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        Optical Properties of Mg- and Ni- Doped Ag2S Colloidal Nanoparticles

        Talaat M. Hammad,Aowda M. Shallah,Jamil K. Salem 한국물리학회 2018 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.73 No.5

        In this work, we report the optical properties of Mg- and Ni-doped Ag2S colloidal nanoparticles. The Mg- and Ni-doped Ag2S nanoparticles were prepared using a wet chemical method. The in uence of doping on the optical properties of the Mg- and Ni-doped Ag2S nanoparticles was investigated. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed the shapes of particles to be spherical with an average particle size of about 5 - 18 nm for all pure and doped Ag2S nanoparticles. The absorption spectra of the Mg-doped samples were red shifted from 2.42 to 2.20 eV, however, the UV-vis spectra of the Ni-doped Ag2S showed a blue shift from 2.42 to 2.60 eV. The observed blue shift in the band gap of Ni-doped Ag2S may be due to the substitution of Ni in to the Ag2S lattice. The photoluminescence intensity of the Mg-doped Ag2S nanoparticles increased as the Mg concentration was increased. However, the photoluminescence (PL) intensity of the Ni-doped Ag2S decreased as the concentration of Ni was increased.

      • KCI등재후보


        TALAAT M. HAMMAD,JAMIL K. SALEM,ROGER G. HARRISON 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2009 NANO Vol.4 No.4

        Zinc oxide (ZnO) and yttrium-doped ZnO nanoparticles with particle size in the nanometer range have been successfully synthesized by the alkali precipitation method. The nanoparticle size and morphology have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The average particle size of Y-doped ZnO nanoparticles is about 17–29 nm. The absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the undoped and doped ZnO nanoparticles were also investigated. The optical band gap of ZnO nanoparticles can be tuned from 3.27 to 3.40 eV with increasing yittrium doping levels from 0 to 5%. The nanoparticles gave two emission peaks, one at around 376 nm and the other at 500 nm.

      • KCI등재

        Awareness of women in Islamic jurist: A Novel “Mined Notches with Roses” as a case study. By the Palestinian writer “Sabreen Faroun”

        Talaat al-Jundi, Mohammed 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2020 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.24 No.3

        The topic of this research is Awareness of women in Islamic jurist: A novel “mined notches with roses” as a case study. By the Palestinian writer “Sabreen Faroun”. Narrative text “Mined Notches with Roses” an important topic in the Arab narrative that records the social reality, especially the topic of family abuse. The narrative of violence in this text reveals the masks of domestic abuse, through the path of female characters who have been subjected to many types of verbal and moral violence, whether through insults or severe beating. This novel deals with many social issues related to the subject of family law in Islam, such as marriage, maintenance of the family, children, and female education.

      • KCI등재

        Sufi discourse in the contemporary Arabic novelas shown in Maqam Sidi Al-Arif by Egyptian novelist Zaki Salem

        Mohamed Talaat Algindi 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2019 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.23 No.2

        The topic of this research is [Sufi discourse in the contemporary Arabic novelas shown in Maqam Sidi Al-Arif by Egyptian novelist Zaki Salem]. This paper aims to analyze the Sufi discourse in the contemporary Arabic novel. For this purpose, this paper presented three important topics: 1. Quranic reference to Sufi in the novel text. 2. Traditional Sufism. 3. The contemporary Sufi discourse. Is a Sufi discourse hiring extensively in the novel of contemporary Arab, because it reflects Arab culture and depicts the system of intellectual community, in this sense came our study to examine the forms of employment of sufi discourse in the novel Arab contemporary inspired by the novel “Maqam Sidi Al-Arif” by Egyptian novelist “Zaki Salem” as a case study, Because this novel mimicry Sufism, As well as the writer presented a new vision of Sufi In the narrative text. So we will try to stand on Sufi discourse in the novel of Arab and its mechanisms and its properties, and analysis, explaining its forms that emerged in the events and how they interact with the characters of the novel. يؤسس الخطاب الصوفي المتوارث من النص القرآني بعض الصيغ المعيشية لتصليح العالم والنفس البشرية، وهي صيغ طرحها النص الروائي "مقام سيدي العريف"، وتتلخص في ثلاث مراحل، وهي: المرحلة الأولى: إعلان مبدأ الاكتفاء والتخلي عن بهرج الدنيا وزيف السلطة سواء سلطة سياسية أو سلطة روحية، وعلى الفرد أن يؤسس دنياه على محور الحياة الكريمة، وأن لا يزهد في ضروريات هذه الحياة من مأكل ومشرب وسكن وعمل وزواج. المرحلة الثانية: التسامح، ترك مسألة العقاب والحساب للخالق سبحانه وتعالى، وبالقطع هي درجة عالية من الارتقاء الصوفي، وقد طرحها النص بوعي فني وأيديولوجي عميق فمهما غلبت النزعة التسامحية فلا تعمى البصر عن حقائق الأشياء من حوله. وتبقى النقطة ذات الإشكالية في النص وهي منح التسامح في المطلق. المرحلة الثالثة: الاختيار، وهو مبدأ غاية في الأهمية جسده بطل الرواية في صياغة شفافة بطريقة قد تقبل فيه خطأ الاختيار وتجد له مبررا. وأعتقد هذه سقطة إنسانية أو بالمعني الصوفي يعد غفلة عن حسن الاختيار السليم، كما أن فكرة عدم العقاب على الخطأ الذي ترتكبه الشخصية يخلق عالما موازيا من الزيف والكذب، وذلك كان واضحا في اختيار عطية استكمال حياته في زي امرأة كي يعيش وسط الناس بصفة امرأة صوفية وشيخة. ثم يلتف حوله نساء القرية ويختلى بهن بما يفتح بابا لارتكاب معصية أو خطيئة الزنا. وفي مثل هذه الحالة يجب فضحها وكشفها لا التستر عليه كما ذهب في تأصيلها النص الروائي. حاول النص فرض خطابه الصوفي العصري مرتكزا على هذه المراحل الثلاثة، وعلى الرغم من الجوانب الإيجابية والسلبية في تحقيق مثل هذا الخطاب الذي شابه عدم تثوير الواقع وقضاياه كما في الصوفية الثورية على نقائض النفس وأخطائها، وفي نقدها السياسي للمجتمع وأفكاره السلفية التقليدية. استند الخطاب الصوفي في النص على الفلسفة الجمالية والتي بها يكتمل العالم النفسي للبشرية. وهذا يعنى أن الخطاب الصوفي العصري أظهر التنوع الأيديولوجي والشمولية القائمة على مفاهيم الفكر القرآني في تلمس سبل السعادة الروحية. يمكن القول بإن الخطاب قد تبنى فكرة تحقيق دولة الذات في خلق عالم خاص للشخصية فيه تتحرك بمساحات تسمح لها بممارسة ما تريد في نطاق الحرية الفردية التي لا تضر الآخرين، بل يمكن أن تقدم للآخرين وصفة علاج للبؤس والحزن والتشرد والفقر، والعبط كما رأينا في شخصية عزيزة. تحقيق دولة الفرد/ الشخصية الحقيقية، ليس في الحضرة فحسب كما قدمها خطاب النص الروائي في "مقام سيدى العريف"، بل تقام هذه الدولة ببناء بيت عامر بسبل الحياة وإقبال الدنيا من مسرات وملذات لا ببناء قبر بجوار قبر كما طرحت فكرة التخ ...

      • KCI등재

        Lebanese war archive in Arabic novel : Son allah Ibrahim’s “Beirut Beirut” as a case study

        Mohamed Talaat Algindi 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2015 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.20 No.4

        The topic of this research is [Lebanese war archive in Arabic novel: Son allah Ibrahim’s “Beirut Beirut” as a case study]. The novelist text “Beirut Beirut” the subject of research of important novels that took care of the registration of the Lebanese civil war. The novelist text gives depth and upfront portrait of a city “Beirut”, this time with plenty of commentary. Through the nameless narrator flies from Cairo to Beirut to look for a publisher for the controversial book he has written. A newspaper article leads him to believe that a decisive ceasefire may be imminent in the ongoing Lebanese Civil War, but, upon landing, he is quickly disabused of this. One publishing house interested in his book is bombed. Everyone he encounters carries a gun and employs bodyguards. Everything from parked cars to lifts are possibly rigged with explosives. The narrator brings all archival material from the Lebanese civil war of newspapers and documentary materials and historical. This research aspires addressing the problem of narrative relationship transfer from reality. In light of the Lebanese civil war.Through research in the following three points: ① The history of the real event. ② Problematic narratives actually transfer. ③ Literary archive of the Lebanese civil war

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Role of a Narrative Text in Criticism of Power: Al-Zahra Rumayj’s Al-Najun as a Case Study

        Mohammad Talaat Algendy 명지대학교 중동문제연구소 2018 중동문제연구 Vol.17 No.3

        The novelist text Al-Najun (Survivors) is the subject of this research of important novels that took care of the registration of the Moroccan people’s struggle for freedom against royal despotism in the 1970s. This research paper is based on the analysis of the literary text and analyses how religious authority overlaps with political and social power in the Arab society. More specifically, in Al-Najun, the Moroccan writer Al-Zahra Rumayj highlights the revolutionary progressive discourse in Moroccan society as a model of the reactionary power of religious authority to obliterate any improvement. The narrative text in Al-Najun criticizes this authoritarianism to reveal its falsity and how it delays humanitarian and progressive civilization and makes people live in political, economic, and social backwardness. Thus, this research is important.

      • KCI등재

        سردية شرف العائلة: في بلاد بلا سماء للكاتب اليمني وجدي الأهدل

        م,ح,م,د, ط,ل,ع,ت, ا,ل,ج,ن,د,ي,(Talaat al-Jundi, Mohammed) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2021 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.25 No.3

        وكان النص الروائي أرض بلا ياسمين موضوع بحث في الروايات المهمة التي اهتمت بتسجيل الواقع الاجتماعي العربي ، وخاصة موضوع الشرف. هذا شرف المرأة العربية. تتناول هذه الرواية العديد من القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية مثل الاضطهاد الجنسي للذكور والإناث في مجتمع محافظ وفساد المؤسسات العامة. الموضوعات الأخرى هي القبلية والعنف والتعذيب والفساد في قوة الشرطة والجامعة (مثل التحرش الجنسي من قبل الأساتذة مقابل الدرجات) ، والتقوى السطحية. إنه نقد مقلق ومثير للفكر وتصويري وصريح جنسياً للمجتمع اليمني بقلم وجدي الأهدل مؤلف مثير للجدل. The topic of this research is [Narrative of family honor: In “Bilad bila sama ” by the Yemeni writer “Wajdi Al-Ahdal”]. The novelist text “Bilad bila sama ” the subject of research of important novels that took care of the registration of the Arab social reality, especially the issue of honor. That is the honor of Arab women. This novel addresses many social and political issues such as the sexual oppression of both males and females in a conservative society and the corruption of public institutions. Other themes are tribalism, violence and torture, corruption in the police force and the university (e.g. sexual harassment by professors in exchange for grades), surface-level piety. It is a troubling, thought-provoking, graphic and sexually explicit critique of Yemeni society by “Wajdi Al-Ahdal” a controversial author who was forced to flee from Yemen because of his work.

      • Hepatitis C Virus Associations with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma: Insights on Inflammation/Angiogenesis and CD Markers

        El-Maadawy, Eman A,Talaat, Roba M,Sadek, Rawia F,El-Sherbini, Sherif M,Abdel-Bary, Naser,Abdel-Aziz, Amal A Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2016 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.17 No.9

        We aimed to investigate any association between hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) in the view of cytokines that control inflammation/angiogenesis and their correlation with certain CD markers. NHL patients with or without HCV infection were studied. CD5, CD30, CD3, CD20 and CD45 were immunohistochemically evaluated. Plasma levels of vascular endothelial and platelet derived growth factors (VEGF, and PDGF), tumor necrosis factor (TNF-${\alpha}$), transforming growth factor (TGF-${\beta}$), interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-8, IL-4, IL-12 and interferon gamma (IFN-${\gamma}$) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HCV+ve NHL patients showed a significant reduction in VEGF, PDGF, IFN-${\gamma}$, CD5 and CD45 and a significant increase in IL-12 and IL-8. In conclusion, there was a significant change in cytokine secretion and expression of CD markers in HCV+ve NHL patients. Based on our results, HCV infection in NHL patients requires more in-depth investigations to explore any role in lymphoma progression.

      • KCI등재

        Cone-beam computed tomography–based radiographic considerations in impacted lower third molars: Think outside the box

        Fahd Ali,Temerek Ahmed Talaat,Ellabban Mohamed T,Adam Samar Ahmed Nouby,Shaheen Sarah Diaa Abd El-wahab,Refai Mervat S,Shatat Zein Abdou 대한영상치의학회 2023 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.53 No.2

        Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the anatomic circle around the impacted lower third molar to show, document, and correlate essential findings that should be included in the routine radiographic assessment protocol as clinically meaningful factors in overall case evaluation and treatment planning. Materials and Methods: Cone-beam computed tomographic images of impacted lower third molars were selected according to specific inclusion criteria. Impacted teeth were classified according to their position before assessment. The adjacent second molars were assessed for distal caries, distal bone loss, and root resorption. The fourth finding was the presence of a retromolar canal distal to the impaction. Communication with the dentist responsible for each case was done to determine whether these findings were detected or undetected by them before communication. Results: Statistically significant correlations were found between impaction position, distal bone loss, and detected distal caries associated with the adjacent second molar. The greatest percentage of undetected findings was found in the evaluation of distal bone status, followed by missed detection of the retromolar canal. Conclusion: The radiographic assessment protocol for impacted third molars should consider a step-by-step evaluation for second molars, and clinicians should be aware of the high prevalence of second molar affection in horizontal and mesioangular impactions. They also should search for the retromolar canal due to its associated clinical considerations.

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