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        [특집] “극동의 영국”으로 변해 가는 일본

        Akira Ogawa(Akira Ogawa) 한국전략문제연구소 2002 전략연구 Vol.- No.24

        The on-going Japan and the U.S. strategic security dialogues in the past nine months are remarkable events that are bearing fruits. A careful preparation began in early spring of 2000 in Washington. The bipartisan American team was created co-chaired by Ambassador Richard Armitage and Professor Joseph Nye. The outcome was issued in October of 2000 before the presidential election took place. After January of 2001, many co-authors of the report including Deputy Secretary of State Armitage joined with the Bush administration and assumed significant posts. The Bush's security policy toward Japan has been clearly stated in the report, which we now call the “Armitage Report”. Of course, the “Armitage Report”, a private policy recommendation, has never officially been endorsed by the Bush administration, but security experts consider it a de-facto and straight statement of the American will and strategy in the Asia-Pacific region. The “Armitage Report” stimulated the Japanese security community when it was made public. LDP (Liberal Democratic Party), under then-PM Yoshiro Mori, launched within the National Defense Division of the Policy Research Council a series of study sessions to investigate and formulate a response to the report. By March, the official LDP response to the “Armitage Report” was made public. This response was titled, “Establishing the Security Policy of Japan and the Japan-U.S. Alliance” and to be brief, called the “Response to Armitage Report”. The report was officially endorsed by LDP the ruling party of Japan. In April, PM Junichiro Koizumi took office and his security policy has been in line with the party's policy platform. The LDP's study groups have been dominating security policy formation in Japan as the opposition parties lack experience, staff and influence. Particularly in the security area, the thrust of the “Armitage Report” is expressed as follows. “We see the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain as a model for the alliance [between the U.S. and Japan]”. The report states “Washington must make clear that it welcomes a Japan that is willing to make a greater contribution and to become a more equal alliance partner”. This arrangement requires the following elements, according to the Report. 1) Reaffirming the defense commitment. The U.S. should reaffirm its commitment to the defense of Japan and those areas under the administrative control of Japan, including the Senkaku islands. 2) Diligent implementation of the revised Guidelines for U.S. -Japan Defense Cooperation, including passage of crisis management legislation. 3) Robust cooperation of all three U.S. armed services with their Japanese counterparts. The U.S. and Japan should strive for greater jointness. (...) They also should define how to assist each other with emerging new challenges, such as international terrorism and transnational criminal activity (...) peacekeeping and peacemaking activities. 4) Development of a force structure that has the characteristics of versatility, mobility, flexibility, diversity, and survivability. (...) We should strive to reduce the American military footprint in Japan as long as our capabilities can be maintained. The LDP's report echoed as the following. “[T]his report has identified, as one of the challenges to promoting wide-ranging global security cooperation in the future and to strengthening our bilateral cooperation, Japanese domestic legal matters including the prohibition on the exercise of the right of collective self-defense derived from the Japanese Constitution. This report has referred to specific measures to address this challenge”. The paper examines nature of strategic security dialogues initiated by the “Armitage Report” which was responded to by the LDP's report. It touches upon three key issues of 1) the right of collective self-defense, 2) emergency laws making, and, 3) missile defense. Prime Minister Koizu

      • Finding Factors as Predictors of Children’s Well-being Focusing On Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on Analysis Results of the “Survey on Children’s Daily Life Among Eight Asian Countries 2021”

        Junko Ogawa(Junko Ogawa ),Seiko Mochida(Seiko Mochida ),Haruo Kimura(Haruo Kimura ),Aiping Liu(Aiping Liu ),Yoichi Sakakihara(Yoichi Sakakihara ) The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Ass 2024 Asia-Pacific journal of research in early childhoo Vol.18 No.1

        This study aimed to obtain implications on childrearing and childcare practices for achieving children's well-being through analyzing factors predicting children's well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in eight Asian countries. We primarily focused on “resilience,” the ability to cope with and recover from difficult situations, which had been confirmed from previous studies as a positive factor towards children’s development in the context of hardships. We also chose other potential predictors referring to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, including mothers’ concerns about COVID-19, household income, number of playmates, support from childcare facilities/schools, family environments, and children’s lifestyles, and examined how these predictor variables predict children’s well-being. We found that children’s resilience strongly predicted their well-being, which was common in all eight countries. Family factors and children's daily life factors were also associated with children's well-being. The country-specific analysis also indicated the importance of support from childcare facilities/schools on well-being. Well-being and resilience are both psychological constructs and often studied as important indicators of child health. Resilience has been spot-lighted as an effective protective factor for children experiencing adversities such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We have found that resilience was the strongest predictor of well-being among other factors even during the COVID-19 pandemic.


        Dilutant flow characteristics model of coarse particle suspensions with uniform size distribution

        Ookawara, Shinichi,Ogawa, Kohei The Korean Society of Rheology 2003 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.15 No.1

        It is expected that particle size distribution of any portion obtained through screening, is of more uniform than that of the original mixture, typically following such as log-normal, Rosin-Rammler distributions and so on. In this study, therefore, a new relation between parameters of the uniform distribution and flow characteristics of the coarse particle suspensions is derived based on the continuous polydisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa, 2002b), which is derived from the discrete polydisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa,2002a). The derived model equation predicts a linear increase of viscosity with shear rate, viz., dilutant flow characteristics. Further, the increase of viscosity is expected to be proportional to the square of volume fraction of particles, and to show the linear dependency on density and average diameter of particles. It is also shown that the uniform distribution model includes additional term that expresses the effect of distribution width. For verification of the model, the experimental results of Clarke (1967) are cited as well as in our previous work for the monodisperse model (Ookawara and Ogawa,2000) since most parameters were varied independently in his work. It is suggested that the newly introduced term expands the applicable range compared with the monodisperse model.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Lateral nasal advancement flap for reconstruction of the nasal sidewall and dorsum

        Ogawa, Yutaka,Ogawa, Yasuko Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2020 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.47 No.1

        Malignant skin tumors and precancerous lesions have a predilection to be located in the nasal dorsum or sidewall. Although invasive reconstructions have been presented, no simple and suitable method has yet been reported for this area. The flap presented herein, named the lateral nasal advancement flap, is designed on the adjacent lateral region of the sidewall or nasal dorsum and advanced in the medial direction. Two Burow's triangles are removed in the upper and lower portions of the flap: the upper triangle along the nasofacial sulcus and the lower triangle along the nasofacial sulcus and/or the alar groove. Excellent results were obtained in the two clinical cases described in this report. Neither a trap door deformity nor dog-ears developed in either case. The postsurgical scars followed the aesthetic lines and became inconspicuous. A distinct angle was formed in the nasofacial sulcus without anchor sutures. This surgical procedure is technically simple and is performed under local anesthesia. Although the flap is a cheek-based advancement flap, postsurgical scars do not remain in the cheek; instead, they are located in the nasofacial sulcus and alar groove. The lateral nasal advancement flap is recommended for reconstruction of the nasal sidewall and dorsum.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of FRB’s Raising Interest Rates on Regional Currencies and Regional Monetary Cooperation: A Case of East Asia

        Eiji Ogawa 한국APEC학회 2018 Journal of APEC Studies Vol.10 No.1

        This paper bases on empirical results of Ogawa and Wang (2016) to investigate impacts of US interest rate hikes on East Asian currencies and to discuss an issue on directions of regional monetary and financial cooperation. A VAR model was used to make empirical analyses of effects of increases in interest rates in the United States on interest rates and exchange rates of East Asian currencies. We have important empirical results that East Asian countries without any capital controls would face both upward pressure on their domestic interest rates and depreciation of their home currencies when the FRB raises the interest rates. Moreover, we have an interesting result that a change in interest rates in the United States gave an asymmetric effect among East Asian currencies. Higher interest rates in the United States increase interest rates in emerging East Asian countries while interest rates in Japan are kept at a lower level. The widening interest differentials stimulate speculative carry trades to appreciate the emerging East Asian currencies against the Japanese yen. We discuss a regional monetary cooperation in order to mitigate these turbulences. Given that the FRB’s raising interest rates will give the turbulences to regional currencies, the monetary authorities of the regional countries should prepare for any crisis prevention by making surveillance over movements in interest rates and exchange rates as well as sudden changes in capital flows as well as crisis managements by establishing currency swap arrangements among the regional countries.

      • KCI등재

        Declining Japanese Yen in the Changing International Monetary System

        EIJI OGAWA,Makoto Muto 대외경제정책연구원 2017 East Asian Economic Review Vol.21 No.4

        The US dollar has kept as a position of key currency in the global economy in the changing international monetary system where the euro was introduced to some states of the EU in 1999. It is an evidence of inertia of the US dollar as a key currency. Our previous study (Ogawa and Muto, 2017b) conducted empirical analysis to investigate effects of several events on inertia of the US dollar. One of our findings was that the introduction of the euro increased utility of euro while utility of US dollar was kept unchanged. This paper examines the effects of the global financial crisis and the euro zone crisis as well as the introduction of the euro on the utility of the Japanese yen. The introduction of the euro significantly decreased the utility of the Japanese yen. It indicates that the introduction of the euro increased the utility of the euro while reducing the utility of the Japanese yen rather than the utility of the US dollar. The utility of the Japanese yen has significantly decreased while the global financial crisis and the euro zone crisis occurred. The Japanese yen has a declining trend in terms of its utility over time in the changing international monetary system.

      • KCI등재

        Kausativ in Variationen : eine typologisch-vergleichende Studie 유형적-대조 연구

        Ogawa, Akio 한국독어독문학회 2003 獨逸文學 Vol.86 No.-

        본 연구는 사동구문을 언어유형학적인 관점에서 고찰한다. 사동구문과 관련하여 한편으로 형태 내지 구조, 다른 한편으로 의미 내지 기능간의 관계를 결정하는 요인들은 다음과 같이 다양하다: (1) ㄱ. 사동형태소의 어휘적인 의미 ㄴ. 사동형태소의 문법화정도 ㄷ. 사동주-초점 대 피동주-초점 대 대상역-초점 ㄹ. 주어의 “외부”-영역 대 “내부”-영역 ㅁ. 단일-사건 대 복합-사건 ㅂ. 종합적 대 분석적 위의 (1)(ㄱ)부터 (1)(ㅂ)에 제시된 매개변수들에 대해 본문에서 논의가 이루어지는데, 마지막에 언급된 변수 (1)(ㅁ)과 (1)(ㅂ)은 관련 문헌에서 상대적으로 자주 논의가 되는 편에 속한다 (시바타니 1976, 콤리/폴린스키 1993, 팔머 1994). 특히 매개변수 (1)(ㅁ)은 일본어와 한국어간의 비교를 통해 극명하게 예시될 수가 있다. 이에 대한 예로는 다음과 같은 문장들이 있다 (쯔카모토 1997: 192): (2) 일본어, 한국어 ㄱ. Taro-wa Hanako-ni jibun-no keya-de hon-o yoma-se-ta. 타로-는 Hanako-에게 자기-의 방-에서 책-을 읽-히-었다. ㄴ. 타로는 하나코에게 자기의 방에서 책을 읽혔다. (2)(ㄱ)의 일본어 예문에서 주문장의 주어인 Taro 뿐만 아니라 내포절의 주어인 Hanako도 재귀대명사 jibun을 결속할 수 있는 반면, 한국어, 곧 (2)(ㄴ)에서는 주문장의 주어만이 재귀대명사를 결속할 수 있다. 이러한 언어자료의 상이성은 일본어 사동구문의 경우에 복합사건을 나타내지만, 한국어의 경우 단순사건을 나타낸다는 사실을 시사한다. 또한 두 언어간의 이러한 대조성은 해당 사태가 어느 정도까지 (주문장) 주어의 외부영역이나 내부영역내에서 발생할 수 있는가 하는 정도의 차이에 기인하기도 한다. 격형태소가 복합술어를 어떤 정도로 종합적이나 분석적으로 형성하는가 하는 형식적인 기준도, 곧 매개변수 (20)(ㅂ)도 또한 이와 상관관계를 갖는다. 본 연구는 다양한 형태와 의미로 실현되는 사동구문의 특성을 구명하고자 하는 시도이다. 위의 (1)에 열거된 매개변수들과 혹은 또 다른 몇 가지 변수들이 서로간에 상호작용하여 형태적이나 구조적인 혹은 의미적이나 기능적인 관점에서 보아 다양한 유형의 사동구문을 생성할 것이라고 예측된다. 본 연구를 통해 최소한, 그린버그의 “개별화된 유형론”이라는 개념에서 여러 언어들을 개별적으로 유형화하는 시도의 일단을 보인 것으로 필자는 기대한다.

      • A Logistic Model Including Risk Factors for Lymph Node Metastasis Can Improve the Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis of Rectal Cancer

        Ogawa, Shimpei,Itabashi, Michio,Hirosawa, Tomoichiro,Hashimoto, Takuzo,Bamba, Yoshiko,Kameoka, Shingo Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.2

        Background: To evaluate use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and a logistic model including risk factors for lymph node metastasis for improved diagnosis. Materials and Methods: The subjects were 176 patients with rectal cancer who underwent preoperative MRI. The longest lymph node diameter was measured and a cut-off value for positive lymph node metastasis was established based on a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. A logistic model was constructed based on MRI findings and risk factors for lymph node metastasis extracted from logistic-regression analysis. The diagnostic capabilities of MRI alone and those of the logistic model were compared using the area under the curve (AUC) of the ROC curve. Results: The cut-off value was a diameter of 5.47 mm. Diagnosis using MRI had an accuracy of 65.9%, sensitivity 73.5%, specificity 61.3%, positive predictive value (PPV) 62.9%, and negative predictive value (NPV) 72.2% [AUC: 0.6739 (95%CI: 0.6016-0.7388)]. Age (<59) (p=0.0163), pT (T3+T4) (p=0.0001), and BMI (<23.5) (p=0.0003) were extracted as independent risk factors for lymph node metastasis. Diagnosis using MRI with the logistic model had an accuracy of 75.0%, sensitivity 72.3%, specificity 77.4%, PPV 74.1%, and NPV 75.8% [AUC: 0.7853 (95%CI: 0.7098-0.8454)], showing a significantly improved diagnostic capacity using the logistic model (p=0.0002). Conclusions: A logistic model including risk factors for lymph node metastasis can improve the accuracy of MRI diagnosis of rectal cancer.

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