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        Oikawa Hiroe,TANABE SATOKO 한국일본어학회 2017 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.52

        Recently in Korea, international marriage has increased and children from multinational families have increased. Therefore, there is a need for education for these children. This paper examines Korean-Japanese multinational children, how heritage Japanese education is carried out outside of their family and its outcomes and problems. The ultimate purpose of this paper is to offer itself as a case study for a direction of the Japanese heritage education in future. The private sector Hana Multicultural Center, "Darin", runs a heritage and cultural activity program, which is called "Project on Training Multicultural Instructors for Children". We considered this center to be a practice place for our study. Starting from 2015, we cared for Korean-Japanese multicultural children, and participated in activities in the Center for four terms, which was two years. For the content of its activities, we adopted many cultural topics and focused on experiences, but most of all, encouraged the children to have contact with Japanese as much as possible in order to improve their Japanese language skills. Based on interviews conducted during the four terms and a survey following the activities, the content of the activities and aspects and opinions of heritage Japanese were summarized. Three main outcomes that were produced from these summaries were then analyzed. As a result, three points, that is, the effectiveness of experiential activity, and the effectiveness of heritage Japanese education emphasizing content and contribution to the children’s identity formation, were observed. However, there is still a need for more study with respect to how to respond to children’s diversity, development of bilingual methods of reading and writing, and providing greater opportunities for holistic heritage language education for children. 韓国では近年の国際結婚の増加に伴い多文化家庭の子ども達が増えてきており、その子ども達への教育の必要性が指摘されるようになってきている。本稿は、韓日多文化家庭の子ども達を対象に行った家庭外での継承日本語教育の実践を振り返り、その成果と課題を考察したものである。それによって、一つのケーススタディとして今後の韓国における継承日本語教育の方向性を示すことを目的とする。 実践の場は、民間機関のハナ多文化センタータリンで行っている継承語及び文化活動プログラム『子ども多文化講師養成プロジェクト』である。筆者らはここで2015年から2年間、4期間にわたり日韓多文化家庭の子ども達のクラスを担当し活動を行った。内容は、文化的なテーマを多く取り入れ、体験的な活動を主体としその中で日本語に多く触れることで日本語力の向上を目指した。 活動後にアンケートを、また4期の活動期間中にインタビューを行い、それをもとに活動内容と日本語継承の側面、及び全体を通した意見の3点から分析と考察を試みた。その結果、成果としては、体験的な活動の有効性、内容重視による継承日本語教育の効果、アイデンティティ形成への寄与の3点が挙げられよう。しかしながら、今後は子どもの多様性への対応、読み書きバイリンガル育成方法の開発に加え、全人的な視点を持った継承語教育を行っていく必要があることが課題として浮かび上がった。

      • KCI등재

        Features of Fatal Truck Accidents Compared with Sedans

        Oikawa Shoko,Matsui Yasuhiro,Kubota Naoyuki,Aomura Shigeru,Sorimachi Kazuhiro,Imanishi Akira,Fujimura Takeshi 한국자동차공학회 2021 International journal of automotive technology Vol.22 No.4

        This study clarified the features of fatal truck–pedestrian and truck–cyclist accidents by a comparison with sedans. Fatal accident data from the Japanese Institute Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis (ITARDA) database were analyzed for the years 2012 ~ 2016. The trucks were classified into three categories: heavy-, medium-, and light-duty. All three categories had higher percentages of pedestrians as fatal collision partners as opposed to cyclists. Every truck category had significantly higher percentages of pedestrian fatalities due to daytime right turns than sedans. Heavy-duty trucks had significantly higher percentages of cyclist fatalities due to daytime and nighttime left turns than sedans. These results show that the design specifications for new sensing technology to avoid collisions with pedestrians and cyclists should differ among vehicle types. The knowledge obtained in this study will be useful to develop new technology or systems that are effective in dangerous situations between trucks and pedestrians or cyclists.

      • KCI등재


        Oikawa Hiroe 단국대학교 일본연구소 2022 일본학연구 Vol.66 No.-

        As a survey to understand the actual situation of JHL(Japanese as a heritage language) Education in Korea, we conducted an online questionnaire survey in February 2021 under the commission of the Japan Foundation Cultural Center in Seoul, and received responses from 368 households. In this paper, with the enactment of the Act on Promotion of Japanese Education(日本語教育推進法), the following three points were analyzed and considered in order to clarify the actual situation surrounding Community-based Heritage Group(self-help group) activities in Korea. First, whether or not they participate in self-help group activities, and the reasons for joining the groups, the routes to connect the groups, Second, family reactions regarding participation in groups, and changes in children and mothers and it’s contents, Third, whether or not they want to continue group activities in the future. Through the above, the acutual situation of participation in self-help groups was clarified, the necessity of self-help groups support was embodied, and support issues were proposed.


        Genetic Parameters for Traits in Performance and Progeny Tests and Their Genetic Relationships in Japanese Black Cattle

        Oikawa, T.,Hoque, M.A.,Hitomi, T.,Suzuki, K.,Uchida, H. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2006 Animal Bioscience Vol.19 No.5

        Genetic parameters for performance traits on 409 bulls and growth and carcass traits on 591 of their steer progeny were estimated in Japanese Black cattle with Gibbs sampling. Traits of bulls included body weight at the start (BWS) and finish (BWF) of test, daily gain (DG), concentrate, roughage and TDN intake, and TDN conversion ratio. Progeny traits were BWS, BWF, DG, rib eye area, marbling score (MSR), dressing percentage and subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT). In bulls, heritabilities were high for BWS (0.50) and BWF (0.63) and moderate for concentrate (0.48) and TDN intake (0.45), while in progeny, the heritability for all the studied traits was moderate to high (ranging from 0.30 to 0.73), highlighting the potential for genetic improvement of these traits. Genetic correlations between TDN intake and growth traits (BWS, BWF and DG) in bulls were highly positive (ranging from 0.77 to 0.94). The weak but negative genetic correlation (-0.20) between MSR and SFT in progeny indicated that improvement of beef marbling without increasing subcutaneous fat deposition could be possible. The estimated genetic correlations of roughage intake of bulls with body weights (BWS and BWF) and MSR of their progeny were moderate (ranging from 0.35 to 0.52). On the basis of the selection for bulls, growth traits and TDN intake correlated positively with SFT (ranging from 0.43 to 0.53) of their progeny, suggesting the necessity of controlling the increase of SFT in selection programs.

      • One-Pot Synthesis of Linear-Hyperbranched Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Based on Polyglycerol Derivatives and Their Micelles

        Oikawa, Yurie,Lee, Sueun,Kim, Do Hyung,Kang, Dae Hwan,Kim, Byeong-Su,Saito, Kyohei,Sasaki, Shigeko,Oishi, Yoshiyuki,Shibasaki, Yuji American Chemical Society 2013 Biomacromolecules Vol.14 No.7

        <P>This paper describes the one-pot synthesis of a polyglycidol (PG)-based polymer, poly(ethoxyethyl glycidyl ether) (PEEGE)-<I>b</I>-[<I>hyperbranched</I> polyglycerol (<I>hb</I>PG)-<I>co</I>-PEEGE]<SUB><I>x</I>/<I>y</I></SUB>, its micelle formulation, and the ability to encapsulate a model therapeutic molecule. Amphiphilic block copolymers were prepared by the sequential addition of ethoxyethyl glycidyl ether (EEGE) to glycidol. The composition of the block copolymers varied from 62:38 to 92:8. Block copolymers with composition <I>x</I>:<I>y</I> ≥ 66:34 were soluble only in organic solvents. Micelles were formulated by injection of deionized water into a tetrahydrofuran block copolymer solution with or without pyrene as a model hydrophobic molecule. The critical micelle concentration was 18.2–30.9 mg/L, and the micelle size was 100–250 nm. The pyrene-containing micelle rapidly collapsed on acidic exposure, allowing conversion of hydrophobic PEEGE to hydrophilic PG, thus, facilitating the release of the encapsulated pyrene. Cytotoxicity data showed high biocompatibility of PG-based block copolymers, suggesting their potential as a drug delivery carrier.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/bomaf6/2013/bomaf6.2013.14.issue-7/bm400275w/production/images/medium/bm-2013-00275w_0009.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/bm400275w'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>


        The Effect of Sub-division (Two or Three Sub-populations) of a Population on Genetic Gain and Genetic Diversity

        Oikawa, T.,Matsui, H.,Sato, K. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2002 Animal Bioscience Vol.15 No.6

        Breeding efficiencies were compared among three population schemes: a single population, a population with two subpopulations and a population with three sub-populations. A simulation experiment of selection was carried out for 10 generations with 20 replications each by comparing average breeding values and inbreeding coefficients among the three population schemes. Phenotypes of three traits were generated with a model comprising 36 loci, each with additive genetic effects and residuals distributed normally. Among the three population schemes, the single population scheme was definitely superior to the other two with regards to selection response and inbreeding. The multiple sub-population scheme was, however, considered to be an alternative population scheme when the difference in economic weights of the traits was small among the sub-populations, assuming moderate inbreeding depression for traits and crossbreeding. The scheme with two sub-populations had a higher genetic value than that with three subpopulations; however, the genetic values of the schemes were comparable when maternal heterosis was taken into account. The choice of population schemes may depend on the cost-sharing policy between the breeding population and the commercial population rather than just the breeding efficiency.


        Heterogeneity of Variance by Sex in Postweaning Gain of Angus Calves under Different Environment Levels

        Oikawa, T.,Hammond, K.,Tier, B. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 1999 Animal Bioscience Vol.12 No.6

        Angus postweaning daily gain (PWDG) were analyzed to investigate heterogeneous variance by sex. A set of data (16,239 records) was divided into six sub-data sets according to level of environment. REML estimation was conducted by a multitrait model, where PWDG in each sex was treated as a separate trait. Estimates showed diversity among environmental levels, where the heritability for heifers was high in good environment but low in poor environment. The bull's estimates varied among environmental levels. The largest heterogeneity of phenotypic variance between sexes was estimated in a data set of the poor environment level. The genetic correlations between the heifer's PWDG and the bull's PWDG were high in the good environment and low in the poor environment (-0.17). The results suggest existence of genotype by sex interaction in the poor environment.

      • KCI등재


        Oikawa Shoko,Matsui Yasuhiro,Kubota Naoyuki,Aomura Shigeru,Sorimachi Kazuhiro,Imanishi Akira,Fujimura Takeshi 한국자동차공학회 2023 International journal of automotive technology Vol.24 No.2

        This study attempts to clarify the characteristics of light-duty truck collision accidents involving pedestrians during right-turn maneuvers by analyzing actual pedestrian accident data in Japan. Evidence differences were observed between the daytime and nighttime. The number of injured and fatal pedestrians during the day was larger than that during the night. The rate of vehicle travel velocity ≤ 10 km/h in the daytime (47.0 %) was significantly higher than that in the nighttime (39.2 %), whereas the rate of vehicle travel velocity ≤ 20 km/h in the nighttime (52.7 %) was significantly higher than that in the daytime (46.9 %). The highest rate in the daytime was presented for the age group of 13 ~ 64 years in minor injuries (54.1 %) and for those 75 years or older in serious injuries (47.5 %) and fatalities (64.3 %). For pedestrian crossing directions on the crosswalk, the pedestrian crossing from the forward left-side corner to the right-side corner exhibited the highest percentage in the daytime (39.2 %), and the opposite direction of crossing from the right-side corner to the forward left-side corner exhibited the highest percentage in the nighttime (39.6 %). The characteristics obtained in this study will contribute to the development and evaluation of advanced safety systems that are specialized for right-turning maneuvers of light-duty trucks.

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