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        Arguments on Information Secrecy Made by Public Agencies in Indonesia: A Case Study in the Disputes over Access to Information, 2010-2016

        Lina Miftahul Jannah,Eko Prasojo 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2017 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.46 No.3

        Public information transparency is one of the instruments to monitor how well government organizations cater to the people. The Public Information Disclosure Act of 2018, which obligates government institutions to disclose information to the public, arose due to the law and the demand from the people. This article is focused on the secrecy arguments that were presented by public agencies during the information dispute. These government organizations have not yet fully catered to the people in a proactive manner. Ironically, part of the allegedly confidential information is supposed to be proactively declared to the public. From 2010-2016 there were 232 non-litigation adjudication decisions by the Central Information Commission. Public agencies have refused to provide information by offering a variety of arguments, such as the information requested is a state secret, the applicant is not entitled to the requested information, and the information requested may be misused.


        Short-term grazing behavior of cattle under indoor housing for a new-bred tetraploid ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis Germain et Everard)

        Ishigaki, Genki,Nitthaisong, Pattama,Prasojo, Yogi Sidik,Kobayashi, Ikuo,Fukuyama, Kiichi,Rahman, Mohammad Mijanur,Akashi, Ryo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2018 Animal Bioscience Vol.31 No.5

        Objective: The preference evaluation of cattle is an important factor for estimation and improvement of the grazing amounts of newly introduced or bred grasses or cultivars in barn. This study was performed to assess the grazing behavior (the amount of grazing and/or the grazing speed) of cattle as indirect method using newly bred Brachiaria ruziziensis tetraploid strain 'OKI-1'(BR) hay as treatment group and Cloris gayana 'Callide' (CG) hay as control group. It also compared the feasibility of using behavioral differences between two groups as one criteria for evaluating preference by Japanese black cattle in barn. Methods: Three experiments were carried out using 12 growing Japanese Black cattle including 6 males and 6 females. In each experiment, the four Japanese Black cattle (2 males and 2 females) were placed in separated stall and allowed to graze BR and CG in manger that was separated into two portions for about 30 min. The position and behavior of the cattle were recorded, and weighed the residual of each gay at 15 and 30 minutes after experiment start. Results: The BR was superior to CG in chemical composition such as protein, fibers and non-fibrous carbohydrate. The cattle, over all, tended to prefer BR over CG in the first half 15 minutes in terms of the time spent and amount of grazing. Additionally, growing cattle exhibited neophilia for BR bred newly. Conclusion: These findings indicated the current approach could be applied for one of criteria to evaluate the preference of hay by Japanese black cattle under indoor housing environment.

      • KCI등재

        A Rich Picture of the Problem and Value Chain of Integrated Ciliwung Watershed Ecosystems Management and Restoration

        Rasio Ridho Sani,Eko Prasojo,Andreo Wahyudi Atmoko 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2017 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.46 No.3

        This research aims to discover the rich picture of problems that hinder the application of integrated watershed ecosystems management and restoration (WEMR) and to formulate the value chain in order to solve the problems of coordination and overlapping activities in the Ciliwung watershed. Rich picture analysis reveals three problems at the policy level, three problems at the organisational level, and four problems at the operational level. To achieve the strategic targets of Ciliwung WEMR, there are value chains that need to be conducted by: 1) enhancing the conservation area; 2) enhancing the hydraulic capacity; and 3) improving the water quality. These three can be accomplished by implementing: 1) sustainable spatial planning of the Ciliwung watershed and 2) institutional setup and community culture strengthening in the Ciliwung watershed. This research should be followed by further research, which studies the model of proper institutional design and collaboration of the actors in the Ciliwung WEMR.


        “Dia Dikader”: Women’s NGOs roles, networks, and the agency of women’s legislative candidates in West Sumatra

        Kurniawati Hastuti DEWI,Ade LATIFA,Nur Iman SUBONO,Wahyu PRASETYAWAN,Ari Purwanto Sarwo PRASOJO Asian Center for Women's Studies : Ewha Womans Uni 2023 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.29 No.4

        Penelitian sebelumnya mengenai keterwakilan perempuan di parlemen Indonesia pada Pemilu 2019 mengidentifikasi dua strategi yang umum digunakan calon legislatif perempuan untuk meraih kemenangan. Strategi ini mencakup pertama, dengan memanfaatkan jaringan perempuan untuk memobilisasi dukungan, dan kedua, mengandalkan dinasti politik terpusat pada kekuasaan laki-laki. Tulisan ini ingin memberikan kontribusi baru terhadap kajian yang sudah ada dengan menunjukkan pentingnya peran Ornop (Organisasi Non-Pemerintah) perempuan dalam menyuplai dan mempersiapkan calon legislatif perempuan, melalui kasus pemilihan anggota DPRD Provinsi Sumatera Barat pada Pemilu tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang bersumber dari wawancara mendalam terhadap calon legislatif perempuan di DPRD Provinsi Sumatra Barat serta aktivis perempuan dan observasi terhadap mereka. Tulisan ini mengungkapkan bahwa kemunculan caleg perempuan di Sumatera Barat telah dipersiapkan (“dikader”) oleh Ornop perempuan seperti Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia Sumatra Barat dan Wanita Islam Sumatra Barat. Ornop perempuan ini mempunyai peran penting dalam mendukung terpilihnya kandidat perempuan dengan memberikan pelatihan politik, konsultasi, dukungan moral, dan akses terhadap jaringan perempuan. Kepercayaan Ornop perempuan terhadap para kandidat perempuan ini berasal dari interaksi sosio-politik jangka panjang di antara mereka. Hal ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kandidat perempuan memainkan peran aktif karena mereka mampu memanfaatkan dukungan Ornop perempuan dan menggunakan jaringan perempuan untuk menjangkau pemilih. Previous research, on the representation of women in the Indonesian parliament in the 2019 General Election, identifies two common strategies used by women legislative candidates to win. One is to draw on women’s networks to mobilize support and the other is to rely on the dynastic power. This paper contributes to existing studies by exploring the vital role of women NGOs in supplying and preparing women’s legislative candidates through a case study of the West Sumatra Provincial Parliament in the 2019 General Election. Qualitative research methods were used for this research, drawing on in-depth interviews with women legislative candidates of West Sumatra Provincial Parliament and women activists. This paper reveals that the rise of women candidates in West Sumatra was “prepared” (dikader)by women’s NGOs, namely Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia of West Sumatra and Wanita Islam of West Sumatra. These women NGOs have played an important role in getting women elected by providing political training, consultation, moral support, and access to women’s networks. Women NGOs’ support for these women candidates arose from their long-term socio-political relationship. This research has also revealed that the women candidates exercised a great deal of agency in reaching the voters through these women’s NGOs and networks.

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