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        Stable Nitrogen Isotopes in a Forested Watershed in Taiwan

        Owen, Jeffrey S. Institute of Forest Science 2013 Journal of Forest Science Vol.29 No.2

        Differences in rates and patterns of nitrogen cycling have been correlated with nitrogen stable isotope measurements in forest ecosystems of tropical and temperate regions, but limited similar work has been conducted in sub-tropical forests. This study investigated patterns in stable N isotopic composition in a subtropical forest in Taiwan by sampling three soil profiles and overstory and understory foliage. Soil ${\delta}^{15}N$ in the forest floor ranged from -1.8 to -1.8‰. Mineral soils had higher ${\delta}^{15}N$ (4.1 to 6.0‰). Foliage ${\delta}^{15}N$ in overstory trees ranged from -6.6 to -2.0‰, and understory foliage ${\delta}^{15}N$ ranged from -5.0 to -1.2‰. There was a weak correlation between foliar % N and ${\delta}^{15}N$ ($r^2=0.214$). Compared to results from similar surveys in tropical and temperate forests, foliar ${\delta}^{15}N$ values were generally lower. These results help highlight the need for improved knowledge regarding the relationships between patterns in N stable isotopes and processes affecting rates of N cycling, especially as related to wider scale patterns in forest ecosystems within the east-Asia region.

      • KCI등재

        Beliefs of University Employees Leaving During a Fire Alarm: A Theory-based Belief Elicitation

        Owens Christopher,Le Aurora B.,Smith Todd D.,Middlestadt Susan E. 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2023 Safety and health at work Vol.14 No.2

        Background: Despite workplaces having policies on fire evacuation, many employees still fail to evacuate when there is a fire alarm. The Reasoned Action Approach is designed to reveal the beliefs underlying people's behavioral decisions and thus suggests causal determinants to be addressed with interventions designed to facilitate behavior. This study is a uses a Reasoned Action Approach salient belief elicitation to identify university employees' perceived advantages/disadvantages, approvers/disapprovers, and facilitators/barriers toward them leaving the office building immediately the next time they hear a fire alarm at work. Methods: Employees at a large public United States Midwestern university completed an online cross-sectional survey. A descriptive analysis of the demographic and background variables was completed, and a six-step inductive content analysis of the open-ended responses was conducted to identify beliefs about leaving during a fire alarm. Results: Regarding consequence, participants perceived that immediately leaving during a fire alarm at work had more disadvantages than advantages, such as low risk perception. Regarding referents, supervisors and coworkers were significant approvers with intention to leave immediately. None of the perceived advantages were significant with intention. Participants listed access and risk perception as significant circumstances with the intention to evacuate immediately. Conclusion: Norms and risk perceptions are key determinants that may influence employees to evacuate immediately during a fire alarm at work. Normative-based and attitude-based interventions may prove effective in increasing the fire safety practices of employees.

      • Review of Variable-flux Permanent Magnet Machines

        Owen, R.L.,Zhu, Z.Q.,Wang, J.B.,Stone, D.A.,Urquhart, I. Journal of International Conference on Electrical 2012 Journal of international Conference on Electrical Vol.1 No.1

        Variable-flux permanent-magnet machines (VFPM) are of great interest and many different machine topologies have been documented. This paper categorizes VFPM machine topologies with regard to the method of flux variation and further, in the case of hybrid excited machines with field coils, with regard to the location of the excitation sources. The different VFPM machines are reviewed and compared in terms of their torque density, complexity and their ability to vary the flux.

      • Korea-Canada Mural Project

        앤드류 오웬 동아대학교 조형연구소 1997 조형연구 Vol.- No.3

        This mural painting was created by Canadian artist andrew Owen and a group of nine are students from Dong-a University, as a part of the cultural segment of the Canada Days in Pusan event from January 20 to 24, 1998. This event was organized by the Canadian Embassy in Seoul and the canadian Consulate in Pusan to recognize the increasingly important partnership between Pusan, Korea's second largest city with enormous economic and cultural potential, and Canada.


        On Gendered Discourse and the Maintenance of Boundaries : A Feminist Analysis of the Bhikkhuni Order in Indian Buddhism

        Owen, Lisa Battaglia Ewha Womans University Press 1998 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.4 No.3

        By analyzing the creation, manifestation, and decline of the bhikkhuni (nun) order in Indian Buddhism, this paper attempts to assess the precarious position of the almswoman in ancient Indian society. This study asserts that the peripheral and often non-existent role of the bhikkhuni in Buddhism's textual and historical development is as product of both masculinist biases in the composition, redaction and codification of Buddhist texts, as well as androcentric and patriarchal biases within the Buddhist sangha and larger Indian community. Underlying this feminist analysis is the notion that the roles and contributions of renunciant women in Buddhism's development were by no means marginal, trivial, or benign. This paper examines the following : the creation of the first Buddhist nuns' order, the consequences of the Eight Special Rules imposed upon nuns, the significances of female renunciation in ancient India, the threat of androgyny posed by nuns and monks, speculations as to why the bhikkhuni order suffered virtual extinction, and finally, the theoretical implications of the sex/gender prerequisites for a bhikkhuni initiate as set forth in the Vinaya (The Book of the Discipline). Using the case of the first Buddhist nuns as a model for feminist inquiry, this study demonstrates that permitting women to enter a traditionally male sphere without altering the basic structure and ideologies of the phallocentric institution, does not guarantee women's freedom from sex/gender oppression.


        Toward a Buddhist Feminism : Mahayana Sutras, Feminist Theory, and the Transformation of Sex

        Owen, Lisa Battaglia Ewha Womans University Press 1997 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.3 No.4

        This study establishes an enlightening dialogue between Buddhism and feminism with the goal of creating a Buddhist feminist discourse. Specifically, it aims to provide a new feminist perspective on identity, sex, gender, and liberation through the feminist appropriation and critique of Mahayana sex-change sutras. Mahayana sex-change sutras, in which a female bodhisattva engages (or refuses to engage) in sexual transformation in order to attain Buddhahood, are analyzed within their orginal, androcentric context and underlying Buddhist doctrines are highlighted. The sex-change sutras are then juxtaposed with contemporary poststructuralist feminist theory and evaluated as models for a new Buddhist feminism. In the course of this analysis, basic Buddhist concepts are introduced, the problem of androcentrism with respect to Buddhism's institutionalization and textual preservation is discussed, and points of conjunction betweed Buddhism and feminism are emphasized. The creation of a Buddhist feminist discourse breaks its long chain of androcentrism; challenges foundationalist and essentialist thinking; and presents feminists with new avenues for theorizing identity, women, sex, gender, and liberation.

      • KCI등재

        National Division, Rural Lives, and Anti-war Sentiment in Cha Beom-seok's Forest Fire

        Owen Stampton 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2018 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.21 No.1

        Realist playwright Cha Beom-seok’s name is synonymous with the Korean stage. Despite a significant body of work, his 1962 play Forest Fire has attracted the most attention achieving both critical and commercial acclaim during the socio-economically difficult time that was post-war South Korea. Academic work on Cha’s writing naturally focuses on the realist elements of his plays, although a number of studies focus on thematic elements of anti-communism across his plays due to the trend of nationalistic writing that stressed anti-communist rhetoric in the post-war years. Despite this interpretation, there is also a significant amount of evidence that points towards a more balanced, anti-war stance especially relating to Forest Fire. This work explores a number of ways in which Cha presents anti-war views rather than attacking a particular ideology, such as his exploration of distrust and suspicion as a symptom of ideological conflict on village dynamics, war’s destructive effects on human beings abilities of feel love and sexual fulfillment, and also the way in which the stage and set design can be used to convey his views on the effects that the war had on Koreanness.

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