaceae possesses an array of unspecialized characters in such features as scalariform perforation plates, steeper angle of end walls and opposite pittings and it also possesses a series of specialized characters showing simple perforation plates, less steep end walls, and homogenous I ray. It is considered that the series of specialization in the family is as follows ; Alnus→Betula→Corylus→Carpinus→Ostrya. Alnus possesses many-barred perforation plates, however, Betula has an intermediate number of bars in the perforation plates. In Corylus, the perforation plates which are scalariform have a few or intermediate member ofbars. Carpinus shows a tendency toward simple perforations, and the perforation plates are entirely simple in Ostrya.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국산 참나무류의 삼원잡종 (三原雜種)

        이창복 (Tchang Bok Lee) 한국식물학회 1961 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.4 No.1

        LEE, Tchang Bok (Dept. of Forestry, Coll. Agr. Seoul Nat. Univ.); Triple hybrid of the oak in korea, Kor Jour. Bot. 4, (1) 16~20 (1961). The author described four triple hybrids by investigating 5000 sperimens collected during a period of ten years from all parts of Korea. He concluded that Key facters used for an identification of triple hybrids were mainly trichom types and acorn cup scales. With a plate showing hybrid plants and characters(latin and Korean).

      • KCI등재

        구상나무와 새로 발견(發見)된 품종(品種)

        이창복,Lee, Tchang Bok 한국산림과학회 1970 한국산림과학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        한라산에 자라는 구상나무는 4개의 품종으로 구성되었다. 이 중에서 푸른 구상나무와 붉은 구상나무는 학계에 새로 보고하는 것이기에 그의 원기재(原記載)와 더불어 발표한다. 검 구상나무는 지리산에서 발견된바 있으나 한라산에서는 이번이 처음이다. 목련나무의 대목(大木)도 여기에서 처음발견 되었다. Abies koreansa Wilson grows at the upper part of Mts. Halla, Chiri, Mudung, Kaji and Dokyu. It was at first collected by Father U. Faurie on the May of 1907 from the Mt. Halla, Quelpaert. Cone colour of this species varies from green to black purple and the typical colour of it is violet purple. A form of black purple was named by Hatushima in 1934. Green and reddish brown or reddish purple colours of this species were discovered recently at the Mt. Halla. All these forms can be identified as the following. for. koreana - Abies koreana Wilson in Journ. Arn. Arb. 1, 188(1920) ; Mori, En. 27(1922) ; Uyeki, Timb. Tr. 117(1926) et Woody Pl. 5(1940) ; Chung et al, Comm. Nam. 12(1937) ; Handb. Kor. Manch. For. 71(1939) ; Kawamoto, III. For. P1. 16(1940) ; T. Lee, Arb. Kor. 12(1947) et Billiogr. Woody P1. 233(1966) ; Nakai, Synopt. 23(1952)-A. nephrolepis sensu Nakai, Rep. Veg. Chirisan 23, no. 27(1915) et Rep. Veg. Quelpaert Isl. 13, no. 142 (1915), non Max. (1866) Strobili violaceo-purpurei, bracteis viridibus juvenilibus vel stramineis matureis. Mt. Halla ( Lee, no. 970527K. ) for. chlorocarpa, forma nova ; Strobili et bracteae viridi sed rubescent in apice juvenili inflerescentiae. Mt. Halla ( Lee, no. 970527C. ) for. rubrocarpa, forma nova ; Strobili et bracteae rubro-purpurei vel rubro-fusui Mt. Halla ( Lee, no. 970527R. ) for nigrocarpa Hatushima, Rep. Exp. For. Kyushu U. 40(1934) ; T. Lee, Arb. Kor. 12(1947) et Bibliogr. Woody P1,233(1966). Strobili et bracteae nigro-purpurei. Mt. Halla (Lee, no. 970527N. )

      • Endemic and Rare Plants of Mt. Halla

        Lee, Tchang-Bok 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        Total number of vascular plants of Mt. Halla are estimated so far 1,624 taxa which consists of 200 taxa of Pteridophytes, 7 taxa of Gymnosperms, 344 taxa of Monocots and 1,073 taxa of Dicots. These numbers without doubt will change in coures of time by a result of explorations of new elements companied with an advancement of taxonomic studies. Two hundreds taxa of 252 Pteridophytes in Korea which is 79.4% of total fern allies are concentrated to this area, of which 60 taxa are thought to be growing only in this area. Among 60 taxa of limitted distribution to this area 56 taxa are at northern border of their distribution and one northern element is inhabited at the southern border. Numbers of Gymnosperms are very few comprising of 7 taxa, of which 4 taxa are endemic plants of Korea and the rest are distributed up to main land. Angiosperms consist of 344 taxa of Monocots and 1,073 taxa of Dicots. Twelve Monocots taxa are endemic plants and one of which goes up to main land. Sixty taxa of 70 endemic Dicots have limitted distribution to this area and 10 taxa extend their distribution to main land. Rare plants of Angiosperms are enumerated 156 taxa including 36 taxa of Monocots and 120 of Dicots. 142 of 156 taxa are fronted at the northern border zone of their distribution and 9 taxa distribute from the main land of Red China to Japan through Mt. Halla region. Three hundreds and five taxa of endemic and rara plants are included in the following list, which belong to 80 families, 201 genera, 293 species, 5 varieties and 7 forms. Endemic taxa are marked with hollow or solid circles at the head of their scientific names. Hollow circled taxa are these members whose habitats were found by the author and solid circled 26 taxa (29.4% of the total endemics of Mt. Halla) were not found growing during his visit there, although they were reported before from this region.

      • Exploration of Forage Resources of the Grass Lands Planned in Korea

        Lee, Tchang Bok 서울대학교 1972 서울대학교 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        전국에 산재한 1253개소의 초지에 자라는 식생을 조사함과 동시에 산야에 자라는 목초자원을 조사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 초지형은 관목형이 가장 많으며 35.9%가 이에 해당한다. 관목형은 잡목림으로 발달하는 도중에 있는 불안정한 식생형이므로 초지개량사업에 있어서는 특별한 주의가 필요함을 지적하였다. 2. 한 초지에 나타난 식물의 종류는 위치와 초지의 넓이에 따라 다르지만 전체적으로 볼때 흔히 자라는 식물의 종류는 21∼40종류가 가장 많았다. 3. 조사지 전역에 걸쳐서 나타난 식물의 종류는 584종으로서 이것은 흔히 자라는 식물의 종류만을 수록한 것이다. 4. 각 도를 단위로 하여 식물의 출현 빈도가 40%이상인 것은 65종이다. 5. 초지에서 자라는 584 종중 가식초는 255 종이었고 독초의 수는 29종이었으며 독초중 소가 먹은 것은 10종이다. 6. 생초 생산량(8∼9월 측정)에 있어서 ㏊ 당 5톤 미만의 생산력을 가진 초지는 60.7%이며 7톤이상의 생산력을 지닌 곳이 10.7%이었고 식물과별 생산량은 다음과 같다. 1) 벼과와 콩과식물은 각 10종 내외가 가장 많았으며 벼과 식물의 생초 생산량은 전생초 생산량의 43.8∼70%를 차지하며 평균 57.7%이었으나 콩과식물은 양적생산이 불규칙하므로 그의 생산성을 구하기는 극히 어렵다. 2) 사초과 1.7∼15.9%로서 평균 8.6%이다. 3) 벼과와 사초과를 합쳐서 측정한 결과를 보면 51.4∼80%를 차지하며 평균 65.1%이었다. 4) 벼과와 사초과 이외의 식물은 과별로 측정할만한 가치가 보이지 않았으며 전 생초 생산량의 20∼38.7%를 차지하며 평균 34.9%이었고 이 중에서 소가 먹을 수 있는 것은 4∼36.4%로서 평균 12.5%이며 안먹은 식물은 평균 22.4%이었다. 7. 목초자원으로서 852종을 밝혔다. 우리나라의 전 고등식물자원 4597 종류중 이와 가까운 위치에 있는 것이 3759 종류이었고 838 종류는 이와 거리가 멀지만 앞으로의 계속적인 조사가 필요하며 소가 먹지 않는 식물의 공통적인 특색은 대략 다음과 같다. 1) 조직이 굳어진 것. 2) 물속에 들어 있는 것. 3) 높이가 3㎝ 내외인 것. 4) 향기나 냄새가 강한 것. 5) 신맛이 강한 것……왕머루는 제외. 6) 찌르는 가시가 있는 것. 7) 나자식물 및 양치식물. 8. 29 종의 독초가 나타났으나 다른 16종도 나타날 가능성이 있으므로 전체 45종이 나타날 가능성이 있다. 9. 초지 개량중 북미산 돼지풀(Ambrosia)이 들어 와서 퍼져가고 있으며 이것은 사람에게 화분병(花粉病)을 일으키는 식물이므로 조속히 제거할 필요성이 있다. 10. 본 조사를 통하여 우리의 현 영역에서 새로 발견된 식물은 다음과 같다. 1) 진퍼리잔대(Adenophora)는 북한에서 만주에 분포되는 것으로 알려졌으나 진안과 무주에서 발견되었다. 2) 억새의 뿌리에 기생하는 야고(Aeginetia indica var. gracilis)가 제주도의 아리랑고개에서 발견되었다. 3) 민숲개밀(Brachypodium sylvaticum var. miserum)은 금강산 북쪽에 자라는 것으로 알려졌으나 남쪽 섬에서 발견되었다. 4) 우산잔듸(Cynodon dactylon)은 목초자원으로서 또는 토양보존용으로 잘 알려진 식물이지만 남쪽 바닷가에서만 알려졌든 것이 강원도의 낙산사 근처에서도 발견 되었다.

      • Endemic and Rare Plants of Mt. Sorak

        Lee, Tchang-Bok 서울大學校農業生命科學大學附屬樹木園 1984 서울大學校 樹木園 硏究報告 Vol.- No.5

        雪嶽山地域에서 지금까지 報告된 약 1000種의 管束植物중에서 114種類의 稀貴植物이 天然保護區域內에서 자라고 있음을 밝혔다. 114種類중에서 65種類는 特産植物이며, 특히 그중에서 17種類는 이 區域內에서만 生育한다. 이 밖에 대부분의 植物들은 分布限界線上에 놓여 있음으로 이 植物들은 稀貴植物로 收錄하였다. 高山植物 및 멸종위기에 놓인 種을 포함하는 13種類는 그들의 生態的 特性을 보고하였다. With an investigation of the flora of the nature reserve area of Mt. Sorak the author presented 114 taxa among more or less 1000 total vascular plants reported so far from this area. He concluded that 65 of 114 taxa were endemic plants, in which 17 taxa were inhabited only in this area. The most of the rest taxa were those plants that were growing at the border area of their distributions, which he listed them under a category of rare plants. Thirteen taxa which include alpine species and endangered species were presented with their ecological status.

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