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      • 韓國産 野生油脂 植物의 디-젤機關 代替燃料 開發에 관한 硏究

        崔圭洪,李麗夏,趙台煥,洪性珏 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1982 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        本 硏究는 國內에 自生하는 木本植物의 種實油로서 디젤 및 石油엔진의 代替에너지로 쓸 수 있는지를 調査하기 위해 시도되었다. 운향科, 대극科, 국화科 및 콩科에 속하는 몇몇 植物의 採油量과 代替에너지로서의 品質을 調査하였고, 아울러 採油하고 남은 油粕이 動物飼料로서 쓰일 수 있을지도 硏究하였다. 上記한 種實油 중 輕油 및 石油에 쉽게 溶解되는 쉬나무의 種實油만이 엔진試驗에 쓰일 수 있었다. 本 實驗에서 種實油는 輕油 및 石油와 0%∼100%까지 여러 단계의 比率로 혼합 사용되었으며, 이로써 엔진始動試驗, 最大出力, 全荷重 및 過荷重에서의 燃料消費率, 調速性能, 無負荷回轉數 그리고 排氣가스 내의 炭火水素(HC)와 一酸化炭素(CO)의 量을 측정하였다. 本 實驗의 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 種實油의 含量은 쉬나무의 경우 40%이고, 예덕나무 41%, 산초나무 38.5%, 주엽나무 2.3%였다. 예덕나무와 산초나무의 種實油는 採油한 후, 곧 固化되어 輕油 및 石油에 溶解되지 않았다. 쉬나무의 種實油만이 輕油 및 石油에 잘 녹았으므로 이로써 엔진試驗을 實施하였다. 2) 輕油와 쉬나무 種實油의 比重은 각각 0.840과 0.932였다. 輕油와 種實油의 混合油의 比重은 混合比가 커질수록 낮아졌다. 이를 디젤엔진에 사용해 본 結果는 다음과 같다. ① 最大出力은 常用回轉數 2,400rpm에서 D.C. Dynanometer로 測定한 바 種實油 0%의 경우 6ps였고, 30% 種實油는 6.2ps, 50% 種實油는 6.55ps, 70% 種實油는 6.7ps, 90% 種實油는 6.6ps였다. ② 4/4 全負荷의 경우, 燃料消費率은 種實油 100%의 경우 239g/ps-hr로 최소였으며 30% 種實油는 250g/ps-hr, 0% 種實油는 253g/ps-hr, 50% 種實油는 256g/ps-hr, 90% 種實油는 257g/ps-hr 그리고 70% 種實油는 258g/ps-hr이었다. 11/10 過負荷의 경우 種實油 90%의 경우 251g/ps-hr로 최소였으며, 70% 種實油는 253g/ps-hr, 30% 種實油는 259g/ps-hr 50% 種實油는 261g/ps-hr, 0% 種實油는 279g/ps-hr 그리고 100% 種實油는 281g/ps-hr이었다. ③ 調速性能比는 種實油 0%의 경우 6%인데 비해, 種實油 30∼100%에 있어서는 5∼5.7%였다. 安定速度變動率은 種實油 0%의 경우 5%인데 비해, 種實油 30∼100%에 있어서는 1.9∼5.5%였다. 일반적으로 混合油는 순수한 디젤油에 비해 뛰어난 調速性能을 나타냈다. ④ 無負荷回轉時 엔진시험에 사용된 모든 燃料는 공히 高速 3.030rpm, 低速 600rpm으로 꼭 같았다. ⑤ 排氣가스內의 HC(ppm) 및 CO(%)의 양을 측정한 바 種實油 0%의 경우 各各 800ppm과 0.05%였고, 30% 種實油는 500ppm과 0.04%, 50% 種實油는 500ppm과 0.03%, 70% 種實油는 500ppm과 0.03%, 90% 種實油는 450ppm과 0.03% 그리고 100% 種實油의 경우는 400ppm과 0.02%를 나타내었다. ⑥ 엔진始動이 可能한 潤滑油 溫度는 種實油 0%의 경우 -10℃였고, 50% 種實油는 -5℃, 70% 種實油는 -2℃, 90% 種實油는 3℃ 그리고 100% 種實油의 경우 5℃였다. 그러나 暖機運轉 後에는 모든 경우에 있어서 外氣溫度 -10℃에서도 始動이 可能하였다. 3) 石油의 比重은 0.785였고, 쉬나무 種實油와 混合油의 比重은 種實油의 混合比가 커질수록 증가하였다. 石油엔진의 경우 種實油 10%의 混合油로 엔진始動이 可能하였으나 plug의 汚損이 심했다. 繼續運轉時 plug에 堆積된 炭素 때문에 pre-ignition 및 knocking 現象이 일어났다. 種實油 20%의 경우 不完全燃燒로 인해 back fire現象이 일어나고 muffler에서 火焰이 生成되며 knocking 現象이 심하게 나타났다. 種實油 30%의 경우 엔진은 겨우 始動되지만 種實油가 氣化器의 main nozzle, air bleed jet 및 slow nozzle에 붙어서 심함 hunting 現象이 일어나고 엔진이 停止되었다. 4) 採油하고 남은 쉬나무의 油粕은 24%의 蛋白質을 含有하여 動物飼料로써 이용될 수 있는 可能性을 보였다. 이상의 結果에서 보듯이 쉬나무의 種實油는 石油엔진에는 쓰일 수 없으나 디젤엔진의 代替에너지로는 훌륭할 것으로 思慮된다. To know the possibility of fuel substitution for diesel and kerosene engine with the seed oil from the woody plants native in Korea, the seed oil from Rutaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Compositae and Leguminosae was collected and examined in terms of the quantity and quality of the seed oil as the fuel substitute. The feasibility of animal feed substitution with the residuals after the oil extraction was also considered. Because of the solubility of the seed oil into diesel and kerosene, only the Evodia seed oil was used for the engine test. The seed oil was mixed with diesel or kerosene at the various ratioes; 0% to 100%, and the following tests were done; the engine starting, the maximum out-put, the fuel consumption rate each at the normal and over-loading condition, the governer performance, the rpm at the unloading condition and the content of hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) in the burned gas of the diesel and the kerosene engine. The following results were obtained. 1) The content of seed oil was 40% of the dry weight of the seeds with Evodia daniellii Hemsley, 41% with Mallotus japonicus Muell.-Arg., 38.5% with Zanthoxylum schinifolium S. et Z., 2.3% with Gleditsia japonica var. koraiensis(Nak.) Nakai. The seed oil from Mallotus japonicus and Zanthoxylum schinifolium became hard and was not soluble to diesel and kerosene. The seed oil from Evodia daniellii was easily soluble both to diesel and kerosene, so that the engine test was done only with the Evodia seed oil. 2) The specific gravity of diesel and the Evodia seed oil was 0.840 and 0.932 respectively. The mixed seed oil with diesel had proportionally lower specific gravity as the mixing percent increased. The following results were obtained with diesel engine. a) The maximum output of the diesel engine measured by D.C. Motoring Dynanometer at the 2400rpm of normal revolution was 6ps with the 0% seed oil, 6.2ps with the 30%, 6.55ps with the 50%, 6.7ps with the 70%, 6.6ps with the 90% and 6.6ps with the 100% seed oil. b) The rate of fuel consumption at the 4/4 normal loading was 239g/ps-hr with the 100%seed oil which had the least rate among the treatments and 250g/ps-hr with the 30%, 253/ps-hr with the 0%, 256g/ps-hr with the 50%, 257g/ps-hr with the 90%, 258g/ps-hr with the 70%. The consumption rate at the 11/10 overloading was 251g/ps-hr with the 90% seed oil which had the least rate, and 253g/ps-hr with the 70%, 259g/ps-hr with the 30%, 261g/ps-hr with the 50%, 279g/ps-hr with the 0% and 281g/ps-hr with the 100%. c) The coefficient of fluctuation of instantaneous speed was 6% with the 0% seed oil, while 5-5.7% with the 30% to 100%. The coefficient of fluctuation of stable speed was 5% with the 0% seed oil, while 1.9-5.5.% with the 30% to 100%. In general the mixed fuel showed excellent governer performance as compared with the pure diesel. d) Revolution at the unloading condition was 3030rpm at high speed, 600rpm at low speed in all combinations of oil-diesel mixture. e) The concentration of hydrocarbon(ppm) and carbon monoxide(%) was respectively 800ppm and 0.05% in the 0% seed oil, 500ppm and 0.04% in the 30%, 500ppm and 0.03% in the 50%, 500ppm and 0.03% in the 70%, 450ppm and 0.03% in the 90%, 400 ppm and 0.02% in the 100%. f) The lowest engine oil temperature at which the engine can start was -10℃ with the 0% seed oil, -5℃ with the 50%, -2℃ with the 70%, 3℃ with the 90% and 5℃ with the 100%. However, in case of using prewarmed engine, there were no difficulties in starting engine with all combination of oil at the air temperature of -10℃. 3) The specific gravity of kerosene was 0.785 and that of the mixture with the Evodia seed oil increased as the percentage of the seed oil increased. The kerosene engine was able to start with the 10% seed oil kerosene, but the plug was easily contaminated. On the continuous running, the pre-ignition and knocking occured because of the carbon accumulation at plug. With the 20% seed oil, incomplete combustion caused back fire, flame and knocking at the muffler. With the 30% seed oil, the engine was able to start with difficulties and the seed oil which sticked on the main nozzle, air bleed jet and slow nozzle in the carburetor caused serious hunting and the engine stopped. 4) The protein content of the Evodia seed residuals after the oil extraction was 24%, suggesting that could be used as animal feed. The above results suggested that the seed oil from Evodia daniellii can not be used in the kerosene engine but excellent fuel substitute in the diesel engine.

      • 밤나무 耐寒性品種 選拔에 관한 硏究 : 耐霜性을 中心으로 Castanea crenata S. et Z.

        趙台煥,洪性珏 건국대학교 1980 學術誌 Vol.24 No.2

        Seasonal change in freezing resistance of buds and xylem parenchyma of 32 chestnut cultivars (Castanea crenata S. et Z.) were studied during winter of 1977 to 1978. Dehardening responses of the hardened twigs in mid-winter were examined by being exposed to high temperature of 20℃ for 3 to 15 days. Rehardening responses of the artificially or naturally dehardened twigs were tested by being exposed to short or long-term low temperatures of 7℃ or -10℃. The freezing resistance of graft unions of two cultivars was compared to that of the upper and lower parts of twigs of the seedlings at mid winter and early spring. Variation in freezing resistance among 32 chestnut cultivars at the late fall of 1977 and the early spring of 1978 were much greater than that of the early and mid-winter. The little variation in freezing resistance at mid-winter suggested that in selecting most cold hardy cultivar the speed of hardening and dehardening in cold and warm condition respectively are more important factors than the magnitude of maximum freezing resistance which could have been obtained during mid-winter or by artificial hardening, The warm temperature of 20℃ for 3 to 15 days decreased freezing resistance of the fully hardened twigs at mid-winter. The low temperature of 7 or -10℃ in short or long term increased freezing resistance of the twigs which had been dehardened either by artificial high temperature treatment or by natural conditions in early spring. The difference in freezing resistance in early spring among cultivars coincided with the difference in the sensitivity in hardening by the low temperature treatment and/or in delaying dehardening by warm temperature treatment. In the late fall and the early spring buds of all cultivars showed less freezing resistance than xylem parenchyma. In the contrast the xylem parenchyma became less hardy than the buds as the cold acelimation progreesed toward mid-winter and as the rehardening occurred on the dehardened twigs at early spring by low temperature treatment. In graft unions the upper parts of twigs showed more freezing resistance than graft parts in mid-winter. But in early spring the cold hardiness of the two parts are conversely changed each other. This phenomena frill be a good index for distinguishing midwinter from late frost damage.

      • 헛개나무 플라스틱 망포트 容器苗 생산에 관한 연구

        윤택승,홍성각 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 2002 農資源開發論集 Vol.24 No.-

        This study was carried out to develop the technique for the production of high quality containerized seedlings of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. by using plastic net container. The seedlings were grown on the medium of peatmoss : perlite : vermiculite (1 : 1 : 1, v/v) in plastic net container and no-net plastic container as control for five months in the PE house. The seedlings grown in the plastic net container shoed better root collar diameter growth, better development of long and fine roots, lower T/R ratio, more increment of dry mass of roots and shoots than those grown in the no-net container. In particular the seedlings grown in plastic net container had no spiraling roots which were always observed in the control container seedlings. These results suggest that the air-root pruning effect of plastic net container will be able to produce the Hovenia dulcis of which the root development and the shoot growth are enhanced.

      • 소나무 종자의 열휴면

        이기철,홍성각 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 2002 農資源開發論集 Vol.24 No.-

        Seeds of Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. are non-dormant and can be germinated well without pretreatment process. However, in the nursery practice during the summer time, P. densiflora seeds germinate at a lower percentage and exhibit highly irregular germinating behaviour. The purpose of this study is to determine what environmental conditions during summer inhibit germination of Pinus densiflora seeds, and whether the inhibited seeds expire or enter the secondary dormancy. The following results were obtained from the series of germination tests after the various pretreatments with degrees of imbibition, treatment temperatures and periods. The germination percent decreased as the temperature at germination bed was high. The imbibed seeds exposed to high temperatures of 35 to 40℃ for longer than 2 days were damaged by heat. However the seeds exposed to the high temperature for less than 24 hrs were not damaged by heat and induced a thermodormacy. Especially, the high temperatures during at early imbibition of first 24hrs significantly lowered the percentage of germination. After the germination test, it was checked that most of the ungerminated seeds were not dead, but entered the dormant state. However, the high temperatures during 24hrs imbibition later than first 24hrs imbibition at 20℃ did not lower significantly the percent germination.

      • 밤나무 小枝에 있어서 梢頭部와 下端部의 耐凍性의 差異

        趙台煥,洪性珏 건국대학교 1978 學術誌 Vol.22 No.1

        Freezing resistance of winter bud and xylem at each tip, middle and base portion of current year twigs of 32 chestnut cultivars was measured on October 30, December 1,1977 and January 10, 1978. The bud and xylem collected on October 10 and bud on December 1, 1977 did not show consistant difference in freezing resistance among tip, middle and base portion of the twigs. Freezing resistance of the xylem collected on December 1,1977 and January 10,1978 was in order of tip, middle and babe portions from highest to lowest in most cultivars of chestnut. The importance of lower freezing resistance of the base portion than the tip was discussed to determine cold resistant cultivars and grafting methods of chestnut.

      • 數種의 被覆處理가 秋植한 사과苗木의 枯死防止에 미치는 影響

        金鍾天,洪性珏 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1978 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        本試驗은 몇가지 種類의 사과苗木을 供試하여 秋植한 後 凍害와 乾燥害를 同時에 防止할 수 있을 것으로 생각되는 몇가지 處理를 實施하여 그 중에서 秋植後의 枯死率을 輕減시킬 수 있는 效果的인 方法을 選拔코자 實施하였던 바 그 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 여러 가지 被覆處理 中 silver poly film 被覆區는 어떤 處理區보다 苗木의 枯死率이 낮았다. 2. 3∼4年生의 몇가지 사과품종에 대하여 調査한 바 栽植할 때부터 深耕을 하여준 나무는 未深耕區의 나무보다 枯死率이 현저히 낮았다. 3. 어떤 종류의 苗木도 移植한 區의 나무는 冬期間의 枯死率이 현저히 높았고 移植하지 않고 제 자리에 둔 區의 苗木은 피해가 없거나 극히 輕微하였다. 이상의 結果로 볼 때 사과苗木의 枯死는 주로 移植에 의한 乾燥被害인 것으로 推定되며 移植後의 苗木을 silver poly film 으로 被覆하여 줌으로써 枯死率을 현저히 低下시킬 수 있다고 認定된다. This study was carried out to investigate the most effective method for the control of winter dieback damage on several kinds of apple nursery trees. The fall planted nursery trees were treated with various treatments supposed to protect them from low temperature and desiccation, and the winter twig dieback of apple nursery trees was measured. The results were shown as follows. 1. Twig dieback of the fall planted nursery trees could be lowered by covered all stem part above ground with silver poly film. 2. Twig dieback of three to four year old apple trees growing on dry land could be lowered by deep plowing the soil for several years from the time of planting. 3. Fall planted apple nursery trees significantly affected the dieback damage, however any untransplanted one was not or very little damaged. 4. The possible methods to minimize the winter dieback damage for the fall planted apple nursery trees and three to four year old young apple trees were discussed.

      • 밤나무 耐寒性品種 選拔에 관한 연구

        李麗夏,趙台煥,洪性珏 건국대학교 1976 學術誌 Vol.20 No.2

        32 cultivars of chestnut were collected at the Kyunggido Forest Experimental Station, Oh-San, Kyunggido, Korea on November and December, 1976. The freezing resistance of winter bud, cambium and xylem parenchyma of the cultivars was measured to select out freezing resistant cultivars under the condition of early winter in Korea. The winter bud showed lowest freezing resistance among tissue parts. The xylen parenchyma attained relatively higher freezing resistance than the cambium did. On the basis of the freezing resistance of winter bud eleven cultivars which showed relatively high freezing resistance were selected among 32 cultivars of chestnuts. Again on the basis of the freezing resistance of cambium which is often one of the critical factors in winter damage, another eleven freezing resistant cultivars were selected. The eight cultivars which showed both freezing resistance of winter bud and cambium were chosen. These were in order from highest to lowest selected freezing resistant cultivars, wild chinese chest nut, Dan-Taeck, OK-Kwang, Bong-Eeh, Chuk-Pa, Da-Ap, Mahn-Juk, Ahn-Goon.

      • KCI등재

        삼나무 (杉) 내한성 (耐寒性) 품종 선발에 관한 연구

        홍성각,조태환,황증 ( Sung Gak Hong,Tae Hwan Cho,Jeung Hwang ) 한국산림과학회 1981 한국산림과학회지 Vol.51 No.1

        This study was designed to know difference in degree of dehardening and rehardening respectively by artificial high and low temperature treatments among different clonal seedlings and seedlings from different seed sources of Cryptomeria japonica which have been grown under the cold areas in Japan and Korea. High temperature treatment was done with 15 to 20℃ under 100% relative humidity for one to nine days and low temperature treatment was carried with -7℃ for one to three days. Occasionaly, high temperature treatment was combined and followed by low temperature treatment. The ability of stem section to delay dehardening by high temperature treatment and/or to hasten rehardening by low temperature treatment was used as an indicator of adaptability under extreme temperature fluctuation in nature. Clones and seedlings from different seed sources which showed greater freezing resistance than others after artificial high and/or low temperature treatments were selected over two to three time periods: early winter, mid winter and early spring in 1977 to 1980. These were Seoul #7, and #9, Namboo #3, and #4, Sung-Kang #11, Chung-Sam #8 and Huek-Suk #9. These selected seedlings might have survival advantage to withstand early and late frost damage, especially the critical frost damage of the basal stem, since it was known to be induced by lowering freezing resistance of the basal part when exposed to the high temperature near the ground during the day. Large variation in freezing resistance and degree of dehardening and rehardening was found among clonal or seed sources and among individuals within a seed source, but was not related to the difference in climatic conditions where the parent trees was selected. These indicated the possibility of future breeding work for more cold resistant family of Cryptomeria japonica.

      • Factors Influencing the Rapid Shift of Deep Supercooling of Apple Xylem Induced by Near-zero-temperatures

        Hong,Sung-Gak 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1982 論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        사과나무 材部柔組織의 低溫過冷却 移動에 影響하는 外部 및 內部因子를 알기 위하여 또한 0℃ 隣接溫度로 誘發되는 低溫過冷却 移動과 관련되어 있는 低溫過冷却의 原理를 理解하기 위하여, 本 硏究는 低溫發熱反應의 變化에 미치는 水分缺乏, 凍死, 炭酸가스, 代謝抑制物質의 效果를 試驗하였다. 水分缺乏으로 인해 0℃ 隣接溫度로 誘發되는 低溫過冷却 移動은 부분적으로 抑制되었으며 水分缺乏된 材部柔組織에 水分을 減壓浸透시킴으로써 또한 전체 樹木에 水分을 供給해 줌으로써 이러한 抑制作用을 除去시킬 수 있었다. 低溫凍死된 組織에는 0℃ 隣接溫度에 의한 低溫過冷却 移動이 전혀 일어나지 않았다. 炭酸가스 및 代謝抑制物質은 0℃ 隣接溫度의 效果를 완전히 또는 부분적으로 抑制시켰으며, 이 抑制效果는 處理時間, 抑制劑의 種類 및 濃度에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 炭酸가스의 抑制效果는 炭酸가스의 處理時間에 따라 다르게, 試料를 多濕한 空氣에 露出시킴으로써 없어졌다. 이상의 結果로 보면 사과나무 材部柔組織의 過冷却과 低溫發熱反應의 變化에는 細胞膜과 細胞壁이 각각 獨立的인 因子로서 작용할 뿐만 아니라, 相互作用 因子로서 關聯되어 있다고 생각된다. To know external and internal factors affecting the rapid shift of low temperature exotherm of apple xylem and to understand the mechanism of deep supercooling as related to the rapid shift by near-zero-temperature, the present study tested the effect of water stress, freezing, CO₂ and metabolic inhibitors on the shift of exotherm temperature. The rapid shift of low temperature exotherm by near-zero-temperature(NZT) was inhibited partially by water stress and the inhibition was reversed either by vacuum infiltration of the xylem with water or by rehydration through watering the whole plant. Freeze-killing inhibited the NZT effect completely. CO₂ and metabolic inhibitors inhibited the NZT effect completely or partially depending on the duration of treatment, the kind and the concentration of the inhibitors. The inhibitory effect of CO₂ was reversible or partially reversible by exposing the sample in the humid air depending the duration of CO₂ treatment. The above results suggested that the deep supercooling and the shift of low temperature exotherm of the apple xylem involve the cell membrane and the cell wall not only as an independent factor, but also as the interacting factor.

      • KCI등재

        단기 저온처리가 수목휴면지 (樹木休眠枝) 내한성도에 (耐寒性度) 미치는 효과

        홍성각(Sung Gak Hong),조태환(Tae Hwan Cho) 한국산림과학회 1975 한국산림과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The present study explored the rapid effect of low temperature on the freezing resistance of dehardening twigs of three apple cultivars and sweet cherry. The effect of low temperature was depending upon the thawing treatment following to the low temperature treatment. When the freezing temperature to -9℃ for three hours followed by thawing treatment (5℃) was given repeatedly twice, the low temperature increased apparently the cold hardiness of apple and cherry by 3 to 9℃. On the other hand, when the freezing temperature (-9℃) for ten hours was pretreated without thawing, the low temperature appeared not affecting the cold resistance of the twigs. The role of freezing-thawing temperature cycle in nature was discussed as a signal of environmental stimulus to which dehardening plant may be responding to increase their cold hardiness so as to adapt against the damage of late frost in early spring.

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