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      • KCI등재

        유기식품 시장의 확대를 위한 소비자 기대 충족 요건

        Pearson David,Jung Man-Chul 한국유기농업학회 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        The world’s food production systems are becoming an area of great concern for both human and ecological health. Research has identified that one of the greatest threats to sustainability is conventional industrial agricultural systems and the high energy and material cost they require to function. The organic food movement is contributing as promising alternative to the current dominant model. Over the last 50 years it has developed into the most visible brand for a healthier and more environmentally sustainable food system. However, to achieve its full potential there are still a number of hurdles which must be overcome to make organic products a more viable and appealing option for consumers. This paper provides an overview of key research that has been conducted on why consumers are buying organic products, what they are buying and what is preventing them from purchasing more. It concludes that the key challenge is for the organic food movement to convince existing consumers of the superior ‘value’ of its products. In addition there are a number of methodological issues associated with analysing the market for organic products as well as issues of limited distribution, intermittent availability and high prices that are currently preventing increases in sales. Recognition and management of these barriers could contribute to more effective targeted research into consumer food purchasing motivations and subsequently the development of more sophisticated marketing strategies that assist in maintaining integrity with consumers and fending off challenges from conventional as well as other complementary food systems such as local food movement. And finally to achieve these market growth strategies the organic food movement will need to cope with its diverse constituency - ranging from global corporates through to local production and consumption - and provide attractive opportunities to individuals and business at all stages in supply chain whilst retaining credibility with government to ensure ongoing policy support.

      • KCI등재후보


        Chris Pearson,Ryan Cheale,STEPHEN SERJEANT,Hideo Matsuhara,Glenn J. White,Denis Burgarella,Ivan Valtchanov,Bruno Altieri,David L. Clements,Ros Hopwood 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.1

        The preliminary data reduction, analysis and first results from the Herschel survey of the AKARI NEP field are presented. Herschel SPIRE observations of the NEP-Wide region and PACS observations of the NEP-Deep region have yielded galaxy catalogues of 4000 and 900 sources respectively down to flux density levels of approximately 15 mJy at 100-250 microns. Source counts produced from these catalogues reach cosmologically significant depths tracing the evolutionary upturn and turnover in the source counts. The source counts are in agreement with other large area surveys carried out with Herschel bridging the gap between the shallow and deep Herschel surveys.

      • KCI등재

        Requirements for Meeting Consumer Expectations to Expand the Market for Organic Products

        피어슨 데이비드,정만철,Pearson, David,Jung, Man-Chul Korean Association of Organic Agriculture 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.4

        The world's food production systems are becoming an area of great concern for both human and ecological health. Research has identified that one of the greatest threats to sustainability is conventional industrial agricultural systems and the high energy and material cost they require to function. The organic food movement is contributing as promising alternative to the current dominant model. Over the last 50 years it has developed into the most visible brand for a healthier and more environmentally sustainable food system. However, to achieve its full potential there are still a number of hurdles which must be overcome to make organic products a more viable and appealing option for consumers. This paper provides an overview of key research that has been conducted on why consumers are buying organic products, what they are buying and what is preventing them from purchasing more. It concludes that the key challenge is for the organic food movement to convince existing consumers of the superior 'value' of its products. In addition there are a number of methodological issues associated with analysing the market for organic products as well as issues of limited distribution, intermittent availability and high prices that are currently preventing increases in sales. Recognition and management of these barriers could contribute to more effective targeted research into consumer food purchasing motivations and subsequently the development of more sophisticated marketing strategies that assist in maintaining integrity with consumers and fending off challenges from conventional as well as other complementary food systems such as local food movement. And finally to achieve these market growth strategies the organic food movement will need to cope with its diverse constituency - ranging from global corporates through to local production and consumption - and provide attractive opportunities to individuals and business at all stages in supply chain whilst retaining credibility with government to ensure ongoing policy support.

      • KCI등재후보


        Chris Sedgwick,STEPHEN SERJEANT,CHRIS PEARSON,Shuji Matsuura,MAI SHIRAHATA,Hideo Matsuhara,Lucia Marchetti,Glenn J. White,Mattia Vaccari,Ivano Baronchelli,Giulia Rodighiero,Bunyo Hadsukade,David L. Cl 한국천문학회 2017 天文學論叢 Vol.32 No.1

        We present a summary of our spectroscopic redshift catalogue of 404 sources in the {\it AKARI} Deep Field South (ADF-S). We have used the AAOmega spectrograph to target mid-infrared and far-infrared sources selected primarily from {\it AKARI} observations in this field for which we were able to obtain optical counterparts. Our sources with identified redshifts include 316 with H$\alpha$ detections at z ≤ 0.345 and 15 sources at z > 1 with MgII or Lyα emission lines. About 13% of our z ≤0.345 sources are dominated by active galactic nuclei (AGN) emission, although many show emission from both star formation and AGNs. The median Balmer decrement is 5.9. Ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) were found only in the higher-redshift sources. Optical and near infrared data will be available shortly, enabling calibration of the line luminosities and spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting for these sources.

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